Want to see other questions Everyday Mathematics teachers have had about the curriculum throughout the years? Check out these topics, with teacher questions and answers provided.
These questions are from the UCSMP-EL listserv archives. This archive is a work-in-progress; if you spot any errors, please email emvlc@uchicago.edu.
I was wondering what the protocol is for the reading of directions in the written assessments for Grade 2 students. I do not have any students who are below grade-level in reading, but I wondered if any of you do, and if so, do you read the directions for the written assessments to them? I looked in the Assessment Handbook, and there is no directive regarding this. I know that if a student has an Individualized Education Program that specifies the reading of directions, they can be read. I wondered what you do with students who do not have Individualized Education Programs in Second Grade but who are unable to read the directions in the Everyday Mathematics written assessments. (10/15/11)
I have no problem modifying administration to meet the needs of your students. We want to assess the mathematics and if the directions are inhibiting a teacher from getting at what math the child knows, I suggest they read the directions to them. (10/17/11)
I taught Second Grade last year. I read each question on assessments. I had many low readers. (10/17/11)
I'm looking for a norm-referenced (standardized) math test that aligns well with Everyday Mathematics. The questions on the test should provide a reasonable measure of the topics we teach. In the test-publishing industry this is called "content validity." I have used the following instruments and found them lacking in content validity because our children generally score much higher on the tests than classroom teachers report: Wechsler Individual Achievement Test; Key Math Inventory; Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Achievement-III. (04/05/07)
Have you tried the Test of Early Mathematics Ability-3 (TEMA-3)? It works well for kids up to about age 8. (04/14/07)
A special education teacher in my school used a test called Key Math Diagnostic Assessment by Pearson. She used it in another district and found that it gave a clearer, more specific view of the student. (04/14/07)
While the Key Math Diagnostic Assessment is a diagnostic test, its strength is not assessing conceptual development. There are some that I believe are better for determining conceptual development. I think the issue with the content validity may not be as highly aligned as some other instruments that are just now becoming available. (04/14/07)
I use the Key Math Diagnostic Assessment frequently, as it is the required test our system uses to identify students for Title I services. I find it a useful tool to identify strengths and weaknesses in a child's mathematical understanding. The test results do, at times, differ greatly from what the teacher is seeing in the classroom. However, I find this helpful information. This begins a conversation about what is happening in the classroom that may be inhibiting the child's ability to learn. When I test students, it is in a one-on-one environment with ample time allotted. Sometimes the problem lies not with their math skills but with the learning environment and the student's learning style. (04/14/07)
Just wondering if anyone's district/staff has had a discussion about when to allow students to use manipulatives/fact sheets/etc. on assessments. The assessment handbook identifies using various manipulatives as part of the grade-level goals, but our staff is wondering about how/when to wean kids off the manipulatives. We have 3 competing opinions right now: 1) kids should be actively encouraged to use the same strategies during the assessments that they use during the activities/games/math boxes; 2) kids should not be using the manipulatives on assessments (depends on grade level to some extent); 3) kids should be allowed to use the manipulatives if they ask, but should not be directly told get them out at the beginning of an assessment. (02/20/09)
From my experience, students will stop using manipulatives when they're ready. I would make manipulatives available for those who want to use them, but I wouldn't require them to ask (some students won't ask if they don't think anyone else is going to do it and that student may need them). (02/20/09)
I think students should be allowed to use any manipulative available. They will fall back to where they are comfortable. However, many state assessments do not allow their use. What we have done is teach students how to tear scratch paper into "manipulatives." One example is to tear an arrow to help select the correct answer choice when turning a certain number of degrees. This type of activity seems to help students who have difficulty drawing a picture. (02/20/09)
This is our first year of full implementation of Everyday Mathematics. Has anyone been able to utilize the assessments from the End-of-Year Assessment for Kindergarten and find a way to streamline them a bit to make it easier for a teacher to administer? The Mid-Year Assessment took the teachers a significant amount of time to administer. (04/08/10)
Spend no more than 10 minutes on the test per day, which is about 3 questions. Otherwise, the students are overwhelmed and exhausted, not to mention that it is nearly impossible for the teacher to work with one student for more than an hour at a time! We also made the questions more specific (assigned values and specific numbers to compare) so that we could compare the results across the grade level and so that they aligned more closely to our state standards. (04/08/11)
In our district we paired down the questions assessed. Our Kindergarten teachers collaborated with our First Grade teachers to determine which test questions needed to be assessed in order to have the best information on students' math skills as they exit kindergarten and enter First Grade. We found that the original assessment was too lengthy to fit into our half-day Kindergarten program and took away valuable teaching time when administered in its entirety. So far, the kindergarten teachers have been more successful giving the assessment, and the First Grade teachers find the information given to them valuable. (04/09/10)
I'm trying to understand the publishers' expectations regarding Everyday Mathematics Kindergarten Number and Numeration Goal #1. Based on the Everyday Mathematics materials, it's fairly clear that Kindergarten students are expected to do the following by the end of the year: Count on by 1s to 100; Count on by 2s with number grids, number lines, or calculators; Count on by 5s and 10s with number grids, number lines, or calculators; Count back by 1s with number grids, number lines, or calculators. However, the materials don't seem to answer these questions: Should Kindergarteners be able to count on by 1s to 100 with and without number grids, number lines, or calculators? What target should teachers use in measuring Kindergarteners ability to count on by 2s? The Suggestions for End-of-Year Periodic Assessment Tasks in the Assessment Handbook does not provide any guidance on this. What target should teachers use in measuring Kindergarteners ability to count on by 5s and 10s? The Suggestions for Mid-Year Periodic Assessment Tasks in the Assessment Handbook states: "Look for the child to count on to at least 50 by 10s and by 5s." But the Suggestions for End-of-Year Periodic Assessment Tasks doesn't provide a target. Is it still 50? What target should teachers use in measuring Kindergarteners ability to count back by 1s? The Suggestions for End-of-Year Periodic Assessment Tasks states: "Look for the child to count back by 1s from a number beyond 10." Does this mean that a child has met this part of the end-of-year learning goal if he can count back by 1s from 11? This is our district's first year using a standards-based program, and I want to be sure I'm using the correct standards when I assess and record student progress toward goals. (02/06/08)
I taught Kindergarten for many years. I think if the materials don't give a clear target, you could go with your state's benchmarks. For instance, in my state the content level expectation is to count by 2s and 5s to 30, so that would be my target if Everyday Mathematics doesn't give one. I found when I taught Kindergarten that the Everyday Mathematics goals were more stringent than the state benchmarks. I expected them to be able to skip count to 30 without the numberline, but to count higher using the numberline/grid. (02/06/08)
Our district is looking for assessments to help identify mathematics deficiencies for students brought to our Intervention and Referral Services teams. In language arts literacy, we use Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Learning Skills (DIBELS) to assess students reading fluency. Does anyone know of a math assessment that can be used to determine a student's deficiencies in mathematics. Someone mentioned using mid-year and end of the year tests. Our problem is, if we have a 5th grader functioning at a 2nd grade level, we would have to administer many tests to determine this. Is there a single instrument that can be given to determine a student's math level? (10/19/09)
Continental Press and Coach sell simulation tests (grade specific) that can be used as baselines to determine an entry level. (10/20/09)
We use the Key Math Diagnostic Assessment by Pearson. It does take some time to administer, but it gives a very detailed picture of the student in many areas. It can be normed by grade level or age. The specific areas covered are numeration, algebra, geometry, measurement, data analysis and probability, mental computation and estimation, all math operations, and problem solving. (10/20/09)
Our district is just beginning to implement the Response to Intervention model, and we administered AIMSweb screeners this fall. I have not found the computation screener to be of any benefit to me. I attended a math conference recently and was introduced to America's Choice and their program called Mathematics Navigator. It is diagnostic in nature and is able to pinpoint certain concepts that students are missing. (10/20/09)
We use Group Mathematics Assessment and Diagnostic Evaluation (GMADE). It is a standardized, norm-referenced diagnostic math assessment. Raw scores are converted to standard scores, stanines, percentiles, etc., which are helpful when trying to determine where students are functioning in mathematics in relation to their peers. It is normed for age and grade, fall and spring. Support materials are available too. It isolates weaknesses in areas of Concepts & Communication (Number Sense), Operations and Computation, and Process and Applications. It is our second year using this for Response to Intervention and we are having good results. (10/20/09)
I use the Open Response items, but I provide a practice in class first. (Regarding the Assessment Assistant CD, is there a third edition CD yet?) I clearly state the rubric for grading and demonstrate on the overhead how to meet the rubric items. I send them home, with the other parts of the unit assessment at the end of the unit, with the rubric and an indication of what the child did. I warn the parents that these are hard and that the kids didn't do these last year, so they are new to them. I teach second grade. I expect third grade will use them and I want my kids to have a clue as to how to do them! I find them very challenging for second grade, but worthwhile. My kids actually seem to like them now that we've done a few. If we didn't do the practice together, though, I don't think they would do well unless they were working together on it. I like hearing what other people are doing with the Open Response. It is something I'm not quite settled with and it's good to read other approaches to them. (04/01/08)
I think there have been many good suggestions for guiding students through the process of learning to answer Open Response questions. Modeling is really important here. I also would encourage teachers to make an overhead of a couple of the level 2 or level 3 responses (the student samples in the Assessment Handbook) and work together to edit them to be level 4 responses. This helps them focus on what makes an excellent response, and it is non-threatening, as it is not their own writing so it is less personal. Also, if you are not using the writing and reasoning prompts with the Math Boxes, I would encourage teachers to use those so students can become more comfortable with small writing tasks as they build towards the more complex Open Response provided at the end of the unit. (04/22/08)
I am interested in how Fourth Grade teachers dealt with checking the accuracy of students' responses to the Unit 4 Open Response question (Lesson 4.11). Recall the 12 runners that had to be divided into three closely matched teams of 4? Did teachers go through and add up the times for each students' teams to check accuracy? If you have 20 students, or more, wouldn't this take a long time? I know that there is more to the question than accuracy of adding decimals, but surely that is part of it. (One can't just make an answer key of the various combinations students might have come up with, because, if I did my math right, there are 34,655 different possible ways to make 3 teams of 4 out of the 12 runners.) (02/05/09)
Here's how I solved this problem: I let the students use calculators. Why, you ask? Well, in our high stakes testing, students are often allowed to use calculators for word problems. That's because the high-stakes test is testing their understanding of word problems, not their calculations. I had noticed that I rarely give my students a calculator during tests, so I decided to do that more so they will get comfortable with the idea. So I assume they got the calculations right, and I am just checking how close the total times are. (02/08/09)
I am interested in what classrooms are doing with the Open Responses. How do classroom teachers scaffold this activity for students? How do the different grades approach this activity? Please share the different options you have seen in classrooms. Specifically, to math coaches, when teachers feel that the Open Response is too difficult for students and they only give it to their high students, what is your response and how do you support them? (08/25/11)
Usually, students are having trouble with the format of writing to an Open Response question. If students are not familiar with this type of assessment they need scaffolding. First a simple, generic rubric should be available to all students. Introductions to the Open Response assessments should be several grade levels below the students. This way, students can become familiar with the "Explain your Strategies; Defend your Solution" strategies without being bogged down by the math. Going over the benchmark responses with your students is crucial. Once the students feel comfortable with the Open Response format, I have always allowed them to work in pairs to discuss the problem for about 15 minutes without writing. After that, they work on the written response individually. Believe it or not, I still received totally individual responses. Keep in mind, this is real life. Engineers do not solve problems in isolation. I think it is more important that students learn to write to Open Response questions than it is that they solve the math involved correctly. Thorough explanations and defenses of solutions should be highly valued. You can always modify the Open Response questions to differentiate (up or down) for your student population. (08/25/11)
I am a Fifth Grade teacher, and I use the Open Responses at the end of each unit. Students receive one extra credit point just for making a good attempt. Then, I use the rubric to determine whether a student's response earns them 2, 3, or 4 extra credit points. It teaches my students to attempt such questions even though they seem too difficult. They often surpise themselves and receive more than one extra credit point. (08/25/11)
I use the strategies given in the guideline for solving number stories in the Fourth and Fifth Grade program. Then I help students break down the problem. What is the question? How do I approach it? We usually look at 4 areas to earn points: correct answer, show your work (draw a diagram, provide calculations that help solve the problem), use words to describe understanding (using proper terms and descriptions), identify the specific element of the Open Response problem for the unit. For instance, in Grade 4, Unit 2, landmark data is the key element. Students need a graph of jelly beans (+1 pt), a data set constructed with 11 students (+1), and an explanation that has maximum and minimum and determines median and mode (+1). The graph should be complete and match the data set (+1). By helping students identify 4 areas they are more successful in earning points. (08/26/11)
There is a video of an interesting Open Response question in a Fourth Grade classroom at the Virtual Learning Community (VLC) website: http://cemseprojects.org/vlc/resources/201. Be forewarned, the video lasts an entire lesson. However, you can get a great deal out of watching a portion of the video. In order to access this video, you'll need to join the VLC. You can access information about the VLC, which is sponsored by the Center for Elementary Mathematics and Science Education at the University of Chicago, the home of the Everyday Mathematics authors, by clicking on the "ABOUT" tab at http://cemseprojects.org/vlc/about. If you decide to join the site, click on the red HOME tab at the top of the page and then click on JOIN. After you sign up, you'll receive an email from vlc@cemseprojects.org confirming your membership. If the email does not appear within an hour, please check your junk or bulk email folder to see if it landed there. Once you receive your confirmation, log into the site and away you go. (08/26/11)
As a math coach, I often do this lesson with classes. I prepare PowerPoints so that I can project the rubrics from the Assessment Handbook and some of the student work that is also included in the Assessment Handbook. Initially we work the problem together. Then we check the rubric to see how we did and look at other ways students responded. We also might look at some of the examples that received partial credit and make suggestions on how to improve them. On subsequent units I let the students make first attempts on the problem in pairs or teams and then we look at the rubric and the students improve their answers. Then the students will respond individually and self-correct using the rubric. We never use these for a grade, but as a district we do expect teachers to do them after each unit and use them as teaching option if that is what the students need. One more observation I have is that often teachers did not think they could offer the students the use of manipulatives to solve the problem. I encourage the students to use their tools, so if the problem is about money take out the coins. (08/26/11)
I work with K-4 students and teachers, and we have found the Open Responses most helpful as an instructional opportunity rather than as an independent assessment. We encourage teachers to model parts of the most difficult tasks and guide tasks that need further clarification as students work together to solve them. For some tasks, we have created organizers that help support the breaking down of a task into smaller parts. Another strategy is to work through a part of the task together, and then ask the students to complete another part independently. Of course you can differentiate how much support to give groups of children, with independent completion the goal for your higher achieving students. But we do think all students need to be exposed to the Open Response type of work so that their reasoning skills get put to work. (08/26/11)
I am just looking for some brief info regarding Open Response items. We feel they are valuable exercises, but struggle with finding the time for them. How do others use them? Are they basically a whole separate lesson/day? Do you use them on the Assessment days? (01/04/11)
We use Open Response on one day and then the Oral/Slate and Written Assessment on the second day. We've also given our teachers some flexibility with the Open Response. Some must be done independently, but others can be done as partner/small group activities or even whole-class activities. For those, many of the teachers have found success with a 10/10/10 approach, where students work on an Open Response for 10 minutes individually, then 10 minutes in partners, and then 10 minutes as whole-group discussion. We've found if you really stick to four lessons a week, you will still have time for two days of assessment, and maybe even a day of review prior to the assessments. (01/05/11)
Our school is really having a hard time getting students to do Open Response questions. I was wondering if anybody had any resources of maybe some graphic organizers or techniques they use to help students format their answers to Open Response. I have worked with the Exemplars a bit, and the students work out the problem but then can't put their thought process down in writing. (02/26/07)
Students can be encouraged to communicate their thinking by drawing pictures and using numbers before formulating words. Often these visual images help students select their words and describe their thinking in writing. Teachers can assist by modeling written explanations with help from the class. (02/26/07)
One of the first things I work with teachers on is having students verbalize. Get students to talk more, to "talk" their explanations, not just on specific extended response questions but overall in the classroom. When I was in the classroom, the students had a weekly challenge which started out having to restate the question in their own words and ended with a written explanation (of course showing/labeling all their work and showing a check for their work or solving the problem using a different strategy/approach in between). The written explanation started with "The problem solving strategy I used was . . . " and continued with a general formant of "First I . . . because . . . Then I . . . The reason I . . . " I used this in Grade 8 and coordinated with my English Language Arts teaching partner. In a self-contained classroom the teacher could use the constructed response for math and ELA. In general I found that students really need lots of practice with lots of feedback on what was done well and where they could improve. Also included in the written explanation was a requirement of the use of five math language words. (02/27/07)
We use Formula Writing by Janet Cosner. She has a website that you can Google to order her books. (02/27/07)
I teach Fourth Grade and my class is really struggling with open number sentences. We have discussed how the variable is like a question mark, but they can't seem to figure out how to solve it. We have related it to fact triangles and gone over how to put the numbers in the triangle but they still are struggling. Any suggestions? (11/20/09)
I found that many of my 4th graders really didn't understand how the addition/subtraction fact triangles worked and were unable to work a number model back into the triangle. It took lots of practice, but now the kids can use the fact triangles correctly, and it tells them exactly what to do to find the variable. Make sure students can fit a number model like 10 - 3 = 7 correctly into a triangle before you try it with the variables. (11/20/09)
Explain to the class that the equation is like a balance scale, even draw a picture of a scale. For example, 5 + 4 = ___ + 3. Tell them to do the side that has the two numbers to get the answer, then tell them the other side has to equal the same, so 3 + what = 9? (11/20/09)
You could try setting up on the chalkboard or posterboard: ____ + ____ = ____ + ____ . Using index cards with numbers, fill in three of the blanks: 2 + 7 = ____ + 1 Then do it wrong a few times and guess and check. Does 2 + 7 = 5 + 1? Does 2 + 7 = 12 + 1? Does 2 + 7 = 0 + 1? Be sure to let the students correct you, which will be fun. If they don't see it is incorrect, show them one that is: 2 + 7 = 8 + 1 = 9 They could then break into pairs to either complete problems you've filled in three of the blanks or make up their own. You could even break the numbers down into tallies instead of digits: || + ||||||| = ____ + |. (11/20/09)
I would love to know if the authors consider Open Responses to be formative or summative assessments? (11/17/09)
I think of "formative" or "summative" as referring to how the data that is gathered is used. Roughly speaking, if teachers use information they get from assessing their students' responses to some task or question to plan further instruction, then they are using that information formatively; if they use the information to assign grades, they're using the data summatively. So whether an item is formative or summative depends on how the information from that item is used rather than on the item itself. In Everyday Mathematics, we tend to give a lot of leeway to teachers to decide how they want to grade. As the Assessment Handbook says, because local assessment systems are based on local norms and values, it would be impossible to design a system that would apply universally. But the authors of Everyday Mathematics recognize that many teachers are required by their districts to give traditional grades. And although it is impossible to design a single grading system that will work for everyone, there are some broad principles to follow: Grades should be fair and based on evidence that can be documented. Evidence for grading should come from multiple sources. Grades should be based on content that is important. They should not be based only on the content that is most easily assessed. The grading system should be aligned with both state and local standards and with the curriculum. In Everyday Mathematics, we do give some guidance about what we consider "fair to grade," meaning that we think that items that we label "fair to grade" have had sufficient instruction and practice that the children have had sufficient opportunity to master them. Of course, people can and do differ about what's fair to grade, so these are only guidelines. I asked the person who wrote many of the Open Response items what she thought about the question below, and she said she didn't think the Open Response tasks were "fair to grade" since they require more than mastered content and skills. They often require the application of a variety of skills--some maybe mastered and others maybe not. When we wrote the Open Response items, we wrote problems that were tied to unit content, but did not focus only on skills and concepts that should be mastered. The Open Response problems also require organizing and writing in a way that can be a bit of a stretch. Many of our assessment tasks serve as learning opportunities as well as assessment opportunities. We designed the Open Response problems with this in mind. A number of schools have reported that the Open Response items are challenging for their students. This may be due in part to the fact that the tasks are relatively new to the program, and so students have not had a lot of experience with representing their thinking and explaining their strategies as these tasks demand. In some cases, schools have created additional opportunities for developing the skills that the Open Response tasks help develop and assess. (11/20/08)
Our district would love to hear how others are using the Open Responses that come with each unit. We were thrilled to have these as an addition to the 3rd edition, but our students are struggling with them. (03/27/08)
If your students are not familiar with this type of question, begin with questions from much lower grade levels and work up. Be sure they understand how to write to a rubric before infusing more difficult mathematical concepts. (03/27/08)
I am considering using Open Responses as a posed problem to be done in pairs rather than an end of the unit assessment. It would provide students the opportunity to problem solve, an experience that is not a major activity in this program. This would be more in keeping with a constructivist philosophy and could lead to a good strategy discussion. Sharing the variety of ways students use to solve these problems would be a good way to focus on understanding concepts rather than purely learning processes. (03/27/08)
In Second Grade, I have the students work independently, then talk with a partner and finally we discuss the solutions with the whole class. (03/28/08)
We looked at the mathematics embedded in the task and the standard requirement for that specific skill (skills) and adapted the task to meet the standard for the grade. We kept the task as-is for our higher performance pupils. Another factor to consider is wording of the task. These responses tend to be very wordy. This can cause a lot of distraction for our struggling and ELL students, especially if they cannot read. (03/30/08)
If you have access to the Assessment Assistant CD, you can make a "practice" test with the open response questions. This CD allows you to change the numbers and I also like to change the names. I use my name and the students' names whenever possible. Then we practice how to answer the questions. I give the original Open Response for the test. I feel that this teaches the students how to answer this type of question and then gives them practice with a very similar problem. (03/31/08)
I strongly encourage you to use the Open Responses as they were designed to be used. The students will catch on quickly if you use them after each unit. Since this is a new routine for the 3rd Edition, naturally the students are new at this. Next year, if your students have practiced all year, they should be fairly proficient at the process. At the beginning of the year, I did let them "practice" with a similar problem that I got off the Assessment Assistant worksheet builder. This seemed to help them be prepared for the the problem on the assessment. (03/28/08)
We too are wondering about practice for the Open Response problems at the end of each unit. It seems that these problems just pop up without practice or preparation. Am I missing something in the teacher resources or lesson plans? Can one of the developers address this issue? (12/31/07)
You can create problems that look very similar using the Assessment Assistant CD. (11/01/07)
This is our second year with Everyday Mathematics, 3rd edition. We like Writing/Reasoning in the Math Boxes for short daily practice. (11/01/07)
The Everyday Mathematics authors believe teachers need to have a variety of assessment tools and techniques to choose from so students can demonstrate what they know in a variety of ways and teachers can have reliable information from multiple sources. From page 21 of the grade-level specific Assessment Handbooks, "The Open Response problems at the end of each unit are linked to one or more Grade-Level Goals emphasized in the unit. They provide additional balance in an assessment plan as they allow students to: become more aware of their problem-solving processes as they communicate their understanding, for example, through words, pictures, and diagrams; apply a variety of strategies to solve longer tasks; further demonstrate their knowledge and understanding through application of skills and concepts in meaningful contexts; and be successful on a variety of levels." The "practice and preparation" for these problems can be found in the unit itself. Again, the Open Response problems are linked to one or more Grade-Level Goals emphasized in the unit. This, of course, doesn't mean that students won't be asked to use some previously acquired skills as well. The problems give students the opportunity to apply the Grade-Level Goal mathematics in complex or new situations. Additionally, in terms of "practice and preparation," the unit-specific section of the Assessment Handbooks, each Open Response problem has suggested implementation strategies, modifications for meeting diverse student needs, and suggestions for improving open response skills. Finally, please keep in mind that all of the Open Response problems were field tested with students using the second edition of Everyday Mathematics. (11/05/07)
The Open Response problems are designed to be contextual problems involving the application of skills and concepts from the unit. Much of the preparation for these problems is in the class discussions, the explanations required for many journal page problems, the Exit Slips, and the Writing/Reasoning prompts that appear within the unit. Let's take a look at the Open Response problem in Unit 1 of Grade 4 as an example. For this task, students sort polygons into groups according to polygon properties. Please refer to pages 55-59 of the Grade 4 Assessment Handbook. The stated focus of the problem is: Describe, compare, and classify polygons using appropriate geometric terms [Geometry Goal 2]. I'll provide a few examples of activities within the unit that use similar skills and strategies. Lesson 1-2: Students discuss characteristics of line segments, lines, and rays. In a Math Log or on an Exit Slip students explain the difference between a line segment and a line. Students are encouraged to include drawings and symbols as part of their explanations. Lesson 1-3: Students use straws and connectors to construct triangles and quadrangles. They describe the properties of and compare the quadrangles, as well as identify the types of quadrangles. In Problems 1 and 2 on Study Link 1-3 students are asked to draw examples of rectangles and trapezoids. Problem 3 includes the following question: How are the polygons in Problems 1 and 2 similar? How are they different? Completing Part 3 activities will also prepare students for the unit's Open Response problem. For example, the Readiness activity in this lesson asks students to sort pattern blocks according to rules. The last problem on the page asks students to make up their own rule and then sort the blocks according to that rule. In the ELL Support activity, students use a Venn diagram to compare and contrast the attributes of different categories of quadrangles. Lesson 1-4: As part of the Math Message, students complete a Math Masters page titled "Properties of Polygons." They are shown 5 polygons and told, "All of these have something in common." They are shown 5 different polygons and told, "None of these has it." Six polygons are shown in Problem 1. Students are asked to circle the ones that have "it." Problem 2 asks them to describe the property that all of the circled polygons have in common (four sides). Finally, students are asked to use a straightedge to draw a polygon that has this property. Further along in the lesson students develop definitions for the terms parallel, intersecting, and perpendicular. They also describe characteristics of parallelograms and classify quadrangles based on side and angle properties. On journal page 11, students complete statements such as: Squares are [always, sometimes, never] rectangles. Explain. Lesson 1-5: Students construct convex and concave polygons and develop definitions for these terms. On journal page 12 students are shown examples of polygons and figures that are not polygons. They are then asked to describe what a polygon is and why one of the figures on the page is not a polygon. The Enrichment activity in the lesson gives students a similar experience with kites and rhombuses. There are three more lessons in Unit 1, but I think I'll move onto Unit 2 where the focus of the unit isn't so narrow. Before doing so, however, I'd like to mention one of the Modifications for Meeting Diverse Needs that is suggested for Unit 1's Open Response problem. Many of the activities in the unit provided the opportunity for students to work with the actual shapes. One suggestion for implementing this problem is to make and cut out an enlarged version of each of the polygons that appear in the Open Response problem. Students are then able to physically move the cardstock polygons into and out of groups. While this modification may not be necessary for all students, it may allow others to be more successful with the problem. For the Open Response problem in Unit 2 of Grade 4 (Assessment Handbook, pages 63-67) students analyze data landmarks, create a matching data set, and make a graph. The stated focus of the problem is: Create a bar graph [Data and Chance Goal 1] and Use the maximum, minimum, range, median, and mode to answer questions [Data and Chance Goal 2]. Again, let's take a look at a few of the activities within the unit that use similar skills and strategies. Lesson 2-5: Students guess, estimate, and then count the number of raisins in 1/2-ounce boxes. The data is recorded on a tally chart. Students then use the data display to determine the maximum, minimum, range, mode, median, and mean of the data set. During the class discussion, students are encouraged to talk about the distribution of the data in their tally charts. Terms like 'clumps,' 'bumps,' 'holes,' and 'way-out number' are acceptable. Lesson 2-6: Students use stick-on notes to construct a line plot to organize and summarize data about the sizes of their families. They find the minimum, maximum, range, mode, and median for the data set. The median is determined by removing stick-on notes from the line plot and lining them up in ascending order. Students remove stick-on notes, two at a time (one from each end) until only one or two notes remain. Questions for class discussion include: How are the landmarks reflected in the shape and distribution of the data in the line plot? Where are the clusters, bumps, holes, and far-out numbers? Are the median and mode for family size the same? Lesson 2-7: The Writing/Reasoning prompt that goes along with Math Boxes, Problem 4 states: Shaneel said, I can draw a rhombus, rectangle, square, or kite for Problem 4. Do you agree or disagree? Explain your answer. While the prompt does not address the skills or concepts in the Open Response problem, it does provide students with practice in explaining their reasoning in writing. Lesson 2-8: Students measure their head sizes to the nearest half-centimeter. They determine the maximum, minimum, range, mode and median of the data and then display it in a bar graph. They use the data to answer the following question on journal page 46: How would the landmarks help Ms. Woods, a clothing store owner, decide how many baseball caps of each size to stock? Now let's take a look at one of the Modifications for Meeting Diverse Needs. It suggests that students write the landmarks on stick-on notes and then place the stick-on notes in a line plot. Students then can move the remaining blank notes to make the landmarks in the problem true. This strategy for working with landmarks mimics the one used in Lesson 2-6. Again, not all students may need this modification, but it may be beneficial to some. Regarding whether or not students can be successful with the new Open Response problems in the third edition of Everyday Mathematics, I don't agree that the "only solution is to supplement." As demonstrated in the examples above, much of the preparation for these problems is in the classroom discussions, the explanations required for many journal page problems, the Exit Slips, and the Writing/Reasoning prompts that appear within the unit. The authors believe that these embedded features, along with the Implementation Tips, Modification for Meeting Diverse Needs, and Improving Open Response Skills suggestions, provide students with adequate preparation to tackle these problems. How students respond to the Open Response problems can provide a great deal of information about students' communication skills and is another source of formative assessment. I'd suggest giving the above exercise a try with your grade-level team. Pick a unit and the corresponding Open Response problem. See what connections you're able to make between the two. Think about the Key Concepts and Skills in the unit as well as the strategies students use to solve problems. Take a look at the Implementation Tips, Modifications for Meeting Diverse Needs, and the Improving Open Response Skills suggestions to see how they relate. (11/06/07)
I am currently the western region curriculum specialist for Wright Group/McGraw Hill. I would like to share some information concerning problem solving as it relates to the program and as it relates to state testing, at least in the state of Washington. Everyday Mathematics gives all students a balanced curriculum that is rich in real-world problem solving. Problem solving is embedded within the mathematical content strands and not taught as a stand-alone process. Students build and maintain basic math skills, including automatic math fact recall, while they develop higher-order and critical-thinking skills. The Everyday Mathematics 3rd Edition further enhances this philosophy and is the culmination of many hours of research and field testing by the University of Chicago School Mathematics Project authors. These changes will provide teachers with stronger lesson and content support which will translate into better lessons, and students who have a stronger understanding of mathematics. Students will have stronger problem-solving skills, computation skills, and basic math knowledge than if they used a different program. Everyday Mathematics is a rigorous mathematics program and has the expectation that all students can be better mathematics students. Through the lesson support provided to teachers, and the years of research and development, this program provides students with a program that makes math more accessible and fun at the same time. In the Teacher's Reference Manual in the chapter on Problem Solving, the philosophy of Everyday Mathematics is clearly defined. To quote the authors, "In Everyday Mathematics, problem solving is broadly conceived. Number stories, the program's version of word problems, have their place, but problem solving permeates the entire curriculum. Children solve problems both in purely mathematical contexts, such as What's My Rule? tables, and in real situations from the classroom and everyday life. Children also create and solve problems using information from materials, from you, and from their own experiences and imaginations." Everyday Mathematics focuses on four different ways of approaching a problem: concrete, visual, pictorial, and symbolic. From as early as Kindergarten, students are taught to approach problem solving by looking at what do you know, what do you want to find out, what do you need to know, solve the problem and then check to see if your answer makes sense. In each unit organizer, there is a section on Problem Solving that suggests the problem-solving strategies that might be useful in that unit as well as listing the lessons and the activities in those lessons that reinforce teaching through problem solving. In taking a look at the Third Grade curriculum, I found that students are reviewing and using the problem-solving guide that is used throughout the program beginning in Unit 2. This guide is explained in-depth on page 228 in the Teachers Reference Manual. The guide is based on the general problem-solving guidelines that were developed by George Polya, the mathematician that is renowned for his work on problem solving. Students are exposed to this guide from Kindergarten and use it throughout to help them with the process of problem solving. In the third edition of Everyday Mathematics, having students construct written responses has been incorporated into the program not only through the Open Response question at the end of each unit in the Progress Check lesson, but also within the unit lessons with the writing/reasoning opportunities. By using these features of the program throughout the year as well as the multiple choice questions that are included within the Math Boxes, students will be prepared for the format that the Washington Assessment of Student Learning. Students will be practicing these question types throughout the entire year rather than just when exposed to test prep materials that are often used in the weeks or month preceding the test by many classroom teachers. Math Log C master on page 288 of the Assessment Handbook as well as Exit Slips provide masters that can be used to collect your students explanations of how they solved problems that have writing/reasoning opportunities. You could also use these masters to have students explain their thinking when solving other problems within the student journals if you feel your students need more practice in this area of assessment. By teaching the program as it is intended, students will gain the skills necessary for successfully solving problems not only in the context of an Everyday Mathematics lesson or on a state assessment but in real life situations that they encounter. We have found districts that have shown the greatest gains in student achievement have fidelity to the program. (11/08/07)
I am curious to know how Kindergarten teachers using Everyday Mathematics (3rd edition) are assessing their students and how often. Does anyone use the checklists? It seems like a lot of work and our teachers feel they would be assessing for long periods of time to fill out profiles. (01/08/09)
Our teachers have used the baseline. They do that in September and do the Mid-Year Assessment at the end of January. They have found it to be very valuable. One way to manage it is to do five students a day or simply take one task per day and use the checklist. It is manageable. (01/09/09)
In our school we do the EM Kindergarten Baseline, Mid-year and End-of-year assessments. We find the student information garnered well worth the time put in. To make the process more efficient we have created Teacher Assessment Kits. The kit is specific to the assessment at hand. The necessary manipulatives are in big ziplock bags, numbered by task and placed in order in a portable plastic tote. Throughout the year we can readily use the appropriate kit to assess individual students for intervention and/or placement. (01/10/09)
We do the Mid- and End-of-Year Assessments, but we modified them. Attached is what we created. It still requires one-on-one time and may take 15-20 minutes. But for most students, it takes less. (01/12/09)
Modified EDM Mid-Year Assessment- K.pdf
Modified EDM End-of-Year Assessment- K.doc
Our school has decided to go with the 4-point rubric system of assessing students. Will the online assessment generate reports using the 4 point rubric or will it convert this to A and N ( making adequate process or not making adequate progress)? (11/14/07)
The online Assessment Management System allows you to record both Making Adequate Progress/Not Making Adequate Progress as well as 4-point scoring. To create usable reports, the system REQUIRES the Making Adequate Progress/Not Making adequate Progress designation; it is OPTIONAL to enter the 4-point detail score. The system does not convert a 4-point score to an "A" (Making Adequate Progress) or an "N" (Not Making Adequate Progress); the 4-point score is to be entered as supporting detail for the Making Adequate Progress/Not Making Adequate Progress scoring. The way to transport saved tests is to export them. If you have the test generator installed in school and at home, you can do the following on Computer #1: 1) Create and save a test; 2) Go to File and select Export; 3) In the Export dialog, click the Browse button and navigate to your thumb drive; 4) Click the Export button. On Computer #2: 1) Connect the thumb drive; 2) Launch the Management program; 3) Go to File and select Import; 4) In the Import dialog, click the Browse button and navigate to the thumb drive; 5) Select the file; 6) Click the Import button. That should make it available in the Worksheet Building workspace. (11/14/07)
I am looking for a math pretest for beginning first graders. An end-of-year Kindergarten test would also work. Does anyone have anything they can share? (11/10/11)
The 2012 Common Core State Standards Edition has a Beginning-of-Year Checklist. It includes counting on and back, identifying coins, knowing a tool for telling time, creating patterns, and organizing sets of objects. (11/10/11)
Does Everyday Mathematics provide beginning, middle, and end-of-the-year assessments for Kindergarten? (09/09/09)
Yes, in the Assessment Handbook for Kindergarten you will find Baseline (beginning of the year), Mid-Year, and End-of-Year Assessment for Kindergarten. There are recording sheets as well as suggestions for assessing. (09/09/09)
Yes, but it is not a paper and pencil task. You can find the specifics in the Assessment Handbook. (09/10/09)
I am a math coach in Seattle Public Schools and in charge of a project to identify exemplary methods and teaching examples of how to differentiate a typical lesson. This would be outside the realm of merely plugging in the readiness piece or enriching for a particular segment of a classroom. In essence, the question is how to properly pretest and target specific groups within the classroom, then how to manage a lesson as a classroom teacher in such a way that the key concepts are properly introduced, but the experiences or options to explore the concepts are differentiated. How does this look? How is this best managed? (12/05/08)
At the recent National Indian Education Association's (NIEA) 39th Annual Convention in Seattle, there was a presentation that would answer some of your questions involving exemplary methods, teaching examples, differentiation outside the realm of plugging in what is in the book, and assessment. The presentation was titled "A Math Partnership that Leaves No Child Behind." Some of the presenters were from the Marysville School District. Dr. Kyle Kinoshita, Executive Director for Teaching and Learning was a co-presenter representing the administration from that school district. (12/05/08)
I teach EM in centers, similar to the previous reply, but I'm the only teacher in my general ed classroom. I teach the math message and mental math to the whole class, then split the class into three groups: Math Boxes, Math Games and Teacher Center. At teacher center on Mon-Thurs I teach the bulk of Part 1 for each lesson, differentiating my approach and instruction for each group (below grade, at grade and above grade). Then on Friday I conduct either a formative or summative assessment in place of the math message/mental math and during the teacher center I either re-teach concepts that kids still don't get or push kids who are mastering all math concepts. Our math block is 60 minutes. I have 28 students and teach the lesson in one room, self contained general education, 4th grade. I teach the whole group for about 15 minutes, then do three rotations of centers for 15 minutes each. Sometimes if it is a hard concept, I'll teach the same lesson for three days and meet with groups for a longer period and have a longer whole group lesson (ie 30 mins whole group, 30 mins with one diff. group one one days, rotate for three days so I can see each group). I can stay on track with the EM pacing guide for the most part, although there are times when we're a week or two behind. Then I catch up by making decisions about which lessons to teach more quickly or to combine into one. If I only had 42 minutes, I'd teach the whole group in 15, then two groups for 12-15 minutes each (appx). I would maybe break my class into 4 groups and meet with groups 1&2 on day 1 and groups 3&4 on day 2 or split my class into two groups and meet with them both on day 1. This means that you'll need two days for each lesson, so you might consider how to combine two days' worth of lessons (don't forget that you have review days and game days built into the EM pacing calandar, so it might not be too bad if you have to do it this way). (12/06/08)
I have taught EM in an inclusion setting for 4 years. My support teacher and I have organized lessons this way. We divide the class in half, roughly middle-high, and middle-low. While I teach part 1 of the lesson to the higher group first, the resource teacher further divides the other lower half into 2 groups: one group doing Math Boxes with her to help, and the other group playing a math game. They switch after 15 minutes, while I continue Part 1 of the lesson with the 1st group, including the journal pages that might go with it. Then we switch and do the whole thing again for the next half of the class. The good part is that games are played daily, and students who need support with one Math Box or other have small group attention. (12/05/08)
This is a great plan for differentiating if you have a resource teacher in your room. We have a full inclusion model, but I have no math support in my first grade classroom. This is our first year with EM. Does anyone have any working models for classrooms with only one teacher (particularly primary grade classrooms with nonreaders)? I am frustrated with the problem of trying to re-teach and reinforce for so many struggling students while other students are waiting but are not yet able to move on to practice or other tasks without an adult to supervise. When struggling students have trouble with early lessons and concepts, playing the games reinforces their errors. For example, when we play Coin-Dice the children who are still struggling to recognize the difference and value of the coins are not correctly exchanging coins. I have limited them to either dimes and pennies or nickels with pennies, but it is still confusing to them. (12/08/09)
Step one is pretesting the concepts in order to drive your instruction. (12/07/08)
I would like some feedback on pretests. Does anybody else pretest? Because the Everyday Mathematics program spirals and doesn't offer a pretest, I am wondering what others are doing who use this program. (12/14/07)
I teach First Grade and have the students do a pretest before every unit. This helps me guide my instruction and give extension work to those who already know the concept. Our school has an Assessment Assistant CD from EM that has problems for each unit. We made our pretest from that CD. (12/15/07)
Some teachers in our district are considering the previous year's End-of-Year Assessment as a pretest. Instead of giving the whole test, teachers may choose items they feel are most valuable. Either way, the idea is that the previous year's test gives a better picture of what a student knows. (08/18/08)
Check the Assistant Assessment CD for the Everyday Mathematics 3rd edition. There is a pretest on this CD for the 2nd edition. This is the only place that I know of that offers a pretest. (08/18/08)
I've given the Second Grade End-of-Year Assessment to my Third Graders as a pretest for the past several years. While I don't use the information to group them, it lets me know which concepts they've got solidly and which I will need to spend more time on. It also reaffirmed the fact that EM works. Most children really did retain the concepts. In addition, if I see a trend, I communicate with the second grade teachers that they may want to spend more time on that concept. Finally, I do share the assessments in November at parent-teacher conferences. Especially since we are in the first years of EM, I want parents to see how the program is working for their child, and give suggestions for what they may want to work on at home. (08/20/08)
I have had teachers use the Mid-Year or End-of-Year Assessments for the current grade to give an idea of what students know and allow teachers to plan for differentiation within their math groups. Students are told to try to answer as much as possible and skip what they do not know so that they are not frustrated. (08/25/10)
The Developmental Math Group has a math assessment for Pre-Kindergarten through Grade 2. They just wrote readiness forms for Kindergarten through Grade 3. If you are interested, you could contact them at dmg6@mac.com or go to their website at developmentalmathgroup.com. (08/10/10)
What do you use at your school for a Universal Screening Tool for Math? Our grades 2-5 are going to be using AIMSweb and my principal is wondering what 1st Grade should use and if Kindergarten should be screened at all. (11/12/09)
We use the Northwest Evaluation Association Measures of Academic Progress (NWEA MAP) at the end of the first semester and second semester in Kindergarten, and then three times a year for Grades 1-7. Grade 8 has beginning and middle of the year assessments, except for those students who are in Tier 2 or 3 (Response to Intervention). They get an end of the year assessment as well. (11/12/09)
Our district is piloting Assessing Math Concepts (AMC) with Kindergarten, first and second grades. We are using the Palm version, so data collection is really quick. Reports can be generated to identify specific areas of need and recommend concise interventions. AMC targets only numeracy, and we like what we see so far. You can see it at mathperspectives.com or didax.com. (11/12/09)
We use AIMSweb and it is not that great. We use Math-Curriculum Based Measurement (M-CBM) for Grades 1-3 and Math Concepts and Applications (M-CAP) for 4-5. I think the Early Numeracy is good, but our district doesn't test Kindergarten until January. Just be prepared to do lots of progress monitoring and entering data in the computer. (11/14/09)
A consultant came to our school to help us through our first year with Everyday Mathematics. She suggested we give 70% to part A (summative) and 30% to part B. Others have told us not to even count part B for a grade because it is formative. How have other schools dealt with this for Grades 3-5? (11/19/08)
Our consultant suggested 75% for Part A and 25% for Part B. Then after others told me that we shouldn't be scoring Part B, the consultant said that if the children weren't performing well with Part B, teachers may not want to score it at all. (11/20/08)
It is almost a pretest of future skills, if I understand Part B correctly. We use Part A for summative. We also add practice for the open responses and some adaptations for kids if needed. We look at Part B before we teach the unit and see what we might need to supplement. We use it for the communication grade. It's interesting that some think it should be formative. (11/20/08)
I grade part A and make it worth more points, like 4 or 5 points per problem/blank. I try to get close to 100. For Part B, I grade it like a homework assignment and make everything worth 1 point. I also grade the Open Response and it is worth 4 points, just like the rubric. (11/20/08)
I grade both Part A and Part B. If counting Part B helps a student's grade, I include it. If it hurts the grade average, I don't include it. (11/20/08)
Are there any districts out there that do standards-based assessment for skills evaluated by performance on tasks within the Student Math Journals? If so, would anyone be willing to share their checklists? (01/08/08)
We are in the process of doing this in our grade level. We began with the checklists for each unit. We looked at the goals (not including the formative assessment) and found where those skills were practiced in the Math Journals. If a skill was in the Math Journals more than once, we looked at the last time it was practiced in the unit (thinking it was more likely to be mastered by that point in the unit). Then we wrote the page number (and, if applicable, the problem or Math Box number) right on that form. Then we counted the number of skills that we found were practiced in the Math Journals (usually not all the skills from the Progress Check are in the Math Journals for that unit) and came up with a rubric for a grade. For example, in Grade Four Unit Four we found 11 skills that were practiced in Math Journals. So we decided 9-11 skills mastered would be an "A", 7-8 a "B", and so forth. Towards the end of each unit, we collect the Math Journals to grade what we call a "Journal Check". We only do this once a unit. To make it a little more manageable, I put a sticker on each Math Journal. So on a Monday I might say, "Today I am doing a Math Journal check on the flower stickers." Those kids pile their journals on my desk and I correct and return them the next day. (01/08/08)
In the 3rd edition of Everyday Mathematics, what is the difference in Part A and Part B of the progress check? Also, how do you use each part and grade each part? (10/15/08)
Part A is the summative section and provides you with information on how the children are progressing to their grade-level goals. I include this section in my grading. Part B is the formative section and can be used for long-term planning. The Assessment Handbook mentions that Part A can be looked at like the Recognizing Student Achievement (RSA) activities and Part B is much like the Informing Instruction notes in the lessons. (10/15/09)
Part A of the Progress Check is a test of what students were expected to master during the unit. Part B is more formative; it contains items and content to which students were exposed but not expected to master; or in some cases, Part B will contain a preview of material to come. Our teachers use Part A for an achievement grade; the score for Part B cannot hurt the grade, but can help if students do well. We found we need to educate our students and parents so that neither would be upset if a child did not do well on Part B of the assessment. (10/15/08)
Does anyone know if children are considered automatic with their basic addition, subtraction, and multiplication facts if they can complete a 50 basic fact quiz in three minutes? (01/17/08)
We usually count four seconds per problem in second grade if it's a written test. Three seconds to think of the answer, one second to write it. (01/17/08)
Latest research shows that every child should have 3 seconds to give the answer to any fact. That means students should never be given less than 5 minutes for 100 facts. This research also shows that those who use number sense to quickly arrive at a sum or product fair better than their peers who try to memorize. When number sense is used for fact acquisition student can better apply the facts to extensions. So I would say any child who can give the answer to 50 facts in three minutes will do very well as long as these are not memorized facts that will evaporate over time when not used constantly. (01/17/08)
Everyday Mathematics considers facts automatic if students can answer them within 3 seconds. I give 30 problem quizzes in 1 1/2 minutes. (01/17/08)
Does anyone know of a district that has re-identified the Math Boxes for Everyday Mathematics, 3rd edition? We have them identified as Beginning-Developing-Secure from the older edition and some of the teachers in our district are looking for this information to go with the new edition. If it is out there we would like to see if we can get a copy. (07/02/08)
The new edition has goals that are identified by red stars in the teacher's edition. All the Math Boxes are already done for you! Beginning-Developing-Secure is no longer used, only Adequate Progress and Not Adequate Progress. Red stars indicate goals that need to be met. (07/02/08)
Does anyone know where I can find a list of when Everyday Mathematics expects mastery of each skill? I have a teacher who wants to know at what point each skill is expected to be mastered specifically for Second Grade. (11/05/09)
One of the tools that I have found useful to determine how EM develops concepts over time is the Looking at Grade-Level Goals chart found at the end of each unit section in the Differentiation Handbook. Using this chart (for 2nd Grade Unit 1, it is on page 55) with the assessments give you a good idea of which unit a concept is taught and/or practiced for the last time. (11/05/09)
Does anyone use a math assessment wall to track student progress? In our district we have a reading assessment wall for Grades K-4 that is a large visual showing student progress through reading levels, etc. This year the district would like math to be part of the assessment wall. Has anyone done anything like this? (10/21/07)
Because of space, I use colored folders. I provide one folder for each teacher with the names of students on little cards so all of one class fits in a folder. We track their 6 week benchmark scores. I divide each folder into the grade bands, and then tape each student's card in the appropriate place. It's a great visual that I can take to grade-level meetings to show exactly where each student is on that benchmark. I also write in small numbers at the bottom of each card what the grade was, so that we can tell at a glance if a child is improving or remaining steady. (10/22/07)
I really miss the Beginning-Developing-Secure goals. Does anyone have these for the new edition for Grades 1-5? (05/18/09)
There have been several questions sent to the list over the last couple of days regarding the third edition of the curriculum. I'd like to make a couple of comments on some of the issues people have raised. One of the most important things to know is that the third edition of Everyday Mathematics remains true to the philosophy of the first and second editions. And, in alignment with our development principles, the third edition incorporates the latest educational research as well teacher feedback from the second edition. One area of change that some people have asked about concerns Beginning-Developing-Secure (BDS). In order to better explain some of the changes surrounding BDS, I'd like to backtrack a bit and discuss the evolution of EM's learning goals. Students using Everyday Mathematics are expected to master a variety of mathematical skills and concepts, but not the first time they are encountered. When Everyday Mathematics was first published beginning in the 1980s, the Beginning, Developing, and Secure labels did not exist. Feedback from users of the first edition indicated that some teachers were uncomfortable moving through the curriculum ("trusting the spiral") because they didn't know where a particular skill or concept fell in terms of the curriculum. They weren't sure whether a lesson was a first exposure or a last chance for a particular skill or concept. The terms Beginning, Developing, and Secure were introduced in an update of the first edition in order to help teachers feel more comfortable moving through the curriculum. These terms were then applied to the learning goals in the second edition. The main function of the Beginning, Developing, and Secure labels in the second edition was to provide information about the curriculum's treatment of a topic. If a learning goal was marked as Beginning (B) at a certain point in the curriculum, teachers were to understand that instruction at that point was an exposure to the skill or concept. Developing (D) indicated that the curriculum had provided prior treatment of the skill or concept, but further instruction would occur in subsequent lessons. If a learning goal was marked Secure (S) at a certain point, the curriculum would provide additional opportunities to practice and apply the skill or concept, but lessons would no longer be devoted to it. A secondary function of the BDS labels was to indicate individual students' levels of mastery of skills and concepts. These two separate uses of the same system of labels have led to problems. Feedback from users of the second edition challenged the authors to look more closely at the BDS labels on learning goals. For example, teachers asked thought-provoking questions such as the following: If a learning goal is labeled as Beginning or Developing at a certain point in the curriculum, then at what point does it become Secure? If a learning goal is labeled as Developing in Unit 1, does that mean it is still considered Developing at the end of the year? How do the learning goals connect across the grade levels? Why are there more Secure learning goals at some grade levels than others? If a child does not demonstrate proficiency with a Secure learning goal in Unit 2, when will I have the opportunity to check back to see if progress has been made? What should the majority of third graders (or students at any grade level) be able to do by the end of the year? The third edition of Everyday Mathematics addresses these questions in part through the introduction of Program Goals and Grade-Level Goals. Program Goals are the threads that weave the curriculum together across grades. These goals are organized by content strand and are the same at all grade levels. The goals express the mathematical content that all children who study K-6 Everyday Mathematics are expected to master. The level of generality of our Program Goals is quite high which is appropriate for goals that span Grades K-6. They don't provide guidance at the level of specificity that teachers need at each grade level. The third edition, therefore, has another set of goals that clarify what the Program Goals mean for each grade level. There are about two dozen of these Grade-Level Goals for each grade, K-6. They are all linked to specific Program Goals. These Grade-Level Goals are guideposts along trajectories of learning that span multiple years. They clarify our expectations for mastery at each grade level. Everyday Mathematics is designed so that the vast majority of students will reach the Grade-Level Goals for a given grade upon completion of that grade. Students who meet the Grade-Level Goals will be well prepared to succeed in higher levels of mathematics. The primary function that the BD S system served in the second edition, letting teachers know where they are in the curriculum's treatment of a topic, is met in several ways in the third edition. First, as outlined above, there is an explicit and well-articulated goal structure that spans all grades and provides detailed information about exactly what is to be mastered at each grade. Second, the Learning in Perspective tables found in every Unit Organizer and popular in the second edition, have been enhanced in the third edition. Third, the Teacher's Lesson Guide alerts teachers to lesson content that is being introduced for the first time through Links to the Future notes. These notes provide specific references to future Grade-Level Goals and help teachers understand introductory activities at their grade level in the context of the entire K-6 curriculum. Finally, the new grade-level specific Differentiation Handbooks include tables that show in which unit each Grade-Level Goal is taught and practiced within the grade. Similar tables also appear at the back of each Teacher's Lesson Guide. Unlike the Differentiation Handbook tables, these Teacher's Lesson Guide tables span several grade levels. The secondary function of BDS in the second edition, as a rubric or scale for assessing students, is also met in several ways in the third edition. Every lesson, for example, now includes a Recognizing Student Achievement (RSA) note, which identifies a task from the lesson, links that task to a specific Grade-Level Goal, and provides specific benchmarks teachers can use to judge whether students are making adequate progress toward meeting that goal. The Progress Checks in each assessment lesson have also been reorganized so that teachers can easily identify which items are assessing material students can fairly be held accountable for and which items should be used as formative or baseline assessment only. Each assessment lesson also includes an Open Response item for which a task-specific rubric and annotated anchor papers are provided in the grade-level specific Assessment Handbooks. The BDS labels are not part of the third edition of Everyday Mathematics, but the spirit and functions of BDS live on in the Program Goals and Grade-Level Goals and in the structure and features of EM 3.0. The disappearance of these labels does not reflect a change in the Everyday Mathematics approach, but rather an attempt to make that approach easier to understand and implement. We hope you will enjoy learning more about the third edition in the months to come. For additional information, please contact Wright Group/McGraw-Hill. (05/19/09)
The third edition does not use the BDS labels. Instead, grade-level goals are defined in terms of what should be mastered by the end of the year. The Recognizing Student Achievement (RSA) tasks in each lesson provide criteria for expected performance at that checkpoint-time in the year. (02/03/10)
The last page for each unit in the Differentiation Handbook has the grade-level goals broken down into "taught," "practiced," and "not a focus" for each unit. This might help. (02/03/10)
I really need suggestions for grading while using Everyday Mathematics. Do you check the Assessments in a traditional way (one point per question)? Do you use a traditional point system in your grade book, or do you look at the goals as a whole? We are going into year two, and the grading system we tried last year was cumbersome and not compatible with our computerized grade book. (07/11/09)
Our district has opted to use the rubric which is found in the Assessment Handbook. For the Recognizing Student Acheivement (RSA) problems and Progress Checks, we use the rubric. Then we get the average for our final grade for each quarter. This has worked very well for us. (07/13/09)
I use many of the Math Boxes as a "quick check" and assign 4-6 points. Students complete the first box, come to me to check, then complete the rest of the assigned boxes. In my gradebook I label the indicator, and it transfers nicely to our online grading system. The point value for each unit test varies based on the focus of our district's indicators. (07/13/09)
Grading has finally become quite easy for me in EM after a few years. Because the Math Boxes are paired, I go over the first one on the overhead after they have finished it and grade the paired box. If it is a red starred item, I make them do that first. I have also started using hint sheets this year using the blank Math Boxes at the back of the Differentiation Handbook. I grade out of 100 points. For tests I grade part A only. (07/13/09)
I'm wondering if any other school districts are struggling with grading. I have tried to convince my grade level that we should report out the way the program intends (using Adequate Progress and Not Adequate Progress), and they are convinced that they should still be using Beginning-Developing-Secure (BDS). Has anyone else run into this problem? Shouldn't the program be used as it was intended? (10/14/09)
I agree with those rejecting the Adequate Progress/ Not Adequate Progress system. I don't think that it tells parents very useful information. So, I'm using the tried and true BDS system (10/14/09)
This is our 2nd year with Everyday Mathematics. We have also struggled with how to grade, or report progress on report cards. We are currently using M (mastery), D (developing), and I (needs improvement) in Grades K-2 in order to be consistent with our reading literacy reporting. This has required teachers to develop rubrics or guidelines regarding what is enough progress for Mastery or Developing. Some teachers wish to go strictly by the assessments: either the student mastered the skill or not. Others wish to use the Recognizing Student Achievement problems as in indicator of Mastery, even if the student did not get the test question right. This has also caused some grades to re-write some assessments to be sure that a skill is assessed by more than just one item. Then the teachers decide if 2 out of 3 questions correct is Mastery or Developing, etc. for that topic. I guess the bottom line is that ours is still a work in progress, and we would also be interested in hearing what others do, especially K-2. (10/15/09)
Do the Grade-Level Goals tell me what should be mastered at each grade level? In other words, I want to know what a kid has to learn this year. Experience and exposure aren't enough. What are they expected to know-know before the next school year? (12/11/09)
The Everyday Mathematics Grade-Level Goals document in the Assessment Handbook is really comprehensive, very specific, and gives both a lateral and vertical view of yearly goals and how the ideas grow. (12/11/09)
Are you using the 3rd edition? The Assessment Handbook, page 37, gives the Grade-Levels Goals from Kindergarten to 6th Grade. It gives the content strand and the overall program goals. The grade-level goals define the specific learning goals for that grade level. Each grade-level poster lists the program goals. The grade-level goals (numbered) also list what a student is expected to know at the end of the year. (12/11/09)
In the second edition of Everyday Mathematics, there were Math Boxes considered Secure. Are there such Math Boxes in EM3? How do you tell which ones are Secure? (11/09/10)
The Teacher's Lesson Guide has red stars that indicate which goals needs to be met. A red star is a goal that must be adequately met. (11/10/09)
Is there anyone using Everyday Mathematics in New Jersey that incorporates formative assessment? (01/14/08)
Part B of the unit assessment is formative. (01/14/08)
You can use the Assessment Assistant CD to give you pretests. You can clone the actual questions and change the presentation. You can also align with your state standards. I find this to be a very useful tool. (01/14/08)
My district is looking to break down the goals that are established, developing, and secure for each grade level. Does anyone have any information that would aid in doing this? This is a new series for us and our teachers have expressed that they would "feel better" if they knew each level of skill attainment and at what points throughout the year they were expected to be secure with them. (12/18/07)
The Scope and Sequence Charts in the back of the Teacher's Lesson Guides may be helpful to you. (12/18/07)
Our teachers in Grades 3-5 are having trouble coming to an agreement on how to use Part B on unit assessments. Specifically, 5th Grade teachers feel that Part B items are often easier than Part A items. In addition, they feel that based on the lessons/activities, there are often items in Part B that students should have mastered. Therefore, they are scoring the items on Part B, not just using it as a formative assessment. They all know the philosophy of the separation of Parts A and B, but do not feel that the assessments accurately reflect the intended uses for the separate parts. Does anyone have any input regarding the difficulty/contents of Part B in Grade 5 versus other grade levels? Have you heard anything like this from colleagues? (04/08/10)
We have struggled with a similar situation. Some of our teachers were uncomfortable not grading Part B. The spiral nature of the curriculum and the formative nature of the assessment is why teachers sometimes feel that students should get credit for Part B. The credit should be in the fact that when students can show they have mastered some of Part B that the teacher will not re-teach this material, but treat it as review and probably not spend as much time on it. They should not get hung up on the difficulty. Just the opposite. In many cases they should be disappointed if some of the problems are not relatively easy for the students. The teachers really need to think of the two parts as two distinct entities, despite the titles. This might help separate the two. Part B really is the preview of the next unit, not the end of the current unit. If this was a reading program, you could think of the items in Part B that the students do understand as the content anchors, the building blocks on which the instruction is going to build. This is no different for mathematics. We do ask principals to collect unit assessment data, but only Part A. This has also helped to reinforce the difference between the two parts. Slowly, we believe that our teachers are getting more comfortable with not counting Part B as an assessment. (04/08/10)
The problem teachers face is that in many instances the Part B questions actually are based on the material that was taught in the unit being assessed. In fact, we have identified many Part A questions that were barely addressed in the current unit. Our grade level tries to decide beforehand which items we will count as summative assessment, based on our instruction rather than Parts A and B. (04/08/10)
Part A includes concepts the students should have mastered. Sometimes these are concepts from previous units, not only the current unit. For instance, if Unit 5 is on fractions, most of the fraction concepts will be in Part B of the test. In Units 6, 7, 8, and 9, students will practice those concepts through Math Boxes and other journal activities. On the Unit 9 test, Part A could very well have fractions, as by that point, students are expected to have mastered those concepts. Back in Units 5-8, fractions were still on part B, until students had sufficient practice with concepts. I never count Part B on a test since those are concepts that were taught, but at the current time, students are not expected to have mastered. The mastery comes later and then the concept moves up to part A. (04/11/10)
The Kindergarten teachers in my district have been working on a pacing guide, benchmarks, and report cards for Everyday Mathematics, 3rd edition. We have worked through the pacing and benchmarks are now wrestling with assessments for each grading period. We are finding that each of our 16 Kindergarten teachers assess the benchmarks in a different way. So we are looking for input. Is there an assessment tool in EM that would help us in this area? How are you doing with consistancy of assessment in your districts? Is anyone aware of research that would help us as we institute guidelines for Kindergarten assessment? (05/14/08)
There are awesome checklists (Beginning-of-Year, Mid-Year, and End-of-Year Assessments) in the Assessment Handbook with prompts for teachers to use as they work with the students. (05/16/08)
Does anyone have a list of the Secure goals for grade levels K-6? I am a special education resource teacher who has to write goals for the next school year. We have only begun to use this Everyday Mathematics this school year. (01/08/07)
Check the back of a Teacher's Lesson Guide. Each grade level lists the goals for the grade before, current grade, and grade after. They differeniate Beginning, Developing, and Secure goals by shading. (01/17/07)
We are currently looking at making the transition from the 2nd edition to the 3rd. I have looked at the new edition and even tried a few lessons out. My biggest questions come in the area of assessment. Is there anyone out there that has made the transition and found the assessment to be easier, harder, or just different? I saw that the Beginning, Developing, and Secure designations have gone away and the new way of assessing makes very good sense to me. Is the online assessment management system worth it? This really intrigued me, but the cost seemed rather high. If there is anyone using this tool could you let me know what you think? I like the idea of having all of my data online, but am worried that it may be hard to use myself, but even harder to train inexperienced computer users. (12/06/07)
We switched to the third edition this fall. The assessment was the main selling point for us. In my First Grade class, I try to assess some concept everyday. Sometimes it might be a journal page, a Mental Math problem, or an Exit Slip. It seems like a lot of work, but it really gives you a great picture of each child and their strengths and weaknesses. I will admit the assessments were a little daunting at first, but at this point in the year they seem to flow fairly easily. Most of the trouble comes with organization! Each teacher needs to experiment and find what out works for them. But I highly recommend the third edition. There is a big red star when you are assessing a skill. You can't miss it. (12/06/07)
Our Second Grade team decided to change our documenting of the daily assessment piece (which, by the way, is very valuable!) by comparing it to what is exactly assessed for our district report cards. We looked at the Ongoing Assessment, focused on the Recognizing Student Achievement (RSA) pieces, and now only record the lessons and test items that correlate with our report card. While we use all pieces for our instruction, it has certainly helped with organization and bookkeeping to stop recording the information we don't need for report cards. As an aside, we found the online assessment tool to be more work than just using the checklist provided in the back of the assessment book. (12/07/07)
We are in our first year of implementation. The assessment, I think is better. You have the Open Response at the end which is amazing. Plus, the Differentiation Handbook is the best part of the series. As for the online assessment piece, it makes more sense to save money. You can do everything it does with materials in your kit. However, the online Student Reference Book is amazing! (12/07/07)
What do you use for progress monitoring in math? (01/12/11)
Math Recovery probes for the lower groups and AIMsweb for everyone three times a year. (01/12/11)
I continue to be frustrated with Recognizing Student Achievement (RSA) assessments that are in the program. I teach 5th Grade and in lesson 4.2 Partial-Quotients Division Algorithms are taught for the first time in 5th Grade. In the lesson, examples are provided with a one-digit divisor and a three-digit dividend. When you refer to the Student Reference Book they also provide only one-digit divisors and three-digit dividends. Then when it comes to the RSA on page 101, there are two-digit divisors and four-digit dividends. Where is the practice before children are assessed? Why are they not taught two-digit dividends before an RSA? My main complaint is that this skill is skimmed and not taught. Why is the book set up in this manner? Are other schol districts supplementing long division and spending more time on it to ensure children's success? (10/11/10)
You've brought up two different issues here. The first is about RSAs. We went through as a team and picked the RSAs that we thought 1) were well-taught in the lesson AND 2) were a skill we thought students should have mastered by that lesson. We ended up with 3-5 RSAs per unit. We count these as "quiz grades" and check them by collecting Math Journals at the end of each unit. Lately, our math consultant has suggested we even phase some of these out and, instead, use the Writing/Reasoning questions provided in some lessons as a better indicator of understanding. We are in the process of developing rubrics to assess these. The other issue you brought up is the tendency of Everyday Mathematics to take a skill "one step further." I love this aspect of the program because it challenges our top students to generalize what they have already learned. In the case of an RSA that has problems that go "above and beyond" what you think has been taught or should be mastered, it is usually not all the problems. So we use a rubric to grade these. Students who can do only one-digit divisors, for example, would get a "B." Students who can go beyond grade-level expectations and solve problems with two-digit divisors would get an "A." Two-digit divisors ARE introduced in fourth grade, but not expected to be mastered yet. (11/12/10)
Partial-Quotients Division Algorithm is taught in Grade 4 using 1- and 2-digit divisors. Lesson 4-2 is a review of the algorithm. I believe that the RSA is to assess that the students can demonstrate the process, which they should ideally recall from the previous year. This algorithm is focused on throughout Unit 4. For students who are still struggling after Unit 4, I would focus additional practice and games on division rather than halt the program all together. As for only having 1-digit divisor examples before completing the journal page, I would make a note to include a couple of examples with 2-digit divisors during the lesson for next year. (11/11/10)
I was wondering if there is anyone out there that does the Recognizing Student Achievement (RSA) part ofEveryday Mathematics lessons differently than how the books calls for it? I have been making up short-cycle assessments for each lesson geared toward the same questions in the RSA part so I can generate more data and practice gearing up for the end of the unit assessment? (12/10/08)
Our teachers have made "exit slips" so students can write their responses or work for the RSAs. Some teachers write out the problems, others cut and paste them onto paper, and others have type them. Regardless, the teachers collect the RSAs to evaluate student progress. (12/11/08)
Should the Recognizing Student Achievement (RSA) tasks for each lesson be considered formative assessment or summative assessment. (11/02/07)
These are considered summative assessment. (11/02/07)
We are looking for ideas on how to streamline the data collected by the red-starred Recognizing Student Achievement (RSA) tasks in each lesson. I know there are the record charts provided by the Everyday Mathematics program, but is there anyone who has a different way of keeping track of these that has been beneficial? Our goal is to create leveled groupings based on the data from these red stars. (02/17/11)
We've taken a stab at this. These documents identify the red-starred items in each lesson. You can ignore the row at the top. It's an effort to link these items with our state's (Michigan) grade-level content expectations. If you aren't familiar with Excel documents, click on the tabs at the bottom of the page to move through the units. We did not create one for Kindergarten, and we don't use EM in sixth grade. [attachment included in original email.] (02/19/11)
Grade 1.xls
Grade 2.xls
Grade 3.xls
Grade 4.xls
Grade 5.xls
Our district is in the first year of implementing Everyday Mathematics. We are discussing how to format report cards to align with the curriculum. Do other districts have report cards that describe units/objectives from EM? (01/28/09)
Our school lists the EM program goals on our report card. The program goals are the same for every grade level so the math section of our report card looks the same for every grade level. If you look at your Grade-Level Goals poster, the program goals are in bold print (there are 15 program goals total divided between the 6 content strands). For example, under the Number and Numeration strand there are three program goals - 1) Understands the meanings, uses, and representations of numbers; 2) Understands equivalent names for numbers; and 3) Understands common numerical relationships. Each grade level then has different/specific grade level goals that are listed under these program goals on your poster. Every day as I am teaching the lesson I use the checklists from the Assessment Handbook to record how the students did on the Recognizing Student Achievement (RSA) task for that day and then the checklist for the Progress Check at the end of the unit. The checklists have the content strand and grade-level goal number listed right on it so if you look at your poster you very easily see which program goal it falls under and therefore which section of our report card it would fall under. It has worked very well for us. (01/29/09)
Does anyone have end-of-unit progress reports detailing for the parents how the students performed on each concept in the unit (Secure, Developing, Needs Improvement)? We are looking into creating them to send home after each unit, and I would like to see what other schools have done. (05/04/11)
In the back of the Assessment Handbook, there are Individual Profile of Progress reports for the unit as well as a breakdown of the unit test questions. It's a checklist of standards correlated with each lesson. You can download podcasts from iTunes that teach how to use them. (05/04/11)
Has anyone developed comprehensive assessments to be used quarterly to determine proficiency levels over a span of units for report cards? My district is requesting such assessments, and I am having difficulty getting them developed due to the within-grade and between-grade spiraling. (10/20/10)
Is your report card standards-based? If it is, then use the report card to guide what your quarterly exam would contain for math content. If it is not, use the common core math standards or your state standards for your grade and pluck out the matching concepts in Everyday Mathematics that you taught that quarter. If you need to include the spiral items, limit them to 20% of the exam. Then develop your assessment using just those standards that you plucked out for that term. (10/20/10)
I am interested in getting some input into how those of you using the 2007 edition are going to be doing report cards. Are you using a checklist? Are you using Beginning, Developing, Secure? (09/24/07)
I am also wondering what others have planned on doing with their report cards. One dilemma I have is that my administration wants me to identify the learning goals that would match the Secure skills from the second edition so that all of the 6th grade report cards look very similar. This is a difficult task. For instance, if the 2nd edition report card has 14 Secure skills then I need to have 14 Secure skill for the 3rd edition report card. I was able to get through quarter 1 and 2; however, quarter 3 is very challenging. The Secure skills need to be identified so that we can use the math report card to identify students who have attained "honor roll status." One of the presenters at the Capital Area Intermediate Unit showed me a report card that was drafted by some co-workers. They set it up with the strands (as headings) and then listed the learning goals that went with each strand in the units that were taught in a quarter. There a two columns, one for Adequate Progress and one for Not Adequate Progress. (09/25/07)
This year at our school, we are doing a standards based report card, which we are calling a "Progress Report." So, we are using the Progress Check checklists along with the Recognizing Student Achievement (RSA) checklists as part of our assessment. We are only recording how the kids do on Part A of the Progress Check since that is the summative part. Also, as for Math Boxes, we have examined each Math Box page to determine which skills are assessed in each problem. We only record those problems that cover skills that have been covered. The rest of the problems are for formative purposes only. Also, problems that assess skills learned in future units are only used for formative purposes. And we only assess the second Math Box of the pair. So we are really only assessing 4 - 5 Math Boxes in an entire unit which makes this more manageable. It may seem like a lot of work but the parents will see exactly which math skills their students are consistently being successful on and which skills they need help with. The only change from the EM program is that we are using four levels, not two. Our levels are 1) consistently demonstrates skill; 2) developing skill; 3) experiencing difficulty with skill; and 4) not currently demonstrating skill. (09/25/07)
My district adopted Everyday Mathematics about 5 years ago. They have been struggling with how to assess EM for report cards. They have tried to make the old report card fit the new math program, but it really isn't satisfactory. I wondered if anybody would be able to send me a report card, or tell me how you assess it? (10/10/11)
We are using a standards based report card and the attached benchmarks give teachers an idea of what constitutes meeting or exceeding the standards. (10/11/11)
Kindergarten SBR Math Outline.doc
Grade1 SBR Math Outline.doc
Grade2 SBR Math Outline.doc
Grade3 SBR Math Outline.doc
Grade4 SBR Math Outline.doc
Grade5 SBR Math Outline.doc
This has been an ongoing discussion at my school. We are leaning towards using the program goals and content strands (found on posters), which are the same for each grade with obvious differences in level of expectation for grade-level goals. Our math portion of the report card used to include all the goals assessed within a unit, but it was so long. Now we're hoping to streamline and though we'll keep track of student performance using the Individual Profile of Progress, we will use this more detailed info in our conferences rather than putting all of it on the report card. (10/11/11)
We took the Everyday Mathematics goals (grades K-4) and turned them into lines on our report card so that every starred assessment and unit test question (not used as a formative assessment) had a landing spot. I attached the document we use. I can't tell you how successful this report card is. We only started using it at the beginning of this year. We assess each line of the report card with a +, *, or - symbol and give an overall math grade of advanced, proficient, basic, or below basic. (10/11/11)
Report Cards.xls
Our teachers are struggling with organizing all of the collected data to formulate report card grades. Our grades for the report card are based on the Everyday Mathematics Grade-Level Goals. It seems that to get an accurate grade for a student on a specific goal or skill, teachers have to look in so many places (Recognizing Student Achievement, Math Boxes, written tests, oral tests, Math Messages, observations, etc.) Does anyone have a system for organizing all of the data? Is there a spreadsheet that works or other hints to help? (01/23/08)
The Online Assessment Management System addresses these concerns. (01/23/08)
I am a second grade teacher in Philadelphia and I am using a spreadsheet to grade the activities giving the different weights. I can enhance it I am sure. (01/23/08)
We are using the Standards-Based Progress Report (SBPR). Teachers are struggling for a grade from Everyday Mathematics to put on the SBPR. Any ideas? (10/24/07)
We use a standards-based reporting system, and I encourage teachers to use option two found on page 27 in the Assessment Handbook as another way of grading. We are currently using EM, 3rd edition so I have aligned the unit tests to correlate with our state standards, and Part A is graded on a conversion chart to calculate a rubric grade. Our standards-based reporting system allows teachers to use several options for inputting grades so the Adequate Progress and Not Adequate Progress can be translated to a checklist in out system. (10/24/07)
We have been using Everyday Mathematics for a couple of years now and we were doing OK with a report card based on Beginning, Developing, and Secure. Now we have the new version and we have no idea how to come up with a grade. (08/30/07)
In the Assessment Handbook there is a page called, Options for Recording Data on Checklists. In my 4th grade book it is on page 27. There is an option for defining Adequate Progress on a 4 point continuum so that you have some flexibility with how you report how students are doing. In our district our report card has descriptors (Emerging, Progressing, Achieving, Extending) and the rubric in the assessment book is going to be very beneficial to our teachers. In the Frequently Asked Questions section, one of the questions defines what Adequate Progress means, and that was also helpful for our teachers to read and understand. (07/31/07)
We used EM, 3rd edition this year. My recommendation is to keep your Beginning-Developing-Secure (BDS) alignment active as you transition to Adequate Progress-Not Adequate Progressmeet. EM2 and 3 align very well so BDS will still work since you already know the program. I appreciated the "facelift" and "upgrades" in EM3 but I do miss BDS, especially in assessment conferences. (07/11/07)
I'm curious as to what other districts that are unable to purchase the 2012 edition of Everyday Mathematics are doing. I know they provided us with unit/lesson changes and additions, but they did not tell us exactly where the change was in the lesson. What are other districts doing to incorporate the changes of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) to the 2007 edition and have you taken out lessons in order to add in the changes, such as the Algorithm Projects? (10/03/11)
There is a crosswalk on the everydaymathonline website. It aligns both the Math and ELA Common Core standards for all grade levels. It is fantastic. In order to view it, you need to have your username and password to the online site to login. (10/03/11)
Has anyone seen a correlation between the new Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and Everyday Mathematics? (11/23/10)
Yes, Wright Group has one. Contact your rep. (11/23/10)
Many of you have inquired about the Common Core State Standards and Everyday Mathematics. McGraw-Hill Education and the Everyday Mathematics authors are currently reviewing the Common Core State Standards and each grade level. We are working on a plan that includes both a correlation and the creation of any additional content by grade level needed for the program to completely align to the Common Core State Standards. Since EM is a research based program it takes time to complete this task. Both the final correlation and any additional content needed will be available by Spring of 2011, if not sooner. Initial alignment information will be available this fall. Please stay in touch with your sales representative for information moving forward. (06/28/10)
In terms of the entire set of Common Core State Standards, we believe that we are going to proceed by taking each of the grade-level standards and developing local, quarterly sub-goals. We will then develop local formative assessments to measure each of the quarterly sub-goals. It is an ambitious project that we believe will take 2 - 3 years to complete. With EM we will also have to identify where the Common Core State Standards are found within the EM curriculum and make adjustments accordingly. (06/26/10)
I am looking for pacing guides for the new Common Core State Standards (CCSS) edition. Does anyone know where I can find them? (10/17/11)
They are on the Grade-Level Goals Poster. (10/17/11)
I have also attached a pacing chart for the new CCSS edition, which will also show the number of lessons at each grade level. (10/17/11)
EM-CCSS Edition Pacing Guide.pdf
Thank you for providing the document called Everyday Mathematics and the Standards for Mathematical Practice on your website. We have found it to be very helpful, and we are particularly interested in the Guiding Questions (beginning on page 11) but see that they are only available for units 1 and 2. When will they be available for units 3 and beyond? (11/07/11)
We spent time this fall field testing the Guiding Questions for Units 1 and 2. We are in the process of examining the feedback and looking at the current structure. We will write Guiding Questions for the rest of the units at each grade and make these available as soon as they are ready, hopefully in early 2012. (11/09/11)
I help out with schools districts each Spring to plan a math enrichment day based around a theme. It is for 4-6th Graders, and we have around 200 attend. We have done the following projects so far: building a bridge, making a quilt, and spending a million dollars. Does anyone have any other suggestions? The students work in small cross-grade level groups to complete the projects and have approximately 5 hours to finish them. (12/19/08)
You might want to look into the book One Hen, which talks about microfinance for children. There is a website that links to it, and I know that other people have done roll playing with junior high students. Additionally you may want to look at Opportunity International's information on their micro loans. (12/19/08)
How about making a tesselating geometric faux stain glass window to cover a main window in the school. You can use clear overhead transparencies, permanent sharpie markers, and the geometry templates along with a small tesselating pattern that all levels can do. (12/19/09)
Any ideas for adapting the hundreds grid for a blind first grader? She is not yet proficient with Braille. (02/15/08)
I haven't tried it, but could you trace the numbers with puffy paint? (02/15/08)
What about Wikki Stix? If you haven't heard of this product before, it is a wax-covered yarn that can be manipulated into any shape and will attach to paper. Here is a website you can check out for more information: http://www.wikkistix.com/sightimpaired.htm (02/17/08)
For the person looking for information on adapting the 100 chart for a blind student, I asked a friend who works with a blind student about what she did for this child in first grade oncerning the number grid. This is her response: The 100's chart is a visual tool, but I do believe we adapted it for A. I used a large piece of Braille graph paper and sticky Braille paper, Brailling the numbers, cutting and then sticking on the graph paper. The main reason for doing this was probably because everyone else would have one. It probably would be helpful, but if the child is not proficient in reading Braille, quite difficult. Hopefully they are working with the abacus, as that is a very important tool for learning math for a student with visual impairments. Forces them to learn their 10's factors quickly! (02/19/08)
My first grade team is very concerned about their students who are lower-functioning. They feel that these learners have difficulty with the fast-paced spiraling curriculum. Just when they start to understand a concept, they quickly have to shift gears and end up frustrated. I tried to reassure the teachers and give them suggestions for scaffolding and differentiating, but since I have not taught this program to younger children, I wasn't sure what else to say. (01/06/10)
Make sure they are using the games suggested in the program. It is in the game playing that the students get their skill practice and reinforce their understanding of number facts. (01/06/10)
I agree about the games as a critical tool for understanding. However, children struggling with concepts and knowledge need to be assisted so that they are not practicing errors during games. I like to pair them with someone who can help them during the game, give them props to help them more accurately play the games. For example, with coins, I tape coins (heads and tails) on tag board with the coin name and value written along with the coin and laminate this. This way, the children who struggle with identifying coins and remembering their values can play games like Penny-Nickel Grab, etc. Another way to help these students succeed is to add to the Mental Math problems you know they can solve and call on them to answer these questions. (01/07/10)
Tell them to trust the spiral. Each concept will be presented at least five times before mastery is expected. They are not expected to completely understand a concept the first time it is presented. It is simply an introduction and students will revisit it over and over before they are expected to completely understand it. (01/06/10)
I teach 2nd grade and we have the same struggles with some of our students. I pay close attention to the Math Box pages because they repeat the information learned in previous lessons and that gives us chances to revisit skills that may not have been retained when first introduced. Passage of time and maturity helps, and you may find that a student who struggles with a concept has finally picked it up a month later when working a similar problem in a Math Box. The skills book is also excellent for giving extra practice on specific skills, especially for those who need extra practice and more time to absorb the information. But, bottom line is that the spiraling curriculum works, but a critical component is that the student remain in that same school environment from one year to the next, staying with Everyday Mathematics. (01/06/10)
Everyday Mathematics isn't really designed to be an intervention for really struggling students, so if you have students who are really below grade level (and may be being tested for special ed, etc), it may be lacking in resources. However, one approach that is brought up quite a bit is using the Readiness activities in part three to preteach topics. In that way, students will have better background coming in. (01/08/10)
We are using Math Addvantage to assess and do interventions for primary and intermediate students who need remediation that includes multiplication and division. Intensive training but excellent. (01/08/10)
I will have a student who will need to respond to all Math Journal items and Study Links on a computer. Is there already a disk that has the pages ready for this application? (06/15/11)
We have this exact same issue and have been struggling to find an answer. Just yesterday, we learned that there is something called Book Share which is a subscription service that works with curriculum for this very purpose. Contact your special education department for guidance. (06/16/11)
You can scan the journal pages and create a word document or use Smartboard or Promethean technology for the student. (11/22/08)
I might look into scanning it into a program like Kurzweil. In our state, we are able to access Assistive Technology Teams that can assist teachers in finding ways to provide accommodations that students need. They do not need to be eligible for Individualized Education Program (IEP) services to access this team. Another thing to consider is whether the student has an IEP or 504 plan, where you could consider the student eligible for the National Instructional Materials Accessibility Standard (NIMAS). (11/25/09)
You might look or contact Infinitec (www.infinitec.org/). They have many types of assistive devices and programs with their target being students with disabilities. They may even have what you need. (05/19/10)
Our assistive technology teacher uses Adobe LiveCycle Designer 8.0 to add numeric and text fields to pdfs so kids could enter answers on the computer, then print out their completed sheets. (06/20/10)
I have taught with Everyday Mathematics for a few years now, but am struggling in teaching my class of 29 second graders (a number of them are "at-risk"). I have tried 1/2 and 1/2 (1/2 with me and 1/2 doing Math Boxes and math games then flip-flopping), whole class on carpet (bringing Math Message booklets and Math Journals), working together on the projector (ELMO), and whole group at seats using the ELMO. (09/07/07)
The largest class of 2nd or 3rd graders that I ever taught was 26, but here are some ways I tried to differentiate: * use cooperative group seating arrangements so that your more at-risk students are mixed with more capable students. Games, journal pages, and Math Boxes can be completed cooperatively with support. * teach Part 1 of the lesson with the whole class, circulating and monitoring. Then, as you assign either independent journal pages or Math Boxes, pull a small group of at-risk students to a separate table to work with you. More capable students can be identified as "checkers" to help on- or above-grade level students while you are occupied. On- and above-grade level students can also work on journal pages with partners while you have your small group separated and working with you. * use enrichment activities from Part 3 of the lesson to create yet another small group that can work independently while you support the less capable students * play games a minimum of 60 minutes a week. Use games as entry task or center time, include 10 minutes at the beginning or end of 2-3 lessons a week and include the 20 minutes of games that are introduced in the lessons. If your students are seated in a good mix, they can play with their table partner quickly without loss of instructional time. (09/07/07)
I would like to hear comments from Everyday Mathematics teachers and consultants regarding the unilateral decision by the Special Education Department in my district to pull all special education students, K-12, with learning disabilities from EM and put them in Saxon. I think that especially with the enhanced differentiation component in the 2007 edition there is no need to do this and fear that this will mean they will require pull-out math for the rest of their schooling as they will have missed all the EM instruction, routines, vocab, etc. What do other school districts do? (09/12/07)
Our Special Education Department uses EM, either with pull-outs in the resource room or ed-techs in the classroom, depending on the child. (09/12/07)
Our district attempts in all cases to use Everyday Mathematics for exactly the reasons stated. They need to be involved in the routines of EM to have success. (09/12/07)
I have one word for your special education group--EQUITY. They have totally lost that when they choose to change a program and instructional style that is different than the main population. Many special education groups choose procedural/non-application style programs because they either a) don't understand the way our number system works so they themselves rely on rules vs. logic or b) they still believe everyone in special education can't reason beyond basic rote. Neither is acceptable and will show up very clearly on your testing data. Speaking of data, it would be smart for these folks to research the data of Saxon schools and National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) results and compare this to EM results. It is hard for me to believe anyone in your state Department of Education would support this decision as it smacks a bit like bias and moves back to pull-out vs. push-in. Maine is one of the leaders of math reform, and this is not a reformed move. My own experience in one school is that a 4th grade student showed eligibility for special education support, but found that EM methods were easier to use and produced more correct solutions than the expected traditional algorithm taught in the resource room. This happens over and over in my tutoring experiences. I have even helped high school teachers understand the workings of algorithms and the sensibility of them, so their students can regenerate their formulas and rules on their own. I apologize for my tone, but find that this question still surprises me. Having used Saxon and EM, I know there is no comparison. I also know that all students can do and appreciate math--not just arithmetic. (09/12/07)
I so whole heartily agree with the previous message about EM and special education. I have witnessed over and over how understanding works ever so much better for special education children than drill and kill. This is not surprising as it is the same for all children. Many of our special education teachers here in Anchorage use EM. How in the world are we preparing students in special education to return to the classroom where EM is being taught if our special education teachers do not use it as well. In schools where teachers are willing to arrange all math at a grade level at the same time and cooperatively plan so they are all on the same lesson (sure helps with the pacing), I recommend the students stay in the classroom for the presentation of the lesson with all other children. The special education teacher should vary the room she is in for the presentation. Then based on the difficulty of the topic the special education children may or may not be pulled out. If they are pulled out, the pull-out time is broken into 3 fifteen minute periods. Part I should be used for sticking with the goal and vocabulary of the lesson even if it means the same goal from a lower grade level. Part II should be used for filling in the potholes. These are mini lessons or EM games to pick up holes in learning from previous years. Part III should be used to pre-teach vocabulary and the main ideas for next lesson so that the students will have an edge in class the next day. (09/12/07)
For the past two years, I have been an inclusion teacher in 4th grade. The resource teachers come to my room to service their students. All of the resource students are placed in one class for each grade, then into an overflow class. Usually the ones who require the most hours are in one class, and the ones requiring fewer hours are in the 2nd class. The results we have gotten with supporting students using only EM in the classroom are phenomenal. Our resource students scored a whopping 40% higher than the rest of that subgroup in our very large county in standardized testing in math. For several years the support teachers grappled with whether the students needed an additional program or if supporting EM with re-teaching and differentiating instruction in small groups would work. Using EM works. When you remove the low performing students from classroom instruction, you take the big picture away from them. The resource kids hear the same large group lessons that everyone else hears. Many times they can be successful in conceptual areas that do not relate to their area of weakness. They feel part of the whole class. There are so many benefits to keeping them in the classroom. The extra hands (teachers) give me more time with the high performing students, we all teach everyone. (09/12/07)
You may want to visit the following website from the What Works Clearinghouse (WWC): (http://ies.ed.gov/ncee/wwc/reports/elementary_math/eday_math/effectiveness.asp). The WWC rates interventions as positive, potentially positive, mixed, no discernible effects, potentially negative, or negative. The rating of effectiveness takes into account four factors: the quality of the research design, the statistical significance of the findings (as calculated by the WWC), the size of the differences between participants in the intervention condition and the comparison condition, and the consistency of the findings across studies (see the WWC Intervention Rating Scheme). The WWC found Everyday Mathematics to have potentially positive effects on math achievement. According to the website, Saxon is listed as having "no discernable effects." (http://ies.ed.gov/ncee/wwc/reports/elementary_math/sesm/index.asp). I hope this information in addition to the other wonderful information that has been posted will help you in your dialogue with your district. (09/20/07)
Do any of your districts use different resources with your learning support/Tier 3 students besides Everyday Mathematics? Do you know of a curriculum that is directly related to EM, but is geared to this population? (02/24/10)
Our district is in the implementation phase of Help Math, a software program designed to meet the needs of the English Learners population. The company (Digital Directions) claims that their program also supports the learning needs of struggling students. (02/24/10)
I am one of the many consultants that train for McGraw-Hill for Everyday Mathematics, as well as an intervention program called, Number Worlds. There is a correlation that was created by McGraw-Hill for Number Worlds to EM. I am actually working independently as a math coach for several school districts in OH and 2 of them use EM along with Number Worlds. We have watched Tier III students grow with the use of both programs. (02/24/10)
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to effectively co-teach (special education and regular education in one classroom) Everyday Mathematics during a 45 minute class period? What is the role of each teacher? I was just wondering what teachers who have been there have done in the past. (08/27/07)
I worked with a special education teacher and she would do a preview with students. She would make sure the students had vocabulary and would do a mini lesson before the full instruction happened in the classroom. It was very helpful and the students felt successful as they were able to answer some of the questions. She would also accomodate their learning styles by using manipulatives when necessary to build concepts. She also differentiated their Math Boxes and tests to match their number range. (08/27/07)
I have taught an inclusion class for the last 2 years. I had 90 minutes, as recommended by the EM program. After the warm-ups (Math Message, Mental Math), the class split in half. I taught Part 1 of the lesson to the higher performing students (on the floor in my large meeting area), while the resource teacher was overseeing and supporting games and Math Boxes at 2 different tables. I took 30 minutes for Part 1, but the games and Math Box tables switched after 15 minutes. Then after 30 minutes, the halves of the class switched, and I taught Part 1 to the lower students, while the other half of the class did Math Boxes and games. It may sound complicated, but it worked really well. My resource teacher was a planning wizard. This routine would change occasionally if the lesson was more appropriate to large group work, such as the compass work in the beginning of 4th grade. (08/28/07)
Does anyone have some ideas I can pass along to my Reading Recovery (RR) teachers? We've adopted the 3rd edition of Everyday Mathematics this year. To quote one of them, "I keep finding that I am modifying, adjusting, and adapting the EM materials constantly or using other materials. I am hoping to find a school district that successfully serves its Individualized Education Program (IEP) students with EM so I am not re-inventing the wheel." (04/23/08)
We have a teacher of the gifted in our district who somewhat informally compacts the curriculum. She gives the end of unit tests to her students and then determines which concepts and skills she can skip or skim over and which need more focus. She also uses Exemplar problems aligned to the Units. (04/24/08)
I do not understand this approach. I find that almost every EM lesson teaches, reviews, and/or introduces several skills, including many which aren't assessed on the specific end-of-unit assessments. While I agree that this approach would work well for traditional math programs, which offer one lesson on adding fractions, another lesson on subtracting fractions, etc., I don't see how EM lessons can be skipped based on pre- or post-assessments. (04/24/08)
I am a teacher of 4th and 5th grade highly and profoundly gifted students. We have those kids in a self-contained classroom. We teach 4th grade students out of the 5th grade math book and then the 5th grade students out of the 6th grade math book. Basically we skip an entire grade level (4th). These kids need only 3-4 repetitions to learn a new concept. We are in the middle of trying to figure out how to put together a solid pre-test to give us a better understanding of what the kids know and what they do not know. Presently, I have at any given time about 1/4 of my class working on a more complex activity related to the lesson I am teaching if they pretested out of the lesson. Even if they have demonstrated success in the pre-test, I still make them do the homework for the night (normally the Study Link) which helps me be more comfortable with their understanding level. We are not happy with this method and are looking for a better method. I don't want to compromise EM spiral philosophy, but these kids only need a few repetitions to master the material. (04/26/08)
You all may want to check out a newly released intervention program from Wright Group/McGraw-Hill called Pinpoint Math. (04/24/08)
Does anyone have suggestions on how to prioritize journal pages for students who are slow to finish or struggling learners? Or strategies to help those students get the paper and pencil work done faster? I know to look for the assessment items with the red star and make sure kids do those. But I have a cluster of low-performering students who often cannot finish their assignments in the time alloted in my school day. This is especially true if I pull them to work with them on the skill for the day. They have no time left for the Math Box page if I do the other pages with them. How can I decide which things to cut back on or how to get them up-to-date with their assignments? (11/01/08)
I would suggest reducing the amount of work. Not every problem on every journal page needs to be completed. The goal of every lesson is in the objective (located on the first page of each lesson), and the work all helps aim the student at that objective. If your students need extra processing time, they may also have problems with the written parts. In some cases you may be able to scribe for them or ask them questions about what they are doing to see if they are advancing towards the goal. I find that these types of learners do better by picking up the pace and doing other activities besides written work. (11/03/08)
I have my students highlight the priority boxes with the skills we have identified as ones they should be able to do NOW. The boxes we don't highlight should be left to last. That way, if they don't get something done, it will be something that will be taught again in later lessons. (11/03/08)
How are Special Education and Title I people in your districts using Everyday Mathematics, 3rd editon? (03/05/09)
Our special education tried the program, but decided their students couldn't do it. Our special education uses Triumphs. (03/05/09)
The district I used to work for is still using the second edition, but for some of the special education classes they would use the materials from the grade level below. They made really good use of the correlation chart that tells you what lessons in the previous grade correspond to the present lesson. So while they were following the grade-level goals, they often would use the lessons from the previous grade. (03/05/09)
EM3 is our adopted K-6 math program to support our aligned curriculum. It is assumed that ALL students will have access to that curriculum. We have only variations/accommodations on it. Our Individualized Education Program (IEP) subgroup in grades 3-5 made the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) target last year, even though it was higher. (03/05/09)
1. Do the readiness activities. 2. Look in the teaching manual at what goals must be attained and focus on those. 3. Use study hall or other time throughout the week to reteach concepts. 4. Incorporate other hands-on projects. For instance, when discussing supplementary and complementary angles have students take pictures of angles in the school/community and make a PowerPoint of their findings. 5. Give students a weekly check-up and have those that are "getting it" pair up with those that are not and they can be the teachers. 6. Shorten assignments, as long as they are practicing all required concepts. 7. Only have students do certain problems on Math Boxes that are part of the current unit or that they should have already mastered. 8. Use games to help get a concept across. 9. Do an example together and then have students work in partners on a similar problem. 10. Post online math games to a website for students to play at home. 11. Read the problems aloud. 12. Focus on the big picture and really hammer at those concepts! 13. Incorporate unitedstreaming and teachertube videos to reteach concepts or get students ready. (03/06/09)
I have taken the EM "Critical Building Blocks for Struggling Learners" and created a resource handbook for supporting EM in the regular classroom. Initially it went to special education staff, but it is also being used by math tutors and aides, graduation coaches, and after school program staff. The four building blocks are: 1) daily exposure to the number grid; 2) daily fact power practice; 3) repeated practice with EM templates ("What's My Rule?," Name Collection Boxes, and Frames and Arrows); 4) Mental Math. I added EM algorithms as a fifth section. I then cross-referenced these five areas with every lesson, game, home connection, and black line master at each grade level. Attached is a pdf of this list. (03/06/09)
I have a fifth grade special education teacher who is wondering how to help her autistic, very low-level boys. She has three in her class, and does not now how far down to drop the level of instruction so that they will realistically benefit. They have very low reading comprehension, and their math skills range from Kindergarten to early second grade. What resources are out there from Everyday Mathematics that will help these students and their teacher? (09/19/07)
I taught EM to an autistic boy two years ago. He was a first grader at the time, and we primarily worked through the first grade EM book. However, I learned very quickly that he had an enormously difficult time with any concept that was not presented to him physically whenever possible. He had to touch and manipulate things over and over to be able to connect with them. Even very basic addition and subtraction problems had to be continuously modeled for him, or he had to have the counters to work with when doing adding and subtracting problems. He never really moved past the need to have these items. I did introduce some Touch Math techniques with him, which helped the addition and subtraction. For the 5th grade teacher you are working with, I would recommend really keeping things as concrete as much as possible and for as long as possible so the students can attach meaning to the concepts. In addition, if it were me, I would use the lower level EM manuals to provide instruction closer to their current academic level. You could use the 5th grade curriculum as your starting point, but work backwards down the curriculum as far as you need in order to build on the skills where they currently are and to make the instruction more concrete. She will probably need to get her hands on some lower-level math journals, at least to make copies from, or use the Assessment Assistant CD to build her own materials. (09/20/07)
I teach a self-contained room for emotionally impaired K-2 children. Currently, all my students are in second grade, but they are functioning below grade level. I started the year teaching the first grade Everyday Mathematics curriculum, but as the year has progressed, two students are falling behind. One is finding it too easy (but is not quite ready for the 2nd grade material), and the rest are doing just fine with the normal pacing. How can I set up my math time to meet all of these needs? The EM lessons are so involved that I don't see how I can teach 3 separate lessons each day. I thought about having part of the group do math games while I teach the others. However, due to their behavior issues, they don't work well independently at all and find games extremely challenging and can lead to fighting, cheating, and angry outbursts. (11/18/09)
In the teachers manual, there are usually extensions that students can do if they already know the concept or caught on really quickly. One of my students already knew time to the hour, half hour, quarter hour and minute, so one of the activities was to have the student make a book about time. I had him draw him during certain times of the day using different types of time (hour, half-hour, etc.). (11/19/07)
I teach a "cross-categorical" special education room. I am currently "only" teaching two grade levels of EM at once, but last year I taught three grade levels in an hour. I did have an aide, but what worked best for me was to have the students work in stations. They did 20 minutes of direct instruction with me, 20 minutes of Math Journals or other seatwork, and 20 minutes of games either with the aide or on the computer. It was really hard for me to schedule lessons and games and Math Journal pages or worksheets so that I hit everyone's independent working ability level, but we got into a routine, and it seemed to work for us. Sometimes I spread the Exploration lessons out over 3 days as the "independent work time" or with the aide, while I went on with the other unit lessons. That helped us keep on pace a little. I also had a student to whom I taught 1st grade EM one year when he was a 2nd grader and then again the next year when he was a 3rd grader. That was a really good plan for him and I could see a lot of growth in him the second time through things. Because of his extremely low IQ, that made so much more sense than sending him on through the 2nd grade curriculum when he obviously was not ready. You could maybe have your other students doing "non-math" things during the time you are doing direct EM instruction with a small group. Whatever those "non-math" things are would depend on what skills your kids are best at doing independently, reading or spelling work for instance. Then, you could schedule a Math Journal time or something like that where everyone is working on their own level, but all at the same time so you could supervise and help as needed. It would spread your math time out, but I know for my special education kids, it's sometimes a challenge to keep them thinking about math things for an hour anyway. (11/21/07)
I teach first grade and have a student who is struggling with the Everyday Mathematics program because of fine motor control. Currently I am able to adapt for him by having him dictate answers to work in Math Boxes, journals, etc. I am not able to do this all the time and it takes away from independent or partner practice. With writing he uses a computer to type his work, which has helped tremendously. His family and I are looking for ways to make EM more accessible using the computer. He is able to play many of the games on the computer, as well as practice addition and subtraction problems using Math Facts in a Flash. He is missing out on the spiraling practice, though, by struggling with the journal. Has anyone found effective ways to move this daily practice to the computer? (04/12/07)
You might be able to scan pages into the computer and make them a word document or photocopy the pages and enlarge them for hard copy use. (04/13/07)
I'm a math coach. The Kindergarten teachers at my school have enjoyed the scaffolding within the Everyday Mathematics program. However, new students and some special needs students are having difficulty keeping pace with the program. Does anyone have any differentiation strategies that I can share with my colleagues? (11/01/07)
Math coaches can familiarize themselves with Section 5 in the Management Guide of the Teacher's Reference Manual-Early Childhood which is devoted to differentiating instruction in EM. In addition, coaches can emphasize the importance of Kindergarten staff exploring the Section Opener together when planning for the month. Teachers can incorporate the suggestions made on the Differentiated Instruction pages which refer specifically to ELL, Readiness, Connections, Extra Practice, Centers, and Technology support, in their respective lesson plans. Finally, Part B offers many teaching options which address individual needs. The Teacher's Guide to Activities also provides many highlighted planning tips in the margin, along with Adjusting the Activity notes throughout lessons which offer continuing notes on differentiating instruction. (11/01/07)
I'm teaching 5th Grade math this year to three sections of students. These students may be ability grouped. At my school, only 20% of students are proficient in math, according to the state tests. Will Everyday Mathematics be "too much" for my kids, the majority of whom are coming to be below grade level? (08/11/07)
I've only taught EM for one year, but I don't think it will be too much for them as far as the skills go. The skills are appropriate and the way they are presented is great for all levels of learners. By fifth grade, though, those who don't have the background of knowing their multiplication and division facts will be at a disadvantage, but those skills are still practiced some. I personally think the problem may come in with the amount of work required of them. Quite often, the lower level students are at a lower level because of the poor study habits they have used throughout their school years. It is a vicious cycle: It takes them longer to do their work so they aren't as likely to do it, so the work becomes harder and harder as they get further behind. You know the cycle. The necessary Home Links don't get done, the last of the journal isn't completed, etc. The games, at least, will help them because they are done in class and are a fun way to practice the content. Is there after-school tutoring that the students could go to? Could they stay after school with you to work on their skills or homework? Is there some way they could have some extra, supervised time during their school day to work on their Home Links or journals? If they have internet access at home, would they play the games online? Could you send home the family game kit? (08/13/07)
My resource room teachers working with struggling students would like a list from K- 5 of all the Multiage Classroom Companion Lessons so that they don't spend time searching through each volume and grade. Does Everyday Mathematics have this available? Or has anyone else made a list themselves? (11/19/09)
See attachment. (11/19/09)
5th Grade Multiage Classrooms Companion Lessons.xls
Our Academic Intervention Services (AIS) program is K-5 in our elementary building is serviced mainly by 3 teachers. Our schedule is made up of an array of structures. We ability group Everyday Mathematics in grades 2-5, so each of us have a low group of 10-15 kids with an aide or another teacher. We also have Special Education teachers servicing at the low levels. Two of us push-in to a primary class for one period and teach. The rest of our day is made up of pulling students out of the classroom on a rotating schedule. We service kids on a needs basis. We see most kids only once a week, but in a small group ranging from 1 - 3. Some students I see all the time, while other students may only be seen for a small period of time on a specific topic. It makes for a crazy, always changing schedule! Next year we will be cut to 1 1/2 providers, so I'd love to hear how other school district run AIS math. Does anyone use the computer lab as a resource? If so, is there a specific program you use for support? I do recommend that if you have a choice, pushing into primary classrooms (reaching problems before they develop fully in the upper grades) should be part of your program. It has been a positive experience and an avenue that has really benefited the kids. (02/28/08)
My district has no math or reading support for Response to Intervention (RtI) right now, except for Title I schools. I would be very interested in knowing just how other districts are funding their math and reading specialists to help with all this extra intervention. (02/29/08)
We have recently hit upon a strategy for Response to Intervention (RtI) that we are excited about using. Because of the nature of EM, we decided that having a different program for Tier 1 or Tier 2 intervention would confuse the struggling students even more. Therefore, we utilize EM for these two tiers of intervention. Twenty minutes each day is set aside for RtI. In second grade, we are using the Readiness portion of Part 3 to support our Tier 1 RtI learners and the compatible EM first grade lesson to support Tier 2 learners. Tier 3 learners are completely pulled out and have a separate curriculum, so we do not service them in our classroom. I also have the gifted and talented students in my classroom. A typical Math Activities session - as I have named it for my second grade students - is planned thusly: Enrichment Group: Grade 2 EM Part 3 Enrichment activities (Independent work); Practice Group: Grade 2 EM Part 3 Extra Practice activities OR compatible activities to practice skills (Independent work); Tier 1 Intervention: Grade 2 EM Part 3 Readiness activities OR Math Game to support skills (with classroom assistant); Tier 2 Intervention: Grade 1 EM compatible lesson (can be found in planning section of Teacher's Lesson Guide). We have used the Assessment Assistant CD to create pretests for each unit based on the grade level goals. At this point, this is our only way of collecting data. We are still working on finding a better way to do that so we can track progress by looking at a chart or grid. I'd be interested in anyone's thoughts on that! It's a start, and we really think it's on the right track. The EM material is all there and very good. You may have to find some supplemental materials if Part 3 doesn't have Extra Practice or Readiness, but not very often. (02/29/08)
I have been doing math remediation for 15 years. Currently, a teacher assistant and myself serve students from K-6. This year we have intensified our support for Kindergarten so that we can do more early intervention. Our program is very multifaceted in order to meet the needs of our students. Each year we meet with the classroom teachers to discuss times for push-in or pull-out opportunities. In order to accommodate all our classes, I work in 30-minute periods. I try to schedule at least one pull-out per week so that I can work in small groups with manipulatives close by. During this time, I try to either reinforce what they have just done in the class, or I preview a skill or game that they will encounter in the next couple days. The students really enjoy learning ahead of time and can often become the "go to" person during whole class instruction, which they love. There are a lot of great activities listed in the EM Teachers Lesson Guide in Part 3 of the lessons that I use more and more frequently for pre-teaching or reinforcement. I keep of checklist of secure skills for each grade level so that I can track how students are progressing in those important areas. I also occasionally schedule the computer lab to allow students to play EM math games. If I do this, I try to focus on one game that supports the unit they are working on and help them with strategies. I also have a math lab at the end of each day and students can come and get more individualized help with classwork or homework. This period also works well when students have been absent and need to make up work. (02/29/08)
Our school has used EM for many years, and this year we developed a Math Lab for K-2 students. Weak skills are identified through baseline assessments in the beginning of the year and unit assessments throughout the year. I see small groups of kids all needing the same skill usually 3x a week, which involves an EM lesson, more practice, and games. When the skill seems secure, I give an exit slip which is the same or similar to the initial problem on the unit assessment. The groups are flexible and revolving, depending on the needs of the students. I have worked out a schedule with the 16 classroom teachers, and take the kids when they are not having math in the classroom. So far this intervention seems to be working very well. (02/29/08)
Our district is in the process of adopting the Everyday Mathematics program in Kindergarten through 5th grade. Recently, some of our special education teachers questioned the program's appropriateness for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Specifically, they're concerned about the many transitions in a typical EM lesson. How are other districts dealing with this? Have others found EM to be the appropriate program for children with ASD? What modifications have they made to help children with ASD be successful? (05/07/08)
I am speaking as a 2nd grade teacher of a child that is on the autism spectrum. My district is not "dealing with this" as you put it. It is up to the teacher. He is a bright child child who does very well in all other academic areas. However, math frustrates him on an almost daily basis because of how abstract it can be. Some modifications I've made are to try to find one-on-one time when I can, use small group instruction, and supplement different areas (especially with time and money). EM does not correlate with our state's Grade Level Content Expectations (GLCE) and the district report card, so I focus mainly on the objectives that he should be secure with on the report card. He may miss items in the Math Journal that are not on the report card in order to receive a little bit more practice on items that are on the report card. (05/07/08)
We have a blind student who will need modified Everyday Mathematics materials next year. Does anyone how to access these materials? (05/30/07)
We have a third grade child who is going blind. We enlarge all of his materials. That works for him. (05/30/07)
What are some suggestions for our teachers who are working with learning support students that are several grade levels below their on-grade level counterparts? Based on the Individualized Education Program (IEP), we have a group of students who are being pulled, and we are not sure whether to keep them at EM 6th grade materials or to instruct them using the grade level material that matches their ability. Any suggestions would be appreciated. (09/04/08)
I have been teaching 6th grade EDM for 5 years now. With the third edition of the series, a readiness section is included (I honestly can't remember whether it was in the 2nd edition). I use these activities to preteach my strugglers the day before the lesson (or if time did not permit me to meet with them the day before, I work with them while the rest of the students are working on the math message). I find that it helps to tap their background knowledge of the concept being addressed and boosts their confidence as well. I use this with all of my students who are struggling, not just kiddos in Sped. I have used material from other grades in the past, but especially for sixth graders who are self-concious about being labeled to begin with, I find that bridging the gap between what they know and don't know is more effective. (09/04/08)
I teach a group of 2nd and 3rd graders on IEPs doing pull-out instruction on EM. I have one hour for this and an aide. My 3rd graders work in the 3rd grade book, two of my 2nd graders work in the 2nd grade book, and one is working in the 1st grade book. (He worked through the 1st grade book with me last year, too, but mastered so little of the content that it didn't make any sense for him to go into the 2nd grade book this year. We are able to "skip through" some of the very basic things, but overall, I am sticking pretty close to the 1st grade lessons for him again.) I try to keep my students working in the grade level book for the grade they are, but sometimes that just isn't going to be the best use of time for my students. But, regardless of what grade level manual I am teaching from, I end up modifying many things along the way to fit the needs of each child. What I have done for the past several years is to divide my EM hour into 3 twenty-minute blocks of time and we do rotations. During one station, I teach the lesson for the day to one of the groups. Primarily I focus on Part 1 of the lesson. Sometimes I get to Part 2, but not always. At another station, my students either play the EM math games on CD on my computers, or they play an EM math game with a partner. If there is a game that goes along with the lesson for the day, they play that, but we frequently pull in other games as well for review. For the third station, the students work on the Math Journal pages that go along with the lesson for the day. Of course, all of this is pretty flexible, because sometimes it's easier for the aide to play the game with the whole group instead of having them play alone, or sometimes the Math Journal pages take longer than I expected and we don't get to the games that day. This system has worked reasonably well for me so far. This is probably the 4th or 5th year that I have taught EM to multiple grade levels at the same time during an hour. I do a lot of adjusting of the curriculum to fit the specific needs of each student. I change Math Journal problems for students who aren't ready for a particular skill. For example, my 2nd graders can generally solve the "Whats My Rule?" problems when the rule is given, but they can almost never figure out the rule themselves. So, for those problems, I either fill in the rule or I create a separate worksheet for them with the same skill but at their level. I have a 3rd grader who works very slowly, but is fairly accurate, so he almost never has to do the same amount of problems as the other students in his group. I try to follow as closely as I can to the time schedule of the regular classroom teachers, but I am usually behind them. I have taken a workshop specifically in differentiating instruction for the EM curriculum. That was fairly helpful. One of the good things about EM, especially for the younger students is the use of routines. For example, if you get your EM time set up so that the first 3-5 minutes are spent doing the same routine every time, I've found that those skills become a part of student knowledge pretty quickly. For example, right now my 3rd graders are having a terrible time with putting 4-digit numbers in order from smallest to largest, and they are also really struggling with knowing "10 more" or "10 less" than a number. So, every morning, the first thing they do when they come to my room is grab their dry-erase boards and markers and spend about 3 minutes on the "board work" that I put on my chalkboard dealing with one of those two skills. I try to pick things that come up frequently in Math Boxes. One of my biggest frustrations with EM and the spiral curriculum is that my students usually have a very difficult time "jumping around" from topic to topic within a lesson. For example, one lesson in first grade covers Frames and Arrows, adding on a number grid, and skip counting on a number line. The next day, the lesson may cover skip counting on a calculator, subtracting on the number grid, and then penny-nickel exchange. That's too much for my students to wrap their minds around each day and not enough continuity. In the spiral curriculum, you also have to be comfortable with the fact that you do not teach to mastery every time you have a topic covered in a lesson. For special education students, this can be good, because our students don't usually "get" mastery on the first time something is introduced. At the same time, it's frustrating for them to have to switch topics repeatedly within one lesson. This is primarily why I focus on Part 1 of the lesson and make sure that within a unit I am putting most emphasis on the "starred skill" goals in that unit. When I am working with the 3rd graders, I will often look into the 2nd grade manual to come up with ideas for games that build on skills that the 3rd graders are weak in. The 3rd grade manual gives examples for each unit of where specifically to look in prior and future grade levels to make connections easier to find. As with any math series, you can also make adjustments for things like place value. If the lesson calls for teaching and ordering numbers with 5 or 6 digits, we may just work with numbers with 3 or 4 digits or whatever is appropriate for those students. Another thing that I do with my third graders a little is allow use of a calculator for some of the activities. My students are probably never going to memorize their multiplication and division facts (let alone addition and subtraction), but if they can read/hear a "word problem" and know what operation to do to solve the problem, then I am happy with that, and then they can use their calculator. We don't do this every time, but often. I do introduce the alternate algorithms that EM focuses on, but I do not require them to solve a particular problem by a specific method. I usually end up making all of my own quizzes and unit assessments that both hit the main goals of each unit and that addresses the particular needs of each of my students. (09/10/08)
Our district behavior specialist approached me yesterday with two separate issues. I would love some input on how to support these students with Everyday Mathematics. 1) Our students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) are really struggling with the transitions with EM. Moving from slate (Mental Math/Math Message) to group learning and manipulatives for Part 1 instruction, then to the Math Journal, and finally games is very overwhelming to them. Generally, our students without these types of special needs are flourishing and seeing great success with EM. However, I would love some ideas on how to help students who struggle with transitions and the frequent change of topics/materials. For more information, our schools are full inclusion, so these students participate in the general population math class (sometimes with/sometimes without a resource teacher). 2) Some of our general population and advanced placement students are also struggling with the EM curriculum. For students who have perfectionistic tendencies, moving on to a topic before full mastery can be devastating for them. We have a few students who have really shut down because they are overwhelmed with the spiral, which often doesnt teach to mastery immediately. Has anyone found a way to support these students with EM? (11/12/10)
Using cards that students can turn over as flip cards help students transition (on one side the card says slate work with a time frame indicated, on the other side the card says math instruction). The use of classroom routines can help, for some ASD students a daily checklist helps them transition. One teacher who has had several perfectionist students has the perfectionist students work together to compare answers as a means of support (11/12/10)
I'm wondering what resources people use when compacting 2 years of material into one? I am primarily looking at a group of 3rd graders who will skip the grade 3 book and move straight into the grade 4 book. Similarly, a group of 4th graders skipping to grade 5. Does anyone have a document prepared that helps the teacher with this transition? Are there good online resources people have used that are helpful? (07/22/10)
Begin fourth grade in the third grade year, and then complete grade 4 and all of grade 5 in the fourth grade year, so that in fifth grade the students are doing all of the grade 6 curriculum. We only do this with our top 5%. They can keep up with the accelerated pace. (07/22/10)
We have the 4th graders skip the 4th grade year and go right to fifth grade. We spend more time in the factors and multiplication facts as well as mathematical thinking at the beginning of the year. We also spend a while with the long division to help them get comfortable with that. By the end of the year, we whiz through the last couple of chapters and have 2-4 weeks left of the year for fun projects. (07/22/10)
Our district does Everyday Mathematics, K-5. EM was made for full day Kindergarten. Our Kindergarten is half day. Is there anyone out there that uses the EM for half day Kindergarten, and if so, did you take out lessons or do you teach every lesson? (10/14/10)
We have the same situation at our school. Our school has agreed to teach 80% of the curriculum. I present part of every lesson. I do the core activity and the routines each day (survey happens once a week, jobs changer happens once a week). I rarely get to use the Minute Math book, however we do play lots of number sense games, such as I Spy and other quick math games during spare moments. I teach about 4 lessons a week and have a parent helper twice a week help us to play games and do more involved activities. I do some of the teaching options on some days. At our school we do not give homework in kindergarten, so I also omit those activities; however I send them home, so families can choose to do them if they are interested. I also pick and choose parts of the projects. We had an EM consultant come and talk to our school about the program. I was advised to do the main activity and try to do 1 option for each lesson, as well as the routines. (10/14/10)
Does anyone have any experience or suggestions with compacting curriculum in grades K-2? We have a small group of students doing some compacting in Grade 3 and doing some enrichment, and now our Gifted & Talented staff want to do something similar K-2. (05/03/11)
I have been teaching EM for 12 years now, in two different districts at several different grade levels. This year, after earning my gifted certification, I really delved into compacting. I have second and third grade students in my math class. (A high second grader and a high third grader from another class come to my third grade class just for math.) Anyway, I start my lesson with the whole class with a slate activity. After a brief teacher led lesson, I split my students into ability groups based on a unit pretest. Each group has journal pages to complete at their desk, a game at the carpet to practice fact mastery (all EM games are very easy to differentiate and if played daily really help with fact mastery), and a teacher-led center where I can really differentiate. The children rotate among these three stations in groups of 4 to 6. Heres an example of yesterdays lesson: Teacher center: students in the high group learned to add integers using spiders and snakes and then were able to compute a solution to a number model such as (-9) + 12 = 3; students in the low group used a number line to add integers; students in a third group were still having trouble with a previous concept in the unit, so I added that to their small group lesson. Game: students played Name That Number. The higher groups had to use at least two operations and four cards. Journal: All students completed Math Box pages (this is so vital for everyone with the spiraled review). Many of my lessons come from the projects in the Teachers Lesson Guide, Open Response questions, and the Enrichment section. I also love the Internet when planning for this type of differentiation. (05/04/11)
My administrators want us to compress the Everyday Mathematics curriculum so that the students will complete this year's work by March (when we do the state test) and then start the next year's curriculum in April so that the following years students will complete the curriculum in time for the state testing of that grade. This means that every year the students will all start the following year's curriculum in April. However, Kindergarten will have to compress their curriculum every year. EM is already a tough curriculum. I am a Kindergarten teacher and I know this isn't appropriate for kindergarten but I also think it isn't appropriate for any grade. It certainly isn't taking into account individual needs of the students. Does anyone have any research/information that we can use to support our opposition to this idea? (08/28/07)
I think a much better idea would be to align the EM program with the state tests, and determine which skills on the test will not be covered in the chapters taught before March. Then teachers can jump ahead to those particular skills and be sure that they are addressed. I think if you do this, you will realize that there are very few new skills taught in the latter chapters, thus illuminating the need to compress. Sounds much easier than having each teacher teach two different grade levels and making sure they have all the necessary materials, etc. (08/29/07)
The gifted/talented teachers in my district have asked me to present a 30-40 minute session to a group of about 35 classroom teachers on compacting the Everyday Mathematics curriculum. Do any of you have knowledge or experiences that you would be willing to share related to compacting EM? (02/27/07)
We compact EM for some of our high ability students, either individual lessons or sometimes an entire unit. First of all, we give unit pretests to see which lessons within a unit a student has mastered and then compact those lessons. We look through each lesson and consider which parts/problems are repetition of previous concepts learned, and typically cut out most of that. Since it is a spiral curriculum, we don't cut out all the repetition though. We do brief reviews and then move on. For the journal pages of a mastered lesson, we will only have the students do the most difficult problems. Many times there are numerous problems that deal with the same concept/skill. Gifted students typically need to do something 1-2 times before they "get" it, so we might have them do 4 of 10 problems, make sure they understand the concept, and then not require them to do more in that page/lesson. Then, depending on the student/class/unit, we will either have them move onto the next lesson, or we will bring in some related materials that take the concept a step further. We try to use the enrichment opportunities from the curriculum as much as possible, but sometimes our gifted kids need more of a challenge. This is a process that we feel has to be fairly individualized. We really have to know where a kid is at before we'll compact, and we observe carefully while they're moving through the compacted lessons. We have often flexed kids in and out of compacting within one given unit. (02/28/07)
In the August 2006 issue of National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) publication, Teaching Children Mathematics, there is a fabulous article about how one school provided for their highly capable math students. The article is titled "Differentiating the Curriculum for Elementary Gifted Mathematics Students." (02/28/07)
Does anyone know of any interactive websites or computer programs that help elementary students, especially English Language Learners (ELLs), develop math vocabulary? (05/13/08)
This one is awesome! http://www.amathsdictionaryforkids.com/ (05/14/08)
Harcourt's Multimedia Math Glossary http://www.hbschool.com/glossary/math2/index_temp.html A Maths Dictionary http://www.amathsdictionaryforkids.com/ Math Words http://www.mathwords.com/ Very complex (and amazing): Connecting Mathematics http://thesaurus.maths.org/mmkb/view.html?resource=index (05/14/08)
I have a second grade teacher looking for parent resources written in Spanish. Any help? (11/09/11)
This link will take you to parent help (Spanish option) for second grade: http://everydaymath.uchicago.edu/parents/homework_help/2nd_grade/ (11/09/11)
You can find the family letters here: http://everydaymath.uchicago.edu/educators/grade_specific/ (11/09/11)
Here is the link for the Spanish and English Family Letters. Many teachers want to send the Family Letters through email for those that have email or link them on their website. They are also on the new eSuites. http://everydaymath.uchicago.edu/parents/family_letters/ (11/09/11)
Does anyone know of a way to translate Home Links/Study Links to other languages, or has anyone done this? I am thinking for kids whose parents are not fluent in English. Maybe this is more of a challenge at the younger levels? Has anyone experienced this in their program? (10/05/09)
You can do it in many languages if you purchase the eSuite. (10/05/09)
I am an Instructional Coach at an elementary school that will begin a dual immersion program next year beginning with 1st grade and adding 2nd grade the following year. Half of the students would be English speaking and the other half Spanish. One model we are looking at has students learning Language Arts in English and Math in Spanish. We are using the Everyday Mathematics program. I would be interested in any comments/concerns regarding this model, and if anyone has had experiences similar to this. (12/03/08)
We have done that. It has been successful. We sometimes do math homework in English and do some test prep in English. We do English Language Arts, Spanish Language Arts, Math in Spanish. This is 3rd grade and up. Below that English is only a small percentage of the day and done orally. They begin English reading in 3rd grade. (12/03/08)
We tried that for several years and found that the math suffered a lot. The conversation, problem solving, and instruction was too much for the students to handle in Spanish, because math is more than just numbers or computation, and the students couldn't converse. We have switched to doing the math in English, and that has made a huge difference. The same has also been true with the Japanese immersion program, so they are also doing the math in English now. Once they have a strong enough language base (middle school) it was not a problem, but the model is also different in middle school. (12/03/08)
I teach at an International Baccalaureate (IB) elementary school in Colorado. We have had an immersion program for 11 years now serving 1st through 5th grades. In our immersion track, we teach Language Arts and Social Studies in English and Math and Science in French. (12/03/08)
Our district has 6 students in Grade 3 for whom we feel it would be beneficial to accelerate through the program. The goal is for them to have completed grade 6 at the end of grade 5. Because it is only 6 students, we are struggling with how to schedule this. Are there any schools that have already put such a plan into place or is there anyone who might be able to suggest how to handle this? We are trying to not have one teacher have to have two different math courses going on simultaneoulsy. (06/23/09)
At our school we have sending and receiving classes. Those classes have their math periods blocked and math is taught at the same time. Our fifth graders then are bused to the middle school. This sending and receiving system works well. Consideration is made with regard to days that there are field trips or grade level activities. In those cases, alternate assignments are planned and are completed in their homeroom. (06/23/09)
I am wanting some ideas for students in grades 3 and up who are identified as gifted and are finishing everything in each class period with time to spare. I have suggested that the teachers use the Everyday Mathematics projects. Is there anything else that some of you are using with these students? (11/04/11)
I taught in a grades 3/4 gifted classroom for several years. I used the Enrichment section of lessons and also some of the projects for my students. I also had other challenging packets I made for them that were not from the program. (11/02/11)
In the 2007+ editions, you should encourage teachers to use the Writing/Reasoning prompts on a regular basis. They connect with and extend the Math Boxes and require mathematical thinking and expository writing. Students might need modeled lessons of how to respond to the prompts initially, but they are a great enrichment and extension and can be incorporated into assessment as well. (11/05/11)
I teach Everyday Mathematics with three groups of 5th graders (90 minutes each with small class sizes). Math is the only subject I teach, so I have the time and energy to put a lot into my planning and assessing. Anyhow, I have a couple of students in the grade level who are just ridiculously above the rest of the group. These students not only scored "Advanced" on the end of year 4th grade state test last year, but they have already scored in the Advanced range for 5th grade math on the baseline assessment. Essentially, they are already beyond proficient for this grade level, and we have only been in school two weeks! What should I do with these students? I am not willing to draft them as assistant teachers, as I am paid to teach and they are not, and I'm not willing to rely solely on the infrequent Enrichment opportunities in Part 3 of selected lessons. I should also add that at least 30% of the grade level struggles tremendously with EM. (09/10/07)
One thing I was hoping to be able to fit in this year is to have some of the students script some of the games and video tape portions of it to show strategies. For example, in Factor Captor, the students could show the pros and cons of using the prime numbers and why they chose one number above another. (09/11/07)
While you will obviously have extensions for them, I would not rule out the wonderful advantage of allowing them to help others. Let's never forget the best way to learn is to teach, and it could be a wonderfully rewarding experience for them. (09/11/07)
You could get the advanced students going on a virtual math team <http://mathforum.org/vmt/teachers/orientation.html> or just working with the Problems of the Week at Math Forum <http://mathforum.org/>. The cost for one teacher is $25. Students can submit their solutions online, and it provides great practice in the complex problem solving and writing about mathematical thinking that isn't always part of the EM program. Another source of good, more complex problems is the Brain Teasers site from Houghton Mifflin <http://www.eduplace.com/math/brain/>. If you have some computer access for these students, there are many other great sites available (for students above and below grade level), like the National Library Virtual Manipulatives and Shodor Interactivate <http://www.shodor.org/interactivate/>. (09/11/07)
I would put them on a webquest. There are some really cool ones out there. Also keep them involved with your students who are struggling. Sometimes they can explain their thinking and other students lights will come on! (09/11/07)
I usually have my advanced students stay with us for the teacher directed part of the lesson, then I allow them to finish the Math Journal pages on their own, while the rest of us are working together or in small groups. Then I have them play a game with another advanced student. After that, I have mini lessons that I have developed from the Minute Math book. There are some very difficult questions and problems included in that. Also, I have something called "versatiles" that I purchased online. They are math activities that the kids love. (09/11/07)
If these advanced students have truly mastered all of the EM skills and objectives at Grade 5, you may want to look at EM for 6th Grade. I bought the 6th year Teacher's Lesson Guide and Student Math Journals for 2 students in my class. I didn't go straight through the 6th Grade book with them, but made their instruction match what the rest of the class was doing. For almost the entire year, this was fairly easy to do. For example, when the rest of the class worked on exponents, those two worked on more advanced ideas and the negative exponents which are taught on the 6th grade level. You have to manage it the way you might do for a split grade class, matching the one grade's work to the other's. If they are truly that gifted, they should need just a little bit of teaching from you, and if your classes are small you can manage this. Also, since you have more than one student, the small group can work together on some of the concepts. A word of warning: I have had students who were very gifted, but in checking carefully, I found that they often do not have all of the vocabulary and terms necessary to communicate mathematically or to do well on state testing. (09/11/07)
I was just wondering what teachers are using to meet the needs of their more advanced students in Sixth Grade who are preparing to take Pre-Algebra or Algebra in Seventh Grade. I am aware of the Differentiation Handbook and the Enrichment activities offered with the third edition but I don't feel that that is enough. Do others feel the same way? (02/24/10)
I use the Pre-Algebra problems of the week on mathforum.org (connected with Drexel Universtity) to strech the more advanced 6th graders. It costs $25 for the year. (02/25/10)
I teach 5th Grade, but my teaching colleague teaches 6th Grade math. We are in a program for highly and profoundly gifted kids. We teach the kids in the grade ahead program, but also find we need to extend those really mathematically talented kids. Really talented kids do so much better when they have big ideas to help them organize their world and all the new learning they are putting on top of existing understanding. We use M cubed for fractions. M cubed has a book for algebra you might want to look at. We mainly use Ed Zaccaro's books. He has one on Algebra. (ISBN-13: 978-0-9679915-2-8 or ISBN-10: 0-9679915-2-8) that I think will be a winner for you. We also create many of our own extensions. (02/26/10)
I am going to have a very gifted child in my class this year. His mom said he was bored with the Everyday Mathematics presented to him last year. He has already skipped a grade level (2nd grade). What do you suggest? (08/22/08)
Give him the Enrichment section of each lesson. (08/22/08)
I teach a class with highly and profoundly gifted kids. What I do is give the kids a pretest for every unit. Then I compact the lessons so they do a unit in about a week to a week and a half. Then I have a related activity to follow. Out of all of this, the pretest is the most important in my mind. If you don't have a pretest available, just give the end-of-unit test for the pretest. Just don't give them the answers for that test so it will be at least a little valid at the end of the unit. If you have a specialist in your district that person might be able to help you to fill in the gaps with the lessons/projects after each unit. I continue to modify the program each year. (08/22/08)
Use Exit Slips and Math Logs to have him write down his problem solving techniques and thinking. Use prompts to encourage him to explain his work with specific Math Boxes. Look to Part 3 of every lesson for Enrichment activities that he can do alone and with partners. If you do not have access to EM3 Open Response assessment, look for the Alternative Assessment options in the EM2 Assessment Handbook. Use a rubric to score his responses so he can see your expectations and if need be, work to improve his performance. Modify games so he will be challenged (i.e. for Name That Number, add a zero to every number card so that he is mentally calculating with 2 digit numbers). Keep track of his performance on the 'preview' activities in the Math Boxes. It will help you plan his instruction for the upcoming unit. (08/22/08)
The Projects section is filled with wonderful, challenging, hands-on ideas that may just be perfect for this child. Talk to last year's teacher to see if the projects were done, and if not, those could also be part of his portfolio. This is such a rich program that there is ample material for all types of students. (08/23/08)
Can anyone recommend a supplemental program for gifted learners, Grades 1 to 5? (09/03/09)
Everyday Mathematics (2007) has a wealth of resources for the mathematically gifted student. This includes, but is not limited, to ideas in the Differentiated Handbook, the Projects, Open Response items, and modifications to Games. If one organizes these resources into a menu (see Carol Ann Tomlinson's work on gifted learners), students may select from a list that matches the current unit, regardless of their grade level. Be cautious regarding students who may be able to quickly respond to basic facts but are less capable of explaining their thinking. (09/03/09)
As a classroom teacher of gifted learners, I agree that Everyday Mathematics has material to accommodate those kids who are maybe only one standard deviation above the mean. For those kids who really get math, what is available in Everyday Mathematics is not sufficient, at least not in my classroom. I would recommend you first look at the books by Ed Zaccaro. He gets that gifted learners need to look at things that happen around them. He spends much of his time helping the kids to organize their thoughts in many different ways. I would also check with The College of William and Mary. Dr. VanTassel-Baska is absolutely brilliant and has helped the gifted education folks immeasurably. I use one of Dr. Dana Johnsons units on bases that my fourth graders just love. They also have a Geometry unit that is absolutely astounding. Both Zaccaro and The College of William and Mary get to the heart of the joy and beauty that comes with playing in mathematics. My kids never make less than two years of growth in one year. (09/04/09)
A few helpful programs are IXL, ALEKS, and Sunshine Math. (10/03/09)
Exemplars are wonderful to use. They are aligned with EM units (look under 'alignment' on their website). Several of our teachers of gifted students have used them with good results. Many of our general education teachers also use Exemplars when they can. (09/10/09)
I am looking for ideas and strategies for differentiating for higher level learners in Everyday Mathematics. Some of our students (especially those in the intermediate grades) are slightly bored with the core instruction. These are mostly our gifted students, and they do have an excellent grasp of what's being taught. What are some ideas for pushing them, aside from having them play games all of the time? This is our first year, so teachers are hard-pressed for time to get through the lessons as it is, so I need some good, practical, and easily implemented ideas. (12/12/08)
I really like the Groundworks series also published by Wright Group. Titles include Reasoning About Measurement, Reasoning with Numbers, Reasoning with Geometry, Reasoning with Data and Probability, and Algebraic Thinking. The set of books cover each one of the five National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) standards, and are available for different grades. I use these with gifted students who love the additional challenges in these books. (12/12/08)
I have used the Family Math series published by Equals/Lawrence Hall of Science. The volume for middle school level worked well in centers for advanced 6th graders and the Family Math Volumes I and II have activities at many levels. (12/12/08)
I have a parent asking for summer work for her daughter entering second grade. She is at a very high level. I hesitate to give her anything from the Everyday Mathematics CD, as she is likely to get that next year in class. The last thing she needs is redundancy. Any ideas to challenge her in a big way and keep her interest level up? (04/28/08)
Are you using the new EM edition? I am asking because I was thinking about suggesting something along the lines of the Open Response questions. You could generate a list of questions that follow that format or use the actual Open Response questions if you didn't this year. It is great that she is high in math but it might be nice for her to explain her thinking. You could even ask for copies to be sent to you when she returns to school in the fall and use it for sample models for next year's group. (04/28/08)
It sounds like she would benefit from some additional rich problems. Two books from the National Council of Teachers of Mathematis (NCTM) that would be helpful for you to find some things for her are: Children are Mathematical Problem Solvers and Exploring Mathematics through Literature. (04/28/08)
Playing the EM Games can be both fun and challenging. Make copies of the directions and game sheets and send them home for the summer. Also, if your school district has the EM games online, she could challenge her skills that way. Introducing her to some of the second grade games may be the answer. (04/28/08)
Have you already used the Enrichment activities from Part 3 of all the lessons with this student? If not, I'd suggest going through all the 1st Grade lessons and selecting enough to give this student 1-2 per week. Then, perhaps put them in a calendar format. If you know you'll see her next year, maybe 'cut a deal' with the student and have her keep the completed work in a folder to bring to you in the fall for a special treat. Throw in playing certain games each week/month also. Then, the folder could contain the manipulatives for the specific games you suggest. Or, tell them how to make a math deck out of a deck of cards. I would also review the Explorations from the past year. You might consider including some of these as summer activities as well. And, how about the projects? She might enjoy making delightful boxes. If you make 2, you can fit one inside the other like a gift box and you can make them in various sizes. EM actually makes prepared Family Games Kits that would be perfect to send with a child over the summer. The parents can actually purchase the kit from the Wright Group website (www.wrightgroup.com). Finally, check out the alternative assessment ideas in the Assessment Handbook. I know you're not assessing this student, but it might give you some good ideas for more open-ended activities to include that require higher order thinking skills. To that same end, I would consider making Name Collection Boxes, "What's My Rule?" and Frames and Arrows copies using more advanced numbers and/or computations. I believe there is also a section in the Teachers Lesson Guide that refers to popular children's games that help develop math skills, such as Racko and Yahtzee. (04/28/08)
My district is currently in the process of adopting the new Everyday Mathematics, 3rd edition program. It is a wonderful program for my first graders, and they are really enjoying it. However, I have a problem. I have a student in my room who is gifted in math and is preforming at beginning third grade level. How do I incorporate his needs into my classroom? He needs more than differentiating the First Grade curriculum. He needs Third Grade curriculum, but due to maturity issues it would not be appropriate for him to go into a Third Grade classroom for instruction. Because we devote so much time to math, I feel it is difficult to find the time in the day to teach the hour or more of math to the rest of my class, on top of trying to meet the needs of this one student. Is there anyone who has been in this same situation, and how have you been able to meet the student's needs? How has the administration in your building supported you in determining how to best meet the student's needs? (10/08/07)
I would suggest using a number of the Open Response assessments and activity opportunities that EM3 provides to challenge this student. Look for the Writing/Reasoning prompts that accompany many of the Math Boxes. You can find reference to these in the Teacher's Lesson Guide Unit Organizer in the section about Math Boxes. There are also blank blackline masters at the back of the Differentiation Handbook that can be adjusted for any level. There are blank Name Collection Boxes, Frames and Arrows, and more. Another idea would be to go to the Projects section at the back of the Teachers Lesson Guide and either use one or two projects for the student to do independently or develop a similar project as an extension to the ones that are there. Finally, I would use the Open Response tasks in the Assessment Handbook to challenge the student to think critically and to illustrate and write his response. You may want to vary the challenging work you give the student to include both paper/pencil, exploration activities, and long term projects. Be sure to include activities that incorporate the use of manipulatives like pattern blocks and geoboards. (10/08/07)
My school district uses Everyday Mathematics, 3rd edition and is thinking of having a select group of students skip 5th Grade math and go directly to 6th Grade math. We are interested in seeing if any other districts have found success with this model. If so, how did you reinforce the skills that the students may have missed because they did not use the 5th Grade materials? (04/18/08)
My district uses this model of acceleration for 3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade students. Our initial screen is through standardized testing which creates our pool of potential students. Then we give the End-of-Year Assessment for the grade level they would be skipping (ie. an incoming 4th Grader would take the 4th Grade EOY). We base our invitation to participate in accelerated math on a score of 75% or better on that assessment. Our experience is that there is very little remediation that needs to occur with regard to the content in the year skipped. These students have a solid understanding of mathematics and can make up any lost ground very quickly and easily. We identify students in the spring of the prior year, so students can be cluster-placed among a few classroom, and then pulled at the same time their class is having math. This serves as less of a disruption to teachers and students. (04/18/08)
In my district we compact the Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Grade curriculum into two years. Students begin this compacting in an accelerated math group in Fourth Grade, and by the end of Fifth Grade they have completed Sixth Grade math. We feel this is preferable to skipping an entire year of the curriculum. (04/18/08)
Our district is in our first year using Everyday Mathematics. We have a history of pretesting and accelerating students. That has been put on hold this year in favor of more differentiation, as we feel all students needed to learn the routines and vocabulary in EM. Teachers are starting to ask about next year, however. Do any of your districts accelerate students through EM? If so, do you use the End-of-the-Year Assessments to determine which students might need this, or some other diagnostic tool? A special population we are trying to service is a small group of students who will be 5th graders next year. We are trying to collect data to see if the 6th grade EM is appropriate, or if Transition Math is a possibility. (04/28/09)
I would recommend moving the students into Transition Math to give them the strong pre-algebra foundation since they are accelerated. (04/29/09)
If anyone has specific ideas on how to level homework for the high level learners (to enrich and extend on the skill rather than skip to the next grade) please advise! (10/07/10)
Have you tried Exemplars? They might be exactly what you are looking for. (10/12/10)
Have you used the Writing/Reasoning prompts to challenge your students? What about using the Assessment Assistant CD to create more Open Response opportunities for your high achievers? Have you tried changing the difficulty level on the games as suggested in the Differentiation Handbook? I think the blackline masters in the Differentiation Handbook can offer plenty of challenge, if you want a paper and pencil format, since you plug in the level of difficulty yourself. (10/13/10)
We have an interesting dilemma here. We have one 4th Grade student who is exceptionally gifted in math. I tested him on 4th Grade skills and was convinced that he was not going to learn anything new using the 4th Grade Everyday Mathematics, so we moved him into a 5th Grade classroom. He is doing very well in 5th Grade. The problem is that this is a K-5 building, so we are not sure what to do with this child for next year. We are fortunate that we have the 6th Grade EM to use. However, we have no one to deliver the instruction. The gifted teacher and I only spend 1 day a week each in his building, and his classroom teacher certainly cannot deliver an entire curriculum to just one student. Is there anyone out there who was faced with a similar situation? (03/21/07)
I would suggest using the Learning in Perspective page and the Multi-age companion lessons for each unit. In that way the student will be working on skills that the class is working on, but on his own level. (03/21/07)
I teach Fifth Grade, and one year we had one student who had done the Fifth Grade EM in the Fourth Grade. I used the Sixth Grade EM with him by giving him a weekly lesson for the 4 or 5 lessons each week. He then worked on his own, using the CD to check his book. As the classroom teacher, I checked in with him every other day to see where he was at. He would come to me if he had problems; otherwise, he worked independently except for that one lesson a week. It wasn't the best way to teach the program, but it was the best I could do that year. Whenever I had a volunteer come in, they also worked with him and the one-day a week Gifted/Talented teacher also checked on him. (03/21/07)
An option to this type of situation, above and beyond using the differiented activities or the projects would be to match lesson type using the scope and sequence of unit lessons which appears at the beginning of each lesson. In that way he would be working on the same skills, but at a parallel level of concept use and understanding. I did this for both below-grade level and the above- grade level when I was a Grade 4 classroom teacher. (03/21/07)
Our K-5 school set up an after-school enrichment class for several 4th and 5th graders who were ready for 6th Grade instruction. A classroom teacher worked an extended day to meet the needs of these students. It worked out really well for meeting the students' needs, but it did present challenges for the regular classroom teacher during math instruction. I think it would be tricky to do this with only one student. (03/21/07)
Are there any pretests to see if students know the material in any given chapter. I know there are a couple of questions at the end of the tests, but not enough. The games are easy to separate by levels. Other than simply looking at their class performance during classroom activities and informally placing them in groups, how are other people separating the students into instructional levels? Now we're making up our own pretests, which is a pain. And are there other ideas for enrichment besides the projects and the occasional Enrichment problems? Or is this program being primarily taught to the whole group at once? (02/05/09)
We're using the Assessment Assistant CD to create pretests for each unit. Our students are separated into instructional levels for each unit based on the results of the pre-tests. (02/05/09)
I am a math coach in Seattle Public Schools and in charge of a project to identify exemplary methods and teaching examples of how to differentiate a typical lesson. This would be outside the realm of merely plugging in the Readiness piece or enriching for a particular segment of a classroom. In essence, the question is how to properly pretest and target specific groups within the classroom, then how to manage a lesson in such a way that the key concepts are properly introduced, but the experiences or options to explore the concepts is differentiated. How does this look? How is this best managed? (12/05/08)
At the recent National Indian Education Association's (NIEA) 39th Annual Convention in Seattle, there was a presentation that would answer some of your questions involving exemplary methods, teaching examples, differentiation outside the realm of plugging in what is in the book, and assessment. The presentation was titled "A Math Partnership that Leaves No Child Behind." Some of the presenters were from the Marysville School District. Dr. Kyle Kinoshita, Executive Director for Teaching and Learning was a co-presenter representing the administration from that school district. (12/05/08)
I teach EM in centers, similar to the previous reply, but I'm the only teacher in my general ed classroom. I teach the math message and mental math to the whole class, then split the class into three groups: Math Boxes, Math Games and Teacher Center. At teacher center on Mon-Thurs I teach the bulk of Part 1 for each lesson, differentiating my approach and instruction for each group (below grade, at grade and above grade). Then on Friday I conduct either a formative or summative assessment in place of the math message/mental math and during the teacher center I either re-teach concepts that kids still don't get or push kids who are mastering all math concepts. Our math block is 60 minutes. I have 28 students and teach the lesson in one room, self contained general education, 4th grade. I teach the whole group for about 15 minutes, then do three rotations of centers for 15 minutes each. Sometimes if it is a hard concept, I'll teach the same lesson for three days and meet with groups for a longer period and have a longer whole group lesson (ie 30 mins whole group, 30 mins with one diff. group one one days, rotate for three days so I can see each group). I can stay on track with the EM pacing guide for the most part, although there are times when we're a week or two behind. Then I catch up by making decisions about which lessons to teach more quickly or to combine into one. If I only had 42 minutes, I'd teach the whole group in 15, then two groups for 12-15 minutes each (appx). I would maybe break my class into 4 groups and meet with groups 1&2 on day 1 and groups 3&4 on day 2 or split my class into two groups and meet with them both on day 1. This means that you'll need two days for each lesson, so you might consider how to combine two days' worth of lessons (don't forget that you have review days and game days built into the EM pacing calandar, so it might not be too bad if you have to do it this way). (12/06/08)
I have taught EM in an inclusion setting for 4 years. My support teacher and I have organized lessons this way. We divide the class in half, roughly middle-high, and middle-low. While I teach part 1 of the lesson to the higher group first, the resource teacher further divides the other lower half into 2 groups: one group doing Math Boxes with her to help, and the other group playing a math game. They switch after 15 minutes, while I continue Part 1 of the lesson with the 1st group, including the journal pages that might go with it. Then we switch and do the whole thing again for the next half of the class. The good part is that games are played daily, and students who need support with one Math Box or other have small group attention. (12/05/08)
This is a great plan for differentiating if you have a resource teacher in your room. We have a full inclusion model, but I have no math support in my first grade classroom. This is our first year with EM. Does anyone have any working models for classrooms with only one teacher (particularly primary grade classrooms with nonreaders)? I am frustrated with the problem of trying to re-teach and reinforce for so many struggling students while other students are waiting but are not yet able to move on to practice or other tasks without an adult to supervise. When struggling students have trouble with early lessons and concepts, playing the games reinforces their errors. For example, when we play Coin-Dice the children who are still struggling to recognize the difference and value of the coins are not correctly exchanging coins. I have limited them to either dimes and pennies or nickels with pennies, but it is still confusing to them. (12/08/09)
Step one is pretesting the concepts in order to drive your instruction. (12/07/08)
I am looking for ideas to teach Everyday Mathematics in small instruction groups for part of each day. We are hoping this will better help with differentiation and ultimately improve understanding for our students. I appreciate any ideas. (11/16/09)
In EM there is a built-in small group opportunity. Dividing the class into three groups, you can have one group working on Math Boxes, one group playing the games, and one group receiving small group instruction. I taught a whole group for fifteen minutes, then broke mine into groups, with the groups rotating every 15 minutes or so. We have sixty minutes for math, so it works well. If I saw problems with any Math Box, I could have the group bring the journal to the small group instruction and use that time to work with any calculation errors and misconceptions as well as target instruction to work on weak areas for that particular group. (11/16/09)
I too use small group instruction with EM. I teach both 1st and 2nd Grades, so I have two 1st Grade groups and two 2nd Grade groups. I have 4 stations every day: me, Math Boxes, and then stations 3 and 4 vary (EM game, differentiation activity from the Differentiation Handbook, computer math activity, secure skill, or some other game). When the kids are with me, we first go over their Math Boxes from the previous lesson, and then I work with them on the current lesson. I love it and so do the kids. (11/17/09)
Most of the grade levels at our school flexibly ability group for math instruction. One grade level in the middle of the others prefers not to do this. Our test scores indicate that ability grouping is a successful strategy. Our students like it, and the parents in our district support it. Are there schools that are doing ability grouping using Everyday Mathematics and are finding success with it? (05/12/11)
Tracking in math is much worse than tracking in reading. If you put a child in a slower track in math, they will never catch up! In a few cases here in Anchorage, teams group by unit. The children needing more time for understanding in Geometry are different from the the children needing more time for computation. Even when this format is used, every teacher stays with the pacing chart and every teacher in the team is teaching the same lesson on the same day. Some will be going deeper for understanding and some will be getting an enriched version, but when the year ends, every teacher in the team finishes the program on the same day and no child is left finishing only one journal. (05/12/11)
We have some teachers who would love to split the students in their grade levels into groups at the beginning of the year and take them as far as they can go during the year. They have a hard time understanding that this does not enable children to move among the groups and that they may have real struggles with some concepts and a strong understanding of others. It's great to hear that teachers, if grouping, are doing it based on the concepts introduced in each unit. Some of our teachers have been working hard this year to use small group instruction (with students grouped according to need based on our common assessments and/or the multitude of assessments, formal and informal, in EM) after the whole group lesson. They see great advantages with this system. The one stumbling block that they all face is the time to do everything well. (05/12/11)
I have to respectfully disagree to a certain extent. I teach 1st Grade in a Title I school. I still have a small group of children who, even with interventions, are still working on the basics such as counting by 1s, 2s, 5s, and 10s to 110, and naming and identifying coins. My district does not test for special education before 2nd Grade (except extremely rarely). It is very difficult for them to do what the rest of the class is doing in math. This is why I love the guided math approach. I model it on "to, with, by." I change groups at the end of each unit, and they are flexible. I have had students go from group 2 to 4. (05/12/11)
We have started flex grouping in Grades 3-5 primarily to help differentiate for high achieving students that do not meet our Gifted and Talented (GT) criteria. We have several students in each grade level who are at about the 95th percentile on the Northwest Evaluation Association (NWEA) Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) tests but do not qualify for GT services. These students were taking pretests and scoring 80% at the beginning of a unit. We modify the EM curriculum for these students by flex grouping and then compacting the unit for which they tested high to a length of 5 or 6 days. For the rest of the time in that unit they work with materials from the grade level above that cover the same content as the original grade level unit. It is relatively easily to do that because of the spiraling. So, all of the students spend the same amount of time on the content, but some work from the grade level above for about half of the unit. If they pretest out the next year, they can spiral up again. If they do not pretest out the next year, then they are actually doing the same material twice. That is OK since they havent yet mastered it. We pretest each unit. Next year, we are striving to work with this model in Grades 1 and 2 as well as 3-5. Two challenges have surfaced. One of them is building scheduling. We have about 4 classrooms per grade level, and for this to work best they all need to teach math at the same time. The other challenge is that the top students have left the room and taken some of the leadership. However, the students remaining are not a slow group, they are a simply a group that has not already learned 80% of the content for that unit. We are finding so far that it is easier to deal with that than differentiating the top end with challenging material on a regular basis. (05/13/11)
Should schools using Everyday Mathematics ability group kids for math groups? Why or why not? Our teachers are really struggling with this. They think we should be ability grouping our classes and our administration is under the impression that leveling or grouping is not an accepted practice. (09/17/09)
I do this to a certain extent in my classroom. I teach a 1st/2nd split. I have 4 groups for math (2 for 1st and 2 for 2nd). I have them somewhat divided by level so that I can provide enrichment for the higher kids, and reinforcement for the younger ones. I have 4 centers each day: me, Math Boxes/worksheet, and the last two are either a game or computer math. This is the first year that I have done it this way, and both the kids and I love it! (09/17/09)
Our school created an "Honors" homeroom. They use a different math program. There have been pros and cons to this. The other EM classes still have some strong students who really get a chance to shine and assist in small groups with those who struggle. I have noticed more of a need for guided instruction than independent work though because of the new dynamics in each class. Because the gifted students end up not being in the EM classes, they aren't leveled or tracked in the traditional sense, but they are more homogenous than in the past. (09/17/09)
This summer I spent quite a bit of time researching various ways of leveling as well as looking for results. We had been leveling with 2 levels and tried a few teachers doing heterogeneous grouping last year and wanted to know what others were finding. One of the things that we heard is that the teachers who had been teaching struggling students noticed a big difference in their class participation and in their own feelings about how class went. When there is a group of students who feel they never get it, they tend to not ask questions and if everyone around them is in the same boat there are not a lot of peer role models for them. When there was mixed grouping, the overall flow of the class changed, suddenly there were students asking questions and students who never asked were realizing that they werent alone when something was unclear and started asking questions as well. In that light, there was success and the struggling students did better in the mixed grouping. We are also providing interventions for all students depending on the needs of the student. With leveling the needs of two classrooms are different which puts more of a burden on individual teachers for the interventions. However, because the interventions apply to the majority of the class they are easy to do whether skill or concept based. With leveling, the classes are taught to the higher students and interventions provide the extra support for those who need it. With the mixed groups, were finding that the class is taught to the middle so some require intervention support and some have their interventions in the way of enrichment. Those who need enrichment are more the students who can work independently; while others in the class are receiving support interventions. This does create a problem as the intervention needs change on a daily basis. We arent using the EM Projects as enrichment in school, but they are used outside of school. Some of our enrichment is to experiment with the games and look closer to see how they work and develop strategies, while some of the support interventions come from the need to enhance basic skills (which may be vocab or various things from the readiness activities). For those using a Response to Intervention (RtI) model, most of these we consider in-class or Tier 1 are available to all students and are very focused on the immediate needs or for the upcoming lessons. (09/18/09)
The school that I teach at has two classrooms of 3rd, 4th, and 5th Grades. We have been using Everyday Mathematics for approximately 8 years. We are considering taking all 100+ students and grouping them according to where a beginning of the year assessment would place them. Then they would be in EM curriculum at the grade level that they are functioning at, not necessarily their grade level. The reasoning behind this is that even with modifications, differentiation, and utilizing Part 3 of the lesson, we continue to have some students who are one to two years behind grade level. It is not making much sense to some of the teachers to keep pushing them through the program, not having mastered any of it. Has anyone out there tried something like this? (05/27/10)
EM just came out in the last few months with an Assessment Handbook that had Beginning-of-Year Assessments for all grade levels. (05/27/10)
We are beginning to take our Everyday Mathematics games and level them by adding a simplified version and possibly more challenging versions. Has anyone out there begin doing this? And do you have any suggestions or samples? (05/21/09)
There is a great guide at the beginning of each Teacher's Lesson Guide that might help. It's called Games Correlation Chart. It can be found on page xxxii. You can see at which grade levels the game is taught, which will help to differentiate it. You could go to that grade level and see how it is taught or look at the chart and go up or down a grade level to find a game that is similar. Also, the Games Section of the My Reference Book (MRB) or Student Reference Book (SRB) will differentiate the game sometimes. (05/22/09)
We are working on flexible groupings with Third Grade in Everyday Mathematics. At this point we have three groups which are ability based and change frequently. The whole class receives the core of the lesson and then students are broken up into their groups. If you have had success with this, could you please share what occurs in each group during the break out sessions? I'm working with an on-level group and am struggling with the teacher expectations during my group time vs. student needs. If you group students with different teachers, do you follow what the teacher wants done in the group or do you plan the group based on what you assess the needs to be? (09/13/11)
We have seen marked improvement on state testing scores in classrooms using this model. (09/13/11)
We will have about 45 Fifth Graders next year in two homeroom classes. I will teach math to both groups. We have the option to keep each homeroom as it is, or level the two classes. Which do you think is best? If we do level the kids, we will retest after every unit to see if groupings need to change. (08/11/08)
I've done it both ways. This year our Sixth Grade team is going to try it with mixed grouping. Iin the Fifth Grade class I was in last year, we did some leveling but we didn't do it evenly. We based it on the state testing, the higher 2/3 were in one math class and the other 1/3 was in the other class. This way there were about 30 more independent students in one class and 18 students who needed additional support in the other. We had 3 groups of this. There were pros and cons to both ways we've done it. On the pro side of things, you have fewer problems of losing people as you can pace the day appropriately. However, we did find that we had more discipline issues in the smaller class. Personally, I like having a mixed group and not leveling the students. I found that it works better for my students and me. (08/11/08)
The research is pretty straightforward on the "pros and cons" of ability grouping. When you narrow the populations, you limit the impact of positive role models, both skill-wise and behaviorally. There are better ways to differentiate instruction within mixed ability groups that are far more effective than grouping kids by test scores. In EM3, there are very good resources for differentiation. (08/12/08)
We have a new Fourth Grade student who is very capable in all areas. She is a very high reader but is lacking in math. This is due to the lack of exposure in her old school. For example, she was never taught to skip count. She has been given the First Grade End-of-Year Assessment for Everyday Mathematics and did okay. We are looking to do 6 weeks of intervention with this student in hopes that she will make great gains since she is very capable. What suggestions do you have on how to spend this intervention time? Should we focus on one topic and follow it through all the grade levels to fourth? Or skip around? (09/19/08)
I have had students come into my classroom that do not have the Everyday Mathematics background, and what I have done is partner them up with another student. Give it a month or two and they will assimilate into the program. They will start to understand the rules and routines and the spiral in the program is so effective for these new students. (09/19/08)
We have one or two students who are currently in the Third Grade classroom for Everyday Mathematics. As the end of the year approaches, the classroom teacher and special education teacher have put out the idea of having these students repeat Third Grade EM again next year. As the math coach for our building, I'm not sure I agree with this idea as they will completely miss out on the Fifth Grade program before entering middle school. Has anyone else encountered a similar problem? Did you send the students on to the next grade level with extra support or keep them back in math? (03/23/10)
I teach K-4 special education and have been a part of both self-contained math instruction and inclusion instruction with EM. I have only had one instance in 4 years where I had students repeat a year of EM. In this instance, I did a full year of self-contained EM instruction with two conduct disorder (CD) 1st Graders. At the end of the year, neither had mastered more than a scant handful of the end-of-the-year skills. Because I was going to be their math teacher again the following year, and because it was a self-contained situation, I went ahead and spent their 2nd Grade year repeating the 1st Grade EM curriculum. In those areas where they had already mastered the skills, I looked to the 2nd Grade book for the next level of instruction. I was pleased with the results and felt that it was a good fit in my situation, but I don't think it is a blanket cure for everyone. Are the students you are talking about identified as special education with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs)? Do they have a Specific Learning Disorder (SLD) or Conduct Disorder (CD)? Are they participating this year in Everyday Mathematics in the regular classroom with their same grade peers? What would that look like next year? Would they be special education fourth graders going into a regular education third grade classroom for math? I have had special education students who struggle with EM in the regular classroom setting. In general, either I give them extra support or an aide goes into the classroom during their math time. It is also good to remember that the items written into student IEPs will drive the focus of their curriculum, so even if they are in the regular class and struggling with concepts, you can make adjustments for them within the classroom setting and with assignments and such in order to help them meet their IEP goals while benefiting from what they can from the full scope of the EM curriculum. (03/23/10)
I would recommend mapping out a long-term plan for this child that goes way beyond repeating 3rd Grade. What will you do in 5th Grade? What is the plan for when they enter middle school? What is the plan for getting them eventually caught up? Or is the plan to keep them a year behind indefinitely? Personally, I would advocate using the 4th Grade curriculum, but making use of the correlation chart that gives the corresponding lesson in the 3rd Grade curriculum. Take full advantage of the spiral, focus on the same concept the 4th Graders are working on, but draw on the 3rd Grade lesson to scaffold. (03/18/10)
I would advise moving him on in EM and be prepared to differentiate instruction as needed. Even though the student will not be able to do all the work at the next level, because of the spiral in EM, he should be successful with parts of it and he will at least get exposure to some of the more difficult concepts. (03/23/10)
I developed an alternative for struggling students. Rather than trying to reconstruct the entire spiral and thus locking students into being a year or two behind grade level, I took a list of 4 critical building blocks as well as the Algorithms and compiled a list of all the resources available at each grade level. It's attached if you'd like to see it. (03/25/10)
Can anyone recommend an early childhood intervention program that supports Everyday Mathematics to use with struggling Kindergarteners? (06/16/11)
Number Worlds level A or B. It lines up with EM. (06/16/11)
I would suggest that you investigate Math Perspectives. The diagnostics lead into appropriate work to do with the child. (06/16/11)
I would suggest Moving With Math-Extensions Kindergarten. (06/16/11)
Are there any schools that use Everyday Mathematics with their primary students and also use a supplementary program for the lowest students? This can be for Response to Intervention (RtI). Do you find the other program is helping those students be more successful than by just using the EM program alone? (03/18/10)
Next year, we are planning on using Number Worlds as well as EM for our lowest students. (03/18/10)
We use Number Worlds as a Tier 3 intervention, with students who are far enough behind their peers that they are not likely to catch up. It replaces EM for their math program. We use Pinpoint Math as a Tier 2 intervention for kids who need some extra help to keep up with their peers. They do it in addition to EM. They are tested to find areas of weakness and meet in small groups to address those lacking skills. (03/18/10)
There are several school districts in central Ohio are who are using the Number Concept Activity Book to help struggling math students in the primary grades. This is a book that lists essential number concepts young children need to be successful in math. (03/18/10)
I am facilitating a workshop regarding differentiation and interventions. I am looking for something in this area that I can give the teachers that they can immediately use in their classrooms. I would appreciate any ideas. (02/24/11)
I've attached a resource I developed. Remember to use the games as differentiation and intervention tools. I've also attached the K-6 games sorted by strands. Additionally, we've had impressive results with Pinpoint Math as a Tier 2 intervention supporting EM. [attachment included in original email] (02/25/11)
Resource 1.pdf
Resource 2.pdf
I am looking for ideas and curriculum for math intervention. Our school uses Everyday Mathematics. I am looking for materials for Grades K-5 (05/02/08)
I think one of the best things you can do is use the EM materials for summer school. There is no need to purchase anything else. Look at Part 3 of the lessons. It has great Reteaching, Practice or Enrichment ideas. The Projects would be fun for the students and a great learning experience as are the Explorations. If you have a specific concept that you want to focus on, find those lessons in the program. I also recommend games, games and more games. What better way to practice concepts by bumping them up or down for the students. (05/02/08)
Last summer our school purchased Groundworks from Creative Publications. We purchased them for our Title I teacher, but have also found uses for them in the regular classroom. There are books for Grades 1-7. Each grade has a book for geometry, a book for reasoning with numbers, a book for algebraic thinking, a book for reasoning with data and probability, and a book for reasoning about measurement. If you have an EM catalog, the books are in the back few pages. In the 2008 catalog, they are shown on pages 58-59. We like these books because they are very student friendly and promote mathematical thinking. They blend well with EM, too. They may seem a bit expensive, but you are allowed to copy from the masters. I see that they sell student sets on the web, too. (05/05/08)
We have been using the EM Skills Link books for review and the EM games for extra practice. We are also looking at using Math Recovery in conjunction with EM for the students that need more intense intervention. We have discovered that it is vital to establish whether the student has number sense or not, which Math Recovery has a great assessment for. (05/02/08)
I was wondering how people are implementing Response to Intervention (RtI) Tier 2 and Tier 3 with the Everyday Mathematics program. Specifically how are teachers monitoring students' understanding of concepts as well as checking in with students' progress towards understanding those concepts? (08/12/09)
As I understand it, all students in Tier 2 and Tier 3 would have accommodations and modifications based on their specific strengths and weaknesses. There isn't necessarily a materials list or specific resource list because each student would need to have their curricular needs/assessments designed for them. I've never had a remedial program for students who struggle with math. There is some differentiated material provided by EM, but if that doesn't meet the child's needs you have to work with your school resources personnel to adjust lessons and materials or add support staff assigned to that student. I wouldn't revert to old material, but I might utilize lower grade material when it is appropriate. (08/14/09)
Tier 2 and Tier 3 students should be served through the games and the Extra Practice and Readiness activities offered in Part 3 of the lesson. The Differentiation Handbook has great advice on how to manage this and meet specific needs. (08/13/09)
The third edition of EM has many improvements. In my opinion, the newly added differentiated instruction component is by far the most significant improvement. This can be used to map a course for the Tier 2 and Tier 3 students for Response to Intervention (RtI). And as always, EM provides looking back (and looking ahead) to make for easier teacher referencing by skill. Using off-grade material should be a good habit to cultivate, not one to shy away from. If your teachers have saved their old (prior to 3rd edition) Teacher Resource Packs they could have the prior (and next) grade level for reference. For most student needs, there is more than enough within the program to not have to consider looking elsewhere. (08/18/09)
I was wondering if anyone has seen Number World or Pinpoint Math in action or has any feedback on them. My elementary school is pulling and using Part 3 from the lessons for Tier 2 intervention, in the form of before-school Title I groups. We are also using Part 3 for differentiated instruction once or twice a week (depending on the grade level) on what used to be a catch up day on our pacing calendars. We have an hour for math daily. Our special education is inclusion as much as possible, but for those students who are more than a year behind we were looking at Number Worlds and Pinpoint Math as a Tier 2 intervention during school hours. Any thoughts? (08/27/09)
We used Pinpoint Math last year with our Tier 3 students with great gain, especially wih 1st and 2nd Graders. (08/27/09)
Number Worlds is awesome. We use it with our extreme kids. It uses more manipulatives to teach basic concept knowledge. Also, it has more practice pages on one concept instead of tackling two or three concepts at once. We are also looking into purchasing Pinpoint Math, which has progress monitoring built into the programs. (05/12/09)
You might look at Number Worlds or Do the Math. (05/12/09)
Our district is trying to create a list of possible intervention programs that fit well with the Everyday Mathematics program. Does anyone know of any such programs? (05/10/06)
Another intervention program we have used is Moving With Math Extensions. (05/12/07)
Tennessee has recently changed the process for students who are referred for a Specific Learning Disability (SLD). The State requires that in order for a student to qualify for SLD, there must be documented interventions provided for the student using research based interventions. In reading, we use Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Learning Skills (DIBELS) data, progress monitoring, and Voyager intervention in order to compile this documentation. However, we do not currently use anything but Everyday Mathematics for our math curriculum. Does EM have intervention programs that we can use in this way or does anyone else have a suggestion for what to use? Has anyone come across this problem before? (01/04/08)
There is DIBELS for math now, but I realize other alternatives might be less expensive. (01/04/08)
We also use DIBELS, progress monitoring, GRADE (Group Reading Assessment and Diagnostic Evaluation), and an intervention program (Sidewalks, which goes with our literacy series ReadingStreet) for our literacy/reading program. We just adopted EM this year and are hoping to put together a similar intervention approach for students who are below grade level for math. We are piloting the Number Worlds intervention materials (also from McGraw Hill and aligned with EM) and administered the GMADE (Group Math Assessment and Diagnostic Evaluation) assessment at the beginning of the year. We would like to find a DIBELS-type assessment for math but so far have not found anything. I would love to know more of the "math DIBELS" that was mentioned. (01/07/08)
I'm thinking that the math 'DIBELS' might be a reference to mCLASS: Math. We are piloting this assessment with K-3 teachers. We use Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) for the DIBELS and Wireless Generation has this product at their web site. It only assesses Number and Numeration, not any other strand. We've encountered some problems as the program was not finished when we began in the fall. We are not ready to endorse it yet, but it is interesting. K-1 assessments are done one-on-one with data entered in the PDA and then synced with the website. Grades 2-3 are whole group paper-and-pencil tasks. Teachers then enter scores at the website to get class profiles. (01/07/08)
Here is a link to AIMSweb that has the DIBELS-type assessment for math. The TEN (Test of Early Numeracy) is for K-1 and looks at early number concepts, missing number, oral counting, quantity discrimination, etc. We are beginning to use this to identify children who need interventions at the primary level. AIMSweb also has computation probes. Another website to get information on Curriculum Based Management-types assessments is Interventioncenteral, by Jim Wright. Both links are below. http://www.aimsweb.com/products/cbm/en-cbm/description.php http://www.interventioncentral.org/htmdocs/interventions/cbmwarehouse.php (01/07/08)
As a ten-year user of EM, I have learned about the importance of assessing and then helping students learn the essential concepts that they are missing. Two other teachers and I spent six years researching and writing the Developmental Math Assessment (DMA). This assessment matches the concepts that are presented in the EM program. The DMA, like the Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA), is a classroom-based assessment. It is not a stand-alone program. It is intended to empower teachers, improve teaching, and most importantly increase student learning. Of course, the authors believe that improvement in student learning starts with well-prepared teachers. The authors wrote the DMA to help teachers know what to assess, what to teach, how to know if kids know what you teach (what grade level they are performing on), and what to do if they know it or if they don't. Each assessment is written on an appropriate level of difficulty based on age-appropriate state and national standards as well as current research in mathematics. The assessment ranges from: (e) Emergent (3 year olds) with a prenumber non-intrusive child oriented assessment; (pk) Pre-Kindergarten assessment of essential number concepts; (k) Kindergarten assessment of number concepts to know if children are ready for Kindergarten curriculum and a developmental assessment that includes operations as well as number concepts to help determine the appropriate instructional level; (1) First Grade assessment to determine if children are on-grade level and a developmental assessment that includes operations and number concepts; (2) Second Grade assessment to determine instructional level in number concepts and operations and an assessment looking at a variety of other important math concepts. Each assessment section is color coded by age/grade for ease of teacher orientation. Teachers really only need to know their own grade level section. Hopefully this makes the assessment more teacher-friendly. If you are interested in looking and reading more about this assessment, you can visit www.developmentalmathgroup.com. (01/09/08)
We are currently looking into math intervention programs that align (somewhat) to Everyday Mathematics. Has anyone found a math intervention program that they would recommend? (01/11/10)
We have been previewing Pinpoint Math, published by McGraw Hill, and it seems to be a very good match to supplement EM and aligns to New York State standards quite well. (01/11/10)
We have been using Everyday Mathematics for 4 years and are really seeing progress by using it. However, with Response to Intervention (RtI) coming into the picture we are looking for a good progress monitoring assessment to use with the students. Something fairly simple and quick that isn't necessarily linked to an intervention program already. Is there anything like this that others are using already that they would recommend? (11/13/07)
I have started collecting some of the Response to Intervention (RtI) and Progress Monitoring (PM) resources I've found on several wiki pages. All have some resources and research information. Math Intervention (http://cesa5mathscience.wikispaces.com/Math+Intervention) Progress Monitoring Workshop Links (http://mentorshare.wikispaces.com/Workshop+Links) Curriculum-Based Measurement (CBM) Tools http://mentorshare.wikispaces.com/Tools+%26+Forms (11/13/07)
Our district is piloting mCLASS:Math. It is a Wireless Generation product, and seems to have potential for K-1 (and eventually K-3) students. We have had great success using their Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Learning Skills (DIBELS) product for our reading efforts, and because our K-2 teachers are adept at using the handhelds and web reports for progress monitoring in reading, we are hopeful that their skills will transfer to the mCLASS:Math product. Our start has been a little bumpy. It is a new product and is just rolling out this year. However, it seems to have potential. You can download a one hour webcast by going to this site and clicking on mCLASS:Math. www.wirelessgeneration.com (11/14/07)
What are districts doing for intervention for struggling students? If you use Everyday Mathematics, do you modify the program? Do you use other programs/resources? If a student is taken out of EM for awhile, is it difficult to transition them back into the program? (01/11/11)
We have 60 minutes of core math time per day where Everyday Mathematics is used. Then we have an additional 30 minutes of intervention time. The struggling students use math recovery. Students do not miss anything because every student goes to an intervention group. The high flyers do talented and gifted type of activities. The on-level students play EM games. The kids who are behind go to the intervention group that fits them. Kids who struggle with multiplication go to one group, kids who can't structure numbers go to another group. In Sixth Grade we have 6 groups. The groups are taught by classroom teachers, Title I teachers, special education teachers, etc. We do the same for reading. The core reading/language block is 60 minutes. Then there is 30 minutes of intervention groups. The lower groups are progress monitored every two weeks. (01/11/11)
In our building, math intervention typically involves 30 minutes, 3 times per week of intervention. This is usually a combination of pull-out and push-in, depending on scheduling constraints. I usually have pull-out during my small reading group time on days when those children are not receiving direct, small group reading instruction from me, but doing a reinforcement activity for a Secure skill in reading or math. This works out well. The children either complete the reinforcement activity when they return or take it home. Since it is reinforcement and not new material, it makes for a quick homework assignment. The intervention is based on Everyday Mathematics; however, some skills are targeted for mastery rather than spiraled. After the students are done, I have them write a review of the game by filling in the blanks. I played ______. I thought it was ________ because__________. Additionally, I encourage a spirit of competition with oneself by going "Above and Beyond" and have a math center that allows for that. Once the students are secure in a skill, they know they can continue to challenge themselves in that area or others. For example, if by mid-year they are Secure in writing to 100 without error, then they are free to continue as high as they like. If students have mastered all the coin names and values, they can play the Money Exchange Game with a friend. If a student has mastered number collections to 7 and they want to continue on with 8, 9, 10, they can. I use a composition notebook, as a math journal, to keep quite a bit of their work and for them to use as a resource. There is a plain 100s chart glued on the front inside cover. In the back I have 100s charts that helps them practice counting by 5s, 10s and 2s. It is not uncommon to see a child sitting and practicing the skill without any prompting. They value the journal as a resource. Geometric shape pictures that go along with the week's theme are also easily made more challenging. In the beginning of the year, the students are told they must use each a shape at least once, to make an ocean picture, for example. When the picture is completed they fill out a sheet where they record how many times they used each shape. For more of a challenge, I raise the minimum number of shapes, and have them spell the shape names. However, I rarely need to do that officially. Students tend to do so on their own if they are more advanced. (01/12/11)
Does anyone know where I could find review sheets and study guides for each unit for third grade (third edition)? (10/03/09)
Do you have the assessment CD that comes with the program? I have been able to easily create extra practice sheets for units with it. I also use the Skills Links workbook that comes with the program. (10/05/09)
The best use of the Assessment CD is to make mini-assessments, as needed, to give the teacher extra evidence of student understanding of particular learning target(s). Making review sheets that look similar to the next day's test send messages that do not improve student learning: 1) The learning for the unit stops at the unit-end assessment or "test," with no future opportunities for improvement, and 2) students' evidence to date does not count, and 3) students can only succeed on a "test" if they complete an identical test the night before. Another point to consider is moving the traditional "review day" before the assessment to a "differentiation day" the day after the assessment. The latter does not slow down pacing, and is targeted to students' individual needs. The Assessment CD would come in handy in designing small group tasks on this day. If a teacher is assessing students daily, using the Recognizing Student Achievements within the program, she knows who will or will not be successful on the unit-end assessment. A review day may mask students' weaknesses. Instead, the teacher should use the unit-end assessments as one more piece of evidence of student understanding for particular learning targets. And where there is still weakness, look for future Math Boxes, etc., for intervention without changing the pace of the program. (10/05/09)
My students had a great deal of difficulty with Study Link 9.7 (fourth grade). Lesson 9.7 is about working with population data and ranking it. It is somewhat tedious but not very challenging. The class enjoyed doing it as busy work. However, Study Link 9.7 is about ratio and percent and is very challenging. I don't see the correlation between what we did in class and with the Study Link. My students were very puzzled. (04/02/08)
One of the Key Concepts and Skills cited in Lesson 9-7 is "Order data reported as percents." I would agree that this aspect of the lesson wasn't the most challenging. Another of the Key Concepts and Skills cited is "Interpret 'percent-of' data." This gets at the concept behind the data that the students have been asked to order. For example, in the Math Message, students discuss what is meant by a statistic such as "21% of the population in the United States is 14 or younger." Later in the lesson students discuss what is meant by statistics such as a 2.0% growth rate for Haiti in one year or a _0.1% growth rate for Italy. All of this work with percents ties into the focus of Unit 9 - links among fraction, decimal, and percent names for numbers, with a special emphasis on percents. Unit 9 follows up on the work students did with fractions in Unit 7 - work such as finding the fractional parts of sets and regions. So now we move to Study Link 9-7. Students are asked to use population data from the 10 least-populated countries in the world to estimate answers to problems. Here are some thoughts as to how students might approach the problems given that the focus of the unit is on the link between fraction, decimals, and percents. 1. The population of Liechtenstein is about __% of the population of Dominica. From the table students know that the population of Liechtenstein is about 33,000 and the population of Dominica is about 69,000. Think about it in terms of a fraction and then make the conversion from a fraction to a percent. 33,000 is about 1/2 of 69,000. 1/2 is equivalent to 50%. If the numbers seem too large for some students to work with, consider the Study Link 9-7 Follow-Up which states, "Some students may note that when working with populations rounded to the nearest ten thousand, they only have to consider the first two digits." 2. What country's population is about 33% of Liechtenstein's population? Students know the population of Liechtenstein: 33,000. They know that 33% is about 1/3. What's 1/3 of 33,000? Find a country in the table with a population close to 11,000. 3. The population of Vatican City is about __% of the population of Palau. Consider the strategy used to solve the Writing/Reasoning problem on page 761 of the Teacher's Lesson Guide. 4. The population of the 10 countries listed is 314,900. What 3 country populations together equal about 50% of that total? 50% is equivalent to 1/2. 1/2 of 314,900 is about 155,000. Find three numbers in the table whose sum is about 155,000. 5. The population of St. Kitts and Nevis is about __% of Nauru's population. From the table students know that the population of St. Kitts and Nevis is about 39,000 and the population of Nauru is about 13,000. The population of St. Kitts and Nevis is about 3 times that of Nauru. Students can think about this problem in a similar way as they thought about the yearly growth rate in Haiti. (The Teacher's Lesson Guide referenced Student Reference Book, page 300 as a model for thinking about this problem.) Keep in mind that many of the Math Boxes problems in this unit focus on problems such as the ones in the Study Link. For example, Problem 1 on Math Boxes 9-7 offered the following: 10% of 50 = __ 5% of 80 = __ 20% of 40 = __ __% of 16 = 12 __% of 24 = 6 Last thought__I just finished reading "Open and Closed Mathematics: Student Experiences and Understandings" by Jo Boaler (Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 1998, Vol. 29, No. 1, 41-62). Part of the study includes a discussion on student performance on contextualized questions. I thought about the study immediately as I compared the Math Boxes problems to the ones that were posed on Study Link 9-7. It might be worth a quick read. I hope this is helpful. (04/02/08)
Does anyone have any tips for the sunrise/sunset chart with the time change? (11/07/07)
Yes, record the times as they reflect the change. The "blip" is a great problem to pose and discuss. It's a real situation- the kids understand what happened outside. This is real data you can help them understand and relate to. (04/08/08)
I have been using one for about 10 years and never had any problems. Provided there have been no significant changes with the charts that are being included with EM3, completing the chart is quite easy. At the bottom you can fill in the blanks (I usually start with 5:00 and count by half hours.) At the top I count each bold vertical line by 10 minute intervals. This should allow you to fill in the hours that are appropriat for when the sun comes up and when it sets. (@ 5 - 9 AM and @ 5 - 9 PM) This should work fine if you start after Standard time begins and use this routine until Daylight Savings time begins again in the spring. That is plenty enough to show how much the length of our day changes. (11/21/07)
I think the problem may be that if you go 5:00 - 9:00 on both sides (sunrise and sunset) as shown in the book, in some states, like Maine, you can not chart the sunset after the end of Daylight Savings Time due to the fact that sunset occurs before 5:00 PM. One suggestion would be to label the sunset side starting at 4:00 PM and going to 8:00 PM, the other would be to double label the chart at the top so that the students would see both 5:00 PM and 4:00 PM on the same line. Then just talk with them about the artificial time change. (This was a suggestion made to us by the EM rep at our last inservice day when this same issue was raised. I plan to use this method next year....I think it makes more sense, plus it will keep the hourglass shape EM wants to show the students.) (11/21/07)
Does anyone know if there is an online version of the Student Reference Book for grades 3_6? We don't have enough SRB's for each student to have his or her own, so they need to have something they can reference at home. (09/06/07)
There is an online version of third edition, but you have to pay for it. (11/09/07)
Does the 3rd edition have a separate Home Link booklet for students homework or does it need to be copied by the teacher? (08/06/07)
3rd grade does have a separate Home Link booklet that you can purchase. It comes at an additional charge, and does not come as part of the student pack. You also have the option of copying the Home Links from the Math Master's book. Make sure you look at the Home Link before you copy it, just to be sure you want to send it home. (08/06/07)
Yes, the 2007 edition does offer a Homelink consumable workbook. They sell for approx. $5, which I feel is worth it, especially if you have had to make your own copies in the past. You can find them at http://www.wrightgroup.com/index.php/programcomp?isbn=007608972X. (08/06/07)
Does the whole number line need to be displayed in the classroom? (08/17/08)
I display mine around the top of two of my walls. I think EM suggests either putting the whole number line up at once or one number at a time as the year progresses. At least for first grade. (08/18/08)
Here in Hungary we give the prior year's end-of-year test at the start of the new year... Meaning, in the first weeks of second grade we give the kids the first grade end-of-year test again. Although they've just done it 60 days before, it's actually quite informative to see how much the kids have retained over the summer. Among the reasons we do not do the second grade test at the start of second grade is that we can fairly predict the kids' performance--poor in most cases--so it doesn't inform our instruction much. Also, it's perhaps easier to say at the outset "Everyone, we're going to have a test you may remember from the end of last year," than to say "Everyone, you probably won't score too well on this test, but don't get discouraged..." (08/19/08)
Help! I am very frustrated with my number line. First, I have a small classroom without a lot of wall space, and I don't think I can post the entire number line. I can fit -23 to 48 with no problem. Second, I don't understand the rationale behind having a basic number line in the 5th grade. I have read the Teachers Reference Manual, but it didn't elaborate on the number line's purpose for upper grade students. I think the negative numbers are fine, but positives all the way to 180? In the FIFTH grade? Please enlighten me. (08/20/07)
I posted my number line around the top perimeter of the room similar to a wallpaper border. I posted -35 to 100. (08/20/07)
The number line makes a nice visual in the room, but you DEFINITELY do not need the whole thing. I too teach 5th, and I agree the negative numbers are very useful at this grade level. (08/20/07)
Someone shared this idea once on this list (I'm sorry I don't remember to whom I should be giving credit here)... When you have your number line way up high in the room, you can use a flashlight pointed at the number line to highlight answers and movement/direction for adding/subtracting. I thought that sounded like such a great idea. (08/21/07)
I teach fifth grade, and when we started the program last year the sixth grade teacher and I did not order the number line. Later I wished that I had one, ordered it, and put it up. Most of the students used it for the negatives and moving back and forth between the negatives and positives. It was an extreme pain to put up, partly because I put it as high as I could reach with the ladder so as not to take up space that I already use, but I do believe it was worth it. Even if you can't put up the whole number line, my opinion is that it would be good to start with the lowest numbers and go as far up as you can. (08/21/07)
I am finding it very difficult to keep up with the copies that all the grades (K_5) need to implement the lessons. We are going through literally thousands of sheets of paper and hours upon hours to make the copies. Is anyone else experiencing the same problem? Does anyone have any suggestions to reduce the amount of duplicating necessary? (10/25/07)
We found it more cost effective to buy the Study Link books. They are around $4.95 each and have every Study Link and every family letter in them. At another school, we had some parent volunteers who would come in as "math helpers". I didn't have any, but I know of other teachers who would send their helper to make copies for the week. It won't help you save a tree, but it saves some time. (10/26/07)
Yes, we have experienced the same challenge, but we have negotiated a price with a local copy place. They keep a copy of the Math Masters and duplicate what teachers want. Actually, they only duplicate the Home/Study Links and the Family letters. Teachers have them copied for the year, so they just have to pull out what they want as they need it. The company delivers them to the schools in the fall. Other copies are made at school. We rationalize that we save money on our school copy machines, to say nothing of giving teachers more time to plan math rather than stand by the copy machine. I also believe it assures that teachers use all the material in the program (so easy to forego a Home Link if you don't have time to copy it). (10/26/07)
Purchasing the Home Link/Study Link is more cost efficient than copying, although that probably won't help you for this budget year. Parent volunteers are a good source. As mentioned, after you purchase the Home Link books, you are only left with an occasional Math Master. I have laminated most of the Math Masters in a few sets, and use them with vis a vis or whiteboard marker. (Especially the Exploration materials, you only need enough laminated for a small group as the kids rotate.) Game directions are better laminated and one per table (Kids don't read them anyway!). If you can take the time to read through and understand what the copies are for, you can probably reduce them. This is hard if you are just going by the "Advance Preparation" of each unit. Now that we have the Home Link book, my math copying is minimal! Hang in there, it will get better. (10/26/07)
I am thinking someone sent out something a while ago comparing the new 3rd edition to the 2nd edition, listing all of the great changes in EM3. I looked through the archives but couldn't find it. Does anyone remember this and have it saved? (02/20/09)
One of the most important things to know is that the third edition of Everyday Mathematics remains true to the philosophy of the first and second editions. And, in alignment with our development principles, the third edition incorporates the latest educational research as well as teacher feedback from the second edition. In the second edition, the terms beginning, developing, and secure were used to describe both learning goals and student performance in relation to these learning goals. Feedback from users of the second edition indicated that using the same terms to describe both the curriculum and student performance was confusing. As in previous editions, students using Everyday Mathematics are expected to master a variety of mathematical skills and concepts, but not the first time they are encountered. The third edition of Everyday Mathematics addresses the development of concepts and skills within and across the grades through the introduction of Program Goals and Grade-Level Goals. Program Goals are threads that weave the curriculum together across grades. The level of generality of the Program Goals is quite high which is appropriate for goals that span Grades K-6. Grade-Level Goals clarify what the Program Goals mean for each grade level. There are about two dozen of these Grade-Level Goals for each grade, K-6. The Grade-Level Goals are all linked to specific Program Goals. They clarify our expectations for mastery at each grade level. Everyday Mathematics is designed so that the vast majority of students will reach the Grade-Level Goals for a given grade upon completion of that grade. While the Grade-Level Goals reflect the core of the curriculum at each grade level, they do not capture all of the content that is addressed each year. This remaining content builds and supports the foundation for meeting successive Grade-Level Goals. In the third edition of Everyday Mathematics, each lesson contains a Recognizing Student Achievement note. These notes highlight specific tasks from which teachers can collect student performance data to monitor and document students' progress towards meeting specific Grade-Level Goals. These tasks include Mental Math and Reflexes problems, game record sheets, Math Boxes problems, journal pages, and Math Log or Exit Slip prompts and are labeled with a magenta-colored star in the Teacher's Lesson Guide. Each Recognizing Student Achievement task for a given Grade-Level Goal provides a snapshot of the student's progress with respect to that goal. The selected tasks have nothing to do with whether the content is being introduced for the first time or is familiar to children. Students who are making "adequate progress" as defined by a Recognizing Student Achievement note are "on a trajectory to meet the Grade-Level Goal." Such students have successfully accomplished what is expected to that point in the curriculum; they are on track to reach that Grade-Level Goal. The level of performance that is expected in October is not the same as what is expected in April. If students continue to progress as expected, then they will have gained proficiency with the Grade-Level Goal upon completion of the year. There are many reasonable ways to evaluate student performance on the Recognizing Student Achievement tasks. One approach would be to note whether a student has met the criteria for making adequate progress or not. This approach includes the most essential information, is simple, and over time would provide a great deal of useful information about student progress. A more elaborate approach would be to use a four-point scale to evaluate student performance on these tasks: 4: Students are making "adequate progress" as indicated by the assessment note, but in fact already demonstrate a sophisticated and well-articulated understanding of the concept or skill being assessed. 3: Students are making "adequate progress" as indicated by the assessment note. At this point, students demonstrate a developmentally appropriate understanding of the concept or skill being assessed. 2: Students are not making "adequate progress" as indicated by the assessment note. Students partially completed the problem or problem set or the problems are only partially correct. At this point of exposure, students demonstrate an understanding of the concept or skill being assessed that is marginally short of what is expected. 1: Students are not making "adequate progress" as indicated by the assessment note. The problem or problem set is incomplete or incorrect. At this point of exposure, students demonstrate an understanding of the concept or skill being assessed that is significantly short of what is expected. The Everyday Mathematics curriculum continues to aim for proficiency with concepts and skills through repeated exposures over several years. The Teacher's Lesson Guide alerts teachers to content that is being introduced for the first time through Links to the Future notes. These notes provide specific references to future Grade-Level Goals and help teachers understand introductory activities at their grade level in the context of the entire K-6 curriculum. The grade-level Differentiation Handbooks also include tables that show when lesson content is revisited throughout the curriculum. (02/20/09)
My main concern with doing away with the Building, Developing, and Secure (BDS) terminology is that teachers who are new to EM will think every lesson has to be taught to mastery. If they do that, they will never get through the year. We also appreciated the B, D, & S based on the brain research the last 20 years. My students always asked if the lesson was a seed planting, weeding and watering, or harvesting lesson. It made a difference how we approached the lesson. We are moving towards a performance based report card and will be using a system similar to B, D, & S to describe a student's progress towards goals that should be secure (in the case of the new edition &ndash; grade level goals). That need not change. The wonderful lessons of EM are still the same. If you are moving over to the third edition you still have the B, D, & S information. As to my concern about the new-to-program teachers knowing how much emphasis to put on the lesson I think the red star is the big clue. If I find the red star on just one math box in the lesson, my supposition is that the lesson is a beginning or developing lesson. However, if I find the red star on one or two of the actual lesson pages, I'm feeling pretty sure this is an important lesson. I know I can check this out by looking at the Checking Progress to see if the topic is to be assessed in Part A which is the summative section. If I find the topic is Part B, I know the assessment must be formative so I can use it to guide where I am going with the topic. (02/20/09)
EM3 lists books in different units that can be used to enrich instruction. For example, Grade 3 - Unit 3 lists several books in the Unit Organizer under Connecting Math and Literacy. Two of the books are linked directly to lessons (3.1 and 3.5) while the 3 other books listed are not tied to a particular lesson. I am hoping that somewhere, there is a complete list for each grade level of these books. Does anyone has such a list, or know where I can get one? (12/10/07)
A list of literature can be found in the Home School Connection Handbook. (12/11/07)
I don't think that you can order the literacy connections directly from Everyday Math. We ordered the literacy connections through the company; Knowledge Industries Inc. They have put together a set per grade level that go along with the EM series. (12/11/07)
I gave a list of books that I wanted ordered to the librarian and she ordered them for the entire school. They are kept in the library. (12/11/07)
I received this newsletter recently and thought that this topic was covered quite nicely. You can see the discussion given by Marilyn Burns at this link: http://www.mathsolutions.com/index.cfm?page=3Dnl_= wp2&crid=3D250&contentid=3D754 (12/12/07)
I love EDM, but I really hate the "use a calculator" answer. I'm also tired and it's progress report time so I'm being a bit grumpy. With the majority of the algorithms used in EDM, the student is learning what is really happening and not a set of rote steps. When I learned long division with decimals we moved the divisor's decimal point to the right to eliminate it. As we did, we counted places. Then we moved the decimal point in the dividend "up" to the quotient area and slid it to the right the same number of places. In EDM we enforce number sense, in particular composition and decomposition of numbers. When working with fractions (EDM07, grade 5) we learn about equivalent fractions and multiplying/dividing the numerator and denominator by the same number which will give us an equivalent fraction. Why not draw the connection that a division problem is a fraction is a ratio. If I multiply the numerator and denominator or dividend and divisor by the same number, I have the same problem and the same ratio. THEY ARE THE SAME. So, to get rid of my decimal point, just multiply both the divisor and dividend by powers of 10 (more reinforcement of place value, powers of 10, basic number facts). Granted, it would create bigger division problems for them to do, but I also think it would show a deeper understanding of division and the relationship to fractions and ratios. Additionally it can help show why dividing by a decimal may yield a large number. I'm not complaining about the program, but I do wonder why it isn't presented like that. It seems that it stays with the philosophy and gets rid of the "use a calculator" answer. Just curious. Examples: 1 / 0.1 = 10 / 1 = 10 4.5 / 0.9 = 45 / 9 = 5 15.5 / 5 = 155 / 50 = 3R5 10.8 / 0.09 = 1080 / 9 = 120 (12/12/07)
I send home the Home Links as we complete each lesson, which seemed to be the way the EM program was developed. I have heard of other teachers sending them home the week ahead or the week later (5 at a time) or sending 2 home (back to back copies to save paper) prior to one of the lessons being taught. Just wondering what others do. (12/29/07)
Speaking as a parent first and teacher second (using EM), I feel the Home Links should be sent home as the lessons are completed. I don't know of many children who appreciate homework let alone 5 pieces at once. (Even if teachers allow time for completion, I believe a "packet" is too much... especially for the primary grades.) The Home Links are a great "practice" tool to be used following the lesson. (12/29/07)
I too used to send home Home Links on a daily basis. I now send them home 1 unit at a time. In my newsletter each week, I have a section showing which lesson is covered each day. At the beginning of the year, I tell families that it is okay to work ahead if need be (as some nights can be very busy), but students should never be behind. We go over them the following day which helps students to see the importance of them being done on time. This has worked really well for me in both 2nd and 3rd grade:) (12/29/07)
I also teach first grade and have found that they are too easy in some cases so I do supplement with other work. I send them home only when I feel they need extra review/practice. I do not send them home with every lesson. When I do send them home, I send them home after I have taught the lesson. However, the second grade teachers in our school send them home for the whole week and tell parents what day to do each one. (12/30/07)
I was curious if there were other Kindergarten teachers who have experienced the same situation I have with my Everyday Math Home Link letters... the Home Links do not coincide with the lessons. Has anyone explored this or actually gone through the letters and put them in an order that goes with the lessons taught? It seems odd to me to not have them coincide with the lessons if the parents are to do this at home to reinforce what we are doing in the classroom. (08/28/07)
Read in your Resources for the Kindergarten Classroom in the section pertaining to Home Links and you will see that their suggested use is one per week. They are not meant to match exactly as they do in the upper grades. (08/27/07)
I was wondering when the Wright Group would be posting the 3rd edition Morning Message for all grade levels. They did this for the 2nd edition. (08/16/07)
Wright Group has posted them. You need to click on the 2007 Edition and then from the drop down menu in the upper left-hand corner click on Math Message and follow the directions. (08/16/07)
Is the Student Reference book (SRB) available online so families can use it at home without kids taking the book home? (11/14/08)
The online Student Resource Book is available to parents and students only if schools or districts subscribe to the on-line service. Once the school or district has subscribed the teachers can register themselves and their students, only then can the students and their parents have access to the SRB online. (11/15/08)
Our district has recently adopted Everyday Mathematics and we have had one short training. Now I don't know where to even begin. Here are the questions I have so far (I teach second grade and we will be using the third edition.) 1. What do the tool kits have in them to begin with? 2. How many of each game do you make? For example, do I make enough for the class to play these together? (6 copies of each game?) 3. What are your ideas for storing your games, manipulatives, tool kits, etc.? 4. What is the best piece of advice for teachers who have never used EM? (06/11/07)
I will just answer to how some of us have done the tool kit in our district. I would give each child a zip lock bag to keep in his or her desk. (The bag would usually need to be replaced by mid-year). In this bag I would put a clock face, some counters, the small ruler, a marker for the slates (if you have a response board), real coins in a small container, and then let the tool kit grow from your class lessons. Games: I didn't make any games. But some teachers do. Your second-grade does have a student reference book that has a game section and it has all the games that you will introduce. You can make a decision from that section of the book. (We work from the second edition, so I am not familiar with the new second grade reference book. Our edition has a game section in the student book.) Your teacher materials will have everything you need for the games. Most of them just take a number generator (spinner, cards, or number cubes) and a recording sheet. It just depends on how fancy you want to get. Storing: I kept my manipulatives out on shelves so all students could have access to them whenever they might need them. If I were in a room without shelves, I would find a way to have them out for their use. The items you do not use all the time, just keep in a container where you have easy access. Best advice: Have fun with this math. It is a great curriculum for teaching math. I will say it won't make much sense to you until about mid-year, then it becomes easier to teach. Read your lessons every day before you teach. It seems like it is scripted, but it really is not. You need to know what you are teaching. So reading it and thinking about how you will present the information will be really important to do. You can't just "wing it." I will promise you that you will not want to go back to traditional math programs once you have learned to teach EM. (06/12/07)
I teach second grade also and have used EM for 5 years. I tried the tool kits for a year and found them unwieldy. So I have all of the materials needed for each unit on a cart and pass them out as we need them. It keeps their desks freer and it does not take that much time away from the lessons. I do have them bring in their own coins to keep in their desks. I made several of each game as they came up(parents helped) , so when we had a games afternoon I could rotate them through centers. The best pieces of advise I got when I started were to three ring bind everything... that way you can take one unit home in a small binder each night to go over the lesson. I found this wonderful, as the books weigh a ton! Don't even try to do part 3 (I did) because you will inevitably run out of time! I love the program and find that if done properly it does improve math scores and math understanding. (06/12/07)
My name Amy Dillard and I am one of the authors of Everyday Mathematics. It's fantastic to see experienced EM teachers like Paula offering suggestions to those new to the program. I'd like to throw in my two cents regarding Part 3 activities and the Third Edition of Everyday Mathematics. The Differentiation Options in Part 3 include optional Readiness, Enrichment, Extra Practice, and ELL Support activities that can be used with individual students, small groups, or the whole class. The activities build on the Key Concepts and Skills highlighted in Part 1 of each lesson. You can use them to supplement, modify, or adapt the lesson to meet students' needs. As the children in your classroom are new to Everyday Mathematics, I'd suggest that you read through the Readiness activities that appear in most lessons. These activities introduce or develop the lesson content to support students as they work with the Key Concepts and Skills. These new Readiness activities were designed to be used with some or all students before teaching the lesson to preview the content so students are better prepared to engage in the lesson activities. I agree with Paula that it can be challenging to decide which children in your classroom might benefit from these activities, but I encourage you to use your professional judgment and assessment results to make these important decisions. Consider using the Part 3 Planning Master which can be found at the back of the Differentiation Handbooks to help you plan how you will use the Part 3 activities for a given unit. (06/12/07)
2. When I first introduce a game I make enough for a class set with partners (18 kids, 9 games) 3. I make five copies that I laminate and store in file folders for the kids to play whenever they have time. The kids grab the folder and the tools they need to play with a partner. The tool kits are pencil boxes, this works really well. It is expensive the first year, but you can reuse them year after year if you train the children how to take care of them. Then they store their boxes in a wooden shoe storage box. It has slots for 12 boxes and the tool kits work great. (06/12/07)
You place in each toolkit, a template, tape measure, and a calculator. Number of games to make depends on class size, but the rule of thumb is 1 copy for 4 students. Rules for the games are in student's journal and reference book. Best Advice: Read the entire Unit Organizer before teaching the lessons. Follow the lesson design; always do part 1 and 2. Part 3 is for Differentiation and you will not use it all the time. The Routines and Games are a very important, do not skip them. Mental Math and Reflexes are good slate activities, read about them in you Teacher's Reference Manual. Teach the curriculum as designed: follow whole group, partners, and small group. Expect noise, it will be the excitement of learning. (06/13/07)
I have used EM for many years in first grade. I use plastic shoe boxes with lids for the tool kits and have one per table of 4 kids. At first the tool kits are empty. As the year progresses and I introduce a game or a new tool we put the new item(s) into the kit. At free choice time kids choose one tool or game we already played in class. For example, they had the Everything Math Deck in their kits, so they had several games to choose from. They also had their templates, their tape measures, dice, etc. As for the games, when we first began using the series we made a set of games for the kids to use and take home on a rotating basis. We included a direction card and all the items needed to play the game in a (yellow) cardboard box with a handle. Our kids loved taking a game home to share with their families. If they didn't return the game, they could not get another the next trade in day. As I recall, we traded every Friday and Monday. Some years we had parent volunteers who came daily, so they could trade each morning or three times a week. We also made a collection of read aloud math themed books with manipulatives which we circulated among the kids. At one time we had both going. It got a bit crazy, but it also got the kids doing constructive activities in the evenings with their families. We began doing the exchanges after most outdoor activities like soccer were over for the year. (06/13/07)
This can be EM related or not, but I am looking for multiple choice math practice for 5th grade students. Anything close to grade level involving picking a multiple-choice answer will work. (02/23/10)
Check these ones out. http://www.internet4classrooms.com/grade_level_help/test_taking_assistance_fifth_5th_grade.htm Mike, just noticed you are from MN. Go to MDE and download the MCA practice tests. (02/23/10)
If you go to the PA section of the Department of Education's website, there are numerous multiple choice practice tests. They are listed under Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA), item sampler. (02/24/10)
The California version of the Teacher Assessment Assistant has California Standards Practice Tests that are multiple choice in PDF form. It is designed solely for multiple choice practice. (02/23/10)
You can use the Teacher's Assessment Assistant CD to create multiple choice tests tied to the EM chapters or goals. It's a pretty easy process. (02/23/10)
We had an in-service with lots of teacher-made materials to look at (not make and take) and there was an idea using a laminated file folder as a student resource. The folder had a number grid to 110, a number line, geometric shapes with names and several other things that I can't recall. What would you add as a resource for 1st graders? I think a ruler would be difficult to use if it was stationary on the page. (08/15/07)
I include a picture of various coins--penny, nickel, dime, quarter, half-dollar and a dollar bill--and the monetary value of each in my folders. (08/15/07)
I made a copy of the number grid on colored cardstock then laminated them. The kids used these as book marks in the math journals and with dry erase markers for various units. I also made one to send home to use with homework. (08/16/07)
I've seen that Reference File Folder in the past also. There were "reference frames" such as Parts/total diagram, Frames and Arrows and What's My Rule. You might also have an addition fact table. However, these are also on the inside cover of the Student Journals. If you are using 3rd Edition EM, all of this is in My Reference Book. (08/15/07)
A colleague and I also saw these folders at an EM conference. We chose to laminate ours and use them as resources with our assistants. Students can use wet erase markers (Vis-a-Vis) and practice the different reference frames as needed. You could include things like number lines, blank clock faces, and Frames and Arrows. They are a wonderful resource! (08/15/07)
The kindergarten team at my school is interested in acquiring the 2007 edition of Everyday Mathematics. I'm wondering if someone has used both the 2004 and 2007, and if so, is there a major difference between the two, and are there more materials necessary to execute the 2007 edition? I am hoping we can order the 2007 edition teacher's guide and nothing else. (11/05/09)
I have used both 2nd and 3rd editions of EM and to my knowledge, no new manipulatives needed to be purchased. Below is a comparison that my predecessor compiled when we decided to switch to the 3rd edition. Items available in English and Spanish Adjusting the activity shows learning styles It appears that there are more student pages dedicated to practice The parent letter at the beginning of the unit has vocabulary and answer to Study Links, but now answers to links are on a separate page. ELL support in Differentiation Handbook More writing and reasoning Math Master Book in chronological order rather than grouped by section Technology Link available on internet or CD ROM No Introduce, Develop, Secure Page at the beginning of the unit on differentiated instruction In color Tells you what to assess with pink stars Assessment Handbook- Assessment Overview for each unit along with a list of modifications for written assessments and sample student answers Home Connections Handbook now divided into Early Childhood, 1-3, and 4-6. Used to be K-6 Math Boxes tell you which lesson the math boxes are paired with. Example: Lesson 4-1 is paired with Lesson 4-3. The Skill in problem 6 previews Unit 5 content. Kindergarten Now has center activity cards Section on ongoing daily routines all together rather than spread throughout the book. Assessment- tells you where to assess Each unit has a page on differentiated instruction Provides a list of terms you should use with the students Improved Assessment Handbook More Math Masters You have an Early Childhood Home Connection Handbook Resources for the Kindergarten Classroom Book (Themes Activities, Family Letters, etc.) My 1st Math Journal Book for Students (11/05/09)
I think the 2007 version is much better. You should probably also get the black-line masters book. The center charts for children to work at centers are great. So getting the resource kit is really best. You can manage without the journals for kindergarten. Some teachers like them; most would rather not use them. (11/05/09)
Our K teacher used the 2004 edition prior to updating to the 2007 edition this year. She loves the fact that it is much more sequential and easily used in the classroom. I'd get the teacher resource kit at least, so you'd have all of the components and make your own decision as to the student journals. (11/05/09)
I actually worked in three EM editions. The 2007 one is wonderful. It truly brings respectability to the "K" math program. The alignment of the program is also similar to the other grades. It still emphasizes morning routines but for the newer teacher shows how to differentiate instruction while using, how to allow the routines to change as the childrens' knowledge expands. There are LOTS of GREAT changes. Changes (for the good) have also been made in the resource book, which is loaded with resources. Assessment will be very different . The Assessment Handbook addresses these changes and lays out a whole system that will assist the teacher in informal and formal assessment. Contact your EM representative and see if you can't take a healthy look at the whole prpgram. I would say, if you are making the change, do it right. The children and all of you will benefit. (11/05/09)
Our kindergarten teachers far prefer the 2007 edition for all the reasons that prior postings have listed. I strongly recommend investing in the whole teacher's kit. The major reason is that the Assessment Handbook provides really important tools for assessing and reporting student progress. In particular, the Baseline, Mid-Year, and End-of-Year periodic assessments are so rich. And the price difference between the teacher's guide and the whole kit is not great. (11/05/09)
Can anyone give me specifics on what the differences are between the 2nd and 3rd editions for Kindergarten? (03/08/07)
My name is Debbie Leslie and I am one of the authors of 3rd edition /Kindergarten Everyday Mathematics. Below I am re-posting a response I sent to an earlier query about 3rd edition KEM from January. If it doesn't answer your specific questions, I'm happy to provide additional information. Although we changed the overall structure of KEM with the 3rd edition, we maintained the principle of having a program that is robust and rich enough for full-day Kindergarten programs, but also flexible enough to be used comfortably in half-day programs. One of the goals of the 3rd edition revision was to help teachers implement the program more consistently across both types of settings. I see that Barb Smart already posted a very informative response to your question, and -- as you can see from my response below -- I concur with all that she wrote. As you may know, in 3rd edition KEM there are 126 numbered activities, each consisting of Part A (Core Activities) and Part B (Teaching Options). The expectation is that both half- and full-day teachers will do the activities in Part A in each numbered activity in the /Teacher's Guide to Activities/. These include: * the Main Activity (the first and longer activity), and * the Revisit Activity (the second and shorter activity, which is a repeat -- sometimes with modification -- of an earlier Main Activity) Half- and full-day teachers will likely differ in the extent that they use the Teaching Options (Part B in each numbered activity). The Teaching Options are optional and can be used any time after the Main Activity. Teachers in full-day programs will likely be able to do more of the Teaching Options activities than teachers in half-day programs. That said, we expect that all teachers will find some Teaching Options that fit well into their program and schedule, since the Teaching Options often link to other curricular areas or can be done in the Math Center or another classroom Center. They can be very useful for integrating mathematics into daily activities, thereby helping both half- and full-day teachers "find" more time for math in their busy days. Another place where half- and full-day teachers may differ is in their use of the Projects. There is one project at the end of each Section in the Teacher's Guide, or a total of 8 projects in KEM. Each project includes several activities. Like the Teaching Options, the projects are optional and teachers can pick and choose from the activities that comprise them. Here again, full-day teachers will probably be able to use the projects more fully than half-day teachers, but half-day teachers will also likely find some project activities that they would like to integrate into their programs. A related point regarding pacing: all teachers should aim to do about 3-4 numbered activities per week (including the Main Activity, the Revisit Activity, and any Teaching Options they select), which means completing about one Section of the Teacher's Guide per month (4-5 weeks). This will comfortably take them through the entire Teacher's Guide during the school year. For more information and discussion about half-day and full-day programs, you might also see page xxxi of the Kindergarten /Teacher's Guide to Activities/ and Section 1.7 (pp. 10-11) in the /Early Childhood Teacher's Reference Manual/. The Section Openers at the beginning of each Section also provide useful information for planning and pacing. (03/09/07)
Is the new kindergarten edition (third edition 2007) written for full or half day kindergarten? The new version does not seem to identify core activities. Previously, we used this information to direct teachers in planning full or half-day kindergarten classes (half day kindergarten sessions would use core activities; full day would use core activities in the morning and non-core activities in the afternoon). (01/08/07)
The Kindergarten EM3 program is designed for use in full and half day programs. Teachers initiate all or most of the Routines as the year begins. The daily activities (126 total) are grouped into 8 Sections - 14 to 16 activities plus an optional Project - with a Section Opener that provides useful overview information. Each Daily Activity includes two parts: A Core Activity is a main activity plus a revisit activity and B Teaching Options. All teachers (full and half day programs) should teach the required Part A Core Activities, and then make selections from the Teaching Options. Projects and Theme provide even more math activities. I have worked with a couple pilot groups this year and the full day program teachers report that they do all of Part A and most of the Part B while the half day program teachers find they do all of Part A and make selections from Part B. You'll find more information about this in the Introduction section of the KEM3 Teacher's Guide to Activities under Instruction, p. xxxi - xxxiii. Read that through ... then look at a few activities and I'm sure your question will answer itself as you'll see the many ways teachers can build their mathematics program ... starting with a Part A Core Activity. (01/08/07)
As you look at the new Kindergarten lesson plan, Part A of the lesson is called "Core Activities." The caption has just been moved from the margin to the actual point of use. Part B gives teachers options for differentiating the lesson or extending for the whole day environment. (01/12/07)
How different are the 2004 edition Grade 1 Math Journals from the 2007 edition? Will I be able to teach using the 2004 Teachers' Guide if the students have the 2007 journals? Is there a list somewhere of which lessons have been moved or changed? (08/07/08)
The 2004 Math Journals are still advertised for sale at www.wrightgroup.com. http://www.wrightgroup.com/index.php/componentsale?isbn=0075844419 http://www.wrightgroup.com/index.php/componentsale?isbn=0075844427 (08/07/08)
I have been assembling my Elementary Mathematics games this summer and have run across one that I need help with. The game is in the 3rd Edition and is called Base 10 Number Game. The directions say to start a "bank" with 20 longs and 40 cubes and put 1 flat on your mat. The directions then say to roll the dice and put the same number of cubes as there are dots on the dice back in the bank. If you start with a flat, how can you put cubes in the bank? (07/02/08)
The base 10 Trading Game helps children understand that a flat is a whole thing but it can also be broken into parts. So before the kids can put cubes back into the bank s/he must break the flat into longs and the longs into cubes as needed. In this game the students are asked to see and understand the parts that compose the flat. (07/03/08)
Since they start with a flat, if they roll a 3 they have to first change the flat into 10 longs, and then one long into 10 cubes. So they can then take away the 3 cubes. They finish the first roll with 9 longs and 7 cubes. (07/03/08)
You will find that this trading game is the best way to help 2nd graders understand subtraction regrouping. They also play the game using dollars, dimes and pennies. As far as assessment, this year I assessed my students once a month. I would take one week and assess 4-5 students a day. I found that was more manageable. (07/04/08)
Does anyone have a list of the grade level goals and the games that correspond with each goal? Or does anyone know if this would even exist? (09/15/09)
I'm glad this question came up because this is our first year with EDM3 and we're still working on making best use of its new features. I didn't find exactly what you're looking for, but I figured out how I could get there: Step 1. In the beginning of each Teacher's Lesson Guide there is a Games Correlation Chart. That will lead you to a strand. Step 2. Find a lesson in which the game is played. Then look at the Learning Goal associated with that part of the lesson. Example Step 1. For second grade, TLG I it's on pages xxxii and xxxiii; the Number Grid Game is under Patterns. Step 2. In second grade, the game is played (among other times in the year) in Part 2 of lesson 1.8 to give students opportunities to use patterns on the number grid. On the opening page of the lesson (page 51) it notes that among the key concepts and skills is, "Identify patterns on the number grid [Patterns, Functions, and Algebra Goal 1]." The questions I still have are: Are there other, more direct ways to get there? Might a game encompass more than one learning goal? (09/15/09)
In the beginning of each Teacher's Lesson Guide there is a game correlation chart. The chart lists all of the games and what grade level the game is played. It will also list what lesson you will be playing that game. The chart also informs what skill and concept areas are covered with the game you are playing. Also, at the beginning of each unit is a section called "Practice through Games." You will find a chart listing the games and the lesson when it should be played along with the skill being practiced along with the goal; i.e., Grade 2, Unit 1: Lesson 1.4. The student will be palying Coin Top-It. The student will be working on counting (Operations and Computation, Goal 2). (09/15/09)
Has anyone played the Fishing for Digits game? It is new in the Fourth Grade. I have not been able to figure out how to use the record sheet. (09/22/07)
I tried the fishing for digits game about two weeks ago and found it a great game to enhance large number place value and mental math. We chose not to use the record sheet on the first try and my students were quite successful. I passed the word along to other fourth grade teachers in my building NOT to bother with the record sheet when first playing the game. A few of my students who struggle with mental math used small sheets of scrap paper to simply make notes to themselves and visualize what they needed to do on the calculator. (09/22/07)
I think I finally figured it out...let's see if this works. For those who haven't played, Fishing for Digits is a place-value game that uses the calculator. Students put a random 6-digit number into the calculator and play with a partner. On the record sheet, each player records their own number (I think you would need to use a divider so the other player cannot see your number). Player 1 goes 'fishing' for digits and asks, for example, "Do you have a 4?" If the answer is no, both players keep their same number (and record it in the first blank of Round 1...the directions actually say that Player 1 adds 0 and Player 2 subtracts 0. If the answer is YES, then Player 1 adds the value of the digit to his number and Player 2 subtracts the value of the digit from his number and they each record their new number on the first blank of Round 1. Then it is time for Player 2 to fish for digits. They repeat the steps and record their new number on the second blank of Round 1. Basically, each round has 2 turns (one for Player 1 and one for Player 2) and that is why you have 2 blanks for each round. After 5 rounds (which is really 10 turns) the player whose calculator has the larger number wins! (09/26/07)
Does anyone know where I could locate a chart that lists when we play each game? I found a place in the Teachers Lesson Guide where it lists the first time the students play the game (Games Correlation Chart), but I would love to know when we will play each game in the future. For example, we just played Dollar Rummy for Lesson 3-5. Is there some place I could look to see when/if we will play it again? (11/02/09)
I made a chart that lists when each game is called for in a lesson. There is also a chart for the literature connections. This is for the 3rd edition. (11/03/09)
If you look at the Unit Organizer under Ongoing Learning and Practice it will list Practice through Games. We have the third edition, so I don't know if that makes a difference. (11/03/09)
I am in charge of planning a Family Games Night (K-6) next month. I have read all the suggestions in the Home Connection Handbook, but am looking for more ideas. What games have others played? How did you manage it? How long did it last? Prizes? Refreshments? Etc. (10/22/08)
I have been part of several Family Math nights--food is always a requirement. Feed them and they will come. Games, prizes - raffle tickets one per family. I have had the parents play the games with their students so that they can play them at home, trying to house regular decks of playing cards or dice that are readily available. I have done it where they stay in their childs room the whole time - 1 hour, or rotate every 15 to 20 minutes playing each game, or changing rooms to get exposure to games at other levels. (10/22/08)
Our Family Math Night has evolved into more than games but when we just played games we had as many EM games as we could set up at tables around the cafeteria. We had families move from table to table through out the evening. We had several of the games reproduced for families to take home with them. The home packets contained any materials necessary to be able to play the game - directions, board, dice, counters, playing cards, etc. We also had commercial games available that they could purchase themselves from a store such as 'Toys R Us' that related to math. When we first started we had raffles but after a year or two we didn't much like this because a handful of students were over the top happy while the large majority were disappointed. In doing this for many years now, we've found that every family being able to take home a few games is better. We usually include a pencil and math sticker or some such simple item. We decorate the cafeteria with balloons - National Council of Teacher's of Mathematics (NCTM) has "We Love Math" balloons which we then supplement with less expensive ones from a party store. The evening is from 6:30 - 8:30 including an introduction and wrap-up (with a feedback form). We serve juice boxes and baggie of 2_3 cookies. We used to serve coffee/tea but clean up was time consuming and usually there would be a spill or two. The evening consists of "stations". One station is games, another uses a variety of manipulatives, another is 'teaching' station for a particular concept (last year I did coordinate geometry using 4 shower curtains taped together to make a floor model of the 4 quadrants). Another station was math through literature (math read-alouds were done). Our stations vary a bit from year to year. Each station is numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. As families arrive they're given a large large envelope with the order they will be attending the various stations (ie. 1, 2, 3, 4, or 2, 3, 4, 1 etc.) As they progress from station to station they collect something from each station to take home that related to than station. It's a great nightterrific turn out for grades K_6. We've not been as successful with grades 7-8. (10/22/08)
Name that Number and the Top-It games are easy to do and don't require anything special, just a deck of cards. Name that Number is a game that can be used in the very early grades and all the way through 6th grade, increasing in complexity as you add more operations, the use of parentheses, powers of numbers and even the order of operations. Fantastic game! In my experience, when you offer some type of refreshment, you get a better turn out. Some schools have instituted a passport type system in which you need to get a certain number of "stamps" or initials from presenters as participants experience various games before enjoying the ice cream or other refreshment. These are very powerful, positive experiences for both students and teachers. (10/24/08)
We did some parent nights in the past. Now that we have been using the program for years we haven't done one in a while. We set up the lunch tables in the gym with buckets of materials in them. We had many game sheets on the tables. As the parents entered, we told them to choose a spot to sit in for the first game. After everyone was set, we gave them about 10 minutes to play a game. Then, we would have them rotate. This was with a parents only session. It was fun to see them get so competitive. Some of the games we played were multiplication baseball, wrestling, factor bingo, beat the calculator, top-it games, just to name a few. This was a very powerful tool. The parents had a blast. The evening was for about an hour. The thing was, when all the other parents who didn't come heard about the night, they wanted to know when we were going to do another. I have done a family night with my class. I had the kids pick their favorite games we had materials for about 10 different games. I set it up the same as our parent night, with buckets and materials around on the tables. The kids played games with the parents. Everyone had a great time. (10/22/08)
Our 3rd grade team (3 teachers) had our "Math with the Experts" activity day/evening last Tuesday held in our gym. The students were the experts and taught their parents 5 of the EM gamesNumber Top-It, Multiplication Baseball, Roll to 100, Pick a Coin, and Name That Number. We offered two sessions, 3:30-4:40 and 6:30-7:30. The students participated in only one of the sessions. We offered two session to help accommodate parents who work evenings etc. The only refreshment that we offered was a Tootsie-Pop halfway through the sessions. Families completed a 4 game rotation during the hour; switching to a new game every 15 minutes. Our team created take-home bags for each student/family. The bag included one of each of the following: deck of cards, EM deck of cards, ruler, tape measure , calculator, dice, $ bag with $15 in plastic coins and $1400 in paper bills, and a book related to math (e.g. Shark Swimathon, Lemonade Stand, Betcha!, etc.). Each book is a Math Start Level 3 book connected to a math concept. We also included a card stock, laminated copy of the directions for each of the 5 games as well as any score sheets/mats needed for playing the game. This is our second year of offering this fun family activity. I am thrilled to say that we had 93% attendance. The students had an opportunity to shine and show just how much they really know about numbers. The take home kit is really about helping families create game nights of their own and ensuring that our students have no excuses for not completing their Home Links due to lack of math materials in their homes. It requires preparation (take home kit) and some funds. The students and parents really enjoy the teaching/learning that takes place. It's really fun for the teachers too! (10/25/08)
I have to teach a workshop for the teachers in my building on Everyday Mathematics games. How can I promote using the games, especially when many teachers are giving up on them due to time constraints? (08/11/07)
Are the teachers in your building trying to play the games after each lesson? If so, you may want to let them know about doing one "Game Day" a week. I use this in my classroom and love it. I teach a lesson each day, Monday through Thursday. Then, on Friday, I focus on games. This seems to work well for me. Keep in mind, if there is a lesson where you will be introducing a new game, I will do that as part of the lesson and not on the Game Day. (08/12/07)
Maybe if you have the teachers make up the games so that they have them ready for use. I make up the games and keep them in large oversized envelopes with the rules taped to the front of the envelope. I keep everything (except for the math cards) in the envelopes. I than have students work in groups. I give different games to different groups so that they can work on skills that need improvement. I often do this on Friday so that we can have a review time. Sometimes I pair up lower students with helpful higher level students so that they can help the lower level students. I may have 4 to 6 different activities going at one time. After a time I have students rotate to different groups or different partners. Not sure that helps, but I think if teachers think of the games as a time to review and help students with missed work or skills that need improvement it might help. Also having the games made up ahead of time is a great help. (08/12/07)
My suggestion would be to set up one Key Game per grade level and have teachers rotate in mixed-grade teams from game to game. Have posters at each game site to encourage teachers to make notes about the kind of math skills that the game allows students to practice. This should encourage some discussion and remind teachers how powerful the games are for students. (08/12/07)
The games are the tools that help students reinforce and practice skills being learned. They are as necessary to the program as the study links. My first year with EM, I did not use the games effectively, and found my students did not retain the skills as well as I would have liked. The second year, I made a commitment to use the games and found that students retained the information learned at a much faster rate. The games are much better than the old "Drill and Kill." Our district recommends games and "catch-up days" once a week. (08/13/07)
Our school implemented a GREAT way to get all games in... It is mandatory that 1st thing in the am, between the first & second bells, the ENTIRE school has math game time. It also helped out GREATLY with attendance because the kids wanted to be there early to get lots of play time in. (08/12/07)
I would suggest the first 10 minutes of each day be given to working with the EM games in the classroom. It gives those students who arrive early something to do and everyone seems to get to school on time knowing this is "game time"...it is what I did in my Kindergarten classsroom. I rotate 5 games throughout the week. At the beginning of the school year it is free exploration with different manipulatives, then activities at calendar at least 3 times, then moved to games in the a.m. Good luck! The games are ESSENTIAL to the program!! (08/12/07)
I would like to help teachers in my K-4 school set up consistent game days so they can incorporate a steady diet of EM games into their curriculum. Like many others, they feel there is not always enough time to get to the games. How do other teachers use the games routinely in their classrooms? One example I have seen is having grade-level classes rotate between rooms, with each room having a different game to play. Any other great ideas like that one? (09/15/08)
I made a chart that lists when each game is called for in a lesson. There is also a chart for the literature connections. This is for the 3rd edition. (09/15/08)
Wednesday nights were game night for my class. Instead of getting a written assignment, they had to play a game and get a weekly sheet signed saying that they played. (they also had a home link). Then at the end of the quarter I would give that sheet a grade based on the signatures. (09/15/08)
Some teachers here have tried doing "game days" instead of when they come up in the lesson. I've been trying to get everyone to do the games when they come up so that they're in context and not simply "a game". For us, sometimes this does mean that a lesson runs into the next day, but we try to keep them so that they're done with the lessons. Sorry, I hate to be negative, but just doing them later on didn't work as well for us. (09/15/08)
Another model is to have games as a center, providing other problem solving opportunities or activities, meeting with the teacher in small groups and/or completing partner work as other centers. Sometimes teachers also need to be reminded that games are an opportunity for all, not just an option for those that complete their "seatwork". (09/15/09)
I had a time set aside every day for games. We usually didn't get to the game in the lesson, so we always played that during our 10-15 minute game time. I set mine up after recess so the students could get everything set up before they went out to recess. The key is to have partner lists up so you can just choose one of the lists to use and tell the students what game they are to play. I found that during a game day my students actually didn't have the attention span to play for long. Breaking up the time you have into shorter sessions is far more effective and students will use the time better. Instead of a game day, I had a day of differentiation. I would pull small groups aside to preteach or reteach skills, while the rest of my students were finishing journal pages or working on the extra practices or enrichments from Part 3. I would switch these groups after 10 or so minutes, and pull another small group. (09/15/08)
Most Fridays are used as a game day in my second grade classroom. I set up about 6 different stations each with a different game. I have parent volunteers come in and help monitor each station. Students rotate through each station spending about 10 minutes at each one. The station that I monitor is one that involves reteaching or enrichment depending on the week's lessons. Throughout the week though I try to have the students play the game along with the lesson as well but having Fridays set aside help if we didn't get to it. Other second grade teachers do something similar to this as well. (09/15/08)
My principal asked me to find a really good, fun math game for a class of 30 third graders. She doesn't want an Everyday Mathematics game. She will use it with the class while she gives the teacher a "gift of time" (she will give the teacher a break). Does anyone have a super, great math game for a whole class that is engaging and will take about 45 min.? (12/18/07)
Dollar Words by Marilyn Burns is fun. Each letter of the alphabet is worth $. A = 1 cent B = 2 cents C = 3 cents, and so on up to $0.26 for Z. First challenge the kids to find the value of their own first names. Then challenge them to come up with a word that has the highest value. A great homework challenge is to find words that equal exactly one dollar. We have made collections of Dollar Words that lasted quite a while. (12/18/07)
It takes a little time and organization, but calendar bingo is great fun. Gather discarded calendars (it is better if it is from various years). Each student gets a month. Create a list of questions whose answer is 1-30 or 31. (How old is your mother - 20 years; how many years old are you; How many siblings do you have? what is 3X3;etc.) Play bingo! (12/19/07)
Some good choices. (Most, if not all, are from Marilyn Burns.) For small groups: -Race to the hexagon -Pathways game(addition) -Pathways game (multiplication) For entire class: -The game of Pig (probability - play with partners, than graph results as a class.) (12/18/07)
Some of the teachers in my building feel that they have a difficult time getting through the entire Everyday Mathematics curriculum in one school year, so the first thing that they "throw out" are the math games. Does anybody know of any articles or research that explains the importance of playing the games on a regular basis and what it can do to improving scores that I can share with some of my teachers? (07/31/07)
If the teachers are not getting through the program it is probably because they are spending too much time on beginning and developing skills lessons. It was explained to me this way . . . If the skill is beginning it will come up many more times in their EM so teachers should make this a green light skill. Introduce it and go on. If it is developing they students will see it again so make it a yellow light and don't spend much time on it. But, if the skill is a secure skill, then it needs a red light. Stop and make sure your students get it. This gets the teachers through the book with time to spend on games. I don't know what articles there are but I do know this was a problem for our first-year teachers. (06/01/07)
The discussion here at the American International School of Budapest went from "We should have a family math night!" to "Why not a math spirit week?" to "Why not have January be Math Month, with Art and Music integrations, Science, PE, and Literature!" So January is going to be Math Month at the lower elementary. I'm the committee coordinator for this proposed celebration and I would sure appreciate hearing what you have done on Math Nights, Math Weeks, and Math Months at your schools! (11/14/07)
One thing we did was have the students become the teachers and teach their parents how to play math games during our 'math night'. We also created a bunch of manipulatives (K-2 - laminated clock faces, number grids, etc.) to give out to parents so they could help their children with homework and math skills practice. We even gave out 'travel' size games, manipulatives, and practice ideas because we found that parents/students were driving around after school hours to sporting events and activities. (11/14/07)
This will be our first year with Everyday Mathematics and I would like suggestions about how others package and send games home as well as how often they are sent. (07/11/09)
I send home a 2-pocket folder at the beginning of the year for games, once a few have been introduced. I then send home the directions and game board copies as I introduce them. Students are responsible for keeping these folders so that when I assign a game for homework they have it right there. (07/13/09)
I have a set of see-thru bookbags that I ordered (Lakeshore). I would suggest that you use something more study than ziploc bags. I have 8 bags. I set up 2 games per bag. Included in the bag are directions (either laminated sheets or placed in page protectors), majority of the game materials which I place in snack size ziploc bags (such as coins, dice, game cards, etc.) and a little rhyme that encourages the families to return the game bag the next school day. I have a checklist sheet to keep track of who has taken a game home. Usually I pull names to begin the process, then that child passes the game on to another student. If there are items that need to be replaced I have been lucky enough to have the students remind me or each other. Prior to beginning this process I send home a letter or include in my newsletter the goal, purpose, and value of the game bags. Also, rather than using some of the EM manipulatives I purchase or ask parents to donate additional math items such as dice, dominoes, etc. (07/12/09)
We are using heavy-duty (6 mil. ply) plastic zip loc bags for games & sending materials home. The 10x13" holds laminated instructions & the bag is sturdy enough for manipulatives, game cards, dice, etc. They are a "bit" pricy - but we also use these for our Science Readers 6-packs. You can probably get together with others or as a site and order in bulk. Uline company sells them: http://www.uline.com/cls_uline/Uline-Products (07/12/09)
We are new to Everyday Mathematics and are hosting a Family Math Night in a few weeks. I would love to hear your ideas for themes as well as booths or stations. (09/17/09)
We hold a parent math workshop in the fall with the focus being how to help your child learn their basic math facts. This allows us to explain/introduce how different today's math class looks and why and emphasize how important meaningful fact practice is. We go over fact families and triangle cards and teach the fact games like Top It and Beat the Calculator and discuss how to help them develop strategies, not just rote memorization (but that they must get to automaticity). Our Family Math Night is mid-late winter and is organized completely around the Everyday Mathematics Games. We had parent volunteers help organize an EM Game Center for each classroom so that all materials are in one hanging file box. When they did, they made one extra set for Family Math Night (with printable cards for the games so we don't have to worry about losing pieces of our Everything Math decks at the event). We set up 4_6 copies of most of the games in our cafeteria and let the students teach the parents. If it is a game they haven't gotten to yet, all of the directions and materials are right there. Then they have the rest of the year to play at home. Our PTA also provides money for us to purchase door prizes and estimation items (jellybeans, jump rope (length), balls (circumference), and bubbles (volume). Your ticket to the door prize raffle is an evaluation sheet to help us improve for the following year. (09/18/09)
When we do Family Math Night, each teacher takes a game of their choice to teach the parents. The parents then rotate to each of the six teachers and play the games with their child. (09/18/09)
The last responder made great points, but I would add to that. You won't have time to do it in four hours, but I would stress how important it is to be familiar with the games and manipulatives. They can do that on their own, but it's critical that they are fluent in the games ahead of the kids. Also, occasionally there weren't enough materials in our kits to do small groups as called for in the manual. For example, we didn't have enough attribute blocks to have each group make attribute trains, so we did this whole group and now I've added more attribute blocks for this coming year. (08/09/09)
Does anyone have any suggestions on what to say to parents when you send home Math Journal 1? I feel the need to explain that not every problem was tackled, not every page is finished, and some pages werent assigned because we did them together or in another way. (02/20/08)
I came upon 2 letters that I've used in the past years. Maybe one of them would work for you. Dear Parents, Attached is your child's math journal. The journal serves as a source for students to learn concepts from the daily lessons, as well as to practice previously taught skills. There are various ways that we use the journals in class. Often students work together with their peers while a teacher walks around the classroom to help. Sometimes we complete problems as a class and other times students work independently so that we can check their progress. You may keep the math journal at home and use it as means for reviewing skills. Some pages are not complete or corrected. The pages with Math Boxes are the best ones for students if they are looking for some extra practice. You could even make up new problems on a separate sheet of paper based on the ones in the journal. Happy problem solving! (02/20/08)
This is the one we just put together for second grade. You're welcome to revise it to your liking. Dear Parents, Attached is your child's math journal. The journal serves as a source for students to learn concepts from the daily lessons, as well as to practice previously taught skills. There are various ways that we use the journals in class. Often students work together with their peers while a teacher walks around the classroom to help. Sometimes we complete problems as a class and other times students work independently so that we can check their progress. You may keep the math journal at home and use it as means for reviewing skills. Some pages are not complete or corrected. The pages with Math Boxes are the best ones for students if they are looking for some extra practice. You could even make up new problems on a separate sheet of paper based on the ones in the journal. Happy problem solving! (02/20/08)
I always send journal one home, and have never had any parent issues. At our open house I explain to parents that the journal will come home in January, and not all pages will be complete. I suggest that the child finish these pages at home over the summer, or if the parent wants to help their child with skills and concepts. As far as other children at home, if one wants to complete problems undone, or begin to peruse what will be learned as they enter into 4th grade, yippee! (02/20/08)
I received the following message from a Second Grade teacher and wondered if anyone else has noticed this discrepancy. Our math teaching manuals do not always match up with our students' journals. I attempted to use the Mobiwrite today but realized it that page 69 in the Student Journal was different. We are wondering if there are more instances of these discrepancies? If so, does EM have plans to correct the disks or change the student materials to ensure that they align? (11/30/10)
The EM author team at the University of Chicago maintains an online error report form at http://everydaymath.uchicago.edu/error_report.shtml We check the reports that come in and, when necessary, request reprint corrections from our publisher, McGraw-Hill School Education Group. Without knowing the specific mismatch, it's difficult to say if this is an error or if you might have the wrong version of the journals. If you think you have the wrong journals, you should probably contact your sales rep. (11/30/10)
Make sure you have the correct CD's for the series you are using...the pages are diffferent. (11/30/10)
Does anyone have any suggestions for the clock-making activity in Unit 2, Lesson 6 of grade 1? One teacher used a ready-made clock instead of all students making one. (10/14/10)
I use a combination of clocks. We make the paper ones, often using card stock, so the children can do the first lesson with only the hour hand. We make the second paper one with both hands to take home for practice since so many families only have digital clocks. I then use "Judy" brand practice clocks for use in the classroom. (10/14/10)
When I modeled the clock lesson for our first year EM teachers, I went to Wal-Mart and bought the least expensive battery clock they had that was kitchen sized. I unscrewed the back and popped off the second hand and minute hands. I put the clock back together and that way I can move the clock from the back for the lessons / practice that use only the hour hand. I taped the minute and second hands to the back because with the clock model I happened to get those hands easily came off and I can put them back on just by disassembling and reassembling the clock. It worked really well. I think that the clock was less than $10.00. (10/14/10)
The beauty of the clock connected to that lesson is that it only has the hour hand; this increases student understanding of time and allows them to be more successful, especially early on. I think that it is genius, so make those clocks. (10/15/10)
I use bobby pins to distinguish between the hour and minute hand. I usually buy them in different colors as well, if I can find them. If you cut the clock face out and lay it on top of the dessert plate and then put a small hole in the center, the bobby pins will slip in through the hole with one half on the front of the plate and the other on the back of the plate. They are tight enough that they don't move unless you move them. This is a quick and cheap way to make a great working clock for each student to use for practice. Eleanor Rodie Vigo County Elementary Math Liaison (10/15/10)
This is our first year using Everyday Mathematics in our school. We were curious if any other K teachers have come up with a better more efficient way to create the sticks needed for games. (11/03/11)
I made them the first year, and had the kids help put the beans on the popsicle sticks. They are holding up well. (11/03/11)
Some teachers in my district drew the beans on with sharpie markers. (11/03/11)
When we were learning what "5" is in Section 1, the children did the attaching. The sticks were saved and then used for lesson 5*10. Another year I had the children glue 5 nickels(cardstock). When they earned the 5 sticks, they are traded for the raft with a quarter glued on (11/03/11)
Try small stickers instead of beans on the popsicle sticks. (11/03/11)
I am thinking of putting some Everyday Mathematics games together so each of my students can take home a sort of "kit" of activities for use at home, and then return it to me in June at the end of the year. (I send home game directions regularly, but I think I might get a better response if I included everything all together - spinners, cards, etc., laminated, ready to go.) Some of the games I thought of for my second grade students are Number Grid Difference, Clock Concentration, Array Bingo, Addition Spin, and Im still working on some more. (It's vacation week for us here and I don't have my manuals at home to reference.) One thing my kids can use more practice with is two- digit addition and subtraction. Does anyone have a good idea on how to make 10's and 1's for use at home? We have base 10 blocks in the classroom, but not enough for home use. I have used laminated tag for these in the past, but they are so difficult for the kids to pick up and use that I'd rather find something easier for their fingers to hold onto. Does anyone else do something similar to sending games home, or have other game ideas? In particular, besides Beat the Calculator, which requires three people, I'd love some games that practice basic math facts. (I am thinking of including a set of laminated fact triangles, thinking that they'd be nicer for the kids to use than the paper copy ones that go home on a Home Link at the beginning of the year.) (02/26/08)
I have made 10s and 1s by using milk bottle twist off tops and toilet paper rolls. I haven't done this in a long time, but 10 caps used to fit perfectly into a toilet paper roll. (02/26/08)
How about gluing beans to a tongue depressor? I think you can fit 10 beans on one. (02/26/08)
Plastic canvas works very nicely for hundreds, tens, and ones. You can find this at any craft store for a reasonable cost. It also makes great place value blocks for the overhead or Elmo. I would recommend that you get the largest grade you can find. Send home a half sheet of it and have the first family cut up the (hundreds), tens and ones, then have them put the pieces into a snack bag for storage and return with the game. After they enjoy the game it will be ready for other families to use. (I would include a place value mat with the game - it is usually very helpful.) I have also found that "tens frames" work well. (02/26/08)
We used to make "bean sticks" for tens and ones. Get a big bag of dried beans and craft sticks. The kids can glue 10 beans onto each popsicle stick, and they can have a handful of beans for the ones. (02/26/08)
How about beads on pipe cleaners? (02/26/08)
As we are getting started, many teachers have been asking me about the Number Grid. I have seen some Everyday Mathematics classrooms that have a certain way of coloring this number grid to make it more student-friendly. For example, coloring down the 5s column red and the 10s column blue. I have looked through the teacher manuals and reference manual, but have not found anything suggested by EM regarding this question. Does anyone have more information regarding this? Does EM suggest such a system for the number grids? (07/28/10)
Highlighting tape. Have you seen that? It is a roll of tape that is colorful and transparent. It sticks on, but peels off easily and can be reused a few times before losing its stickiness. That worked great for me. (07/28/10)
I have not ever seen anything from EM specifically about coloring the number grid, especially with the goal of making easier for students to use. Many activities exist to help students see the patterns in number charts. EM grade 4 or 5 has an enrichment activity about the "Sieve of Eratosthenes," and there are interactive "sieves" as well. This is the classic upper-elementary/middle school number chart activity. With the current series, you could also search the Interactive Teachers' Guides for "grid" and see where the number grid is addressed at each grade. If this has been a recurring question, you could use the number grid as the focus for a cross-grade look at Number and Operations. Such strand traces are a great PD opportunity. Perhaps if you have PD time, you could guide the search with grade levels teams and then have them share. Trust the spiral! Although I haven't updated it recently, I collected EM resources for participants in a math grant that you can find here: http://cesa5mathscience.wikispaces.com/K-6+Series (07/28/10)
My EM trainer displayed a Number Grid for First Grade that had the 10 and 11 colored, 20 and 21, 30 and 31, etc. She mentioned that it was an aid for students as they swept down the number grid so that it would help them keep their places. Each "set" of numbers had the square outlined in a different color. (07/28/10)
I work with a color coded number grid, so the eye can more easily connect the right side of the paper/chart to the left side, as the eye tracks downward or upward as the need may be. However, this year I had two color blind studentsone couldn't see red, orange, or yellow, and the other couldn't see blue. I found it is not really true that color blind children see gradients of gray and I don't think the color coding of the chart was helpful for these children. I did find that subtle, patterned backgrounds in various black and white patterns helped when we made the "probability spinners," so a textured/patterned background might help color blind children with the Number Grid. (07/29/10)
After using EM for many years, I would like to make a suggestion regarding the coding of the number grid .To make it meaningful, build it WITH the children as the year progresses and use different colored post-it tape which is NOT permanent and easily removed if the grid is laminated. When counting by 10's , 2's, etc. the children can have the pieces of tape and build the grid as you count. Do the same for patterning on the grid. As early as "K", you can find children in their group time counting by 2's, 5's. etc. and applying the tape. You will probably hear, "What would it look like if we count by 3's!?!?!?" As you teach the use of the Number Grid, have the children color in their own copy of a minature Number Grid of their own. I post a child's colored Number Grid for each of the concepts. By not having a HNumber Grid with lots of coloring, each of the smaller ones highlights the concept you are teaching. I also like the idea of splurging on a pocket chart so the children can build the patterns with the numerals in hand. If laminated, you can still use the post it tape. Hope you and your students have as much fun using the Number Grid as I have! (07/28/10)
If you feel the need to mark the return sweep for the number grid (this is recommended in "K" and 1st grade), beside using the removable post-it tape, you can place small matching stickers (your choice or the children's, or little colored dots) placed just OUTSIDE in the margin of the Number Grid. Again a reminder, don't do this in preparation for your children. Do this with the children so they begin to own and understand what is being done to the number grid. It is possible to confuse some children with a number grid that is tooooooooo busy with stuff. (07/28/10)
Can anyone help me with a trick to keep your place on the number grid? I have a few children who cannot remember where they started or where they are going. If they add 46 +22 they need some kinds of markers. Any ideas? (01/17/08)
Renee, check in the First Grade TLG...I dont know the lesson number off-hand, but the directions are there. (01/18/08)
I use transparent colored bingo chips. Students can place the chip on the number and still read what is beneath it, then use fingers to move along the grid. (01/18/08)
I laminate number grids for students. We use dry erase markers or Vis a Vis on them and circle where we start and where they will end. Then they actually are able to write as they hop. Then each time they can erase and have a clean slate for the next problem. (01/18/08)
In my special ed classroom, this happens ALL the time. Here are some of my solutions...My students use number grids that are just copied from the inside of the math journal, so they are 8.5x11 in size. I slip them inside a page protector for student use. My students are allowed to use various things to mark their place on the grid. I have small plastic animals that they use for counters or game pieces, and they like chosing an animal to move along the number grid. Another thing I like is small foam circles or squares. Those are more tactile (and quieter) for those students who need the touch of the object to reinforce. Pretty much anything small can be used as a counter...a foam packing peanut, a penny, a dry bean, etc... Another way we often mark our place is by using a dry erase marker to circle the answer. The dry erase marker writes easily on the page protector and wipes off easily with felt pieces that we use for erasers. They underline the beginning number, so they remember where they started if they lose their place and circle their final answer so they can remember what they landed on. If you use smaller individual number grids on each child's desk, they can be easily laminated...and then you can use the dry erase marker method on those small grids as well. You could also use a small square of colored overhead transparency so that the number is highlighted. Even just a colored index card with a small square cut out of the center can be used as a 'mask' to emphasize the number that the student needs to write. Another thing I did was to enlarge a number grid onto legal-sized (or larger, if you can find it) cardstock. I made two copies the same size, laminated them both, then cut all the number squares out individually on one of the copies. I then put small velcro tabs on each of the number squares on the intact number grid, and on the backs of each of the small individual number squares. (Does that make sense?) Now, I have a number grid where every numbered square is easily removable. We actually use this for a bunch of different activities. But, as with your example, if I had a student who lost his/her place when finding the answer, I would just have that child use my velcro number grid, find the answer, pull off the number square, and put it next to the problem they are writing the answer for. When they are done, it just gets stuck back in place on the grid. This was, admittedly, a lot of work to make, but I am glad I did it. I only have one, but it would be good to have more than one version of this number line. Maybe a parent volunteer could help you assemble some! Do you have the last/first numbers of your grid color coded? That will help some students with tracking where to go next after they get to the end of a row. For example, on my big classroom grid, I colored with a highlighter in the following way... 0 & 1 stay white, 10 & 11 are both green, 20 and 21 stay white, 30 and 31 are both blue, 40 and 41 stay white, 50 and 51 are both green etc... (using the same pattern of white, green, white, blue...) This way, if a student is adding (or subtracting) along and come to the "decade number"say 30 (which is blue), they know to jump down to the beginning of the next row that starts with blue (31). All the indididual desk number grids and the 8.5 x 11 ones that I put in page protectors are "coded" in the same way. (01/18/08)
I have used overhead counting chips at the starting number; the children can see the number under the chip. For students who juggle the chips around (so it doesn't work) I place a number grid under the grid on the unifix cubes 10-by-10 grid. That keeps counters in place. The question made me imagine a computer program that allowed a student to click on a number on the grid and drag to the ending number, thus highlighting all the unit squares between and including the starting and ending numbers. It probably exists. (01/18/08)
This is something like what you describe: National Library of Virtual Manipulatives K-2 Number & Operations http://nlvm.usu.edu/en/nav/category_g_1_t_1.html Look at Number Line Arithmetic and Number Line Bounce for example. (01/18/08)
How do you teach using a slide rule to a whole group? Also, the end of unit assessment says that students may use their slide rule. How can we expect students to use the slide rule if it is not taught to mastery? (08/25/07)
I use the overhead of the slide rule provided in the Math Masters, but this doesn't get the method across clearly enough. I have my students work in pairs to help each other while I give step-by-step instructions. I always have to go from group to group helping them directly until they get the hang of it. What I find useful is to put a number line on the floor using duct tape from about _15 to +15 and have the students "walk the line", as I call it. This method is described in the 6.8 lesson, and I've had many students prefer this to using the slide rule. (02/19/10)
I know that some folks don't like the slide rule lesson, but I have at least 1-3 students per year that are spatial learners. Having the slide rule solidifies the addition of fractions, but also really helps with negative numbers. Agreed, it is unusual. That being said, I had to use a slide rule in college (way back in the 70s) so I sort of get it and like that method of computing. (02/23/10)
As the math coach, I teamed up with the 5th grade teacher for this lesson. It went very well with most of the kids catching on quickly. The extra set of hands and eyes was the key. This is our first year of EM and our kids already had a pretty good grasp of fractions from 4th grade. I don't know how this might have gone with a class already in the EM program, but I would expect it to be better if anything. Most of the kids stuck with the traditional, but a few really liked and used the slide rule. I think this lesson could be taught as a whole group if you're comfortable with that. Another possibility is for the teacher to initially teach a small group beforehand who can then be team leaders, teaching to small groups with the teacher facilitating and helping as needed. It could also be taught as the teacher-led small group in a class of 3-4 groups that rotate thought activities: math journal/math boxes, games, computation practice, enrichment, etc. The lesson may look scary at first, but it is actually quite "doable" as the kids would say. (02/21/10)
I put a sample slide rule under a document camera. I could not have taught this lesson without using the camera. None of my students used the slide rule during the end of unit assessment. It felt like a wasted lesson, although it was insightful (but that's about it). (02/20/10)
I am getting materials ready for the grade 4 lesson on angles and polygons. I bought regular drinking straws and chenille sticks. Works okay but the straw diameter is a little large for the connectors. What do you suggest as an alternative? (08/09/09)
If you can return the drinking straws, or exchange them, I would suggest coffee straws. They are usually available at bulk food stores like Gordon's, and they're thinner. That way if you want them to construct permanent models, they can use Elmer's glue on the pipe cleaner tips, and they can even be suspended from the ceiling for display. Most of the time, I could use both items from year to year. Cut the pipe cleaners in 1 inch segments and they're easier to put more than one in a straw to construct 3-D models. (08/25/07)
I use the flexible straws without connectors. Students can slit the short end of each straw from the end to the bend with a pair of scissors. To connect the straws, insert the short end of one straw into the long end of another. For 3-D shapes you can wrap the connecting edges with a little scotch tape. (08/25/07)
I found narrower straws from a bartender at one of my favorite restaurants. I mentioned that I teach math and that I needed them for a geometry lesson with my students. The bartender happily gave me a box which lasted me the school year. Note: These are not stirrers or the very narrow mixed drinks straws. I've since found all sizes of straws at Smart and Final (a discount supply store in Los Angeles). (08/25/07)
I am the math coordinator and teacher at an International School in Germany. We use Everyday Mathematics but we do not teach the American money or measurement system. Does anyone else have this issue and if so, what supplemental materials do you use to teach metric units and the Euro? It gets very time consuming to modify every lesson and unit test. (03/25/09)
I have used EM at international schools for four years in grades 5 and 6. I think for the grades where using money is more of a focus (grade 2, I believe), it may be better to continue to adapt lessons and assessments to incorporate the local currency. You could also just use American money, but always provide visual aides that inform students what a dime, quarter, penny, and nickel are. The math skill behind teaching money is the counting by 5s, 10s, 25s, so it doesn't really matter what currency you use. Using local currency just makes it more meaningful to the students. In grades five and six, I teach my students how to use an inch ruler as I found it helped them apply and understand fractions. I had them complete conversion problems (ex: oz. to lbs.), but I never required them to remember the rates. I always provided those. This gave them practice in the skill of conversion of units. (03/25/09)
I taught overseas as an elementary teacher and for a short time with some administrative responsibilities. We always used the local currency to some extent. It only made sense for us to do the local currency since the local currency is what the students can get some practice with outside the school. That is the only thing all of the students have in common. With the other nationalities, it makes no sense to learn the American money unless you go to an American school. European Council of International Schools (ECIS) must have a website that allows teachers to talk with one another about these issues. If nothing else the chair of the math committee for ECIS will be able to give you names of people who have addressed this issue for their schools. (03/25/09)
I am trying to budget for paper, card stock, and lamination film for next year. We will be implementing Everyday Math for the first time. Can anyone tell me an estimated amount of materials that are needed per class, school, or any way that you have ordered it? (02/23/09)
One thing we did was to purchase the Home Link/Study Link books for our students, which helped a lot with budgeting. If you dont have these, you will need to plan on copying the Home Link/Study Link for each lesson and the checking progress for each unit for each student. There are also parent letters for each unit which are available online with the online EM games or you can budget to make paper copies of those. In addition, we use the Self-Assessment for each unit from the assessment handbook. Your teachers will probably also need the assessment checklists from the assessment handbook for record keeping. So maybe for each unit count the number of lessons (for each Home Link/Study Link or Self Assessment) and add 3 or 4 for the Progress Check. The first year we tried to make copies and slide them into sheet protectors for anything that was not consumable from the Math Masters book such as directions for explorations, games, etc. as well as options from Part 3 of the lesson that we might use in a small group or center setting. That still works well for us. The sheet protectors can also hold any cards or sheets you might need for a game and they also are interchangeable if with a new group of students you find different activities work better. (02/23/09)
I would like to make a function machine for my 1st graders. Does anyone know of a way to do this? (02/23/09)
I made one from a 1/2-gallon milk carton. Sealed the top with masking tape. Cut 2 rectangular holes on one side, one near the top and one near the bottom (roughly 1 inch by 2-3 inches). Taped a rectangular piece of paper on the inside to create a little chute (roughly the width of the carton and long enough to reach both holes. Covered the whole thing with contact paper. I used a pattern that I got from a workshop. It was very easy to make and the cost was very minimal. My kids loved it when we were introducing What's My Rule? Problems. There is room in between the two slots to put a sticky with the rule on it after they discover what it is. They quickly figured out that I had the output number on the reverse side, but still had tons of fun with the activity. (07/07/09)
We made one in our teacher workshops out of the animal plates and a small paper bowl. You know the plates that have the animal face and the ears? We cut a rectangle at the top and one at the bottom; we used the same one over and over for a template. Then we stapled the paper plate to the paper bowl and ta-da... a function machine. The bowl has enough of a curve that the card slides out the bottom, (sometimes with a little manipulating necessary.) One of our math coaches made one out of plastic needlepoint canvas, and pipe cleaners and decorated it. It was in the shape of a cereal box. They are so cute. She also put a curved piece on the inside so that the card would slide right out the bottom. She made me one and his name is Nathaniel Number Muncher. (07/07/09)
My kindergarten teachers have asked about the best way to use the thermometers for the Kindergarten routines. Do you put them outside? On their windows? What have others done with them? (07/07/09)
I put our classroom thermometer (that is color-coded with the color zones) between a window and screen. The children can easily read the temperature color zone each morning from our classroom by simply going to that window. It works great. (07/07/09)
My question is what where to store manipulatives and materials. If in cupboards, how does a substitute teacher locate them? (04/25/08)
My materials were usually out and visible, so I rarely had this happen. But here are a few suggestions; * perhaps you could put a sketch or a diagram of your classroom with the location of materials in your plan book * label your cabinet doors so everything is easy to find * be sure a neighbor teacher knows your system so he or she could assist, or * write a note in your Teacher Lesson Guide telling where things are in the Materials list at the beginning of each lesson. (04/25/07)
I leave all of my manipulatives in labeled bins and out for students to explore at free times and when they need them during math time. (04/25/07)
We are starting our first year of implementation and I am looking for classroom management ideas such as color coding the Everyday Deck of Cards and storing them in travel soap dishes. (06/02/09)
I buy pencil boxes to use as the tool kits. If you watch sales, you can usually get them for fifty cents apiece. Make sure to take a shape template along with you to double check the size. I tell the children that they are responsible for taking care of their tool kits. Every student has an ID number that coordinates with everything in his or her tool kit. That way if a shape template is on the floor we know whom it belongs to. Film canisters also work very well for storing money. Everything the children need throughout the year fits great in the pencil box. I only start out with a few items at the beginning of the year. We do a lot of training about how to use and care for the materials. As the items come up in the units we had it in the tool kits. (06/02/09)
I do not do the tool kit. I have manipulatives in plastic shoe boxes labeled: cards, dice, cubes, pattern blocks, etc. I have enough boxes of the pattern blocks and cubes for each group of 4. When we need items for games, I just take them off the shelf and kids come get what they need. I velcroed the template into the back of the Student Reference Book (SRB). I put the one side on the "back" of the template, so it lays flat for measuring and using stencils. Each template is numbered as well as each SRB. (Kids get class number at the beginning of the year.) I also bought the stretchy book covers when they were on clearance at Target this past fall. They have really saved the SRB covers. (The template actually slides right in there and really no need for the velcro, but I had already done the velcro.) (06/02/09)
When Frames and Arrows was introduced, the rule always included whether we were counting up or back. Now we are seeing in some math boxes count by 5's or count by 2's. It only mentions the direction when counting back. Are we to assume that if it is not mentioned we are to count up, or should we explore both possibilities? For example, if the rule is count by 5's and the first frame is 20, then the next frame could be 25 or 15. (12/05/07)
My name is Rachel McCall and I am of the authors for the Third Edition of Everyday Mathematics. You are correct to assume that if we don't specifically say "count back" then our expectation is that children will count forward. Often more than one frame is filled to reinforce that. However, in a case like you mention below in which the rule is 'Count by 5s' and only the first frame is filled, either answer would be acceptable--as long as the child fills all of the frames in the same manner and is able to justify his or her work. So, while I would expect a child to fill the next frames with 25, 30, 35, etc., a child who filled the frames with 15, 10, 5, etc. should not be penalized. (12/05/07)
I was discussing Everyday Mathematics with some other EM teachers. We would like to see more boxes on the math boxes dedicated to the current unit's skills. It seems like they need more practice before the Progress Check lesson. We know the spiral is important and has really helped to maintain the skills through the grade levels. Do any of you struggle with this? Do you make additional practice sheets to give the students more opportunity to practice the tested skills during a unit? (11/23/09)
Sometimes I use the blank math box page to make additional practice boxes. (11/24/09)
Some of the teachers in my district are using the 'Skills Links' books for this purpose. They are a separate purchase and teachers are being very selective about the pages they use. Also, the Algorithms handbook provides extra practice with algorithms. Another resource is the Assessment Assistant CD, which allows you to make your own practice sheets. (11/24/09)
While EM encourages teachers to use the games as practice, I always like to give students pencil and paper practice. It is only a few problems, like the Study Links. I began using EM in 1999. When I first started I would spend a lot of time cutting and pasting worksheets together. They have added so much to the curriculum that I don't find myself having to create worksheets or practice activities. I use the Assessment Assistant Worksheet Builder and the Everyday Math Online website. The online site gives you access to the Skills Link practice worksheets and the Algorithms Handbook practice worksheets. (11/25/09)
I find that the best "practice" is the games!! Play the games for at least 15 min per day. They are meant to be the practice part of the program, where other programs use worksheets. Then the math boxes can be used as a mini-assessment. (11/24/09)
How do teachers manage math boxes in your setting? Are they collected and corrected by teacher every day, corrected by students, etc. How do teachers use math boxes to plan for instruction? Are they used as homework? (09/21/07)
I no longer pull a grade off of math boxes. I use them as more of an informal assessment. Each student works on the individual cell, then the team members share the individual answers. The team then discusses the different answers (if there are any), and then I call on a member of the team to share the team's agreed upon answer. This tends to alleviate any embarrassment for a wrong answer. I also pick at least one or two cells a day for the students to share strategies on the white board so all learners can see how the problem was solved. I leave the pages intact until the journal is complete and then send it home all at once. This way the students can grade their own journals, and correct answers that were missed. I can watch the class as a whole and see who is missing what cell, and that can further drive my instruction. If I want an individual grade, I utilize exit slips, which give me a better idea of who is missing what concept. (09/22/07)
I use Math Boxes in many different ways. First of all, I usually have the students do them after the Math Message, since I often need a "buffer activity" between that and the lesson. It's usually done after Part A in the lesson manual. We go over the Math Boxes together, with the students correcting their own or a neighbor's using a colored pen, pencil or marker. I differentiate Math Boxes using a laminated chart I keep in the front of the room. It has 6 boxes arranged like a typical Math Boxes pages. I have laminated squares that either have an "H" (for "have to dos") or a "C" (for "choice to do"). I attach the squares using velcro to indicate which Math Boxes the students have to do, and which are choices. Choice boxes are harder review skills or skills that have not yet been introduced. In terms of correcting Math Boxes, I look at them as part of weekly "Journal Checks". Prior to the first day of school, I divided my class into 5 groups for the five days of the week. Then I put stickers of the same color/design for each group. For example, group one (Monday group) would have red stickers, group two (Tuesday) green, etc. At the end of Math class I'll collect the Journals of that group. This means I am looking at each child's Math Journal once a week, but I don't have an overwhelming amount to look at each night. I don't really use the Journals as an assessment, since students are encouraged to help each other, but I do use them to inform my instruction for upcoming lessons. (09/23/07)
In the 3rd edition, the last cell of each math box page (and sometimes the last two, it will tell you in Part 2 of the lesson) previews the next unit. In the 2nd edition it was the first cell that was the preview or prerequisite. Also, in the last lesson of each unit, the Progress Check lesson, the entire math box page previews the coming unit. Sometimes a cell of a math box page will be designated in the 3rd edition as the RSA (Recognizing Student Achievement) activity for the lesson. When that happens, the teacher's edition will show a red star on the Math Box page in that cell. In that case, that cell is a "Have to D0" and is used for ongoing assessment. Also, in the 3rd edition the math boxes at each grade level are paired. This was true only in grades 4 and 5 of the earlier editions. Now at all grade levels the math boxes are paired. For example, the math boxes for lesson 1.3 and 1.5 may look almost identical...same concepts and skills but different numbers. It will tell you which math boxes are paired in Part 2 of the lesson as well as in the Unit Organizer. (09/24/07)
I'm a 3rd grade teacher and am interested in hearing how others are using the Math Boxes page. I have tried several different things but still am not happy with what I'm doing. Another area I'd love to explore is writing in mathematics. I've picked up Marilyn Burns' book: Writing In Math Class. This is one of my summer projects. I am interested in hearing how some of you incorporate writing into your day. (06/13/07)
Although not 100% ideal, I use the Math Boxes two-fold. We do them together as a class on occasion. I try to do these with Math Boxes that have Secure Goals in them especially. I then use some of them as a "what do I do when I am done" activity. Whenever students are done with the Student Journal, Study Link, or other assignment in class, they are to work on any of the Math Boxes up to the lesson we are currently on. This is because we don't get to every set of them due to time constraints and other activities. I enjoy this way because they kids aren't just filling time or interrupting the class asking what they should do. As for the writing, I use the Exit Slips a great deal and writing pages that are in our Math Masters (interest inventory, write your own number stories). I teach 5th grade so I'm not sure what the 3rd grade has to offer. I also require that my students keep a Math Notebook. In that they define and put examples of their vocabulary words, add "rules" and formulas, and respond to the books that they read throughout the units. The responses vary depending on the story. I also have my students create their own shape book when we study geometry. Quick version: the student chooses a shape to be the main character (has to be a geometric shape). They write a story about that main character using math as their focus. We do this after reading "The Greedy Triangle". It is one of my favorite activities and the kids have a great time!!!! You can also incorporate writing by using some of the Projects EM offers (again, not sure of 3rd grade ones). (06/13/07)
I'd like to point out some Math Boxes features that are new to the Third Edition of Everyday Mathematics. Much of this information is also available on page 26 of the new grade-level specific Differentiation Handbooks. 1. Now, at every grade level, the Math Boxes page from one lesson is linked with the Math Boxes page in one or two other lessons. "Linked" means that the pages have similar problems. Because linked Math Boxes pages target the same concepts and skills, they may be useful as extra practice tools. 2. The final one or two problems on each Math Boxes page preview content from the coming unit. You can use these problems, identified in the Teacher's Lesson Guide, to assess student performance and to build your differentiation plan. The final Math Boxes page, found in the Progress Check lesson for each unit, summarizes the preview problems throughout the unit just completed. In the second edition of Everyday Mathematics, these preview problems appeared as the first or second problem on the page. As a result of teacher feedback that some students found it discouraging to begin with problems they hadn't recently encountered, the preview problems were moved to the end of the page. 3. Multiple choice problems, in a variety of standardized test formats, now appear on Math Boxes pages. The choices include distractors that represent common errors. You can use the incorrect answers to identify and address students' needs. You also asked about writing within the curriculum. Feedback from the second edition indicated that teachers wanted more writing embedded in the lessons. Below are some new features that can be found in the third edition of the curriculum. 1. Writing/Reasoning prompts, available in the Teacher's Lesson Guides, provide students with opportunities to respond to questions that extend and deepen their mathematical thinking. Using these prompts, students communicate their understanding of concepts and skills and their strategies for solving problems. Each Writing/Reasoning prompt is linked to a specific Math Boxes problem. 2. Each lesson in Everyday Mathematics contains a Recognizing Student Achievement note. These notes highlight specific tasks that you can use for assessment to monitor students' progress toward Grade-Level Goals. Many of these Recognizing Student Achievement notes contain specific ideas for Math Log or Exit Slip prompts. 3. Each Progress Check lesson includes an Open Response task linked to one or more Grade-Level Goals emphasized in the unit. The tasks provide students with the opportunity to become more aware of their problem-solving processes as they communicate their understanding, for example, through words, pictures, or diagrams. In the new grade-level specific Assessment Handbook you will find suggested implementation strategies, a sample task-specific rubric, and annotated student samples demonstrating the expectations described in the rubric. In addition, there are also suggestions for adapting the Open Response task to meet the needs of a diverse group of students. We hope you and your students will find these new features helpful. (06/14/07)
I love the Marilyn Burns' book: Writing in Math Class. I teach fifth grade and have used writing in a variety of 0A ways. The first phase of implementation was to begin a math reflection log. My original goal was for the children to write in it everyday, but realistically that did not 0A happen. I averaged about 4 days a week until the end of tthe year when we began slacking a little bit. I started the year having to model quite a bit. Most of my students had never been asked to write about math before so there was a lot of leg work in the beginning. I treated it just like a writing or reading mini lesson where I modeled my expectations for the first couple of days, then we did shared writing, and finally they began to have independence. Some days I will have them write about something that they learned, connected with, questions they have, or ideas they came up with or anything that they want to share with me about math. Other times, I will give them a specific topic like what is division and write an example of a division story problem and the number sentence. The third type of reflection might be a specific problem like what is 2/3 of 15 and have them solve it and explain how they got their answer. About half way through the year I realized that I needed a rubric so that the kids could self-assess. Linda Dorn has a book called Teaching for Deep Comprehension. It is a literacy book, but she has some very good rubrics in the appendix that she used for her reading reflection logs. Since the students were already using this in reading, I just modified it to meet my needs for math reflections so they didn't need to learn another rubric. One thing that I will add next year that I did not do enough of this year is put a section in the rubric for mechanics and sentence structure. Students did not carryover what they were learning in writing to their math log. I noticed entries with no periods, capital letters in the wrong place, etc. I only gave them about 5-10 minutes to complete the writing each day, so I am not expecting a perfect piece, but they do need to realize that the rules of writing go along with any writing not just the designated writing time. I will give them a minute at the end to go back and reread for quick fix mistakes. A second way that I use writing in my class is through weekly problem solving. These inquiry based activities require the students to use a variety of skills that we have worked on in class to show their understanding. They are usually something that is practical application. Oftentimes, I will use activities provided in the EM lessons or the projects, but I also create some of my own using the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics magazine publication, Teaching Mathematics or the Internet as resources. The students work cooperatively to solve the task and have to then create a written explanation for how they solved the problem and what their answer means. Sometimes they need to give a recommendation for "which" product that they selected if they are looking for the best buy or best fit, etc. They also will share their strategies for solving the problem and their solutions/recommendations with the rest of the class. (06/14/07)
Does anyone have vocabulary lists for EM that are grade level specific? (11/15/11)
Within the Differentiated Handbook in the Activities and Ideas for Differentiation section, for each unit there is a Vocabulary Development section that has a list of key vocabulary with the lesson the term is defined in. So for example in the Third Grade Differ. HB Unit 2, the list is on page 56. (11/15/11)
Does anyone have a vocabulary list done for the third grade, 2007 edition? I'd like to start on the words for the Word Wall to get a jump on the year. (07/27/07)
Your differentiation handbook and unit overview will have the vocabulary lists by units. (07/27/07)
In EM3, you can find the vocabulary words for each unit at each grade level in the unit organizers. They are broken down by unit. And the Differentiation Handbook offers effective strategies to support the language development. (07/27/07)
Is there a list of the books that go with the 3rd grade EM third edition? Is there a web page with the vocabulary words and meanings that can be printed? (09/12/07)
In the Section opener of each unit, they have a sheet called "Language Support" - I have a list of books for the lessons they fit with. This is the Kindergarten edition - but I'm guessing they would be in each one. (09/12/07)
I am in need of someone to give me tips and information on this program. I feel that it is too abstract for first graders and does not include skill practice. My administrator says it's the best program in the nation so I am committed to learn more and do it justice this year. (06/19/08)
If I can share two things that I have learned over the years (We used editions 2 and 3.) it is to do the calendar everyday, and DO NOT skip the games. Some games seem labor intensive and difficult, but they make a huge difference. This seems like a no brainer, but many teachers skip games when pressed for time. You should make a day for games once a week. I used Fridays. I used to separate doing the calendar and lesson. I found that breaking it up helps. My kids also had "morning work to do every day, and many times if I was pressed for time I let them do the Math Boxes for morning work. In the math journal have children highlight boxes that they cannot do so they can move on and do the rest. You can pull all the children who had difficulty with the same box in a small group to reinforce skills. I also had them keep a Post-It flag on the page of the journal we were working on so I could easily turn to that page to assess, check, or remediate. You won't believe how much time I wasted look for page #__ before I thought of the tags. I hope this helps. (06/19/08)
Please trust the program. I am a second grade teacher who has also taught EM in kindergarten, first grade, and fifth grade. The performance of the students is pretty awesome when the program is followed. You will have to spend time on this. I would suggest reading over each lesson before teaching it. Put materials where you will have easy access to them during the lessons. I use an overhead projector which makes teaching a lesson so much easier. The first thing my students do when they arrive at school is the math boxes from the previous lesson. To me that is an easy wake up assignment that can be done on their own for most children. At the beginning of the year, EM does a great job introducing the routines. Follow them through the year. In the first grade the calendar and number line are important parts of that routine. The lesson will take time to do. I have always set up my schedule so that I have an uninterrupted block of one hour that is always devoted to math. We usually go over that hour. That hour does not include them doing math boxes. We start out the hour correcting the math boxes that were done earlier in the morning. I have students use a colored pencil while we are correcting. I usually don't get worried when the child doesn't get something the first time. They will see it again. When correcting is done, I follow the order of the lesson. Make sure you have them play the games. That is where they will get the most skill practice. Make a running list of games they have learned on a chart. Tell the students that they can play these with a partner when they are done with their work and don't know what to do. I use games and explorations for my math center. You may want to highlight in your manual the children's books you have. I keep all of mine in the same cupboard that my math manipulatives are stored. I will end by saying that I love teaching EM. I have taught using this program for many years and I can't imagine not using it. My students still amaze me with the way they think. (06/20/08)
Just try it...you will be amazed at what your first graders can do at the end of the year! This is our first year using the program and everyone of us again it's the best thing we have done for our first graders in a long time...Don't worry about the skill practice, because of the spiral curriculum they do pick it up. (06/20/08)
I would like to ask for input on how some schools may have improved parent communication of student EM progress. My concern here is that the student math journal exercises that are found in Parts I and II of the program are spot checked only. As a parent who happened to see my student's work last night replete with errors and no corrections, I would want to continue to see this math journal on a daily basis in order to follow through with my child. I can arrange this because I work at the school, but I am afraid that this is not the regular process at our school. Furthermore, I can see how some parents that are not aware of how the program works in its entirety might be concerned about how and when work is "corrected." Also there may be some questions as far as why work is only spot-checked. I can see how a situation could occur at the end of the first EM unit or, worse yet, at the end of the first marking period if a parent does not receive notice that their student is not making adequate progress and they have not seen any "corrected" class work to date. I am wondering if any schools have worked out a way to communicate their "spot check" policies and/or provided an opportunity for parents to check on their student's class work via the student journal. (08/10/08)
I didn't "correct" a good portion of the journal, and did only "spot-check". But I did this in several ways. When I met with the parents at the beginning of the school year, and reiterated at every parent conference, I told them that I did not go over every journal page entry for several reasons. For one thing, many times they have seeing the work for the very first time and that isn't fair to grade someone when they just learned it. We also work on finding ones own errors as we go through the program. I would write every journal page that we did on the board and keep a running list. On the right hand side of my board I would write the math message at the top, under that was a line and "Journal Pages" was written, every time I said to do a page it would be written there and stay there. Every day I had a period of time for interventions --this was a time students could review with each other, play a math game and work on journal pages from the board. *ANY* pages or problems they didn't understand they were to make a note on the page that said they didn't "get it". That was their way of self-checking and trying after getting additional help. During that period of time I would call students up and ask to see random pages from their books. By the end of the unit I would usually have seen about 8-10 journal pages from each student's book, but a different set from every student. They never knew which ones I would look at and when. If it had a note, I would ask them to tell me what they were doing to get help if they were working with peers, if they wanted time with me, or asking a parent, etc. I wouldn't give them credit for doing the page, but I would offer lunch-and-learn help or recess time if they needed/wanted it. Parents were told that this helps their children help themselves. They were taking responsibility for their learning and being honest with themselves, so I asked the parents NOT to get upset when they saw mistakes or "help" notes in their books. By about 1/2 way through the year, I would have students writing on the board what they needed help with, and if you saw something that you understood you would explain it to me then work with peer students. This way, students were sometimes going back 2 or even 3 units in their books, but they made incredible progress throughout the year. Also, for what it's worth, I usually had about 30 students for math and with some lessons covering 3-4 journal pages plus study links and sometimes tickets out the door. There was no way I could correct 120-150 pages per night per class. (08/11/08)
In response to a question regarding how "spot-checking" or correcting of the student journals was communicated to parents I would like to share what I did while I was teaching 4th grade. I would regularly check and correct the journals at least twice a week. I would send the journals home at the end of each unit with a cover letter to parents regarding how we did the lesson. At that time our district was using the 2nd edition so some lessons were on "beginning" skills. I would also list the pages in the journal that could be redone ( would normally meet with students that appeared to have great difficulty with a student and send home "Skills Links" pages that reinforced the concept of skill). I would also list the Student Reference Book pages that explained and gave examples. This seemed to work well for my class and their parents. With the new edition, assessment of grade level skills is even easier to assess through the "Assessing Student Achievement" piece. This aspect could also be explained to parents at Open House, during parent conferences, or even a class newsletter or weekly announcement. Sally Rochester, NH In response to a question regarding how "spot-checking" or correcting of the student journals was communicated to parents I would like to share what I did while I was teaching 4th grade. I would regularly check and correct the journals at least twice a week. I would send the journals home at the end of each unit with a cover letter to parents regarding how we did the lesson. At that time our district was using the 2nd edition so some lessons were on "beginning" skills. I would also list the pages in the journal that could be redone ( would normally meet with students that appeared to have great difficulty with a student and send home "Skills Links" pages that reinforced the concept of skill). I would also list the SRB pages that explained and gave examples. This seemed to work well for my class and their parents. With the new edition, assessment of grade level skills is even easier to assess through the "Assessing Student Achievement" piece. This aspect could also be explained to parents at Open House, during parent conferences, or even a class newsletter or weekly announcement. (08/11/08)
Each student is a different color and I just rotate through them. So when it is their "day" I correct math journals, reading practice books, etc. What I do is I look through their math journals of pages but don't correct it because I feel that the "lesson" pages are their practice. Because I have to give grades I correct math box pages. Because they are paired 1.1 with 1.3, for example. After the children have completed the first one I go over it on the overhead I then grade the one that is paired with it when we get to it. I also have a homework feedback form I put on the back of every study link for parents to fill out so I know how students did on their homework. This is a way to get parents looking at homework etc. This will be our 7th year with EM and parents now know that the journals come home after the first one is finished and I explain what we do in math and how grades are figured up front. By letting parents know in writing and at conferences they are fine. When parents write on homework about concerns I respond back to them in note form or a phone call home. If it is an overall class concern I just type up a quick note to go home that night. If you are up front with parents it is usually fine but sometimes there are those that need some extra reassurance and notes about what's happening. Remember educating parents is very crucial to them not complaining about the program and you! (08/11/08)
Could anyone offer suggestions on how they handle criticism from parents about the program not addressing mastery of basic math facts as well as the use of various algorithms? Our district has used the EM for several years and every so often parents question this and I thought with the list serv we could reach out to others who may have had the same issues and perhaps use some of the same strategies. (04/27/08)
Show them your results on state tests. We have used EM for about 10 years now and we have observed a steady upward trend. There is no arguing with the data. We also have annual "Family Math Nights" at every elementary school, which is good PR. We invite kids and their parents to come in and play games. Select the games that address their concerns such as the games that help kids gain quicker recall of their facts. They will enjoy the evening and leave with a more positive feeling about the program. (We sell the math decks if parents are interested (at our cost of course). They have the directions for all games in the Student Reference Books which we let kids take home. We have also shared algorithms (and the reason for use of alternative ones) at PTA meetings. Don't overwhelm them but open the lines of communication and be proactive about the importance of NOT blocking kids thinking with the traditional ones that we all used. Show samples of student work. It tells a story of understanding. (04/27/08)
Does anyone have any suggestions on what to say to parents as you send home volume 1? I feel the need to explain that not every problem was tackled, not every page is finished, and some pages weren't assigned because we did them together or in another way. (02/20/08)
I came upon 2 letters that I've used in the past years. Maybe one of them would work for you. Dear Parents, Attached is your child's math journal. The journal serves as a source for students to learn concepts from the daily lessons, as well as to practice previously taught skills. There are various ways that we use the journals in class. Often students work together with their peers while a teacher walks around the classroom to help. Sometimes we complete problems as a class and other times students work independently so that we can check their progress. You may keep the math journal at home and use it as means for reviewing skills. Some pages are not complete or corrected. The pages with Math Boxes are the best ones for students if they are looking for some extra practice. You could even make up new problems on a separate sheet of paper based on the ones in the journal. Happy Problem Solving! Dear Parents, Today your child's Everyday Math Journal 1 is coming home. This journal is a portfolio of your child's work over the past several months. The journal shows growth or progress and documents the strengths and weaknesses in your child's mathematical development. You will find some pages completed all the way while others are not. Since this journal is a work in progress to show personal growth in applying strategies and mathematical thinking, many pages or items may not be graded. Your child may want to continue working on some of the incomplete pages or review pages from earlier in the year to see their growth. The journal, with all of your child's work samples, are yours to keep and do not need to be returned to school. Your child's teacher, (02/20/08)
This is the one we just put together for second grade. You're welcome to revise it to your liking. Dear Parents, Attached is your child's math journal. The journal serves as a source for students to learn concepts from the daily lessons, as well as to practice previously taught skills. There are various ways that we use the journals in class. Often students work together with their peers while a teacher walks around the classroom to help. Sometimes we complete problems as a class and other times students work independently so that we can check their progress. You may keep the math journal at home and use it as means for reviewing skills. Some pages are not complete or corrected. The pages with Math Boxes are the best ones for students if they are looking for some extra practice. You could even make up new problems on a separate sheet of paper based on the ones in the journal. Happy problem solving! (02/20/08)
I always send Journal 1 home, and have never had any parent issues. At our open house I explain to parents that the journal will come home in January, and not all pages will be complete. I suggest that the child finish these pages at home over the summer, or if the parent wants to help their child with skills and concepts. As far as other children at home, if one wants to complete problems undone, or begin to peruse what will be learned as they enter into 4th grade, yippee! (02/20/08)
We have done our best to answer questions and concerns about algorithms, calculators, mastery of facts, and spiraling with as much research and evidence as we can find, but some parents continue to share anecdotes about bad experiences with Everyday Mathematics. They claim there are no positive stories from parents or teachers to be found. Can anyone share links or documents that reflect positive testimonies? (04/14/09)
I have been involved with the Everyday Math Curriculum at every grade level PreK-5th since 2001. I have accumulated an abundance of positive stories in the last eight years, but here is my favorite: In 2001 I was teaching 1st grade in Knoxville, TN. The day's lesson involved writing number stories with the animal cards provided on Activity Pages 7 and 8 in the back of the Student Math Journal 1. A variety of numbers were available for students to access, so the lesson hit students at every level. Some of my first graders did something like, the 7-pound cat weight 1 more pound than the 6-pound rabbit. A student by the name of Jacob shared his number story with the class... that the 120-pound cheetah ate the 56-pound beaver and now weighs 176 pounds. I prodded Jacob to explain to the class how he found the answer (since we certainly weren't adding 3-digit and 2-digit numbers together on an every day basis). Jacob commanded his way to the class number grid, pointed at 20 and explained that he had started there. Before he went further, a student asked why he started at 20 when 20 wasn't in the problem. Jacob explained that he could imagine that the one hundred was in front of each of the numbers on the number grid. He went on to show that he had started at (1) 20 - the cheetah's weight, moved down a row (10), moved down a row (20), moved down a row (30), moved down a row (40), moved down a row (50)... at this point his finger was on the 70. Then he continued on, counting by ones... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. After a sum move of 56 boxes, he finished with his finger at 176 pounds and stated that 120 + 56 = 176 pounds. In first grade, Jacob would not have been successful using a standard algorithm for this problem (he was barely successful at staying upright in his seat), but the Everyday Mathematics program provided the tools and opportunity for him to accomplish it anyway. The program also provides the deep number sense that our students need to problem solve. (04/14/09)
We used Everyday Math in our elementary school for 12 years. Then a new administration decided to switch to Scott Foresman. In just 2 years we saw a huge difference in the primary grades. The children had little number sense and could no longer decompose and manipulate numbers as they had been doing with EM. When I started using EM one of my students (grade 2) was explaining how he added 7+8. He said "I added the 3 5's. The 5 in the 7 and the 5 in the 8 and there is 5 left over." I also had 2nd graders subtracting using negative numbers. This made sense to them because they were so familiar with the number grid. With EM the children are able to solve problems. Remember we are educating for their future not their past. (04/14/09)
What Works Clearinghouse, run by the US Government currently rates EM as the only program with positive intervention potential. Check out this site. http://ies.ed.gov/ncee/wwc/reports/elementary_math/topic/ (04/14/09)
I looked at the blog from the parent who moved from NJ and complained heavily about the sprialing aspect of the program. It's unfortunate the author did not understand what she was writing about. While it is true that not every concept has to be mastered the first time it is shown, by the end of the program the concepts will be. The corollary to this is that is the author assuming that no other subject sprials? I contend that all other subjects spiral or we would no longer need to teach reading beyond 2nd grade, cursive writing would be the only type of handwriting after grade 3, essays, book reports, and all types of expository writing by the end of 4th. EM, instead, provides a base for higher level math with connections that are usable because the way of solving problems is the same and not a new method. The FOIL method of multiplying binomials (x + 3)(x + 4) is the partial products method. 23 * 45 = (20 + 3)(40 + 5). Yes, many of the algorithms used in EM are not the ones parents were taught. However, I contend that many of the algorithms are ones that parents use! When parents used to work at stores that didn't tell you how much change to give back, I bet they "counted up" to calculate the change. Mental algorithms are not effecient when done on paper; similarly, pen and paper algorithms are difficult in your head (ever see someone trying to multiply with a carry by writing in the air). (04/15/09)
One other thought as to the use of calculators. We are exploring calculating the mean in third grade. The students are not yet able to do the division required for calculating the mean (I believe that is in 4th grade), but they are able to understand the CONCEPT of how and why to calculate the mean because we use calculators to do the division. The calculator allows them to explore the concepts they are able to understand and not be held back by the calculations they are not yet able to do. As for math facts, Everyday Math does include math facts - they are just not in a traditional form. Most of the fact practice is done through math games. My students love to play math games. They even choose to play them during indoor recess instead of other games I have available. The games also motivate my students to learn the facts. One of their favorite games is Top-it. It is basically like War. It can be played with addition, subtraction, or multiplication. Each player draws two cards. They each add (or subtract or multiply, depending on which version they are playing) the two numbers. The player with the highest sum (or difference or product) gets the cards. You can also control how difficult the game is by controlling which number cards they are using. (1-5 only for beginners or 0-20 for advanced, or anything in between.) (04/15/09)
I am looking for any information people may have about the Mathematically Correct group. (I believe that is the correct name of this organization.) We have a parent who is questioning Everyday Mathematics even though our district has been using EM for over ten years with a great deal of success. This parent keeps referencing this group. Is there any information out there that will be helpful to us as we prepare to meet with these parents? (03/30/10)
Mathematically Correct has been around since the introduction of the "reform curricula" including Everyday Mathematics. Here is a link to their website: http://www.mathematicallycorrect.com/ Program reviews the founders did in 1999: http://www.mathematicallycorrect.com/books.htm Their Wikipedia Site: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mathematically_Correct Looking at the history of the Wikipedia site you can see others have moderated some of (presumably) Mathematically Correct entries (POV for point of view in the notes - what we teach our kids - just give me the facts!) http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Mathematically_Correct&action="history (03/31/10)
Attached is an article that I received when the You Tube video came out, refuting the Mathematically Correct claims. We knew we would be getting lots of questions regarding EM since it is from our state. (03/31/10)
I attended the Network Communicate Support Motivate conference this week and was fortunate enough to listen to Marilyn Burns give a talk about struggling students and understanding numeracy. She mentioned a video that she saw on YouTube that basically attempted to discredit programs such as Everyday Math and Investigations saying that students should learn traditional methods as opposed to being taught to think and reason through problems. I was curious, so I watched the video today. I am just wondering if there are others who have seen this video and if there are thoughts about it. We have parents who sometimes think this way and a couple of members of our school board. We have been using Everyday Math for about 7 years now and it is still a battle with some to realize the benefits of teaching kids to think and reason through math. Here is the link in case you would like to watch it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3DTr1qee-bTZI (03/23/07)
We had a parent pick up on this video a month or so ago. There are actually two on YouTube (one from a man from UW) and another from a meteorologist (woman). Both are painful to watch. We took a proactive approach. We first showed the video to ALL of our faculty, having them watch it without giving them any context. Afterwards, we asked them what they thought. Of course, the conversation was ripe with passion for how damming and inflammatory such videos are. We also had a good laugh at the video being on YouTube and how this was scholarly. Our message to the teachers: in the absence of hearing from us, this is what parents and board members will listen to. Our decision: ramp up communication about how and why we teach math (including more math nights, etc.). We also hit the board with a presentation. We outlined our EM adoption process, talked about progress and professional development, discredited the term new math by showing them why it is important to teach more than one approach in seeking deeper meaning. We were also transparent about the areas we would like to improve in, such as aligning computation practice and tracking, developing cohesive problem solving expectations, etc. We also made a clear statement that we put NO STOCK in a professor (or anyone else) who turns to YouTube to deliver such a message. We left the board with sense that we have thoroughly investigated the video and its sources and find no reason whatsoever to be alarmed by its message. We were careful in choosing a research-based program that has a proven track record. We threw in some Educational Records Bureau testing scores (which are very high) to placate the number people...Lastly, the administration put out a series of weekly articles about constructivist teaching, EM, etc. that aimed at bringing an awareness of how proud and lucky we are to have such a strong math program. Our approach took two face-to-face meetings and a series of articles and it was a dead issue. Not a peep since...One positive outcome from the video fiasco was that we had a wake-up call. EM is effective if it is taught the correct way. We have been keeping a closer eye on our teachers use of math boxes and computation check-ins. The program is designed to teach kids to be mathematically fluent in facts by certain stages. A fifth grade should have their facts down cold upon entering the grade (or at least a strong awareness of few areas to continue working on). This seems to be improving since we adopted EM, but we are now even more tuned in. (03/24/07)
As someone who has been teaching EM for 6 years now, you can pass along to your parents that the kids have MUCH better number sense after doing it the "new" way. It is hardest for the adults to change, but the kids adapt very quickly. After they have gotten the hang of several algorithms, I let them choose, and you would be surprised how many choose partial sums/ and then partial products for multiplication. More importantly, they have a much better sense of what they are actually doing than when they do it the "old" way. Also, our state math score have skyrocketed since using EM and the kids now find the test mcu easier! (12/18/07)
At the beginning of the year I asked the parents: If you were in the store buying 3 items for $2.95 how much would it come to? I took someone's answer and asked how they figured it out and was told, "I said 3 items at $3.00 is $9.00 then I took off 15 cents." I asked them why they didn't (and I went through the motions in the air) 5 * 3 is 15 put down the 5, carry the 1; 9 * 3 is 27, oh but I have that 1 so that's 28, put down the 8 carry the 2... When told that the other way was easier, I asked where they learned to do it. Wouldn't it make sense if we just showed that you can do this? Partial sums is used in the real world a lot! Many people do it that way in their heads, the written from used in EM is simply a way of putting it on paper. It is far easier to take a mental algorithm and put it on paper than to take a paper/pencil algorithm and do it in your head. 25 + 35 is 50 + 10 is 60. That's a lot easier than 5 + 5 is 10, put down 0 and carry the 1; 1 + 2 + 3 is 6 put that with the 0 so 60. Partial sums is a lot less to hold in your head. (12/18/07)
There is an article in the April 2001 issue of Teaching Children Mathematics (pgs. 480-484) that describes historical origins and relative advantages of many algorithms. In particular, about the partial sums method, it says: "The left-to-right partial sums algorithm was developed in India more than 1000 years ago." (p. 480) It provides a gold mine of a bibliography, too. (12/19/07)
I teach second grade EM. During our training three years ago, I believe we were shown a map of the world, with countries that teach the partial sums alogoithm identified. In educating parents about the partial sums algorithm, it seems it might help to show them other places in the world that use the algorithm. Perhaps this might help them see that they way they learned is not the only way. Does anyone have information on where this method is routinely taught? (12/18/07)
Wow, what a wonderful idea of making a map. In the meantime, you may wish to compute a list of careers who currently use the partial sums algorithm. A friend of mine in Cave Creek School District in Arizona told me that one of her students brought in a sheet showing how his dad uses the partial sums at his work. He is a pilot with I believe Southwest Airlines and would use partial sums to compute the weight of the plane prior to take off. I have also seen partial sums used in the area of accounting when large columns of numbers need to be added quickly to check to see if the electronic program is working correctly. Lastly, I showed this algorithm and many others at a training I was giving to the Foster Grandparents in our area who volunteer to work in our schools. Many of the foster grandparents told me that this is how they actually learned to do column addition as mental computation when they were young. Another good resource to show how partial sums is a natural way for students to compute addition is the work of Kathy Richardson. She has some amazing videos about Number Talks that show and explain what children do naturally versus what they are taught and how complex it is. She then shows the Number Talks in action with the students explaining their reasoning. This is truly outstanding work. I often feel that when parents see a piece of video, it adds understanding and a 3rd point perspective to the dialog. If anyone else has seen partial sums or any other non-standard algorithm used in the 'real world' please post this experience! (12/19/07)
Our district has been using Everyday Math for 4 years, and we are seeing positive results. However, Everyday Math and Investigations have both had some bad press recently. My Superintendent wants me to bring her the research behind Everyday Math. I need research from outside sources as well as from the company. (03/29/07)
Here are some links that were given to me by our local consultant. I think they're helpful. Student Achievement Studies: http://www.wrightgroup.com/index.php/home/everydaymathematics/emsecondupdate /stuachievestudies/52- Success Stories: http://www.wrightgroup.com/index.php/home/everydaymathematics/emsecondupdate /emsuccessstories/54- Research and Development articles. Check out the ARC Tri-State Study, the Longitudinal Study and Analysis articles: http://everydaymath.uchicago.edu/educators/references.shtml- One more: http://www.whatworks.ed.gov/Topic.asp?tid=04&ReturnPage=default.asp (03/29/07)
Our school district recently held grade level inservices on Everday Math. Our Assistiant Superintendant began each meeting reading an article from the Education Week Sept. 6, 2006 edition. It has some good information about research and quality of the program. I googled Education Week and then Everyday Math and went right to the article. (03/30/07)
Please take the time to read the article provided by the link below. This article was posted in the Philadelphia Inquirer on November 9, 2009. http://www.philly.com/inquirer/opinion/20091109_The__reform_math__problem.html The author poses her opinion about Everyday Math and the detrimental effects on Autistic students. (11/11/09)
Curriculum doesn't teach children, teachers do. All of the accommodations and modifications mentioned by this writer can be accomplished in any classroom using the Everyday Mathematics curriculum. I'm no expert, just a teacher who included ALL students in my mathematics instruction successfully...With Everyday Mathematics I think we're looking at a term that is often misunderstood. The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) published a series of standards documents which focused on teaching the standards, not through rote memory and application of specific algorithms, but through exploration and understanding the underlying standards. Basically, these documents (collectively referred to as the NCTM Standards) called for a curriculum to create mathematical thinkers. A program that is 'standards-based' usually refers to that idea. EM is the most popular, so that in itself could lead to a statement that like the one you had. When I present to the parents, such as at our open house, I push that it is presenting math the way that adults often do math -- which is in your head. By that I mean that if you asked a room full of adults how much it would cost if they bought 3 items at $2.95, they would most likely come up with $8.85 but they did that by rounding up to $3.00 multiplying to $9.00 then subtracting the total difference of $0.15. That way can be pretty messy on paper, but the traditional method doesn't work well in your head (I then demonstrate solving it in the air). I tell them that this is what their students are learning to do, and it is sometimes confusing on paper, but they can do it because they (like the adults) understand what is happening. As a small side note: today I was in a classroom that was teaching the 'counting up' method of subtraction. The teacher explained to the students that this was a method she had never heard of or used before. After she demonstrated I mentioned that it reminded me of the old days, when things were all in black and white, and before cash registers said how much change to give back. You saw the lights go on in the teacher's head. She *HAD* seen and used it before, just never seen it on paper. Then she was excited and the students had a very different lesson than they were about to get. Plus, the kids got to subtract by only adding, which they thought was very cool. (11/11/09)
I hope the author is not proposing to "throw the baby out with the bath water". Are we to abandon a proven excellent math programme because it does not suit the learning styles of autistic children, which, according to her article, is only 1% of the population? A good point was made by a respondent: "Curriculum doesn't teach children, teachers do". No programme can possibly fit every learner. That's where good teaching comes in. Sometimes, people forget that teachers are professionals and have extensive training and experience in their field, and that we can adapt our lessons and teaching methods to accommodate our students. (11/12/09)
I disagree with Ms. Beals. I have been teaching EM for 12 years, at various grade levels, and have never left my students unsupervised. When they are playing games or working in small groups, I am always circulating and observing, keeping close tabs on all that is going on in my classroom. As far as taking off points for incorrect oral answers, I don't know who would do that. Even if they did, a good inclusion teacher differentiates and modifies lessons to meet the needs of all students. Most children with autism will eventually need to survive in the world. EM teaches all children to think mathematically, not just perform rote computation (which most people use calculators for in the real world, by the way). Children need to be able to solve number stories, measure and analyze. EM teaches all of this. My autistic children are flourishing with EM. It's all about good teaching!!! (11/12/09)
We are using some slides from a prepared EM PowerPoint for our Parents' information night next week. One of the slides says that EM is the number one standards-based program in the country. We are expecting 500 parents and I'm sure someone may challenge that. There is no notation about what data supports this statement. Can someone point me to the right reference? Is that based on sales, number of schools using EM, number of children learning with EM, etc.? (09/26/08)
I think we're looking at a term that is often misunderstood. NCTM published a series of standards documents which focused on teaching the standards, not through rote memory and application of specific algorithms, but through exploration and understanding the underlying standards. Basically, these documents (collectively refered to as the NCTM Standards) called for a curriculum to create mathematical thinkers. A program that is 'standards-based' usually refers to that idea. EM is the most popular, so that in itself could lead to a statement that like the one you had. When I present to the parents, such as at our open house, I push that it is presenting math the way that adults often do math -- which is in your head. By that I mean that if you asked a room full of adults how much it would cost if they bought 3 items at $2.95, they would most likely come up with $8.85 but they did that by rounding up to $3.00 multiplying to $9.00 then subtracting the total difference of $0.15. That way can be pretty messy on paper, but the traditional method doesn't work well in your head (I then demonstrate solving it in the air). I tell them that this is what their students are learning to do, and it is sometimes confusing on paper, but they can do it because they (like the adults) understand what is happening. As a small sidenote: today I was in a classroom that was teaching the 'counting up' method of subtraction. The teacher explained to the students that this was a method she had never heard of or used before. After she demonstrated I mentioned that it reminded me of the old days, when things were all in black and white, and before cash registers said how much change to give back. You saw the lights go on in the teacher's head. She *HAD* seen and used it before, just never seen it on paper. Then she was excited and the students had a very different lesson than they were about to get. Plus, the kids got to subtract by only adding, which they thought was very cool. (09/26/08)
Why does EM start the year with a lesson that is so difficult for the children? In this, my second year teaching EM, I have NO students not even those on grade level, who begin the year able to identify prime and composite numbers. They also do not have the skills necessary to locate these topics in the Student Reference Book. Some questions, like how many cm are in 300mm are not even easily found in the book. These children have no idea what to look up to find those answers. (09/07/08)
I have my students work on this activity with a partner and with permission to ask the pair across from them if they need more help looking something up. I emphasize it is not part of their grade and just practice. If all of your students are having difficulty even looking things up in the Student Reference Book, then I would question whether it is was used at all in 4th grade. Maybe there needs to be more expectation that they look things up there before asking a teacher. (09/07/08)
My students aren't able to solve them. I use it as a way of previewing some of the topics we'll be doing and to basically do a book-walk. It isn't important whether or not they can solve it, it is whether they can find the information to tell them. (08/29/08)
After using Everyday Mathematics for about five years and recently purchasing the latest edition, our school is wondering if EM still supports a spiraling curriculum. Obviously, since skills are repeated throughout the book, it does, but we also understand that the National Council on Teaching Mathematics standards are now getting away from spiraling within curriculums. Does anyone know about this, have supporting evidence or care to comment? (04/28/08)
I'm thinking that what you might be referring to is "The Final Report of the National Mathematics Advisory Panel" put out by the U.S. Dept. Of Education. I recently was asked the same question you posed at a training I was doing for EM. I was caught off guard because I was unfamiliar with report at that time. So, I downloaded it and will share a few of my thoughts. In the section "Main Findings and Recommendations"...The Panel says that any approach that continually revisits topics year after year without closure is to be avoided. While some people who are unfamiliar with EM may believe that statement to be true, EM users know that there certainly is closure in the form of Secure goals or Grade Level Learning goals, depending on the edition you are using. Many of the findings of the Panel are very much aligned with EM: that by the end of grade 5 or 6, children should have robust number sense; that students need to have fluency with fractions; and that students should have proficiency with particular aspects of geometry and measurement (properties of two-and three-dimensional shapes using formulas to determine perimeter, area, volume and surface area). All of these topics provide the basic foundation for Algebra, which the Panel sees as a central concern and a "demonstrable gateway to later achievement." You can access this report yourself at: www.ed.gov/MathPanel (04/29/08)
Does anyone have any insight into why grade 4 begins with the geometry unit? Our students struggle with this unit and I'm curious if anyone can explain why UCSMP designed the sequence this way. (10/21/10)
I can't give an official answer, but I found the beauty of teaching that unit first is that you have the whole year to reinforce all the vocabulary and concepts that appear in that unit. (10/22/10)
I believe that the rationale goes like this: By 4th grade, too many students are beginning to view themselves as "not good" in math. Geometry tends to be more accessible to students and, as such, will allow these "struggling" students to feel better about their mathematical abilities. As educators, we need to connect geometric ideas and concepts to the other strands/topics on a regular basis and we need to make these connections explicit. (10/22/10)
Geometry is an important mathematical strand. It is crucial for our understanding of how the real world fits together. Geometry is related to the visual arts, architecture, engineering, mapmaking, astronomy, and other activities that require spatial thinking or involve creating material objects. Teaching geometry first is a way to start the year on an 'even playing field.' You don't necessarily need to be successful with typical elementary computation topics to succeed with geometry topics. Geometry is a natural and deeply intuitive part of mathematics for students. All students have an opportunity to get off to a good start. Opening the year with geometry enables a relatively relaxed beginning of the school year and allows teachers and students to get acquainted and establish yearlong routines. Students who have used Everyday Mathematics since kindergarten have had many experiences with geometry, and much of the content of the first unit of Grade 4 will be familiar to them. It's possible that some of the students who are struggling are new to EM and could benefit from the Readiness activities in Part 3 of the lessons. (10/22/10)
First off, I really don't care for this latest "standards-based" fad. Sure, it seems nice on the surface level, but for people who have actually read and tried to teach a standard - yikes. I mean, vague much? I love EM, and of course I am teaching it in order. Well, at a recent meeting, we got this district-generated document telling us to when to teach what skills. They aligned the document with EM, so it looks something like this: Teach lesson 12.2, then 5.4, then 2.3, then... Our city has spent a TON of money on EM, and yet jumping around in this way, in my view, totally negates the value of the program. What do you think? Should I abandon unit 3 and follow their document, or keep doing what I'm doing? (Note: I really don't mind getting in trouble as long as I am doing what is best for the kids.) (11/14/07)
Our district wanted us to do something like that the first year, but they listened when we complained. It messes up the whole spiral with the math boxes. We suggested they insert lessons to cover the concepts we needed to have taught before the state assessments in April. It worked for us. (11/15/07)
The EM fifth grade lessons do NOT hit all of the indicators that are tested on our state assessment, so you might want to double-check your requirements. I still like the program, but I do still have to supplement. (11/16/07)
There is a great article in the August 2007 issue of Teaching Children Mathematics, Grade-Level Learning Expectations: A New Challenge for Elementary Mathematics Teachers. The authors looked at many state standards for many states and compared them. Their conclusion was that there is not a true match from state to state. The article also discusses how a textbook can not meet every state standard for every state according to the state's scope and sequence schedule. As an elementary math teacher the challenge then becomes meeting the state standards even when a text may not hit each one when it is needed for state testing. We have had great success by using the philosophy of EM and the format of the 3 part lesson plan whenever we have to make adjustments to meet our state standards. Since EM suggests 3 to 4 lessons a week we use the other day to plan a lesson based on our needs. We use a lesson study format to develop a 3 part lesson, including the EM components our students are familiar with, for what we call a Power Day. This has given us a comfortable way to use the EM program to benefit our students and still meet the challenge of meeting those state standards. It also gives us a great way to provide differentiation for our students. (11/16/07)
Hi, I am seeking any current information or research supporting the use of EM in grades 3-6. My school system is thinking of only using EM K-2 (where we are currently using it), and then using something else for grades 3-6. I am vey upset by this as they are citing that the spiral is not proving effective and don't feel students will be ready for algebra. Please help I don't think I can go back to teaching from a basic text! (05/02/08)
I challenge your district to find a program that will better prepare students for pre algebra! (05/02/08)
My school district has implemented EM for a number of years with great results! Normally, we have some students begin algebra in eighth grade. Last year, we had over a hundred students begin Algebra I (not pre-algebra) in seventh grade. These students started EM in kindergarten. (05/03/08)
In our district, years back, we had (literally) a different company in each of our grade levels. Our Math scores were AWFUL!! About 2-3 years ago, we switched completely to EM and we've seen good results. It's only a couple years into it, but it is seems as though the test scores are on the rise... I know that isn't any "hard data" but take it from me - being consistent with a program is what ALL districts need!! I know that doesn't help you much but it's just the best for the kids... (05/02/08)
Much of the rhetoric from the feds focuses on research-based materials as the means for improving achievement. While I am not endorsing the What Works Clearinghouse (WWC), they did a review of hundreds of research articles related to elementary math materials, and Everyday Math was the only program rated as having "potentially positive effects." Another way to say that is that every program WWC examined other than EM was found to have no discernible effect on student mathematics achievement. http://ies.ed.gov/ncee/wwc/reports/elementary_math/topic/ So I would take the argument to the research base. Keep asking the question, where is the research base for these new proposed materials, and does it match up for the research base we have to support the effectiveness of EM? On that vein, where is the evidence that students are unprepared for Algebra? What data was used to make this determination? Have students actually matriculated from the full sequence of K-6 EM into Algebra I courses, and if so, what have we used to make a determination that those students are less prepared than previous cohorts of students? Does that measure align to the actual content of the Algebra I course? Be wary that this whole thing isn't being driven by an Algebra teacher at the high school who can't be bothered learning the partial products method of multiplication. Finally, "the spiral isn't working," isn't a logically sound indictment of EM when you can find numerous places where the spiral is working just fine. If "the spiral isn't working," this is far more likely that the problems are due to program implementation and fidelity within your district. It's fair to ask that if your district believes itself incapable of implementing EM effectively the way it is written, what aspects of the proposed materials make it confident that it will be able to effectively implement those? Professional development around the topic of effective implementation and supervision of spiral curricula may prove far less expensive than new books. We too often don't call people on ambiguous straw-man arguments like "the spiral isn't effective." Time for you to go on the offensive. Your district is about to invest a lot of money in new materials and there is a substantial research base that indicates there's nothing wrong with the old ones. Somebody that lives in your district will have a problem with that. Make sure they know what's happening. (05/05/08)
Starting in early elementary, students use function machines (in/out boxes, also called "What's My Rule" tables) to solve problems and find patterns. These are definitely an early introduction to algebra. [Note that in fifth grade they use variables at the top of some of the "What's My Rule" tables.] Also in early elementary, students use Parts and Total diagrams, which are an introduction to missing variables in an equation. In third grade, students begin learning to use parentheses to make a number sentence true. They continue to use parentheses throughout fourth, fifth and sixth grade in EM. Pan balance problems (grades 4-6) are an excellent tool for teaching algebra. (I had a high school teacher who attended a parent night in my school district who was going to take the idea back to his classroom so his kids would understand algebra better.) Some of the games used in EM that practice algebra include Name That Number, Algebra Election, Broken Calculator, First to 100, Credits/Debits, Spreadsheet Scramble, Getting to One and Multiplication Wrestling. If your school deems it necessary, perhaps they could be more intentional in some of the teaching of algebraic concepts. For example, they could encourage teachers to model how to write a number sentence for each problem in a "What's My Rule" table so they can "see" the variable. Personally, I think that when students see these tables written as an equation it helps them to solve them more effectively, as they look more like "math" to the students, rather than a table with missing numbers that makes little sense to them. Your teachers could also use the terms "variable", "constant", "function", "equation", etc. more often in fifth and/or sixth grade to call some of the algebra vocabulary to mind in a more intentional manner. You might suggest that your administrators read the part of the Teacher's Reference Manual that relates to algebra and show them some examples of the activities in which students engage (including some of the games listed above). If they want to see the algebra connection it is there. My students got more algebra in EM than they ever had in any other program, and they were well prepared for their algebra classes in middle school. (05/11/08)
If you look at the articulation of EM, it flows nicely into the University of Chicago School Mathematics Project middle/high school programs. Students can go into the Transition (pre-algebra) or sometimes right into Algebra from 6th grade EM, but if students need an extra year there is also a Pre-transition Math that fits in nicely either as a 6th grade course in the middle school program, or as an additional year of significant mathematics for students who need an extra year of math development before studying pre-algebra. (05/11/08)
I have been teaching EM for several years now, at different grade levels. This is my first time looping from fourth to fifth grade with my students. Last year, many of them struggled with partial quotients. Many of my parents fought me about teaching this algorithm. This year, the algorithm was reintroduced (love spiraling!). My children did amazing with it the second time around. Their accuracy and enthusiasm for long division is unbelievable. The few children whose parents encouraged them to stick with the old way, are still not able to divide. The rest of my class is now proficient (including decimals). It is so exciting to see the spiral work!!!!!! I guess my message is that we must all trust the spiral and even though I have been preaching it for years, I now have proof! (12/19/07)
I recall the first year that I taught partial quotients...the students were so excited to do "long division" that they asked if they could stay inside at recess time to do the partial quotients method. I went to my principal and asked him what could possibly be "wrong" with these kids. I had been teaching at various levels and had NEVER had this response to division. When parents question the method I invite them in for a short tutoring session and find that soon they are in total agreement with the method. (12/19/07)
Our district timelines do not match up with the order of Everyday Math. They want us to complete the book out of order to fit the curriculum timeline. Has anyone had to face this issue? I can't imagine the program would work since there is so much spiraling. (07/06/09)
I don't think that is a good idea. Our system has changed their timeline to fit the EM curriculum. The program works, but the spiraling is well thought out and I don't think it should be tampered with...I have taught all of the versions. (07/06/09)
Our state test demands that certain things need to be completed before the end of April. This requires some creative planning to finish all the lessons, while finishing all lessons relating to the state test by the end of April. It can be done. (07/06/09)
If you are doing multiage classrooms, then you may have to do lessons out of order anyway. I am teaching a split 4-5 Everyday Math class next year. EM advises to start the 4th graders with Unit 1 and the 5th graders with Unit 3 as that would put both groups in Geometry. But I do not know how that affects the Math Boxes, or whether a link (maintaining similar strands in the split class) can be achieved throughout the school year. (07/07/09)
Is it at all possible to make this shift throughout all grades using EM by shifting the books by 1/2 a year? In other words, start the first book (typically used for grade 1) to start mid way through K, so that they finish the 1st book by the time you need things aligned? Then you wouldn't be rearranging the spiral, you would just be shifting it a little. (07/16/09)
If you pace yourselves to finish the program by the end of the year, what difference does it make? You will end up in good shape. The only problem might be covering material for a state test by the time it is given if it is given in March or April. In which case you need to look ahead to see if you need to move something up. I certainly hope this is not your first year! Teaching a new curriculum is difficult enough without having to teach it out of order and with no prior years knowledge to fall back on. Your math boxes will not work for you if you are teaching out of order. You will have two journals going at the same time if you teach out of order. We put out pacing charts for each grade for each year based on the school calendar. If you were to cover a lesson a day in most grades you would have between 40 and 55 free days a year. We try to schedule four lessons a week - especially on the weeks you are giving a unit assessment. I understand a district mandating what must be covered at each grade by the end of the year but I have never heard of mandating when exactly it must be covered. We have some schools piloting performance based reporting. For those schools we have suggested skills and concepts to be covered each quarter based on their arrangement in EM. Best of luck in convincing the powers that be that covering the curriculum according to the EM map is best for all. (07/06/09)
I do not think the program will be effective if you teach the lessons/units out of order. The program is based upon spiraling concepts. The daily Math Boxes and Study Links (Home Links) have previous concepts included in order to spiral the concepts throughout the year. If lessons are not taught in order, students will continually come across questions that they cannot answer. Our district adapted the program to our state curriculum by following the program sequence and adding supplementary lessons where needed. The supplemental lessons ensure that our teachers are covering all material required by the state. This requires teaching more topics, but seems to be the only way to solve this problem. (07/06/09)
We have just started using the EM program this year in our 5th grade classrooms. We teach in a very highly competitive district. Parents are very upset with what they see as a lack of homework and how easy the program appears to be. We also have parents upset that we are not taking the time to stop and reteach each concept that their kids do not benchmark the first time they see it on the assessment. We have explained the spiral part of the program until we are blue in the face, but the complaints continue. Also, does anyone have a letter that they send home with the chapter assessments that explains how the programs works with regards to spiraling back to hit the concepts again? Parents don't understand that this is not a test in the traditional test but an assessment of their students knowledge. (10/09/07)
We had the same experience during our first year of EM. We are now in our 3rd year and parents are now singing it praises. I'm not sure that our parents saw the program as easy, but they were very frustrated with students having to learn the different algorithms. I send home the Individual Profile of Progress with each graded assessment and specify which items were to be secure. It is also helpful to explain to parents that many of the items that are taught in each unit are in the 6th grade standards for Ohio. For example, prime factorization doesn't have to be secure until 6th grade according to the standards. Would it help to share the alignment of EM with the standards to parents who are concerned about reaching the benchmark? Do you have that alignment? (10/09/08)
Standards alignment for Ohio can be found at ohedresources.com (10/09/07)
After 3 years of implementation, grade one students are still not able to count coin combinations (pennies and nickels) accurately. We have looked for activities in Minute Math, and we have highlighted the coin counting games to reinforce this skill. However, this does not appear to be having much impact on student success. I realize students do not use coins (or see parents using coins) as much as I did when I was a child so this is less of a "real life" skill for them than in the past. Does anyone have any suggestions to help these teachers/students? (11/22/08)
This has been a problem with many students as well at my school. I was recently introduced to "touch math" where they have some materials on coins and it has helped tremendously! Basically, each coin has touchpoints. penny=line under and they slide their fingers for one nickel=dot in the middle equals 5 dime=two dots (5+5=10) quarter=5 dots (like on a die...5+5+5+5+5=25 I hope that helps! After a bit, my students have internalized this and don't use the touchpoints anymore. (11/23/08)
The best way is to make it meaningful. One way is to set up a store and have the children spend coins that they have earned throughout the week. It is surprising how much a child will save to buy a special object in your "store" In Kindergarten, I did an economics unit where the children planned how coins could be earned doing certain things, such as jobs. The children have some great thoughts on this. We even discussed and then voted on whether children should have paid holidays and if a child should be paid if sick, or on a vacation. Of course their can be fines for certain things. . . if the children vote on it. You then have "paydays" once a week and discuss any needs in the community that arise and set aside some time for the children to spend their money OR save it to buy that something special (they love buying privileges like a lunch party). It takes some time to plan. . but the rewards are HUGE!! (11/23/08)
We use a money chart as part of our calendar routine. The children make coin combinations (with real coins which have velcro to attach them to the chart) to match the number of the date. (Ex. Coin combinations for 26 on November 26th) This gives them daily practice in counting coin combinations and we also work on exchanges using the money chart. With some of my kids who are struggling I'm also going to try using a number grid and placing the coins on the numbers. (A dime would go on 10, a second dime on 20, nickel on 25, penny on 26 etc.) This also could be done with the number grid pocket charts. (11/24/08)
My students had a great deal of difficulty with Study Link 9.7 (fourth grade). Lesson 9.7 is about working with population data and ranking it. It is somewhat tedious but not very challenging. The class enjoyed doing it as busy work. However, Study Link 9.7 is about ratio and percent and is very challenging. I don't see the correlation between what we did in class and with the Study Link. My students were very puzzled. (04/02/08)
Good question. One of the Key Concepts and Skills cited in Lesson 9-7 is "Order data reported as percents." I would agree that this aspect of the lesson wasn't the most challenging. Another of the Key Concepts and Skills cited is "Interpret 'percent-of' data." This gets at the concept behind the data that the students have been asked to order. For example, in the Math Message, students discuss what is meant by a statistic such as "21% of the population in the United States is 14 or younger." Later in the lesson students discuss what is meant by statistics such as a 2.0% growth rate for Haiti in one year or a -0.1% growth rate for Italy. All of this work with percents ties into the focus of Unit 9 - links among fraction, decimal, and percent names for numbers, with a special emphasis on percents. Unit 9 follows up on the work students did with fractions in Unit 7 - work such as finding the fractional parts of sets and regions. So now we move to Study Link 9-7. Students are asked to use population data from the 10 least-populated countries in the world to estimate answers to problems. Here are some thoughts as to how students might approach the problems given that the focus of the unit is on the link between fraction decimals and percents. 1. The population of Liechtenstein is about __% of the population of Dominica. >From the table students know that the population of Liechtenstein is about 33,000 and the population of Dominica is about 69,000. Think about it in terms of a fraction and then make the conversion from a fraction to a percent. 33,000 is about 1/2 of 69,000. 1/2 is equivalent to 50%. If the numbers seem too large for some students to work with, consider the Study Link 9-7 Follow-Up which states, "Some students may note that when working with populations rounded to the nearest ten thousand, they only have to consider the first two digits." 2. What country's population is about 33% of Liechtenstein's population? Students know the population of Liechtenstein - 33,000. They know that 33% is about 1/3. What's 1/3 of 33,000? Find a country in the table with a population close to 11,000. 3. The population of Vatican City is about __% of the population of Palau. Consider the strategy used to solve the Writing/Reasoning problem on page 761 of the Teacher's Lesson Guide. 4. The population of the 10 countries listed is 314,900. What 3 country populations together equal about 50% of that total? 50% is equivalent to 1/2. 1/2 of 314,900 is about 155,000. Find three numbers in the table whose sum is about 155,000. 5. The population of St. Kitts and Nevis is about __% of Nauru's population. >From the table students know that the population of St. Kitts and Nevis is about 39,000 and the population of Nauru is about 13,000. The population of St. Kitts and Nevis is about 3 times that of Nauru. Students can think about this problem in a similar way as they thought about the yearly growth rate in Haiti. (The Teacher's Lesson Guide referenced Student Reference Book, page 300 as a model for thinking about this problem.) Keep in mind that many of the Math Boxes problems in this unit focus on problems such as the ones in the Study Link. For example, Problem 1 on Math Boxes 9-7 offered the following: 10% of 50 = __ 5% of 80 = __ 20% of 40 = __ __% of 16 = 12 __% of 24 = 6 Last thought - I just finished reading "Open and Closed Mathematics: Student Experiences and Understandings" by Jo Boaler (Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 1998, Vol. 29, No. 1, 41-62). Part of the study includes a discussion on student performance on contextualized questions. I thought about the study immediately as I compared the Math Boxes problems to the ones that were posed on Study Link 9-7. It might be worth a quick read. (04/08/08)
Can anyone explain to me the mathematical importance of tessellations? I am not sure I understand how they relate to other mathematical concepts. (01/09/08)
Tessellations are patterns formed by repeated use of polygons or other figures to cover a surface without gaps or overlaps. They can be mathematical models of real-life patterns such as honeycombs or chessboards, or simply patterns in the imaginations of artists like M.C. Escher, the decorators of centuries-old buildings, or students of Everyday Mathematics. Tessellations have wonderful connections to the EM strands of patterns, geometry, measurement, and even algebra. For example, in a regular tessellation, several of the same regular polygon meet snugly at each vertex in the pattern, such as the four squares that meet at each vertex on a chessboard. For a regular polygon to be able to tessellate the plane, the measure of its interior angle must divide evenly into the 360 degrees around a vertex. In the chessboard, the four 90-degree interior angles of the four squares evenly fill the 360 degrees around the vertex and so the squares tessellate the board. This can be generalized. The interior angle of a regular n-gon is (n - 2) * 180 / n degrees. If this degree measure evenly divides 360 degrees, the n-gon will tessellate the plane. Studying regular tessellations connects to all the mathematical strands mentioned above. But simply drawing or examining any tessellation allows students to use their spatial reasoning and pattern-recognition skillsskills that are important in many areas of everyday life, not the least of which is the pleasure we find looking at beautiful art. And because all tessellations can be described in terms of one or more transformations such as reflections (flips), rotations (turns), and translations (slides), they help students understand these important concepts of transformational geometry. For more detail about regular tessellations and much more information about many kinds of tessellations and their mathematical connections, see the Geometry chapter of the Grades 3-6 Everyday Mathematics Teacher's Reference Manual. (01/10/08)
Can someone give me a real world application of mean, median, and mode for a 2nd or 3rd grader? I try to begin new concepts with reasons why a concept is taught. I can think of all kinds of reasons for adults for this one, but none for children. (12/20/07)
For mean I used to use a big bag of M&Ms (nurses/dieticians-read no further:-). Give students different amounts, group them, then tell them to share. I had a bowl to dump them all back into (record the addition) then distribute (division) with the remainders going to the teacher. :-) I have used this set up in different grade levels, just adjusting the number of candies given out to allow or exclude remainders and to limit the totals for the computations. (12/21/07)
I think teaching mean, median and mode to our students is designed to give real world vocabulary to observations that children have been making since Kindergarten. If EM is taught with fidelity, then even pre-kindergarten students start to collect and look at data in a visual way. With the collection of temperature data over time (a kindergarten routine) children make observations about the number of cold days versus warm days, or red days vs. blue days (for example). They keep tally marks for attendance data in first grade (a routine introduced in Unit 1) to determine how many times there was 1 student absent, 2 students absent and so on. I've observed children expressing what they see verbally---for example, a kindergarten student says "if we have 1 more red day, we'll have the same number of red days as orange days" on the temperature graph. I've observed first graders taking the attendance data and forming a bar graph at the end of the month, so to make generalizations about the data collected. "We had 5 days with only 1 student absent this month". I think giving students the opportunity to learn the real names for this data information at an early age gives meaning to observations some have already made. When you consider the amount of informational text and non-fiction reading that students are exposed to these days (and required to comprehend) I think it just follows that we need to give them the tools with which to understand the graphics they will encounter in the informational material. (12/22/07)
Does anyone have ideas on how I could show students the reason two negatives become a positive when you multiply them together? Same with division... When in real life are students going to need to multiply two negative numbers together or divide two negative numbers together? I would like to give them a few real-life examples... (03/23/09)
You can show the pattern: 4 x 4 = 16 4 x 3 = 12 4 x 2 = 8 4 x 1 = 4 4 x 0 = 0 The first factor stays the same. The second factor decreases by 1, therefore the product decreases by 4. Hence: 4 x -1 = -4 and so on.... Then: -4 x 3 = -12 -4 x 2 = -8 -4 x 1 = -4 -4 x 0 = 0 1st factor remains the same. 2nd factor decreases by 1, the product INCREASES by 4. Hence: -4 x -1 = 4 and so on... (03/23/09)
I have a graph in the form of a wave, such as temperatures. If it is 70 degrees and it went down 2, what happened? 70 - 2. If it went down twice as much the next day, what happened? -2 * 2. Use a salary system. If they deduct x in taxes each week -- but one week you work twice as much, how much is deducted? How much did you earn? Watch the stock market or national debt. When the debt grows it is a negative * a positive. When it goes down it is a negative * a negative. (03/24/09)
I did a GOOGLE search for "REAL LIFE EXAMPLES FOR MULTIPLYING TWO NEGATIVE NUMBERS" and found a couple of interesting things. Math Central gives the example of the motion of an object along a line or even the motion of an object in 3Dspace. It also references a book that you and your students might find interesting: Barry Mazur's Imagining Numbers (particularly the square root of minus fifteen). Go to http://mathcentral.uregina.ca/QQ/database/QQ.09.08/h/stephanie4.html to see the full explanation. Ask Dr. Math gives instances of calculations using variables that can take positive or negative values, such as rates or positions in space. We might define the flow rate through a pipe in gallons per minute, with a positive rate meaning the flow is into a tank, and a negative rate being flow out of the tank. Then a process control computer (which is what I design) might calculate the time it will take to fill the tank by dividing the volume remaining in the tank (its capacity minus the amount of liquid now in it) by the rate. If the resulting time is negative, it means that the tank is emptying and WAS full some time ago. Go to http://mathforum.org/library/drmath/view/65645.html to see the full explanation. I liked the example of paying bills as well: 1. Let's say you get five bills in the mail for seven dollars each. You'd have 5 x -7 dollars, or -35 more dollars, i.e. 35 fewer dollars. But what if you had sent out five bills instead of getting them? Then, in a sense, you'd have gotten negative five bills, so you'd have -5 x -7 = 35 more dollars than you started with. Go to http://mathforum.org/dr.math/faq/faq.negxneg.html to see more examples. I'm wondering if the Credit/Debit game might be used somehow for this type of explanation. And then I think this explanation from Dr. Peterson to a question much like yours at Ask Dr. Math is also helpful... Date: 03/04/2004 at 09:32:50 From: Doctor Peterson Subject: Re: Thank you (dividing by a negative number) Hi, S.Y. Since you didn't specify the age of the child involved, I chose not to try to give an age-appropriate example. And I suspect that there are none to give! Negative numbers probably don't arise in ordinary daily lives except in very basic ways. After all, the world got along without them for a very long time. I like introducing the concept of negative numbers to young children using a concrete example (usually a thermometer); but there is no need to introduce multiplication and division by negative numbers at that point, because they don't arise in a child's experience--you don't need to divide by a negative temperature. Only when ideas like coordinates and rates are introduced is it really necessary to raise the question of division. That's not to say that children won't think to ask "if negative numbers are numbers, how do you multiply them?"; but perhaps if they ask that, they are ready for less concrete answers! - Doctor Peterson, The Math Forum http://mathforum.org/dr.math/ ; When you read his comment you can almost see the strand trace with negative numbers in Everyday Math. The mention of coordinates reminds me of the activities with coordinates in 5th grade where students are doubling and halving the size of objects (sailboats) they construct on a grid by changing the points they plot. (03/25/09)
We must be careful about falling into a trap where we have to explain everything we teach in terms of "When will we use this in real life?" The fact is, not everything a child learns will be used in "real life." What is so much more important than the application of any given concept is developing the ability to THINK abstractly and conceptually. We are trying to prepare kids for the 21st century, where many of the jobs we are preparing them for don't even exist yet. How do we prepare them for jobs that don't yet exist? The answer is by teaching them the thinking skills necessary to apply concepts, think creatively, abstractly and problem solve. So, while I respect your effort to find a real life application, and we should certainly try to do so whenever possible, I also think students need to understand that we are teaching thinking skills along with application of knowledge. Heaven forbid we only teach, and they only learn, what has direct application. How ill-prepared kids will be for life. Students need to understand that. (03/25/09)
tp://www.mathsisfun.com/multiplying-negatives.html Having students model the direction along the number line is especially helpful as an introductory, concrete model. (03/25/09)
We discuss this in the G4-6 TRM, (pp. 101-102), where we essentially agree with the fact that, yes, it's hard to model multiplication (or division) of two negative numbers. But then we give a couple of suggestions anyway: one looking at patterns and the other using properties. Here's a bit more. The real problem is why (-1)*(-1) = 1 (since (-a)*(-b) = (-1)*a*(-1)*b = (-1)*(-1)*a*b). Here's a proof of (-1)*(-1) = 1, not suitable for kids but important for teachers to understand. Start with the fact that every number times zero is 0. So, in particular, (-1) times zero is 0: (-1) * 0 = 0 Then note that (-1) + 1 = 0 and substitute into the left hand side of the equation above: (-1) * (-1 + 1) = 0 Apply the distributive law: (-1)*(-1) + (-1)*(1) = 0 which is the same as (-1)*(-1) + (-1) = 0 (because 1 times any number, including -1, is that number). Add 1 to both sides to get (-1)*(-1) = 1 The Ask Dr. Math page at the Math Forum has some models for multiplying two negative numbers: http://mathforum.org/dr.math/faq/faq.negxneg.html (03/25/09)
On Journal p. 37 fourth-graders are asked to convert 413 feet to yards and inches. My students understand they need to divide 413 by 3, but I don't think they have any previous work with division. I think they are introduced to it next Unit. Are we supposed to tell them to use their calculator on these problems? (09/27/07)
You're lucky that your students understand that they can solve conversion problems by dividing! This is my first year in Everyday Math and my kids can't even do that with a calculator. I would probably let them use a calculator, since they understand how to solve the problem but not how to divide yet. Since converting unit of measure is a standard in my state (NH) and my students have no concept of division, as a center activity we created conversion charts. The students worked in small groups and made charts that showed if 1 foot = 12 inches, then 2 feet = 24 inches, and so on. Students learned to count by ones for the feet and by 12s for the inches. They enjoyed making the charts together and I was able to differentiate by having adept students do harder conversions (such as 16 oz. = 1 lb.) and less adept students do easier conversions (1 yard = 3 feet). Once we were done, I copied enough conversion charts for each student to keep. (09/28/07)
I am a parent of twin 5th graders. They are learning about factorization, and their teacher insists on them using calculators when factoring numbers. When I learned it many years ago, we were not allowed to use calculators. Because of this, I learned my multiplication, division, etc. very well. I just have a problem with the whole calculator issue. Also, I was surprised to hear that students were allowed to use calculators on their state assessments. Any input from 5th grade teachers on this matter will be greatly appreciated. (08/24/07)
I teach 5th grade, and personally I don't let the students use calculators when we are factoring "smaller" numbers because that is one more way for them to practice their multiplication facts. I do, however, sometimes let them work with partners so they can work out some of the multiplication or division together. This lessens their frustration level and leads to more accuracy. That is not to say that your children's teacher should not be letting the students use calculators. She may want the students to be focusing on the process of finding factors rather than on the process AND the multiplication facts. I agree with you that children should memorize their multiplication facts. There is not enough time in the school day, however, to have students do that. A lot of it must be done at home. I hope you are one of the few parents who insist upon helping their children learn their facts at home. Unfortunately, too many parents don't help with or monitor their children's learning. If you work with them on their facts (or monitor their working together) several evenings a week, they will learn them and the idea that their teacher lets them use the calculator for factoring will not be an issue. They will probably be able to factor smaller numbers faster than their peers who are using the calculators! EM has wonderful cardstock fact triangles in the back of Journal 1. If your students are using them at school, you might ask the teacher if she would copy an extra set that you could cut out and use at home. As far as the use of calculators on the state assessments, in Kansas they can use calculators, but not on the parts where calculators would do them any good! The calculations part of the assessment is to be done without a calculator. Students can use calculators for parts of the geometry and measurement sections, for example, but what good will a calculator do them when they are to say how long a segment is? My opinion about calculators is that they are to be used when the focus is on the process, not on the calculations. I think students should know how to use calculators because we all use them in life, but we can't let students depend on them totally because we all also need to use mental math and paper/pencil math in life. (08/25/07)
I am a third grade teacher, but here are my thoughts on using calculators in math class. 1. In Everyday Math, many skills are introduced at a much younger age than traditional math programs. For example, my third graders learn to calculate the mean of a set of numbers. (I'm pretty sure I didn't learn that until junior high.) It would be way too complex for them to calculate it by hand, so we use calculators. The point of the lesson is for them to understand the concept of HOW to calculate a mean. This may be what's going on with your fifth graders. 2. EM puts a HUGE emphasis on estimating answers before calculating. In real life, if I need to do any calculating, I grab a calculator. An example would be balancing my checkbook. I am perfectly capable of doing it with pencil and paper, but it's much faster and more accurate with a calculator. Of course, as I work, I'm constantly estimating and making sure the answer on the calculator makes sense. EM teaches kids to do this. Hopefully a fifth grade teacher can address your specific concern about factorization, but I hope this gives you an idea of why EM uses calculators. (08/25/07)
The school district I work with uses the Houghton Mifflin Science series. Unit 4 in 5th grade asks the students to compare data from two line graphs drawn on the same axes. For example, they investigate and compare the month-by-month average precipitation for two different cities. The students need to answer questions such as "Describe the precipitation patterns in both places. Which place receives more precipitation? Is precipitation constant throughout the year?" I cannot find any examples in the 5th grade Everyday Math materials to develop and/or reinforce this concept. Is there some reason why this skill was not developed in Grade 5? Are the students developmentally ready to understand this analysis? Has anyone found a good resource to teach, "comparing two line graphs'? (01/03/08)
Third Grade EM has a yearlong activity where students create a line graph comparing the high and low temperatures around the U.S. It can be a weekly activity, where the students graph the high/low temperature for that day of the week, and then find the difference between the two temperatures. I coordinated it with a map of the U.S. and we would plot the cities each week as well. If you keep it to the contiguous states, it can vary from week to week where you find the high/low temperature and it becomes an integrated geography lesson as well. If students are unable to develop their own line graphs, the activity can be done as a whole class lesson on one big graph, where the students make their observations and use their journals to record the data, not make the line graph. (01/03/08)
Why does each lesson jump around from one idea to another in one given unit? The children seem to understand, or at least start to understand, the first idea and then we move on to another idea in the same lesson. Why is this? (09/17/07)
I'm wondering if this question is coming from a 1_3rd grade teacher who is on Unit 1. In Grades 1__3 Unit 1 is designed for assessment and review and establishment of program routines. It's like a K-W-L (What I Know, What I Want to Know, What I Learned) for mathematics. You "jump around" from lesson to lesson to get a feel for the mathematical knowledge your students have. If that's the case, you might recommend having the teacher read the Introduction and Mathematical Background section in the Unit Organizer for Unit 1. It might help her/him see the rationale behind this format. (09/18/07)
I personally do not teach math and am only a pre-service teaching candidate who won't be teaching until next fall after graduation (hopefullY!!!)...but I have had some exposure with EDM in my undergraduate placements (hence my subscription to this group!)? With that being said, it is my understanding that many topics seem to "jump around" because certain concepts are introduced?but are not intended to be learned at a mastery level right after one lesson.? Rather, the curriculum spirals 'round and 'round continually revisiting "old" lessons, where the students then look deeper into a topic when developmentally ready.? For example, multiplication is taught one digit times another, then bumped up to two place holders, and so on...when it reaches the point where decimals are introduced, it's essentially the same multiplication, but with a "." thrown in to deal with...And that example is ignoring how multiplication is just repeated addition...which?is itself another?example?of revisiting prior concepts to learn new ones.? ? One of?the instructors at my college said that it might not make sense on the surface, but the research indicates that we should "trust the spiral!"? I have no first hand experiences in seeing the results, but this is just my two cents based on my education...I am very interested in hearing?what other "real teachers" have to say though...along with anyone affiliated with the EDM program itself...ESPECIALLY if I am way off base!? :-)? I am here to learn! (09/18/07)
The second grade team at my school has a concern about math box #3 in lesson 10.10 of the 2004 edition. The problem, $3.74-$0.27, instructs to solve using partial sums. When you get to adding the partial sums you have .90 + .10 which makes for a carrying situation of $1.00. Can anyone help explain how you explain this to the kids? (06/05/08)
There are a few things you can do. The first is to encourage kids to add those lower partial sums mentally. So 90 cents + 10 cents would be $1. That really is mental math. I think it is really important to get kids away from following the steps of the algorithm and get them really THINKING about the numbers. The second way is to use the same type of carrying they use in the column addition method. They carry the one over to the next column. I think by far the most valuable lesson would be to have the student problem solve and figure out what to do themselves. I would be more than willing to bet that at least one student will come up with mental math to solve the problem. (06/05/08)
It's my understanding that Partial sums is for adding, not subtracting, so they must mean adding up from 27 to 74, so from 27 to 30 is 3 and then from 30 to 70 is 40 and 70 to 74 is 4 - that's a total of 47 cents; then $3.00 minus 0 is $3.00 - so the answer is $3.47. I don't have the 2004 edition and looked at the reference book for the last edition. When they tell students to use partial sums, they want them to add from the lowest to the highest number, by getting to the base-10s. If that makes any sense!! That's one of the ways I try to teach my students - there are so many ways, but when they are subracting to find change, they are counting from the lowest to the highest. (06/05/08)
I have a question regarding the Extra Practice section on a Grade 5 Home Link in Unit 1. It is a division problem (for example 29/4) and instead of the equal sign it has an arrow. Is it standard math notation that the arrow means estimate or round or what? (09/29/09)
Take a look in your Teachers Reference Manual for grades 4-6 in the Algorithm section (in my edition it is on page 133) for one explanation of the use of the arrow instead of an equal sign...I know there are other notes in the teachers materials as well but this one explains the arrow is used because the answer includes a remainder (which is not a proper number sentence)...To use the equal sign they explain the answer would be given with the remainder written as a fraction. (09/29/09)
I had a question the first time I saw this as well. If you look in your teacher reference manual in the essay about algorithms, under division (it is on page 121 of mine--2nd edition) there is a good explanation in the note section on the right side of the page. It has to do with when there is a reminder in division it is not actually a proper number sentence because of the R we use for remainder. So the arrow is used. If the remainder is expressed as a fraction or a decimal, then the = sign can be used. Sarah Meadows (09/29/09)
I received this question from a fifth grade teacher and I could use some assistance in compiling a response. A lot of the information on remainders is presented in fourth grade and I have referred him to those lessons. However, I am unsure how to respond to his last statement. I also said that If there is a remainder, it should be used to round the quotient to the nearest whole number before placing the decimal point. Here is his question: "Today I was teaching the students how to divide decimals by whole numbers and I was wondering if you could explain something. In the book it instructs us to tell them to divide the decimals as if they were whole numbers after they have done a magnitude estimate. The division is fine but what happens when the divisor does not go into the dividend evenly and there is a remainder? The book and program doesn't address it in the section I am teaching. This concerns me because on the Pennsylvania State School Assessment, the students could see division problems where they may have to extend the problem with 0's like we did using the old long division algorithms." (01/06/10)
I teach 6th grade and run into this often. Many times, the divisor is a number that when the remainder is written as a fraction, students know the decimal equivalent. I use this to help students. For example: .13 / 4 = .03 and 1/4 = 0.25. The student can then convert the remainder of 1/4 to the decimal equivalent, getting .0325. I have shown some students the way to "add zeros" with partial quotients division. If they finish dividing and need to insert a zero, a zero is added to the left hand side of all numbers in the division problem and quotients. 4 | 13 | 8 | 2 ______________ 5 | 4 | 1 ______________ 1 | Becomes...(if adding two place values). 4 | 1300 | 800 | 200 ______________ 500 | 400 | 100 ______________ 100 | Then they can continue dividing (01/08/10)
I'm currently teaching 5th grade, and we are on Unit 9. The past few days have been spent on using the rectangular method for finding area of triangles and parallelograms. Today, I was planning on them finding the formula for the area of triangles and parallelograms, but they couldn't even get through the rectangular method. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to teach this method? My students have a very limited math background. They may not have been taught anything about area last year. Thoughts on brushing over the rectangular method, and moving on to finding the formula for the area? (02/28/07)
I ABSOLUTELY would not skip this lesson. Students need the background knowledge of what area means before they are given the formula. Instead, use easier problems even if you have to start with a regular rectangle and subdivide it into two triangles. There are some problems that are easier. Students also need to know how area is used. So maybe in the context of a word problem or a situation in where they will have to use area students can grasp how to find area better. (02/28/07)
I'm not sure you can as the formula is based on half the area of a rectangle with the same base and height as the triangle. However you can concentrate only on drawing two perpendiculars (the height of the triangle up from the ends of the base. Connect them at the top. Cut down through the triangle from its apex and show the inside and outside of the triangle are the same. This is shown on page 692 of your TLG. (02/28/07)
You may be right and your students might not have much background with area...they may need some concrete experience with area to help them "see" the relationships involved in area. I have used things as simple as construction paper rectangles (different sizes) to just cut in half on the diagonal to show the basic idea that a right trianlge is half of a rectangle. Students can repeat this activity with a sheet of looseleaf paper. You can do a similar activity by recreating various triangles and parallelograms surrounded by rectangle(s) (for example from Journal page 316 ) and then "cutting" out the rectangles used in the rectangle method. Some students benefit from working from the whole to the parts.... Students can use geoboards and rubberbands to create triangles (and parallelograms) and the surrounding rectangles. I have used inch tiles to cover the rectangle to show a concrete model of area. They can record their work on dot paper or grid paper and note the area, base, height, and base * height. (In lesson 9.6 they could recreate the shapes from journal pages 318-319 on a geoboard, trace the rectangles onto the journal page and then cut out the rectangles, * I NOTICED ON MY JOURNAL PAGE 319 THE AREA OF PARALLELOGRAM G IS WRONG...IT SAYS 3SQ. CM WITH BASE * HEIGHT= 6 sq.cm ..THAT WILL REALLY CONFUSE THE STUDENTS TRYING TO FIGURE OUT THE PATTERN FOR AREA * I have also had the students create a "What's My Rule" table for the area and base* height information from journal page 319. * A great online geoboard is found at http://nlvm.usu.edu/en/nav/frames_asid_282_g_3_t_3.html?open=activities What I love about this link is the geoboard can be manipulated and will give the measures (area and perimeter). Try making a right triangle of base 2 and height 5...show the measures. Students can explore moving the vertex at the "top" or the triangle right and left (maintaining the same base and height) and showing how the area stays the same and exploring how the rectangle(s) they make to surround the triangle changes. * I have also used tangrams with area...one activity is found at http://mathforum.org/trscavo/tangrams/area-answers.html#parallelogram I think it helps students explore the relationships between the areas of the shapes. Hopefully the concrete explorations will help students really 'get it' when working with the rectangle method so that when they 'discover' the formula it will make sense!! (03/01/07)
The grade 3_5 elementary school I work at has been meeting to decide whether to include the lattice multiplication algorithm when we do multidigit multiplication later this year. I think it would be a terrible mistake not to include lattice along with partial products. Although I have quoted from the assessment handbook and the Everyday Mathematics website for including lattice, the decision is still up in the air. Concerns cited include that students use lattice as a crutch and that they can and do use lattice without understanding what is happening. With that as a background, do you know of any research I could cite about the value of lattice, or do you have any advice for me? (09/30/07)
I'm thinking that as part of "building algorithms" and "owning" information/knowledge, removing lattice would be a mistake. Yes, some of the children do latch onto it, but in some sense, so what? If it provides them with a method that they know will work, it will allow them to move onto more advanced things that require multiplication. Eventually they will stop doing it as they start to know their facts and use easier methods. I've had children in 5th grade that use repeated addition to solve problems, and they do get tired of it and find that they need to learn their facts for themselves and not because a book, teacher, or parent is trying to make them. At the beginning of the year I have many children who are using lattice, but as we play the games and they get more comfortable with partial products they stop using lattice. I would estimate that I had about 20 out of my 27 students using lattice at the beginning of the year and only about 4 or 5 by the end of the year. (09/30/07)
Last year was our first year using EM, so my fifth graders had not had any exposure to lattice multiplication. All of my students tried the method, and my 2 students who were least adept at multiplying kept using lattice. When the other students saw how fast and accurate these 2 previously-poor students were when they used lattice, a few of them starting using it all the time, too. I was amazed how proficient they were at it. We had races using lattice vs traditional or partial products. The lattice won more than either of the other two methods. This year, all of my students who were here last year use lattice. I have 2 new students. One of them is switching over, and the other one is continuing to use the traditional method. I don't think any of them know or care "what is happening," but it works for them. As far as partial products, they use it when the series says they have to, but they are much less accurate, and I still don't think it soaks in to most of them what they are really doing. I don't understand the crutch argument at all. It is a valid algorithm. I can't see anything wrong with using it. I think you would be cheating your students not to introduce it to them and let them use it if they so desire. Those two students my first year with EM sold me! (09/30/07)
The lattice method is mathematically sound - it's not just a gimmick that works. How many studnets using the traditional algorithm genuinely understand the math behind it? Many have just learned a process that works to get the answer. (10/01/07)
I would make every effort to reserve lattice for multi-digit problems. (3-4 digits x 3-4 digits) It is actually quite efficient when dealing with large numbers. I would, however, discourage MOST students from using it as a substitute for partial products. I have seen kids rely too heavily on lattice at the expense of ever developing the number sense and math concepts that come with proficiency in partial products. Once proficient, portions of partial products can be done mentally. Not true for lattice,. (10/01/07)
I am gathering data from parents regarding their questions/concerns about Everyday Math. The most common complaint I am receiving is that the do not understand the point of teaching the lattice method. Many called it "stupid" and said since the students aren't allowed to use that method in middle school, they shouldn't learn it. I would love to hear any and all information that might help us explain this to parents. I teach first grade, so although I am familiar with the lattice method, I am not sure how it is taught in relation to other algorithms or what research supports this method. (05/14/07)
My first concern would be why the lattice method isn't allowed in middle school???? Why would a district teach something for 3-4 years and then not allow students to utilize it? I think I would start there. (05/14/07)
Here is my personal opinion on the lattice method. If you need to multiply multiple-digit numbers, then this algorithm is by far the most efficient. Try multiplying something like 1,248 X 276 using the traditional method. It is extremely cumbersome and provides a lot of room for error. Now try it using the lattice. You will find it to be much easier. When I teach my remedial students I do not let them use lattice for smaller numbers such as 2 digit x 2 digit. I require them to use partial products. The reason being...I want them to become so proficient with partial products that, in time, they will be able to perform all, if not most of it mentally. They will never reach this level of proficiency if they rely on lattice. So lattice is great for large numbers, but smaller numbers should be performed using partial products. (05/14/07)
Frank Hatcher, a teacher in our district, showed this to me. Label under each lattice column - ones, tens, hundreds, thousands Do problem 27 * 34. Turn box 90 degrees to the left so columns are vertical. Do the same problem using partial products next to it . Numbers in lattice diagonals correspond to numbers in partial products. Each has 8 ones, 8, 2 and 1 ten, 6 and 2 hundreds Lattice is just another way of organizing the partial products. Look up history of John Napier and his "bones"--I think that is where lattice originated. I cut out strips corresponding to represent his "bones," laminate them and sometimes carry in my pocket when introducing lattice. (05/14/07)
n the 2007 4-6 reference book, it explains the reasons for introducing multiple algorithms. There are many ways to do computations. The lattice method was included for fun, historical interest, and practice with multiplication facts. It became the favorite of many students. It corresponds to place-value columns and has been used since A.D.1100 in India. (05/14/07)
Here is a perspective from a 24 year veteran high school mathematics teacher. Students do not need the traditional algorithms for algebra. In fact, the approach of EM is a much better preparation for algebra (unless the algebra teacher teaches algebra as a bunch of isolated rules and procedures). The algorithm for multiplying polynomials IS the partial products algorithm. For example: (x + 1)(x - 3) = (x*x - 3x + 1x - 3) = (x^2 - 2x - 3) -- Multiply each part of one polynomial by each part of the other polynomial, then add. Now dividing polynomials is a little different. Here is what the algebra polynomial division algorithm would look like using numbers only (forgive me if this turns out not to be readable when you receive it. I tried!) Divide 236 by 4. You divide each part of the dividend by the divisor and add: ____ 4)236 _____________ 4)200 + 30 + 6 50 _____________ 4)200 + 30 + 6 200 -------- 30 50 + 7 _____________ 4)200 + 30 + 6 200 -------- 30 28 ------ 2 + 6 50 + 7 + 2 = 59 _____________ 4)200 + 30 + 6 200 -------- 30 + 6 28 ------ 8 The polynomial algorithm is similar enough to either division algorithm that you will not be hurt by learning one or the other. (05/15/07)
Do your middle school teachers use algebra tile when teaching students multiplication and division of polynomials? Multiplying "polys" using traditional algorithm really involves partial products and the distributive property. The algebra tile is a very hands on visualization of the algorithm. The student can learn the concept and then relate it to a traditional algorithm - better yet development the algorithm themselves. We have students that may struggle with the traditional algorithm for multiplication of whole numbers but can learn the multiplication of polynomials using algebra tiles. Conversely, I have worked with students who can multiply using traditional algorithm yet struggle with the multiplication of polynomials. One does not insure the other. This doesn't relate specifically to lattice vs not lattice, but as is often the case in math, we want students to development a richness for multiple ways of approaching math. I think for students to become mathematical rather than just arithmetical, this "richness" is essential. The lattice method is rooted in partial products and from what I have found, can afford students success rather than frustration. Success breeds success - too much frustration can lead to "giving up". The algebra tile can be used to "visualize" partial products of whole numbers as well. Perhaps that would be a good background for students. And, as I mentioned before help students see the relationship of lattice to partical products to traditional algorithm. (05/15/07)
A 5th grade teacher and his students are troubled by the Study Link question #4 from lesson 7_5. The question is this: 115 _ 10_ + 3 * 5 =________. Some of the students solved and got zero for an answer and the rest got 30. The answer key says 30. Can someone explain why the answer of zero is incorrect? Has anyone else had this problem? (04/22/09)
You would square 10 first so the problem becomes 115 - 100 + 3 * 5. Then multiply, so you get 115 - 100 + 15 = 30. (04/22/09)
I think I might be able to help. If you follow the order of operations: 115 - 10^2 + 3 * 5 = 115 - 100 + 3 * 5 = 115 - 100 + 15 = 15 + 15 = 30 Exponent, then multiply, then either subtraction or addition. I think you are getting 0 because of the following: 115 - 100 +15 = 115 - 115 = 0 Technically, this is really 115 + (-100) +15= 115 + (-85) = 30 Any order is fine, as long as you watch the negative. For example: -100 + 115 + 15 = 30 15 - 100 +115 = 30 115 + 15 - 100 = 30 (04/22/09)
It is a subtle issue. Remember that addition is commutative and multiplication is commutative while subtraction and division are not. So to use the commutative properties as you describe, you are really changing the problem to all addition or all multiplication. I know it is a subtle issue especially at this level but the conceptual distinction between 7 _ 4 and 7 + -4 are important in algebra and beyond. So I would not want to rotely teach kids to always make that change without thought. So treating as an operation, 7 _ 4 + 5 needs to be done from left to right. Treating it as adding the additive inverse, 7 + -4 + 5, order does not matter. Same thing with division. Treating / (or your favorite division symbol) as an operation, 12/3*4, needs to be done L to R. Treating it as multiplying by the multiplicative inverse, 12*(1/3)*4, order does not matter. If you use your example of 100*40/2, you need to be careful about what you imply to your students. Order does not matter in this case regardless of how you think about it. But, consider the following example. Would your students think order does not matter? 12/3*4 L to R: 12/3*4 = 4*4 = 16 R to L: 12/3*4 = 12/12 = 1 Now, changing to multiplication only: 12*(1/3)*4 = 16 regardless of order. (04/23/09)
115 - 102 + 3 *5= 115 - 100 + 3 * 5= First do the exponent 115 - 100 + 15 = Second do the multiplication 15 + 15 = Third, subtract 30 Finally add The most common mistake is that kids assume addition always comes before subtraction in order of operations, as opposed to being equal order operations (so they are done from left to right). This is a great example of how that assumption can really change the value of an expression. This concept is very important as the kids move on to negative numbers, then adding like terms in algebra. It's worth emphasizing. It's also worth comparing a problem with parentheses like (6 - 2) + 4 with 6 - 2 + 4. The parentheses do not have any effect in this case. (04/22/09)
A question was brought up about what to do when using partial sums. Say the problem was 285 + 115 = ? Using partial sums, the students would either be forced to carry the partial sums or would have to go through the process again to avoid carrying. We are wondering how to teach students about this issue. (04/07/09)
The University of Chicago has updated the EM website with some excellent new FAQs and materials for teachers. Here's one that includes an explanation of Partial Sums in the Parent section under the heading: What are the Algorithms? Why are these part of the Everyday Mathematics curriculum? http://everydaymath.uchicago.edu/parents/faq In the Educators' Section, there's also a video of Partial Sums that may give you some ideas: http://everydaymath.uchicago.edu/educators/computation/add_partial_sums One thing that recently occurred to me about doing partial sums from left to right is that this much like the way we might count money from a garage or bake sale. In counting the proceeds, I would start by counting the biggest bills first and then continue counting up from there. (04/07/09)
If the problem is 285+115, students can use partial sums to get to 300+90+10. If they understand that addends can be added in any order, they can recognize that 90+10=100. This can easily be added to 300. I think that we want students to use their understanding of counting by tens along with their emerging understanding of the associative property of addition in this particular situation. All of the counting practice and all of the mental math work should help students compute efficiently. They should not be forced to start again, but should choose to use the number sense we are working so hard to help them acquire. (04/07/09)
I have found that a great way to record student thinking with partial sums (especially at first) is to record each step horizontally. This helps others understand their thinking and helps the student keep the value of the numbers clear. 285 + 115 _________ 200 + 100 = 300 80 + 10 = 90 5 + 5 = 10 _______________________ 300 + 90 = 390 390 + 10 = 400 If the students are used to using the whole numbers and mental math, regrouping is not an issue. Another option is to use an open number line to count up or to represent the partial sums that work well. The student starts by putting 285 at the beginning of the number line he/she is using. Then adds the 115 in pieces that make sense (ie the given place value OR get to the next ten, get to the next hundred, then add the rest). I model it with arrows above the line with how much is being added and label the number on the number line where that brings you below the line. +100 +10 +5 I_____________I_______I______I 285 385 395 400 Once again, by using the value of the numbers and mental math, regrouping is not an issue. I am hoping the visuals work on the computer. (04/07/09)
Can someone prove that the partial products multiplication and partial quotients method for division can be used for multiplying and dividing polynomials? That would go a long way in ending the alternative vs. traditional algorithm debate in our district. Is there a reason the traditional algorithms are needed for algebra? (05/24/11)
The partial products can definitely be used to multiply polynomials. Look at the following problems: In the problem 23 x 45, if you break 23 apart into 20 + 3 and 45 into 40 + 5, you can then multiply in the following manner (which is the same as the partial products method): 40 5 20 800 100 3 120 15 Then adding the partial products, you get the product of 1035. Now look at the problem (x + 2)(x - 3): x 2 x x^2 2x -3 -3x -6 Then adding the partial products, you get the product of x^2 - x -6. The partial quotient method is so important to understanding what division is all about. Think about the traditional algorithm. Where in the algorithm does it get across any understanding of what division is all about? If you divide 829 by 3 using the traditional method, students ask themselves how many threes are in 8 but they aren't pushed to understand that they are actually finding how to split 800 into 3 equal groups. The partial division algorithm helps students understand division. Taking the same problem, have your students start with 829 in base ten blocks. Ask them to share the blocks evenly between three people. They have 8 flats and give two flats to each person. They passed out 200 to each of three people so they passed out a total of 600. That is why we are placing 200 in the partial solution column and subtracting 600 because we have "spent" or taken out 600. That leaves 229. Now they can't pass out any more flats evenly, so they trade the flats for longs. They can pass out 7 longs to each person. This means 70 is a partial quotient (part of what the students will end up with) and they have "spent" 210 leaving 19. They can't pass out any more longs evenly, so they trade for units. They now have 19 units to split among 3 people and each one gets 6. Six is also part of the quotient, so that also goes into the partial quotient column. Each person got 200 + 70 + 6 = 276 and there was one left over. This method helps students understand what division means. The other method is only good for students who can follow and memorize a process. That leaves out students who learn in other modalities. Shouldn't we focus on educating ALL students and not just the ones who learn easily with memorized processes? Think about how often students struggle with identifying what operation to use in a story problem. I believe this is because of the traditional way we have often taught division. Students don't recognize division in story problems because they don't understand what division is all about. Stick to your guns on these methods...they work AND they help students understand what is actually happening. (05/25/11)
Keep multiplication wrestling horizontal forever. There you have your multiplication of polynomials! There is an advanced calculus teacher here in the district who uses the term "wrestling," as FOIL works for only binomials and wrestling works for any number of terms. Our middle school teachers love it when our students come to them wrestling and keeping the operation horizontal as the game does when it is introduced. (05/24/11)
Partial Products is what is used in Algebra to multiply polynomials. It just is not called that. Many high school teachers will teach an acronym called FOIL (First, Outer, Inner, Last). If you break partial products down as follows: 34 x 56 (30 + 4) x (50 + 6) You would do 30 x 50, 30 x 6, 4 x 50, and 4 x 6 which is FOIL for algebra. You can do Partial Quotients for polynomials, but it would be difficult to type in an email to show you. I have done it before with high school teachers to show them. (05/25/11)
Partial products multiplication IS multiplying polynomials. There is no carrying/regrouping in polynomial multiplication. Like terms are collected after the fact. Partial quotients division is important for helping students understand division. The traditional division algorithm is simply a scheme that makes partial quotients most efficient and productive (you could see it as a kind of culmination of the partial quotients algorithm). The traditional algorithm, unfortunately, loses much of its connection conceptually to what is going on and can confuse number sense (something you would not want to happen when initially learning about division). (For example, to divide 13567 by 18, you have to first divide 135 by 18. Well, how is 135 connected to 13567? A kid has to have significant number sense to make sense of this.) Now you have the issue of whether you WANT kids to be able to divide 13567 by 18 to multiple decimal places of accuracy without a calculator. Is estimation enough? Is calculator usage enough? That is where you will likely run into an unresolvable debate. With partial quotients, you can do this, but really need to know how many decimal places you want to carry it out before you start. I would not want to do this with partial quotients. The hard part in these debates is that you are admitting that there are objectives you no longer see as important, but that your opponents value. FOR ALGEBRA, if students know partial products and the algebra teacher realizes this, the teacher can make a nice analogy/connection to introduce polynomial multiplication. Great! Polynomial long division is similar but different from both partial quotients and the traditional division algorithm. If you have had experience with either, your work with polynomial division will be supported. Since the terms are separated in a polynomial, there is natural meaning related to dividing 18x^6 by 3x^2 when you really want to divide 18x^6 + 6x^4 - 3x^3 + 1 by 3x^2- 6. It is a natural meaning that is not there for dividing 135 by 18 when you really want 13567 by 18. Polynomial long division would be like dividing 10000 + 3000 + 500 + 60 +7 by 10 + 8 (but don't try this using polynomial division unless you are a real math nerd and like to see funky things happen with numbers and then like to figure out what is going on). PRACTICALLY SPEAKING, even in a rigorous traditional algebra course, your leading coefficients in a polynomial division problem are almost certain to be like 18 and 6 and NOT 13567 and 18. Thus, partial quotients would suffice for algebra (and Calculus, for that matter). Now, you cannot argue that high school curricula is changing and students don't need polynomial division any more--students who eventually take 2 semesters of Calculus or AP Calculus BC will need basic polynomial long division and the teacher/professor will assume they know how to do it (ask me if you need examples). (05/25/11)
Could any author tell us why Trade First was moved from Unit 11 to Unit 6 and then it is revisited in Grade 3 Lesson 2.9? This appears to be a disconnect. Is anyone moving it back to unit 6? (09/26/07)
My name is Cheryl Moran. I am one of the authors of the 2nd grade curriculum. We moved the trade-first algorithm to unit 11 because we felt that children needed more hands-on experience with the subtraction concept prior to being introduced to formal paper-and-pencil algorithms. To balance the move of the introduction of the trades-first algorithm to unit 11, we added more 2-digit subtraction practice using the Number-Grid and base-10 blocks in units prior to unit 11. (09/27/07)
My name is Ellen Dairyko. I'm one of the authors of Third Grade Everyday Mathematics. Cheryl Moran and I had many discussions throughout the 3rd edition writing process about the treatment of algorithms in the 2nd and 3rd grades. After using base-10 blocks and the number grid to solve problems involving subtraction in 2nd grade, it is expected that most children will be comfortable using manipulatives to solve problems involving subtraction early in 3rd grade. Note that in the Lesson 2-8 Recognizing Student Achievement suggestion (see TLG page 144), children are being assessed on their ability to solve 2-digit addition and subtraction problems with or without the use of manipulatives. Throughout the year, children will have the opportunity to learn and practice a variety of strategies for solving problems involving subtraction including paper-and pencil algorithms so that by the end of 3rd grade, they will meet the Grade-Level Goal that addresses addition and subtraction procedures in 3rd grade: Use manipulatives, mental arithmetic, paper-and-pencil algorithms, and calculators to solve problems involving the addition and subtraction of whole number and decimals in a money context; describe the strategies used and explain how they work. (09/28/07)
Do districts allow students to use Lattice as their multiplication algorithm of choice or require partial products? What happens when they do the division algorithm (EM way)? There is still subtraction and multiplication to do. What if a student is using the adding up strategy to do subtraction and lattice as multiplication? What happens when students go to middle school and teachers want them to use the traditional methods? What happens when algebra teachers say they have to have traditional methods to multiply and divide polynomials? What are districts doing? I asked Marilyn Burns these questions last week in Atlanta. She said Lattice is nice for enrichment. Let the middle and high school teach the traditional if they think they need them. Elementary should continue teaching for what makes sense. (03/27/07)
I have a real problem with the general population of kids using the lattice method. I love it for multiplying long, multi digit numbers, and for those kids who REALLY struggle with partial products, but I am increasingly concerned with the number of teachers who are allowing kids to use lattice instead of partial products. One of the greatest benefits to using partial products is that, once mastered, it can easily be performed mentally. It does wonders for developing number sense and mental math. The problem is that kids find the "tricks" of traditional and lattice to be easier (because it doesn't require them to think as much) and therefore do not use partial products enough to get to that level of proficiency with it. If I were a classroom teacher, I would insist that the general population of my students use partial products, and other methods such as traditional and lattice could be used as a method of differentiation. As for division...yes, it may mean that high school teachers may have to teach the long division algorithm in order to divide polynomials. However, what a small price to pay for the tremendous amount of number sense that kids will develop by using partial quotients. Kids really have to develop a deep understanding of estimation, place value, etc. in order to even perform partial quotients. What do they learn from long division???? ...besides how to memorize a set procedure that makes no sense, but somehow arrives at the correct answer???? Do your high school teachers know that partial products is the distributive property, that it is the FOIL method? Here is the bottom line...the ONLY thing that kids learn by performing traditional algorithms is how to divide or multiply 2 numbers. That's it. However, by practicing the EM algorithms over time, and becoming completely proficient with them, they will develop incredible number sense, estimation, mental computation and a much deeper mathematical understanding. Surely that is well worth the high school teachers having to spend a little extra time teaching a simple procedure for dividing polynomials. Besides, EM kids are so used to learning several methods of computation, I suspect teaching them long division with polynomials will be a piece of cake. Middle and high school teachers should be fully trained in the methods of EM, and the philosophy behind it should be fully understood by them. I see no reason for middle school teachers to force kids to use traditional methods. This may mean an intervention by your administration. We have only used EM for 3 years, and our middle school teachers are already telling us that they can see a difference in the number sense the kids are coming to them with. (03/27/07)
I have been teaching EDM for 4 years and still do not understand why some educators do not feel as though lattice multiplication is a valid algorithm. Just because it is not what has been done in the U.S. for the past 200 years does not lessen its validity. If middle and high school teachers are not allowing this algorithm I would be very upset. As long as a student has an algorithm that works for them they should be allowed to use it. I have a friend who teaches high school math and loves when students come in knowing how to do lattice because if they are having troubles with algabraic equations using the FOIL method she can show them how to set the problem up with a lattice grid and they immediately know how to solve the problem. (03/27/07)
I find that for Individualized Education Program and below level students lattice seems to work best and enables them to compute more difficult problems. Most students will tire of this method and will find partial products to work more efficiently. I encourage students that know their multiplication facts to move on to using the partial products. Our Middle School does not permit the lattice method, therefore getting students to move on is highly encouraged. (03/27/07)
I have never had a middle school teacher who had a problem with lattice as long as the children could get the correct answer. I have been teaching lattice for nine years now, along with several other methods and a high percentage of my students choose to use the lattice method whenever they can! (03/27/07)
Does anyone have any information on these traditional division algorithms? As you will see from the link, they are prototypes. It says the other algorithms will follow...Our district wants to remain true to the Everyday Mathematics series, while still addressing the need to have our students finishing 6th grade with proficiency in the traditional algorithms. These seem like a great tool to help accomplish this, but I'd love to see the multiplication versionespecially to see EM's recommended time frame (i.e. suggested timing for using the Projects). Does anyone have any more information on this? https://www.wrightgroup.com/everydaymath/support.html?PHPSESSID=a97ac32564c596a35d174635256d272d&gid=207 (01/28/09)
They are accessible online via your teacher/administrator account at everydaymathonline.com. If, however, your district did not purchase access to Everyday Math Online with your curriculum, you probably have to order the algorithm resource in book form from the Wright group. If you have an account, scroll down to the bottom of your home page and you will see the link. (01/28/09)
Even without the account they are available as a free resource from Wright Group. Go to the Wright Group website at www.wrightgroup.com and click on Math and then Everyday math and then Third Edition Everyday Math and then Support for Teachers. There are a lot of new tools on this updated webpage that you might find useful. (01/29/09)
Wright Group/McGraw-Hill, the publisher of Everyday Mathematics, is pleased to announce that online animations of Everyday Mathematics focus algorithms, as well as U.S. traditional algorithms, are available on www.EverydayMathOnline.com. The online algorithms are free to all EM users by logging in and clicking on "Free Resources". There you will find animations for partial-quotients division, column division, and U.S. Traditional Long Division. Additional practice and projects for both Everyday Mathematics focus algorithms and U.S. traditional algorithms are also available in the Algorithms Handbook. This is available to all Everyday Mathematics customers by logging in at EverdayMathOnline.com or may be purchased here: https://www.wrightgroup.com/everydaymath/buynow.html?PHPSESSID=ae87ed0fb53e0eb51f68fd4c1fadb2aa&gid=207 Please check it out as this should help meet your needs (and more)! Please let me know if you have any additional questions. (01/29/09)
How do other grade 4 and grade 5 schools handle teaching the Partial-Quotients Algorithm and traditional long division? Our grade 6 and 7 teachers are finding it difficult to transition students to long division when they do not use Everyday Math. (02/05/09)
Our district solved the issue of partial quotients division by a decimal by teaching the "column division" algorithm at the beginning of 6th grade. This has proved to be a great alternative to "traditional division". They seem to pick it up very quickly!! (02/05/09)
We also have started to use the column division algorithm as early as 4th grade in our district. Partial quotients is great, but when the students need to take their answer out to a decimal instead of just interpreting a remainder it falls short. This does not do that. It can be found in the new algorithm book (perhaps online?) and your teacher reference manual in the algorithm section (02/06/09)
We just used 90 minutes of an in-service day to bring in a consultant to work through the algorithms for third through eighth grade math teachers together. They each received the new algorithm book, although I see that much of it is also online now. That way everyone could see how the progression of the algorithms works and the number sense that is developed along the way. Elementary teachers can also teach the traditional algorithm after the concepts are built through the focus algorithms, but our Middle School teachers will also see that there is more than one right way to arrive at the answer and be willing to accept multiple algorithms. Everyone still has their own biases, but they've all had the opportunity to learn about the processes their students experience and expand their understanding of acceptable algorithms as they enter Middle School. (02/05/09)
As a math coach, I came to the realization that for children to truly be able to use and understand multiple algorithms, they must first understand the math thinking that goes behind each one. I was in a fourth grade class watching students use the partial quotient algorithm to solve a problem concerning jelly beans. Here is the prompt: Divide 143 jellybeans among 8 kids. In the space below, show two strategies (algorithms) you used to explain your thinking. I asked one student to explain why he chose to take 80 out of 143...(part of the process for partial quotient...) He answered because that's what I am supposed to do. I asked what does that 80 represent......He couldnt answer. That was when a light went off with me and and the teacher. From that point on, we asked the students to be able to identify each number on the algorithm within the context of the problem. It this case it was "Jellybean" talk. Within minutes, we had everyone able to indentify every number they wrote on their paper using partial quotient algorithm. This made it much clearer when the student came to the end of the algorithm and had a remainder of 7. Instantly they knew that the 7 represented jelly beans left over which was not enough to give each kid a whole bean. As we learned different algorithms, we were able to identify each step and number used as it relates to the context of the problem. Needless to say, as teachers we need to be giving children lots of opportunities to use these different algorithms within a context of problem solving situation. (02/05/09)
What concerned me most is that many of our high school honors students are using partial quotients and it is deterring from their learning. The students are writing out pages of work and frequently coming to the wrong answer. The students are asking for additional time to finish quizzes because the partial quotient work is taking so long. There is a fine balance between preserving the integrity of the program and assessing the needs of the students as they arise. This year our district added a unit on traditional long division for 6th grade. Students must demonstrate that they are able to use this method, but not required to use it throughout the school year. Because students have a good understanding of long division through partial quotients, it is not nearly as tedious to teach as in years past. It seems appropriate to introduce students to as many methods as possible, which would include both partial quotients and traditional long division. (02/05/09)
My question is about how the students instructed in how to CHOOSE numbers when using partial quotients. If they are not taught where to begin- like a number in the 100s- use 50s, 25s (like quarters) and then go to tens- they may not be very efficient with the process. However, I have not found a kid yet that can't use partial quotients efficiently when they are taught this process. This also gives them an understanding of the meaning of division- rather than just a process by which they arrive at an answer. (02/05/09)
The grade 3_5 elementary school I work at has been meeting to decide whether to include the lattice multiplication algorithm when we do multidigit multiplication later this year. I think it would be a terrible mistake not to include lattice along with partial products. Although I have quoted from the assessment handbook and the EM website for including lattice, the decision is still up in the air. Concerns cited include that students use lattice as a crutch and that they can and do use lattice without understanding what is happening. With that as a background, do you know of any research I could cite about the value of lattice, or do you have any advice for me? (09/30/07)
I don't know any research, but I think that one point you could make is that it is yet another strategy for students to successfully find an answer. Some children have a very difficult time, so if they can do it with lattice, then isn't that what counts? NO Child left behind. HEEEE. Although I understand their concern, it doesn't make sense not to give students every chance to get it right. (09/30/07)
You can read an interesting explanation of lattice multiplication and its role in classrooms here: http://rationalmathed.blogspot.com Also, look at Dr. Math&#8217;s archives for an explanation of its history and the place value connections. (09/30/07)
I have two second grade students who have great difficulty in math. They struggle with number sense and applying concepts. We are at the point in the program where the Partial-Sums Algorithm will be introduced. I spoke with our special education teacher who recommended that I teach the standard algorithm for double-digit addition rather than Partial Sums. As the "math coach" for our building I am having a hard time and feeling guilty about veering away from the program on this. I am looking for advice on teaching Partial Sums successfully to students with number sense difficulties. (11/16/09)
You should keep in mind that the standard algorithms were not chosen by educators or mathematicians; they were chosen by publishers because they take up the least amount of space on a page. The shortest possible shortcut is not the best way to learn a process, especially for students who are already struggling. Why are they struggling? Do they need more time with base 10 blocks, number grid activities, and trading games? The strengths of the Algorithms lie in making place value explicit and only doing one step at a time. For students struggling with number sense, making the place value more explicit would be highly desirable. I encourage you to let the program work. (11/16/09)
I also teach second grade , and have been using EM for 6 years. Our SPED teacher has also found that many of our Math students who struggle do a better job using the regular algorithm( Carrying) when learning this concept. (11/16/09)
I certainly would not revert back to teaching the standard algorithm. The partial sums algorithm helps the students maintain place value. It makes much more sense to teach it. I find it very helpful to use the base ten blocks when teaching this algorithm. That way, the students see first hand how adding the tens and ones together works. Are you certain that the special education teacher you spoke of knows the partial sums algorithm. I really can't imagine that she would prefer to teach the traditional algorithm that makes very little sense to kids except for its roteness over parital sums. Try it! I think you'll be surprised at how quickly they catch on. (11/16/09)
Being the focus algorithm I would strongly reccommend staying the course with the partial sums addition. They will see it again and again going up through the grades. Also, it is how multiplication will be taught, using partial products. I would much rather see students understanding how to use partial sums than how to use the procedure of the standard algorithm. If the students are struggling with this concept, it could be that they have not had enough experience with the base ten materials, which starts as early as kindergarten. For some of our struggling learners, we have them create the number using arrow cards and then pull the number apart in order to see the tens and ones. Then create the number using base ten materials and put combine the ones and tens. The students then create the partial sums using the arrow cards and then combine the patial sums to get the total sum. I have put arrow cards online to download at: http://www.suscom-maine.net/~greeley/enmath (There's an activity there as well that explains how to use them. It's my stuff. Feel free to copy them and use them. That's what they are there for.) Another good resource is the National Library of Virtual Manipulatives. In particular, the base 10 addition activity. http://nlvm.usu.edu/en/nav/frames_asid_154_g_2_t_1.html Once students have played around with base ten materials enough to know ten units makes one ten...ten tens makes one hundred and so on, this site is great for seeing how to put these pieces together. (11/16/09)
I am having trouble explaining to my second-graders that equations can be written with the answer first or last. Ex. 7 _ 3 = 4 or 4 = 7 _ 3. We have even noticed that in lesson 2.12, the Recognizing Student Achievement for this lesson has one of those kinds of problems. My students, with the exception of one or two, all got this wrong because they had trouble with the equal sign being first. All of them would have gotten it right if it was written in the more traditional way. I understand that students need to get used to seeing equations written both ways, but is it fair to assess them on it, especially second graders? (10/27/08)
Please remember that = means "the same as" -- 4 is the same as 7 minus 3 or 7 minus 3 is the same as 4. This is really important, especially as your students progress as mathematicians -- critical concept in algebra. (10/27/08)
I too have a tough time explaining that math box to the kids... most of them get it wrong. I explain that the turn around numbers in the equations are very different and that the subtraction ones always start with the 'higher " number. I created a cut and paste activity that separates all of the different equational parts and then I have them place them in the correct equation.( even ones with the equal sign switched. ) I also stress that they have to read the equation just like they read a regular sentence. ( kids always want to read them backwards) (10/27/08)
It is not a good idea to teach students "rules" that only work for a while. When they move a little farther along with subtraction concepts and the"larger" number is subtracted from the "smaller" number (which gives negative numbers), it is very confusing for them and leads to some misconceptions that also carry on into Algebra. (10/28/08)
I think it is an important mathematics concept for children to understand, that the equal sign is not just a sign in an algorithm, but a concept of equality or balance. This helps children understand the concept of equal much better as they get older and helps with their understanding of algebra. I would use a balance to demonstrate this with the equal sign being in the middle and using blocks to balance this out. For example: Start with 7 blocks on the left side and 4 on the other and how many do we need to take away to make it balance or make it equal. Do a number of examples using the "answer" on both sides. (10/29/08)
The way I address it is have the kids cover up the _____ = if it comes first. That way they can read the number sentence. When they come up with the answer, they uncover the _____ and put it on the line. I also start showing them that number sentences can be written in the opposite direction from the beginning of the year. This helps some. (10/29/08)
I have a parent who feels that Partial-Product and Partial-Quotient Algorithm methods are "stupid and a waste of time". Are there any research articles that talk about the benefits of learning these methods? (02/22/07)
Just keep your equation horizontal and send it home right along with an algebra problem solved with the (foil method). I have had no parent complaints when they see how it eases right into algebra. (02/22/07)
I am not sure you will find any "research," but sitting down and talking with these people may be your best bet. Parents need to be reminded that we live in a global society. They do not use the same algorithms around the world that we do. Ours may be standard in the US, but not around the world. Are we so arrogant to think that ours are the best when our kids are ranking middle of the pack according to the TIMSS report? It occurred to me the other day that when we teach reading, we teach kids to read the words, and to comprehend the entire passage, yet we have not been doing the same with math. We have been teaching kids computation, but not "math comprehension." We have not been teaching kids to understand math the way we want them to understand text in reading. Partial sums and partial products does just that - teaches math comprehension. Standards algorithms are tricks and shortcuts. While they may seem more efficient to calculate, they do nothing to develop understanding. Once kids become proficient with EM algorithms, they will perform them mentally. The same cannot be said for traditional algorithms. (02/23/07)
There is an explanation on the parent's page of the Everyday Math website found at http://everydaymath.uchicago.edu/parents/faqs.shtml. (02/22/07)
Question: What connections may be made to increase students' understanding of calculation procedures? Our Answer: Examining the partial products is more likely to place an emphasis on the value of the digits in a problem and may extend an understanding of place value. It may also increase students' understanding of the steps that are involved in the standard multiplication algorithm, in particular, noticing that two partial products involve a quantity of tens in two-digit problems. This leads to a better foundation for later work when multiplying algebraic expressions. For example, this can be connected to procedures for multiplying expressions, such as (x + 2)(3x - 1). Having read (somewhere) that students in the United States are behind many countries in the understanding of place value, I would think any additional exposure would be healthy. I almost forgot. I obtained a copy of a math book that dates back to the 1800s, early 1900s. In it they present various ways to add/multiply. Among them were partial sums and partial products, though they were not called such. This is not new. (02/22/07)
In the February 2003 edition of Teaching Children Mathematics, there was an article entitled, "Toward Computation Fluency in Multidigit Multiplication and Division", that compares traditional algorithms to what they call more accessible methods ( which are actually the partial products and partial quotients methods). l always share this article with doubting parents because I explain that this article was in a monthly magazine published by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics who has no direct ties with Everyday Math, rather they recognize best practices. (02/22/07)
I have a student who is having difficulty with the Partial Quotients Algorithm method. If we talk about division the student understands the concept of division. He can split up money equally. He loves the lattice method and is very proficient at his number facts for multiplication. He has viewed the power point that Rina Iati created and enjoys it but is having difficulty transferring the information that he is seeing to pencil and paper problems. The student has a hard time putting the numbers in the proper place. For example, instead of putting the groups of 10 on the right side of the problem he will put the 10 under the quotient. Does anyone out there have a graphic organizer or a strategy that they use with similar students? (01/04/07)
I don't know if this will help him visually, but I always tell students to extend the horizontal line through the vertical so there is a place to put his "guess." For example, ____ 6)153! 120! 20 ---!---- 33! 30! 5 ---!---- 3! Answer: 25 R3 The horizontal line acts as a space that must have a number on it. It is also helpful because if a student "guesses" 10, then 10, instead of 20 the first time, there is a place for both 10's. I have seen some students put the first 10, then guess 10 again, but not write it because there was already a 10 there...does that make sense? (01/05/07)
I have a teacher who is having difficulty dividing by decimals using the Partial-Quotient Algorithm. She can get the answer using column division, but not when she uses partial quotients. This is the problem: 85.6/5. The answer should be 17.12. Could someone please explain how to get this answer using partial quotients? (02/18/09)
Everyday Math wants the students to estimate what the answer should be before solving the problem. After they do that they use that estimate to determine where the decimal should go. Ex. About how many 5's are in 85? About 15. So the decimal once you solve using partial quotients will go after a number that will be in the tens. When they solve using partial quotients they need to ignore the decimal in the quotient. The fifth grade book explains it better. Basically they have to estimate where the decimal point goes. (02/18/09)
85.6 divided by 5 would start with taking out a friendly number of 5s. It this case, 10 fives or 50. Subtract 50 from the 85.6 leaves 35.6. Then think that there are seven 5s in 35, so that means you remove 7x5 or 35 from the remainder of 35.6. That leaves .6. So the next move is to think of how many 5s can I get out of .6? Well, its got to be less than one whole five.....in fact, it would be about 1/10th of a 5 or .5. (.10 of 5= .5) So remove .5 from the remaining amount of .6. This leaves .1. So now think of how many whole 5s can come out of .1 or it could be represented as .10? Its got to be way less than one, or even less than 1/10th. Think of 1/100 of 5 or .05 but then 2/100 of 5 or .02 of five is equal to .10. So you remove .10 leaving 0. Now you add up all of the "fives" you took out: 10 fives equaling 50 7 fives equaling 35 .1 five equaling .5 and .02 fives equaling .01 17.12 total...and we are finished! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (02/18/09)
I am all for estimating the placement of the decimal both in multiplication and division. However, I admit that sometimes (when both numbers are decimals) it is difficult because it cannot easily be envisioned by the student. I believe there is a great deal to be said for explaining the traditional form of moving the decimals. As a student myself I wondered how one could move the decimals, thus changing the entire problem, solve the new problem and still get the answer to the original problem. Exploring this phenomenon is a great math activity. First on a hundreds grid I pose the problem 0.2 / 0.04 and have students color in sets of 4 hundredths in different colors within the 2 tenths. This way it is clear that there are 5 sets of 4 hundredths in 2 tenths. From here we color how many sets of 4 tenths are in 2 wholes. You can do the same thing to see how many sets of 4 are in 20--also 5 sets. You see, I have no problem with moving the decimal to make the problem easier to solve once students have conceptual understanding of why the process works. The key to using partial product division is the understanding of the nature of division. It is always about repeated subtraction or divvying out. It is never about "Guzinta." (02/18/09)
Try column division, it is an algorithm as part of EM, sixth grade I think, in the Teacher's Reference Manual for all upper grades and a great bridge if secondary math programs do not use a similar math concept. (02/19/09)
Try multiplying the numerator and denominator of a fraction by a power of 10. If you can get your students to rewrite any division problem as a fraction, this algorithm we learned in school is very useful and "meaningful" as EM prefers. 41.52 divided by 4 becomes the improper fraction 41.52/4 Now we multiply by 100/100 to get 4152 / 400 If we teach this algorithm, then students can also handle decimals in the devisor/denominator. 12 / 3.2 multiplied by 10/10 = 120/32. Students can also benefit from simplifying this fraction first before dividing. My students really understand this concept and benefit from the continued discussion of representing division as a fraction. (02/19/09)
We are having some discussions around the Trade First Algorithm. Some of us are teaching Trade First from left to right to be consistent with the addition and also because of the ease with the 0s. Our problem is that the reference books have it going from right to left. We are looking for direction on what way it is supposed to be. (10/22/08)
According to the Teacher's Reference Manual (Gr1_3, p105), " . . . the trades can be done in any order. Working left to right is perhaps more natural, as with partial-sums addition; but working right to left is a bit more efficient." In my opinion, it is most important to teach students to recognize when trading is necessary and how that is done. Allowing students the choice of subtracting from left to right or right to left builds their flexibility with numbers. I would think a consistent message from your teachers would help facilitate this flexibility. (10/22/08)
We use the computer program called Fastt math- it is by Tom Sawyer Productions. It is a researched based program- that uses drill sandwich technique and game play to reinforce basic fact recall. It addresses addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division (in isolation). It works great for our second graders. I personally would caution using it with all first graders- as they are still building an understanding of why addition and subtraction works- and rote memorization may be counterproductive to their foundation building. (10/03/08)
I am responsible for sharing the algorithms with our middle and high school teachers. In the 6th grade edition, the Everyday Mathematics material suggests that when you divide a decimal by a decimal, you ignore the decimal places, divide as normal, then estimate to find the location of the decimals. Sounds simple enough. However, when I tried it myself, I was fine as long as I was allowed a remainder. If a teacher, however, wants students to divide until they get to a certain place value, that's when things get ugly. Take for example 23.5 divided by 4.38. By ignoring the decimals it becomes 2354 by 438. The answer is 5 with a remainder of 164. Now, if I am asked to divide to the 3rd place value...I can add a zero to 164 to get 1640. This is where it gets ugly. If the kid is good enough, he will know that 1640 by 438 is 3. Then he can just tack the 3 on to the end to get 5.3. However, if he estimates 2 and subtracts 876, he gets 5.2 with 766 left over. He then can take another 438 out. The thing is, he has to know to ADD the .2 and the .1 together to get 5.3. Instead of tacking it on to the end to get 5.21. If you are confused, well wouldn't a student be also? (03/09/07)
I agree that the partial quotients method becomes confusing when working with decimals and their remainders. The estimation rule applies easily when dividing by tenths and hundredths. However, I believe that in most upper level math classes, especially when calculating with decimals to the third place, students are "allowed" to use their calculators, which by the way are most likely required for the class. (03/09/07)
In 6th grade we are now teaching the "column division" method for this very reason. It takes care of decimal division and most kids seem ready for it. (03/09/07)
Decimal long division is something the EM authors have thought about quite a bit. Here are some comments. First, we should keep in mind that complicated division with decimals is not something that should normally be done with paper and pencil. In today's technological world, kids do still need to know how to divide with paper and pencil, including simple decimal cases, but we should be paying less attention to paper-and-pencil methods for complicated decimal long division. This is what the National Council of Teacher's of Mathematics Standardssaid in 1989, which the EM authors agree with. Second, the partial quotients method works fine when the number of decimal places desired is specified in advance. In the case below, the original problem was 23.5/4.38. The solution given started by considering 2354 / 438. (What was meant, I think, was 2340/438.) A solution, 5 R 164, was obtained -- and then a decision was made to get three decimal places in the quotient. Then things got more complicated than they had to. The best way to make partial quotients work in such situations is to decide before you carry out the algorithm how many decimal places you want in the quotient. This is discussed, for example, on pages 86-87 of the second edition fifth grade SRB. In the case at hand, since three decimal places are desired in the quotient and the divisor has two decimal places, the dividend should be padded with 0s to the fifth decimal place, so the problem to be solved would be 23.50000/4.38. This can be solved by ignoring the decimal points and applying the partial quotients algorithm to 2,350,000/438 --> 5365 R130. [Since the divisor has three digits, it's a good idea to make a table of multiples of the divisor to help in carrying out the partial quotients method.] Finally, before you place the decimal point, use the remainder to round the quotient to the nearest whole number: Since 130/438 < 1/2, the quotient rounds to 5365. Since 23/4 is about 5, this means 23.5 / 4.38 = 5.365 (to the nearest thousandth.) Problems as difficult as this one, 23.5/4.38 with the quotient to be computed to the nearest thousandth, are not worth spending lots of time on. Three place divisors are not all that common in paper-and- pencil division work and answers to more decimal places than either of the numbers in the original problem are equally rare (and probably unjustifiable in most problem situations). Another option to solving such problems is to use the column division algorithm, which doesn't require the number of decimal places to be fixed in advance. Using column division with decimals is discussed in both the fifth and the sixth grade SRBs. (03/09/07)
The subject of "traditional column" division and partial quotients division has come up a few times at grade level discussions. We only use Everyday Math up tp 5th grade. It is my understanding that students will be using column division at that point. Do you have any experience in this transition and is there anything we can do now in the lower grades to help with this transition? (05/12/07)
I remember seeing an eloquent explanation of how the Partial Quotients algorithms can be used with decimals and I thought I saved it but I can't seem to find it. (02/06/08)
When we talk about when you use fractions and what they are, it comes up that it is a division problem. It also usually comes up that it is a ratio. 4:5 is 4/5 or "4 out of 5". An equivalent fraction maintains the ratio. I just write the problem on the board and have them see it as a fraction then find an equivalent fraction: 9 divided by 4.5 would be 9 / 4.5 which would become 90 / 45, then solve it like they had been doing all along. (02/11/08)
Decimal long division is something the EM authors have thought about quite a bit. Here are some comments. First, we should keep in mind that complicated division with decimals is not something that should normally be done with paper and pencil. In today's technological world, kids do still need to know how to divide with paper and pencil, including simple decimal cases, but we should be paying less attention to paper-and-pencil methods for complicated decimal long division. This is what the NCTM Standards said in 1989 and something the EM authors agree with. Second, the partial quotients method works fine when the number of decimal places desired is specified in advance. In the case below, the original problem was 23.5/4.38. The solution given started by considering 2354 / 438. (What was meant, I think, was 2340/438.) A solution, 5 R 164, was obtained -- and then a decision was made to get three decimal places in the quotient. Then things got more complicated than they had to. The best way to make partial quotients work in such situations is to decide before you carry out the algorithm how many decimal places you want in the quotient. This is discussed, for example, on pages 86-87 of the second edition fifth grade SRB. In the case at hand, since three decimal places are desired in the quotient and the divisor has two decimal places, the dividend should be padded with 0s to the fifth decimal place, so the problem to be solved would be 23.50000/4.38. This can be solved by ignoring the decimal points and applying the partial quotients algorithm to 2,350,000/438 --> 5365 R130. [Since the divisor has three digits, it's a good idea to make a table of multiples of the divisor to help in carrying out the partial quotients method.] Finally, before you place the decimal point, use the remainder to round the quotient to the nearest whole number: Since 130/438 < 1/2, the quotient rounds to 5365. Since 23/4 is about 5, this means 23.5 / 4.38 = 5.365 (to the nearest thousandth.) Problems as difficult as this one, 23.5/4.38 with the quotient to be computed to the nearest thousandth, are not worth spending lots of time on. Three place divisors are not all that common in paper-and- pencil division work and answers to more decimal places than either of the numbers in the original problem are equally rare (and probably unjustifiable in most problem situations). Another option to solving such problems is to use the column division algorithm, which doesn't require the number of decimal places to be fixed in advance. Using column division with decimals is discussed in both the fifth and the sixth grade SRBs. (02/06/08)
I have begun to really believe that long division is a good algorithm for students to learn, not stand alone, but as another way to do things. The reason I tack this idea onto math facts is this: long division emphasizes the repetition of the 1_9 math facts. My kids come in with understanding the Partial-Quotient division algorithm and it helps them to a point, but as we begin to explore division with decimals which requires them to divide much larger numbers (because we ignore the decimal point, and then place it at the end), they seem most comfortable using the divisor in multiples of 2, 10, 100, etc. I know the Partial-Quotient Algorithm helps many students, but some students end up doing 9 or more subtraction problems because they cannot identify more appropriate multiples. Each time they subtract, it is another opportunity for them to make an error. Even if they can solve the problem correctly, this process takes a tremendous amount of time and space. These problems are much shorter when using long division. The beauty of long division when introduced at the elementary level is that it allows for repetition of math facts. Please do not argue that "students dont understand why the old algorithm works" because I would have to counter that they do not understand the new algorithms any better (lattice for example). (11/04/08)
I would suggest you look at the Column Division Algorithm in the EM Operations handbook. It is a nice balance between the traditional algorithm and understanding. It works well for decimals and you can model it with base-10 blocks. (11/04/08)
I could not disagree with you more about the long division algorithm. I understand that some of your sixth graders may have some difficulty with partial quotients, but in the long run, you are doing them a huge disservice by abandoning it for long division. Yes, they will learn nothing from long division, as they do with lattice (which is why I didn't let my students rely on lattice either. I required them to use partial products as the focus algorithm and reserved lattice for those IEP kids who struggled). We need to stop taking the easy way out. If you would continue to plug away at partial quotients, eventually they will be able to identify more appropriate multiples. You just need to give them more time, patience, and support. I would make the same argument for abandoning partial products for lattice. Certainly there may be a select few who are truly falling behind, in which case long division may be most appropriate for them. But the justification that it emphasizes basic facts is a weak argument when you are sacrificing so much number sense and mental math by switching to long division. If allowed the opportunity to become proficient with partial quotients, the mental math skills and number sense they stand to gain are well worth the time and effort. Those who you allow to resort to long division will be disserved. (11/04/08)
I completely agree that using the partial products helps kids with number sense. I have had to explain to parents that we are preparing their minds to be able to do much of this in their heads. After they are solid in their number sense, I teach the "short cut". (11/07/08)
I would be really interested in hearing others' opinion of the lattice method of multiplication. There are so many teachers that allow their kids to rely on this method because it is easy. My concern is that even if students know the Partial-Products Algorithm, if they don't use it consistently, they will not develop the level of proficiency that we want: high enough that they can do all (or large portions) of it mentally. If kids use Partial Products almost exclusively, over a few years time they WILL be able to multiply numbers mentally. They will not develop this using lattice. The only thing accomplished by using lattice is that they learn how to multiply on paper. My middle and high school teachers are completely on board with Partial Products because they see the value of it in developing number sense. What is the value of lattice other than it works great for kids who struggle, and for very long numbers? (03/28/07)
I agree that the lattice method is just a "tool" that allows young students to multiply large numbers. It does not support developing number sense. When my students choose to use lattice, they must first show an estimated product for me. We just started teaching partial products to third graders in the last few weeks. I was thrilled to see some of my remedial students be able to find the product mentally. (03/28/07)
In a couple of weeks I am going to be helping with a workshop for our middle school teachers. We use EM 3rd ed. K_5, and then go to a more traditional program beyond that. To say that it is a bumpy transition is an understatement. Anyway, I was looking for a way to demonstrate how to solve polynomial division with algorithms similar to EM. Is anyone who is using the secondary program able to explain this to me? The reason we want to have the teachers have an understanding is our students are using the Partial-Quotients algorithm quite effectively, so much so that many students are abandoning the traditional algorithm, when they get into a traditional math class, where the teacher is not very flexible they have a hard time adjusting and relearning the traditional algorithm. By the way, the Column-Division Algorithm is great, and may be a great bridge between EM and more traditional programs. (11/20/09)
I guess I am confused as to what difference it makes which algorithm is used to solve polynomials. That statement has me somewhat perplexed. This looks long, but please take a moment to go through the example. Look at the partial products method of multiplication for 2 2-digit numbers, hopefully this will line up for you. 12 *34 --- 8 (2 * 4) 40 (10 * 4) 60 (2 * 30) 300 (10 * 30) --- Now, let's take a look at that same EXACT same problem written out in expanded notation horizontally. (10 + 2) * (30 + 4) Or, if you prefer: (10 + 2)(30 + 4) Now to solve it I still have to multiply all the place values by one-another: 300 (10 * 30) 40 (10 * 4) 60 (2 * 30) 8 (2 * 4) Whoops...did I just use the FOIL method to solve this as a polynomial? Ok, technically I didn't because there are no variables and a polynomial has variables, and whole numbers. So, let's substitute x for 10 and do it again. (x + 2)(3x + 4) 3x^2 (x * 3x) First term * First term 4x (x * 4) Outer term * Outer term 6x (2 * 3x) Inner term * Inner term 8 (2 * 4) Last term * Last term Now, to put that into an expanded polynomial form: 3x^2 + 4x + 6x + 8 = 3x^2 + 10x + 8 Yup, I can see EXACTLY why students NEED to know the traditional algorithm. What could I possibly have been thinking!!!! What's my point? It is difficult for ANY grade-level teacher to teach math without knowledge of what was taught earlier. We cannot exist in a box. To be a successful math problem solver or thinker, you must draw on past knowledge and experiences. 6th grade will have a harder time teaching what an algebraic equation is without using an in-out function machine or a whats-my-rule table to make the connection that this isn't something new, it is merely a new way of writing it. An algebra teacher will have a hard time teaching how to solve polynomials if they cannot draw on past references. Most importantly, a student will have a harder time learning if their tour guide can't help them form connections. (11/20/08)
In the 5th grade EM program, Projects 12, 13, and 14 all teach the standard division algorithm. You could decide, as a school or district, that teachers do these projects so that students have the opportunity to learn standard division. (11/21/08)
I became curious myself, and determined that you could build the simple lattice you'd use to multiply the poynomials, write the divisor on the side, and create as many boxes as you'd need to reach the highest power of exponents.? Fill in the highest exponent in the interior box (as the product of the two factors), the whole number in the lower corner box and determine the factors that would make those work.?Then you could work backwards, with the numbers you had, almost like a Sudoko puzzle, filling in the spots.? Works really well!? It was actually kind of fun!? But, then I love math puzzles! (11/21/08)
In a problem subtracting one 3-digit number from another requiring trading in two places, should the first trade be 100s to 10s or 10s to 1s? The third grade Teachers Lesson Guide on page 144 models trading one of the 100s first with base-10 blocks, though the written version below trades a ten first. The animated algorithms in the family resources show trading a ten first. It doesnt matter as long as all the trading occurs before the subtracting. What are any thoughts on this? (10/06/10)
Either way is fine. I teach left to right because of problems with 0s such as 900-782. They don't have to jump 2 places to trade, as they would if they worked right to left. When they work left to right I find children get less confused. (10/06/09)
We, too, were frustrated with the inconsistent modeling of trading in the second edition. The third grade Student Reference Book clearly showed trade first from the left. We found that we needed to be consistent in our modeling of the trade first subtraction algorithm as students practice this skill in many settings including regular classroom, intervention classes, after school homework groups, and of course at home. We agreed to always start with the greatest place value (left most) and use the same "script" in talking through the steps. This approach completely eliminates the middle zero challenge as well. It is critical that the students understand trading through the use of manipulatives before they can become fluent with the abstract algorithm. Then for them to become fluent and accurate with the algorithm, it is helpful to always start at the same place. The third edition now states that the authors recommend trading starting from the right, but we have continued to model and practice from the left as we have found it to be more successful with our students. (10/07/08)
I have found the animation on the National Library of Virtual Manipulatives to be a great tool with Trades First Subtraction... Go to http://nlvm.usu.edu/en/nav/vm1_asid_155.html for subtraction (10/08/10)
There are two phases to the trade-first algorithm, the trading phase and the subtraction phase. In the trading phase, it may be easier to do the trades left to right: with this approach, one never has to look beyond the adjacent place to see if a trade is needed or not. For example, in 7008 - 4619, with right-to-left trading you first need to trade to increase the value of 8 -- and the 10s place doesn't help, nor does the 100s place, so you must move to the 1000s place, and then trade back one place at a time. But with left-to-right trading, it's a sequence of easier adjacent-place trades from start to finish. Once the trades are all done, then the subtraction can proceed column- by-column from either the right or the left or, indeed, in any order starting anywhere. In some algorithms, such as partial sums or partial products, it makes a good bit of sense to start at the leftmost column(s) because that yields a quick approximation of the final answer. That rationale is less compelling with trade-first because one is working on single digits (or numbers 10-18 minus single digits) in each column, so the results are not approximations of the final answer. Starting at the rightmost column follows the U.S. traditional subtraction algorithm, which trade-first closely resembles, so that's an argument for starting at the right. On the other hand, if students are used to starting from the left (from their experience with other algorithms or from their experience making trades in this algorithm from left to right), that's OK too. This is why we don't specify starting the subtraction phase either at the right or the left. We'd like to make two other important points about Algorithms: (1) Different algorithms are appropriate for different problems and (2) different people like different algorithms for their own reasons. If anyone feels like an algorithm is tougher than another on a given problem, then that person should feel free to use the easier one. There is no underlying mathematical or pedagogical reason why one algorithm should be the best one all the time (which is not to say, of course, that an algorithm shouldn't work for all occasions -- it must). As for the algorithm animations, we'll make a note that perhaps it might be helpful to include one (or more) involving 0s in the minuend. We have, as usual with EM, a number of improvements and changes we'd like to make when the animations are revised or expanded. (10/08/09)
In Unit 9 students are asked to compute the area of a polygon in decimals. Nowhere in the unit did we study how to place the decimal point. It just showed up in the Journal and on homework. In class, we used the calculator. Students without calculators at home were quite frustrated as were several parents who felt they had to teach where to place the decimal. I don't understand why children would be taught to use a calculator without understanding first. How do I respond to parents who ask my method of teaching multiplication with decimals? They have finally gotten used to the fact that EM teaches different techniques and were concerned that they might be teaching their children something different than what might be taught at school. Needless to say, I was a bit embarrassed to say I had not taught any method other than how to plug the numbers into the calculator. Has anyone else felt this frustration? Did I miss something in the previous lessons? I obviously need to rethink this next year. (03/24/07)
We, too, have found this to be a very challenging part of the fourth grade curriculum. Most of my kids do lattice for the multiplying and then use their understanding of numbers to find where the decimal point goes. (If the resulting answer is 1567, they need to think if 156.7 is more reasonable, 15.67, 1.567, etc.) There also is a "trick" with the lattice to know where the decimal point goes, but I like my kids to have to reason through it a bit. I have tackled this in class and have chosen to not send those few study links home; instead, we do them in pairs in class. Have you looked back at the Teachers Reference Manual? I believe it does tackle the issue of multiplying decimals. (03/25/07)
I have run across the same problem and posted it a couple of years ago. Most responses indicated that multiplication of decimals is not that difficult of a task and needs to be taught at this time. I tried it and disagree. The students were unable to grasp the idea. I feel this is one of the few flaws in EM. I ended up whiting out the decimals on the homework sheet and subsequent homework sheets and replaced them with double digit dimensions since they need the extra practice. When it comes to the math boxes I go ahead and show the students how to multiply decimals but explain that they will be expected to master it later. (03/25/07)
When teaching 4th grade, I always previewed the homework. Anything (such as this - multiplication of decimals) I marked as a bonus question. I had 2 students who intuitively could "see" decimals and were able to do it. At my open house at the beginning of school I warned parents that there may be some problems on their child's math homework which have not worked with yet and would be marked as bonus and left to the student to try if they wanted to, but which were not required. If those problems were not completed credit would not be taken off. In addition, any student who tried the problem and did not get the correct answer would also not have points taken off for having tried. (03/26/07)
The authors of Everyday Mathematics have always recognized the importance of feedback from classroom teachers. joejames219@wowway.com noted, 'I have run across the same problem and posted it a couple of years ago.' Please note that due to numerous comments from teachers regarding this issue, in the third edition of Everyday Mathematics all of the problems in Study Link 8-6 and Study Link 8-7 now involve multiplication with whole numbers only. The problems involving decimals have been replaced. You might consider the following if you are using these Study Links from the second edition. 1. In May 2003, Rachel Hanson, a fourth grade teacher from Georgia, noted: 'I've handled this a couple of different ways. With the kids that I knew could handle it, we had a quick mini-lesson on multiplying decimals. With the kids that could not, I had them round the numbers to the nearest whole numbers and multiply them. I think really in Unit 8, we were trying to get the children to find area successfully, so I didn't feel uncomfortable about rounding the numbers. By the time we got to Unit 9 to multiply decimals, many students already knew how and were good helpers as well.' 2. Send the Study Links home, but save the decimal problems for class. Then embrace the problems. Students are correct to state, 'We haven't learned how to multiply decimals yet.' Ask them to think about what they do know how to do that might help them solve the problems. For example, take Problem 4 on Study Link 8.6. Students are asked to find the area of a parallelogram with one side that measures 6.5 meters and another side that measures 7.2 meters. In Unit 4 students practiced converting between metric measures. Can students find equivalent names for 6.5 meters and 7.2 meters that will make the problem easier to solve? 6.5 m = 65 cm and 7.2 m = 72 cm. 65 cm * 72 cm = 4,680 square centimeters. 4,680 square centimeters = 46.8 square meters. Please note that decimal multiplication is introduced in Unit 9 in Lesson 9.8 "Multiplication of Decimals." (03/28/07)
Our school has been doing EM for 4 years for grades K-6. Most of the issues with algorithms involve decimals or larger number computation. I know in the EM Teacher's Reference Manual it explains that the purpose of the computation should be considered when choosing a method. The purpose ranges on a continuum from efficiency to meaningfulness. Obviously, the most efficient method is to use a calculator. Partial products is very meaning-directed method, but may be cumbersome and not efficient. In grade 6, some of the math boxes contain problems that have 3-digit times 3-digit factors. Partial products takes up an enormous amount of space and it is cumbersome to do several problems with this method. When students use lattice, they can do them accurately and efficiently. I always use this as an opportunity to talk to the students about the different methods and which makes the most sense to use for a certain task. The great thing about EM is that it empowers students to make choices that make sense to them. I always use partial products when I am teaching because it is the focus algorithm for EM, but I usually use the traditional method I learned first when I am checking a problem on my own. From my experience, partial products is best for 1-digit or 2-digit factors. This method should be emphasized because of the meaning it gives to computation and number sense. Lattice is not as number-sense friendly, but it can be taught so that the values of the diagonal places are emphasized. Also, we meet with our high school teachers several times a year to discuss these issues and they have been great about learning the Algorithms. Each year we learn a little more, both as teachers and as students. (03/28/07)
I have supported the continued or extended use of lattice with two populations....those needing enforced organization, and those needing more competence with their multiplication facts. Some students have trouble tracking visually, so the required slots offer place holder support. Some students need to refocus on the facts before they can take on the bigger picture. When the lattice is filled in, the student should view the array as columns, either by physically turning the paper or by changing perspective. Once done the enforced organization of place value columns becomes more clear and can be deliberately noted by the teacher. This is a great segue into the partial products for these students. Children should not be using it as the 'easier method' but instead as the one that works for them for now. (As soon as I see this method being a crutch I offer a few problems with lots of zeros and demonstrate the efficiency of partial products. Usually students begin to use both, and have a much better understanding in the higher levels of math using FOIL, matrices, and other general solving patterns. (03/28/07)
My 1st grade teachers always dread Unit 3 when they introduce frames and arrows. They tell me it's their least favorite thing in Everyday Math to teach. I have to say that the teachers in the older grades feel like their kids do really well with this skill, so the 1st grade is certainly doing something right. Is there anything special that anyone does that would help these folks? I would like to lower their frustration levels a bit! (11/12/07)
My students have portable number grids that seem to help a lot. (11/12/07)
I always look at them as the natural extension of the skip counting and number line/grid work we've done prior to the frames and arrows. Once I help my first graders make that connection, they seem to really take off. (11/12/07)
In the Differentiation Handbook, page 36 in the 5th grade, EM discusses Frames and Arrows as providing opportunities for students to practice basic and and extended addition, subtraction, and multiplication facts. One way that I use Frames and Arrows with first graders is writing the number models below the frames and arrows as a way to connect number sentences to frames and arrows. There is also a template in the differentiation handbook for extra practice for frames and arrows. (11/12/07)
In second grade, we teach our lessons with powerpoints we made ourselves. Frames and Arrows look really cool when you can click and they just appear and answers fill! In the past we have also played a revised game of "what's my rule", where we fill in the frames and ask kids to guess what the number is for the next frame (using the rule they think in their head without saying it.) We keep asking for answers to frames until about 10 are filled in. Usually by about ten frames, everyone has figured out the rule and can answer. (11/13/07)
I have presented a lesson that may be helpful to your teachers...the objective of the lesson is to help students see that Frames and Arrows are like a number line....except that instead of every number appearing on the number line the only numbers that appear in the 'frames' are the numbers you would say for 'skip counting'. The Arrows tell what 'the rule' is for skip counting. I actually create a class number line of blank frames and arrows and laminate it. I then have the students help me complete the number line by counting by 1s...I have purposely made the number line with 20 frames (or however many students are in the class) and give them a problem such as, let's count how many feet are in the class, or how many fingers...a number that will obviously be greater than 20 and won't fit on my number line. We discuss how this number line just isn't big enough to show all the numbers and then discuss that since each person has 2 feet (or 5 fingers) maybe it would be easier to count by 2s (or 5s). I dramatically erase the numbers from the frames and arrows number line and then have the students line up under the 'frames' (one student under each frame) and count their feet (or fingers) by counting by 2s (or by 5s). I have had a great deal of success using the Reeses Pieces Count by Fives book by Jerry Pallotta with this lesson/concept as well. We discuss the idea that the arrows are there to make sure we remember this is a 'skip counting' number line and we may not be counting by 1s. It's a simple, beginning lesson but it seems to help 1st graders see the purpose of 'frames and arrows'. (11/13/07)
My question is directed to any districts that have successfully convinced teachers to simply use the Partial-Quotients Algorithm and not confuse students by additionally teaching the traditional algorithm. It is NOT a part of the program but they still teach it. I am not questioning the reasoning of the authors. I LOVE the Partial-Quotients Algorithm, as I believe it gives kids a much better understanding that division is repeated subtraction. EVERY ONE of my students can use it efficiently after a few sessions with me. I am just curious about HOW to convince the teachers that I work with (who are a well-intentioned group of dedicated professionals) to STOP teaching the traditional algorithm. (11/25/08)
I'm not sure I'm clear on why the partial quotients is taking so much longer. If you have students that are doing the traditional, I would expect that they could transition to the partial quotients fairly easily. If not, and don't take this the wrong way, it sounds as though they don't understand what the traditional is doing, which is more evident in the partial quotients. For instance, if they have 543 / 21 and they're saying "how many times does 21 go into 54, oh 2" then couldn't they just take that to ask "how many times 21 goes into 540?" The lattice is great at working on single-digit multiplication facts, but it does take extra time to draw the lattice itself. How are these students at using partial products? I also have students in 5th and 6th grade and often hear that they don't do the partial quotients well. When I sit and watch them do it, it is because they are stuck trying to do the traditional. However, they often make mistakes with the traditional because they don't understand it either _ its just that their parents do traditional, so they want to too. Understanding how the algorithms work and what they are doing comes with time, and may not be realized until much later on. However, many of the algorithms used in standards-based programs are the same ones that are used in algebra they are just written differently. It's also important to see that the traditional algorithms work great on paper, but not in your head. Things like partial quotients and partial products work closer to the way you do mental math and aren't as efficient on paper. (11/25/08)
Our kindergarten teachers are feeling frustrated (this is our first year of the program) because the EM materials do not "label" patterns in the traditional way (ABAB, AABAAB, ABCABC, etc.) Can anyone tell me (a) if the labeling is introduced in later grades or (b) if there is a reason that the teachers cannot continue to refer to patterns in this way, even if the EM materials do not do so? (12/20/07)
We have been talking about patterns in our school as well...one interesting 'note' is found in the Kindergarten Teacher's Guide to Activities on page 19, Activity 4.5, where it says that "It is not necessaryand is potentially distractingfor the teacher or children to label patterns... at this point." Refer to Chapter 15 in the Early Childhood Teacher's Reference Manual for some great information about patterns. We have had some good discussions across grade levels about patterns and the idea that they are not all repeating...some are growing and some are diminishing, some are visual and some are number patterns. In kindergarten many patterns are repeating patterns and children will also explore odd and even patterns. (12/20/07)
I follow the EM program in my Kindergarten and still refer to the patterns as in the standard way-->ABAB, AABB and so on. I'm not sure why EM does not include this but I have not found any reason why I can't add in the labeling of patterns with letters after a time of exploration and observation. It helps the kids have a common language, and to demonstrate understanding. (12/20/07)
Seems to me that the important concept here is the ability to detect a pattern. That is an algebraic concept...to be able to detect, repeat, and use patterns. I have an early childhood degree, and was taught in undergrad how "important" patterning was, but in practice, I fail to see how identifying whether the pattern is AAB, ABA, or whatever is important. If they can identify the pattern, great. If the pattern is rhombus, triangle, rhombus, triangle, and they identified it, and can continue it, what purpose does it serve to call it an ABAB pattern? (12/21/07)
I find it helpful to have the common language that ABAB, AABB etc. allows for. Additionally, it allows for some measure of pattern complexity, while providing for specific assessment, rather than random patterns when asking a child to demonstrate understanding. The children become fluent in their understanding of this method of identification to delineate patterns. I think the original question was born of a need in the areas of communication (common language) and identification. (12/21/07)
The evidence that a student "understands" a pattern is in being able to predict what comes next or what comes before or what comes in between. The labeling does not necessarily capture this generalization: that patterns are predictable and can be continued in both directions. Watching kids acting on patterns gives you all the evidence of understanding you need. (12/21/07)
Our school has adopted Everyday Math through the 4th grade. Our 5th and 6th grade teachers are accepting of the students using alternate algorithms, but feel the Partial- Quotients method poses some challenges when moving into decimals. Beyond estimating/using magnitude estimates, any suggestions on how to adapt the Partial- Quotients method for use with decimals? (11/03/09)
I teach 6th grade. I apologize for the length, but I really like this topic. There are some great responses in the archives, so check those out too. EM takes an approach to division with decimals like this (3 choices when dividing): 1) the answer will be expressed as a fractional remainder 2) the place you are dividing to will be specified or 3) youll be using a calculator if the decimal continues for an unknown amount of places. The most important step for my students, especially those that struggle with division, is to take time to organize some "mental facts." (I'm not sure what EM calls this). If I am dividing 548 by 23, to the side, I come up with some facts to help myself. 23 * 10 = 230 23 * 20 = 460 (multiply 230 by 2) Sometimes we'll do 2, then double to 4, then double to 8 or add 2 and 4 to get times 6. The issue I have with partial quotients is often that students are not identifying large enough facts to subtract. This causes them to subtract and subtract and subtract, allowing regrouping errors to happen. This is why they MUST take time to organize themselves to the side. A big idea to take away from this is it should take about the same number of steps (give or take 2) as long division to this place value. 2-8 is division of decimals. I teach it differently than the EM strategy of estimation. I treat it much like multiplication. Ignore the decimal points and divide. Replace the decimal point in your answer, moving it the same number of places to the left that you ignored originally. If told to divide to the hundredths, I teach students to add zeros to the hundredths. This is a strategy that is used for long division as well!! 184.98 divided by 8. Round to the nearest thousand. In division house: 184.980 divided by 8. Ignore the decimal point and divide. 184,980 by 8. Use mental facts, to the side: 8 * 1,000 = 8,000 8 * 10,000 = 80,000 8 * 20,000 = 160,000 (double 10,000) 8 * 3,000 = 24,000 (triple 8,000) 8 * 500 = 4,000 (half 1,000) 8 * 250 = 2,000 (half 500) Answer 23.122 and 4/8 students examine 4/8 to determine if they should round or not. Answer 23.123 I found it almost impossible to get them to remember to add an extra zero from the specified place value, which is why I teach them to use the remainder to round at the end. Every time you see division, show it both ways (partial quotients and long division). The repetition of seeing it both ways really helps most students. I tell them they should be able to do it both ways because then they can help their friends. (11/04/09)
Regarding second grade in the third edition, I know there was some conversation here about the Trade-First Algorithm being moved from Unit 6 to unit 11. We are now starting Unit 6. To those of you who may be ahead of us in units for second grade, how are you finding the amount of hands-on practice to be from Unit 6 on, insofar as building up the children's number sense so that they will more quickly grasp the algorithm in Unit 11 when it is introduced? Some of us on my grade level team are feeling a little nervous about this change, feeling that this is a hard concept and maybe we should start teaching the written algorithm sooner, as when we do get to it in Unit 11, it will be just about the end of the year for us. I have already looked back in the listserv, found the previous discussions, and will share them with my teammates. (01/22/08)
I found that having a similar discussion with third grade was also very important. At the beginning of the year this year (we used EM3 last year) our third grade teachers discussed how and why the change occurred the previous year and looked at how much practice students realistically had with the trade first algorithm. Knowing this, they were able to provide the support necessary for those students who needed it. As the year has progressed our third graders are showing good progress with subtraction and we feel it has been a successful transition. Also, our second grade teachers are reporting they feel the pacing is much more kid friendly and appropriate for second grade. (01/22/08)
I usually use the Place Value blocks for a good long time before I get to the written algorithm. I also use money... it also helps with this concept, and the kids have already traded in the beginning of the year. I am glad that it has been moved to Unit 11. It takes a while for second graders to fully understand this concept. We make up little tunes to remember "ten more.. one less" (01/22/08)
We currently have quite a debate going on traditional vs. EM strategies. There are some students who have already learned traditional methods of carrying, multiplying, etc. The teachers are teaching the EM strategies. Some teachers are allowing students to use traditional methods as long as the understanding is there, not just the process. Other teachers are saying they have to stick with the EM strategies and can't use any traditional methods. I'm sure this has come up in other schools so I'm curious as to what your solutions were. (12/06/07)
The most important thing in my mind is...how well do the algorithms translate into mental math, and what do they reveal about underlying math concepts. There is nothing inherently evil about traditional algorithms. However, they are very difficult to perform mentally (something we want all kids to be able to do) and they tend to be a series of steps (a procedure) that mysteriously arrives at the correct answer with little understanding of how they really work. If the students are proficient with the traditional algorithm, AND the teacher claims they have mastered the underlying concepts, then they should have no trouble with using the EM algorithms. I would argue that if there are only proficient with traditional, then chances are the understanding is NOT there. They are just following a procedure. If I were a classroom teacher, I would strongly recommend using the EM algorithms, with the ultimate goal that parts, if not all, will eventually be done mentally. Very few students will ever be able to add or multiply 2 digit numbers mentally with ease using traditional, but many will using partial sums and partial products. Partial quotients, once proficient, will be a far more efficient algorithm than long division, and helps kids learn how to divide mentally. Long division will never do that. Seems like a no brainer to me...give kids ample time to become proficient with EM algorithms, and you will be teaching them way more than just the algorithm. (12/06/07)
I was wondering if anyone could tell me where I could find a list of the basic fact strategies that EM uses to teach basic facts? (Ex. +0, +1, doubles, make a ten). I would like to find a list for each operation. (11/20/07)
There is some information in essay 2 in the Teachers Reference Manual and more in the second grade Teachers Lesson Guide in the unit organizer of unit 2. However, it seems as if you have a general idea. I have always followed the following strategies pretty much in order. Anything plus zero; anything plus 1; ten plus anything; nine plus anything; addends of ten; doubles; one off a double; sharing numbers (5 + 7 the seven gives one to the five and they are both sixes - back to doubles) Additions of two can easily be counted ant you are just about done. (11/26/08)
Getting in the extra time to practice facts sometimes seems very difficult! Something I'm trying this year - I created a basket with many different types of fact manipulatives. After student have completed their morning job/routine, they are to practice facts alone or with a partner until we are ready to start reviewing the morning math routine (calendar, weather, etc.). There are also some times in the afternoon when I find a few minutes between lessons and I tell them to pick something out of the basket to practice math facts. Here are a few of the manipulatives I have in the basket: - Addition and subtraction fact cards from the dollar store - lower level and higher level (or you could make from index cards or Microsoft Word) - Fact triangles on a ring - I copied the fact triangles from the workbook onto cardstock, had them laminated, cut them out and put them on a ring. The students take a ring and practice alone or with a partner. - I also made large fact triangles - on construction paper - and laminated them. The students take a triangle and practice writing their own fact families. (12/02/07)
The latest thing that I'm going to try, and it is still partially in the planning stages now, is to build this into the projects. I plan on having my kids start working on a multiplication project (I think it is project 3, grade 5, EM 2007) which has a study of different methods. However, as part of the project, I'm going to use the assessment CD to generate some problems that will use the basic skill they'll be using for the project. I'll also use the blank masters and some some of the activities from earlier assignments. The plan is that they will have a total of about 10 different sheets to choose from, each one being worth a different amount of points (5-10 points each). They need to earn between 50 and 65 points in order to continue on. For those who have used a layered curriculum approach, this is the C layer. The project itself is 4 pages, with the 4th page also asking for an analysis. They will all need to complete the first 2 pages, with each section being worth a certain number of points. They must earn enough points to continue on to the next layer, etc. At any point, they only have one worksheet at a time, they receive a new one when they turn in one, so they do not have the entire thing to do as they please. The idea is that they have to get through and show a level of proficiency. This is a knowledge level, it is not a matter of "getting it right" but showing that they have the right level of understanding. The next layer would be application and the final one would move into reflection and analysis. If they only get into the C layer, they only get a 75. If they make it to the B layer, they get an 85 and if they get to the A layer they receive a 95. A 100 is possible if they do the final question, which is taking it beyond the basic project. (12/02/07)
Can any of you offer your thoughts, or ideas for supplemental programs to help with automaticity of math fact or ideas to help support the ideas within EM? (07/14/10)
I don't have a program but we had a consultant that came in that gave us the break down of facts and after so many things like 5s 10s, 2s, etc. it only leaves like 12 facts that the students have to memorize, and then she gave us chants to go with them but the kids were happy to make their own. It went to the tune of we will, we will rock you, they liked banging on their desk also, which only lasted the first few days. We had a fact for a few days then added it to our song that we chanted everyday. The students really loved it. If they would forget a fact I would just say, for example, 6 and 8 went out to skate and they would reply and came back as 48. At the end of the year all of my students could get at least 40 facts on the 3-minute time test, including special education students. I don't have the paper here at home so I can't give too much more than this for now. We were chanting fools and it worked!! (07/14/10)
FasttMath by Scholastic is an excellent program. Go to http://www.tomsnyder.com/fasttmath/index.html to get a look at it. (07/15/10)
We use the Book of Facts and Box of Facts by Origo to supplement our fact work. The program focuses on strategies and has worked well. I also went to one of the author's presentations at the National Council of Teacher's of Mathematics conference last fall. (07/14/10)
You bet I can. Google "ten frames." There are lots of resources out there that use the ten frame to develop number sense by anchoring numbers to 5 and ten. I have experienced incredible success with this. I was introduced to the concept of ten frames through the work of John Van de Walle. It is well worth the time to research it. (07/15/10)
We use Math Facts in a Flash which is an Accelerated Math product. We also participate in World Maths Day , a world wide computation competition, and the American Math Challenge. This summer we are requiring students to spend some time on basic + and - facts on Encyclopedia Brittanica's Smartmath program. This is new for us so we will look at our results when school resumes. (07/15/10)
My students love World Maths Day (http://www.worldmathsday.com/2010/Default.aspx? And Multiplication.com http://multiplication.com/index.htm)! Our district has also purchased subscriptions to Compass Learning (in conjunction with students' Measure of Academic Progress scores) http://www.compasslearningodyssey.com/ and Everyday Math Online Games https://www.everydaymathonline.com/ Both are popular with our students and are an expectation for students to use over the summer (first time for that). (07/15/10)
How do I help my fifth graders learn their multiplication facts? (10/31/10)
In our district we are beginning fact fluency interventions. Students who need help with facts work with a para/interventionist, flash cards, games etc. Then they are progress monitored using multiplication tests from EM and other resources. At my children's school they are also doing a similar program where they are tested weekly and practice at home nightly. At 1 of our elementary schools the paras/interventionists do flashcard practice with the at-risk students at the end of the day for about 10-15 minutes. We generally don't have enough time during our math block. We are beginning differentiated instruction this year and small groups. Teachers have also been encouraged to have a facts center that the kids will go to during their math center time. It could contain flash cards, timed tests, games, etc. The kids will work with a partner. (11/01/09)
There is an old saying that refers to something about getting off a dead horse. Trying to memorize 100 individual, unrelated facts is the dead horse! I started teaching over 45 years ago. 42 years ago I realized that memorizing facts didn't work for me or Einstein and it didn't work for most children as well. Early in his life, Einstein thought he was not good at mathematics because he couldn't recite his math facts fast enough. Those students for whom memorizing works seem to have a bit of photographic memory that many children do not have, myself included. If memorizing is going to work for a child it will work soon. If after a few weeks, memorizing isn't working , it is not going to work! Oh, maybe if you keep at it, it will appear to work but chances are the facts will not be there after summer vacation. First of all, all the research I can find states that 5 minutes is the minimum time a child should be given to recall 100 facts - 3 seconds a fact. If you are asking students to complete the 100 fact is 3 minutes under the guise of higher standards for students, you are building in negative self esteem and creating a dislike for mathematics in many children. Nor do you need a 100 fact test on the 3's to see if a student knows his three's. 20 facts are enough to get in the facts and turn-around facts. So if memorizing does not work what does? Strategies work! One strategy for each set of facts. This approach strengthens number sense and creates brain tattoos that stick from year to year. First of all give their brains a picture of what multiplication is. 2*3 is 2 sets of 3. The "of" is extremely important as the student moves on to fractions and decimals. 2/3 * 12 is no where near as easily understood as 2/3 of 12. Use bags of marbles, rectangular arrays, etc. to demonstrate the process and picture of multiplication. 0's and 1's are fine. Show students that in most cases they know all their 2 facts because their doubles in addition are 2 sets of.. If they are having trouble with their doubles in addition it is usually only 6+6 - 9+9. Give them pictures and fact cards for these 4 facts. They never have to learn their 4 facts because they are double the 2 facts. Each finger except the thumb has 3 knuckles. Write the 3 tables on fingernails with a black visa-vie marker. Have them count by 3's and then have them tap finger 4 and tell you 3x4 etc. Clean off the fingernails and the brain still has the picture for life. No need to memorize the 6's they are double the threes. 5's are half of tens or use the move the decimal to the right one place and discuss all the math that goes with that. All you need from the 7 table is 7*7 written on a football shaped piece of paper with the logo of the 49er's. And 7*8 shown as two sets of buddies 56 78. The nine facts use the divisibility rule - not the finger deal that makes them put down their pencil finger it out and pick up their pencil to write it down and is so embarrassing in middle school. One less than the number that is not at nine in the tens place and what addend is needed to make a sum of 9 in the ones place. All that is left is 8x8. I eight and I eight and played with my Nintendo 64 has outlived its usefulness and it doesn't work with the word Weii. Students like "I eight and I eight and I was sick on the floor" (64). Elevens are ok and 12's are as simple as 13's. Twelve's are ten of something combined with 2 of something as 13's are ten of something combined with 3 of something. This may seem too good to be true but it is not. Perhaps in parts of the country where I have presented this lesson teachers will sign on to support its success. Anytime you put pictures and understanding in the brain it far succeeds memorizing of symbols. This is a skeleton of a two lesson set that has worked for me for decades in regular classrooms and special ed classrooms. Not only does it work almost immediately, the facts survive the summer to the following years. It should have ten 45 second follow-up where children get to practice and review the strategies of facts that are still troublesome. There is a strategy for every fact! The bonus here is that these strategies work in most cases for turning the facts around for division facts. If you look up facts in the Teacher's Reference Manual you will see that EM addresses strategies for facts. There are also strategies for addition facts. Obviously, in my opinion, strategies are the only way to go. Do get off the dead horse. Make facts fun and meaningful. It has been years since I posted a response this long, but I do feel very passionate about children being beaten down with math facts and the negative self-esteem that accompanies it. Long, long ago, I was one of those children . My suspicion is that the majority of the children having trouble were not allowed to play the games enough in EM. However, even with the frequent opportunity to play the games, some just need the brain pictures I call brain tattoos. (11/02/09)
I don't want to assume too much, but it sounds as if your K-4 needs to ramp up their use of EM games(Math labs). Our district has improved greatly in fact memorization simply with increased use of the games in conjunction with limited amounts of fact practice worksheets(K-5). I know it does not help you this year very much for me to point back to the lower grades, but it must start early and build up. However, this year I would combine an assault of key multiplication fact games: ( ie Top It/ Multiplication Baseball/ Multiplication wrestiling) along with Math Fact timed practice. EM has a few timed worksheets in their Math Masters book. I would also look to supplement given your dire situation. Good Luck! Trust the Games.... They really do work if used correctly! (11/02/09)
I am hoping to start a math facts power club at my K_5 school that would honor students the same way A Million-Word Reader Club does. Something like mad minutes teachers could give that would progress through the grade levels. I would love to learn about any programs you may be using or have heard of that work well with the Everyday Math addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division computation goals. (12/17/08)
Some of our teachers use Rocket Math. You might check into that at http://www.dadsworksheets.com/2008/09/04/an-overview-of-rocket-math/. You don't even have to buy anything to implement it. (12/17/09)
We are using MATH FACTS IN A FLASH which is part of Renaissance Learning, Accelerated Math. Beth Diaz Presbyterian Day School Memphis, Tennessee (12/17/09)
FasttMath is an excellent math facts program created by Tom Snyder Productions. Check out http://www.tomsnyder.com/fasttmath/index.html. (12/17/09)
I have been teaching 2nd grade for 20 years and have always felt it is important for 2nd graders to know their addition and subtraction facts. This is my 3rd year using Everyday Math and I am surprised that the program doesn't expect mastery of these facts until 4th grade. I feel that they need to know their facts automatically in order to focus on the concepts of double-digit addition and subtraction. Why does Everyday Math choose to wait until the 4th grade for mastery? In my experience 7 and 8 year olds are able to learn their + and _ math facts. (10/15/09)
I think this is a BIG misconception folks have regarding the Everyday Math Program. They absolutely DO expect mastery and it DOES start in second grade! I have pasted the text from a document we put together this fall. All of the goals listed below are from the grade level program goals posters. One thing we noticed when we put them all together was the subtle, but important, difference between proficiency and automaticity. Hopefully this will help you spread the word. EVERYDAY MATHEMATICS COMPUTATION GOALS Students continuously gain a higher degree of fact power, from introduction and exploration of new facts with manipulatives to automatic recall (automaticity) in which facts are easily recalled from long-term memory. In the middle of this process, students develop their own strategies and learn new strategies for calculating mentally. The goal is to increase students; proficiency using favorite strategies that can help them gain automaticity (EM Teachers Reference Manual Grades 4-6, Pg. 268). GRADE 1: Demonstrate proficiency with +/-0, +/- 1, doubles, sum-equals-ten and addition and subtraction facts such as 6+4=10 and 10-7=3. GRADE 2: Demonstrate automaticity with +/-0, +/- 1, doubles, sum-equals-ten and addition and subtraction facts such as 6+4=10 and 10-7=3. Demonstrates proficiency with all addition and subtraction facts through 10+10. GRADE 3: Demonstrate automaticity with all addition and subtraction facts through 10+10; use basic facts to compute fact extensions such as 80+70. Demonstrate automaticity with x0, x1, x2, x5 and x10. Use strategies to compute remaining facts up to 10 x 10. GRADE 4: Demonstrate automaticity with basic addition and subtraction facts and fact extensions. Demonstrate automaticity with multiplication facts through 10 x 10 and proficiency with related division facts; use basic facts to compute fact extensions such as 30 * 60. GRADE 5: Demonstrate automaticity with multiplication facts and proficiency with division facts and fact extensions. (10/20/09)
Our district is in our second year of EM and wondering what to do with our traditional timed fact tests. The FAQ's for parents (http://everydaymath.uchicago.edu/parents/faq) (state that "Beginning in fourth grade, students take timed tests on multiplication facts. These are recommended at least once every three weeks." Are there any recommendations for addition/subtraction facts at earlier grades? Are these tests included in the assessment resources, for any grades 4, 5, or 6? I was not able to locate them. We would rather not duplicate tests if the program has them built-in. (02/22/10)
We use the Mad Minute time tests for our math fact practice. We have set aside 10 minutes every day to practice basic facts. We also assess students monthly on their facts and turn the data in to the principal (me). I pull a Lunch-Bunch during lunch recess to remediate those students who are struggling with mastery. We have noticed that the triangle math fact cards have really helped with the program since adopting EM last year. You can get them either through the company or most school specialty catalogs. (02/22/10)
They are located in the teaching aid masters in the 4th grade materials. Additionally, they have addition/subtraction fact tests to assist those struggling students. (02/22/10)
Traditionally, our first and second teachers used a math facts program with parent volunteers. In the past, they would practice their addition facts until mastery, then move to subtraction. I would like to know if anyone is using an additional math fact program. If so, how do they practice the basic addition and subtraction facts? (10/03/08)
We are using a computer program called Math Facts in A Flash, which is part of Accelerated Math from Renaissance Learning. We also have a number of websites linked onto our class website which students can use to practice such as, Are You A Math Magician, Funbrain.com, and SuperMaths.com. (10/04/08)
What are other people doing to teach the basic facts? (10/16/10)
We follow the program and use the EM Games to reinforce skills such as fluency with basic facts. For identified students who struggle, we use FASTT Math through Scholastic. It is a web-based program to improve fact fluency. Our students enjoy the program and the results are impressive. (10/18/10)
Direct explicit instruction and practice with fact strategies. (10/18/10)
We have a separate 15 or 20 minutes for fact practice and mastery with timed tests. (10/18/10)
Once a year, I find myself addressing this because it never ceases to come up and if I can save one child from the pain of drill and kill I am happy to do it. Some day I will save what I write so I can toss it onto the list serve as needed. I have been teaching over 45 years. I stopped with drill and kill over 35 years ago. Why? It flat does not work most of the time. It takes up way too much valuable math learning time! There is absolutely no number sense support behind memorizing? If a child is gifted with a bit of photographic memory, they will begin to memorize their facts fairly rapidly. If however, like most of the rest of us, they were not gifted with that photographic memory, MEMORIZING WILL NOT WORK! So, what will work? EM has more fact support than any program I have ever taught! Games!!!! Triangular flash cards!!! Rectangular arrays; number families And STRATEGIES!!! (Most are in your Teacher Reference Guide - you know, that other spiral with a wealth of support for conceptual understanding for you and your students) With the following strategies, all my students (including SPED) know their facts in two one hour lessons - one week apart - with a bit or oral practice in between and strategy reinforcement in 3 minute drills for two weeks after. Week one - 0's, 1's, 2's, 10's, 5's; 7 x7 and 7 x 8 Week two - the rest. STRATEGIES: (All based on number sense except the football and buddies and 8 x 8) O's are fine 1's are fine 2's are addition doubles - many children do not make that connection unless you show them. 3's write them on the fingernails with Vis a Vis pens, tap and learn to count by threes while automatically getting the 3 facts. 4's are double the 2's; 5' are half the tens; 6's are double the 3's; 7 x 7 is seven touchdowns for the 49er's; 5678 - 7x8 and 8 x 7 is 56 buddies 7and 8 are always looking for their buddies 5 and 6 That is all you need in the 7's. 8 x 8 the favorite is I ate and I ate and I was sick on the floor 9's one less than the factor that is not a nine goes in the tens place - what needs to be added to that to make 9 goes in the ones place. 10's are fine; 11's are fine; 12's are tens plus the 2's. (10/18/10)
I always encourage triangle cards and visual models for meaningful fact practice, plus follow the following assessment and intervention plan that I've developed. To focus the instruction/intervention I make color coded flashcards for students to complete with a parent. Black: +1 or +0; Purple: Doubles; Green: Ten Friendlies; Pink: Doubles; +/-1: Red. Get to 10 then Add the Rest Orange - Near tens (9+7 = 10 +6) The parent volunteer keeps track of the errors or automaticity of solving each type of problem. The parent assesses the colors they are working with (cards are mixed but usually only 2-4 strategies at a time - i.e. no need to assess doubles +/- 1 if they don't know their doubles). "Check +" if children go through the facts quickly and automatically, never slowing down on more than one or two. "Check" if child has thinking strategies to figure out facts, but must calculate many of them. "Minus" if no strategies for most facts, only fingers or counting on by ones. I then have different games or interventions (i.e. modeling with a Rekenrek) based on the strategy they need to focus on. For example Bean Toss (10 2-colored lima beans that they toss and write equations for red + white = total (10)). My students also make strategy cards for the facts they are struggling with. They do this with a volunteer or I pull students in groups of 5 or 6 and show them flashcards. When they know the answer they put their hand in the center of the table. Then we share strategies. If the students delay with the fact, they make a strategy card for it. The front looks like a regular flash card, but the back doesn't just have the answer, but has a strategy or 2 to solve the fact. For example 7 + 8 on the front, they write it vertically on the back at the top and then might write 7+7+1 or 8+8-1 (doubles +/- 1) or 7+3+5 (connecting the 3+5 to the 8 to show Get to 10 and Add the Rest). Then if they make an error or are inefficient in their solution, they not only see the correct answer, but also the strategy or thinking to solve it next time. The Quick Link to "RESOURCES for School and Home" on our district web site has other ideas and printables under "Computation", too. http://ewg.k12.ri.us/Math_Web/default.aspx. (10/18/10)
If they can double numbers to ten, they can double numbers to 20 because except for doubling 16 and 18 there is no regrouping and they can double the ones and tens digits separately. For 16 and 18, use ten frames with two different colors for each of the 16's or 18's. Use base ten blocks. Give them one traingular flash card to carry around - 16's on one side 18's on the other. - just 2 facts to memorize if all else fails (10/18/10)
When discussing the acquisition of basic facts, teachers usually suggest playing the EM games more frequently. That helps some, but the reality is our students continue to struggle learning their facts. We are trying to get a district-wide plan in place to ensure all teachers are addressing the problem on a consistent basis. (11/03/08)
Use the fact triangles. Also check this website www.freestonepeach.com. Under there Elementary Page there is an interesting product called Vanishing Tables that is used to help children learn their +, _, *, and / facts. (11/03/08)
One of the problems that I see with the teaching of the program is that the series shares basic fact strategies to teach the students in several of the lessons, and then does not revisit the strategies again in other lessons. The developer of the program assumes that we are going to continue to teach those strategies to our students. We are just looking at those strategies as lessons in the book and we don't always continue to teach the strategies. I believe that we must make teaching them an important part of every day. Always reviewing the strategies, using fact pages to practice the strategies, not just test them on the facts, but show them how the strategies will help them find the answers. Maybe choosing a strategy of the week to work on, or some great idea you come up with to use, but the strategies must be revisited all the time and we must teach the students how to use the strategies in the games and on the fact routine pages. Then our students will start seeing success and we haven't spent a dime on another program to send the students to do. We are the best teachers our students have, not some other program. EM has given us all the information needed to make our students successful. (11/03/08)
FasttMath, by Tom Snyder Productions, is a computer program that is research based. It stresses fact automaticity and is highly motivational for kids, primarily at grades 2 through 5. The website is http://www.tomsnyder.com/fasttmath/index.html. You might want to check it out. (11/03/08)
We are playing the games and doing Mastering Math Facts Program at our school. We call it Rocket Math. Kids are assessed at the beginning to determine writing speed, reasonable goals for each child and what level to begin. My kids LOVE it and we are working our way through our math facts. Each child moves up as they meet there goal of correct problems in a minute. (11/04/08)
Even though Everyday Math is not a proponent of it, some teachers at our school use Mad Minutes....3rd graders are required to be able to orally say 50 facts in a minute and they are responsible for practicing these each night. (11/03/08)
We aren't allowed to use anything from outside of the program. However, I we found an entry in the reference manual about using the fact triangles like flash cards, which would stay within the program. With the upper grades (5 and 6) we use a method called SAFMEDS, which stands for something that I can't remember right this second. Essentially the students have a time limit of say 30 seconds. They start with any 15 cards they want and those are the cards they'll keep using. They flip through the cards, reading the problem and saying the answer. If they don't know it, they put it in the "I don't know" pile. If they do know it, they just check the card quickly to see if they're right. Their goal is to just go through them in 30 seconds. At the end of 30 seconds they record how many right and how many they didn't know. I have a timing chart and they use green and red pencils. They then review the cards in the 'I don't know' pile. Then we do it again. The entire process takes about a minute or maybe a minute and a quarter. We then do it again. We repeat this 3-4 times per day. If the students are getting 12 or more right, they get an additional 5 cards, but no additional time. They're getting work on plotting and timing. We are converting their numbers into fractions and percentages. Every 2 weeks I have them put their cards back in their envelopes and take out another 15 to start again. In, I believe it was grade 4 (math masters page 410 or so) there are fact check sheets. We do those once a week. Not only are they able to recall more facts but they are doing it faster and more confidently. (11/03/08)
Are the big ideas of a unit listed as main areas of focus on the overview page of each unit? (07/14/10)
Look on the first page at the beginning of each unit. It is titled Overview. There are some orange bullets. That would be what I would use. (07/16/10)
As I understand the Wiggins and McTighe, those section headers would not correspond to what they mean as big ideas. Big ideas are things like, "How patterns help us predict in math", "How grouping helps us take fewer steps to get an answer", Things like that. They are not task focused really, but concept based. If you use the chapter headers, you see the task and small goals. I think they talk about, "What do you want to be the enduring understanding?" These often can be connected to other disciplines. (07/20/10)
Does anyone have a correlation between the game kit games and the suggested lessons each game goes with for 3rd and 4th grades that they could share with me? (06/21/10)
In the roman numeral pages in the front of the Teacher's Lesson Guide 1 (in fact, it is the page right before page 2), there is a lesson correlation chart for the games in EM. You will find that all of the games in the games kit will be listed there with the lesson from each grade level. (06/21/10)
Does anyone know or is there a list of everything taught in EM and how it changes from year to year? (12/21/07)
Check out the grade level goals Posters (3rd Edition). Better yet, refer to the articulation chart at the back of the Teachers Lesson Guides. (12/26/07)
I am in a 5_8 middle school without access to grade 4 materials. In 5th grade we covered lessons 3.2 and 3.3 from EM, third edition. The parents have been emailing like crazy asking for more work to help their kids understand how to answer the Study Link questions. Grade 5 hasn't hit finding the whole from the part when they know the fraction. For example, in Lesson 3.2 problems 4a/4b, theyre told to find the total population if 175,000,000 is 7/10 of the population, and then to find what percentage 136,000,000 is of that final number. The questions seemed to come from out of the blue. Is this something that was covered in 4th grade or something that moved? (11/02/07)
First a general note that might be helpful in future, similar situations. In the back of each volume of the Teacher's Lesson Guide you'll find a Grade-Level Goals chart. The chart provides information about the given grade as well as the surrounding grade levels. In Volume 1 of Grade 5 it begins on page 493. I know fraction work appears in the Number and Numeration strand. I can see by the chart that in Grade 4, Number and Numeration Goal 2 involves some of the work you described below - "...given a fractional part of a region or collection, identify the unit whole." From the dark blue shading in the chart I can tell that content from this goal is taught in Units 4, 7, and 9 in fourth grade. That, at least, gets you in the ballpark. Without access to the fourth grade materials you're pretty much stuck there in terms of very specific information. So: Lesson 7-2: Students work with fractions of collections. They model the "fraction-of" problems with pennies and answer questions such as, "How much is 2/3 of 27?" Students are encouraged to think first about finding 1/3 of the collection and then using this information to determine the value of 2/3 of the collection - twice as much. Lesson 7-4: Students work with pattern blocks and determine what fraction of different shapes is covered by each pattern block. Students note why the same pattern block takes on different fractional values for each of the given shapes. Lesson 7-10: Students use pattern blocks (region) and counters (collection) to find the ONE for given fractions. With manipulatives, they solve problems such as, "If a trapezoid is 3/4, then what is the ONE?" "If 4 counters is 2/3, then what is the ONE?" They also solve problems such as, "If 1/5 of the cookies that Mrs. Jackson baked is 12, then how many cookies did she bake in all?" "In Mr. Mendez's class, 3/4 of the students take music lessons. That is, 15 students take music lessons. How many students are in Mr. Mendez's class?" Problem 4a on Grade 5 Study Link 3-2 is similar to the problems presented in Lesson 7-10. Problem 4b on Grade 5 Study Link 3-2 involves renaming a fraction as a percent (136,800,000/250,000,000). In fourth grade, renaming fourths, fifths, tenths, and hundredths as decimals and percents is part of Number and Numeration Goal 5. Students primarily work on this skill in Units 7 and 9. The Grade-Level Goal only expects mastery with the "easy" fraction, decimal, percent equivalencies. Lesson 9-4, however, addresses how to use a calculator to rename any fraction as a percent. You wrote, "Is this something that was covered in 4th grade or something that moved?" As stated above, these concepts and skills were covered in Grade 4. The Grade 5 Study Link takes it to a different level with larger numbers. In the second edition, these problems were labeled "Challenge." I believe this was probably due to the fact that the skills required had not yet been reviewed in Grade 5. In addition, using a manipulative like counters isn't possible with Problem 4a. Solving a simpler, similar problem and applying those concepts to the more difficult problem would make sense, but that seems to go a little beyond the expectations of a Study Link. In the third edition, the "Challenge" or "Try This" label was not included. I'm not sure why this happened, but I'll follow up on it and request a correction if necessary. In Grade 5 you'll find these skills reviewed in Unit 5. Look specifically at Lessons 5-1 and 5-8. Another thing to considerand again, this is more of a global note. The Student Reference Books were designed with students, as well as parents, in mind. The majority of Home Links and Study Links at Grades 3-6 have a small, SRB icon at the top of the page. This icon alerts students (and parents) to pages in the SRB where they might go for help related to the skills and concepts addressed on the page. Unfortunately, when I went to the page referenced on this particular Study Link it sent me to page 369 where I found information about the U.S. Decennial Census. While the cited SRB page relates to the context of the problems on Study Link 3-2, it doesn't help me with the mathematics. Pages 75 (Using a Unit Fraction to Find the Whole) and 90 (Renaming Fractions as Percents) would have been better choices. I'll request that Wright Group, the publisher of Everyday Mathematics, makes changes to the page references in reprints. Last global note - I wouldn't be true to the spirit of the curriculum if I didn't mention it. The Everyday Mathematics authors strive to provide a wide range of problems for students to solve. In this way, problem sets can meet the needs of a variety of learners. The first three problems on Study Link 3-2 were fairly straightforwardidentifying the largest 9-digit number from among eight numbers, finding the difference between two 9-digit numbers, and identifying the number that is 100 million more than a given number. Problems 4a and 4b are much more difficult. For some students, those are just the kind of problems they need to keep them challenged and engaged. Be sure to have them share their solutions strategies during the Study Link Follow-Up. For those that struggled, consider revisiting 4a and 4b during Unit 5. Good question. Thank you for bringing it to our attention. (11/02/07)
I wonder if there are plans to update the golden booklet that was a "strand trace" through the program? I don't have mine in front of me to give you the complete title, but I found it a very powerful piece for understanding the power of the spiral, and for developing my own understanding of the various strands of mathematical content and process. (11/07/07)
This is in response to the "golden" booklet that Kari mentioned about tracing strands in Everyday Mathematics. The title of the 32-page booklet was Everyday Mathematics, The University of Chicago School Mathematics Project, Content by Strands. On the back cover in the lower-right hand corner it has the McGraw Hill Wright Group logo. (11/08/07)
My district is looking to break down, for each grade level, the goals that are established, developing, and secure. Does anyone have any information that would aid in doing this? This is a new series for us and our teachers have expressed that they would "feel better" if they knew each level of skill attainment and at what points throughout the year they were expected to be secure with them. (12/18/07)
The scope and sequence charts in the back of the teacher's editions may be helpful to you. (12/18/07)
The question is: "Does anyone have a list of the secure goals, for grade levels K-6? (01/08/07)
This might work for you. Sorry, but I don't have grade 6. We only use EM through grade 5 here. http://www.swsd.k12.pa.us/~rina_iati/secure.htm (01/08/07)
You can go to the Everyday Math website: http://everydaymath.uchicago.edu/educators/index.shtml Scroll down to Additional Resources and click on Learning Goals by Grade Level. Once this is opened you can click on the tabs at the bottom to look at each grade level. (01/09/07)
Check the back of a teacher's guide. Each grade level lists the goals for the grade before, current grade, and grade after. They differeniate beginning, developing, secure goals by shading. (01/17/07)
Would 5 + 4 = 9 be an equation if it were written vertically? (See example below.) Since an equation is two expressions set apart by an equal sign, my first thought was yes, it would. However, is the horizontal line an equal sign? I know it is called a vinculum when it is used in a fraction but I forget what it is called in a basic operation problem. Any thoughts? Example: 5 + 4 ----- 9 (12/02/10)
The simple answer is that an equation is a statement of equality of two expressions written as a linear array of symbols that are separated into left and right sides and joined by an equal sign. When writing your computation vertically, there is no left or right side. (12/02/10)
I have searched o line but I cannot find any mention of the horizontal line in an addition problem denoting equality. I am not sure that it is called a vinculum since according to httn://mathworld.wolfram.com/Vinculum.html Vinculum A horizontal line placed above multiple quantities to indicate that they form a unit. It is most commonly used to denote 1. A radical 2. Repeating decimals 3. The line segment joining two points and , 4. The complex conjugate , or 5. Negation of a logical _expression. According to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vinculum_(symbol) It can even be used as a notation to indicate a group (bracket smaller to parenthesis): Looking at it as a grouping symbol makes sense since when you line up an addition problem in a vertical fashion, it is basically an algorithm to assist one in finding a SUM. equation: in mathematics, a statement, usually written in symbols, that states the equality of two quantities or algebraic expressions, e.g., x+3=5. The quantity x+3, to the left of the equals sign (=), is called the left-hand, or first, member of the equation, that to the right (5) the right-hand, or second, member. A numerical equation is one containing only numbers, e.g., 2+3=5. The following site : http://www.roma.unisa.edu.au/07305/symbols.htm gives the meaning/origin of the plus symbol: "The symbols of elementary arithmetic are almost wholly algebraic, most of them being transferred to the numerical field only in the 19th century, partly to aid the printer in setting up a page and partly because of the educational fashion then dominant of demanding a written analysis for every problem. When we study the genesis and development of the algebraic symbols of operation, therefore, we include the study of the symbols in arithmetic. Some idea of the status of the latter in this respect may be obtained by looking at almost any of the textbooks of the 17th and 18th centuries. Hodder in 1672 wrote "note that a + (plus) sign doth signifie Addition, and two lines thus = Equality, or Equation, but a X thus, Multiplication," no other symbols being used. His was the first English arithmetic to be reprinted in the American colonies in Boston in 1710. Even Recorde (c1510-1558), who invented the modern sign of equality, did not use it in his arithmetic, the Ground of Artes (c1542), but only in his algebra, the Whetstone of witte (1557). (Smith p395)." (12/02/10)
My question is: what is the KEM approach to squares vs. rectangles? Will I be confusing my daughter more by insisting from kindergarten on that squares be included when she counts rectangles? How does Everyday Math address this at a young age? (10/06/07)
I teach kindergarten and I don't believe that this is addressed anywhere in kindergarten EM. (10/07/07)
Good for you and your daughter! As a teacher of "K" and as a consultant, it is important first that a teacher understand a the definition of shapes like a square, rhombus and rectangle. When opportunity arises, a teacher should use the teachable moment to enrich those students . WOW! Most "K" children think it is really cool that a square is a special rectangle and at times a rhombus can also be a square and rectangle. Math is really interesting!!! Calling a square a square rectangle may help clarify these shapes for some students. Another example of the need to differentiate instruction.. . .even in "K"! (10/07/07)
I am a first grade teacher. I don't know about KEM but grade 1 EM clearly teaches that the square is a special type of rectangle. It is in the TLG and in the glossary. (However, I have noticed that teachers are often confused about this.) (10/07/07)
I am one of the authors of Kindergarten Everyday Mathematics (KEM). All grades of EM, including Kindergarten and Pre-Kindergarten, are informed by the research of the van Hieles, who identified five stages in the development of geometric understanding. During the first stage, children approach shapes holistically, focusing on overall appearance rather than specific attributes. For example, they're much more likely to say: "That is a square because it looks like my window" than "That is a square because it has 4 equal sides." During the second stage, children begin to notice the individual elements that make up geometric figures (e.g., three sides and corners for a triangle) and begin to learn the names for the parts of geometric figures (side, angle, face edge, and so on). In the third stage, children begin to move beyond analysis of single shapes and start thinking about relationships among different shapes. At this point, they can understand that squares are rectangles since they meet the minimal requirements: four sides and four right angles. In Kindergarten Everyday Mathematics, children's work with shapes is largely based on the van Hieles' stages 1 and 2. Students do lots of hands-on work with objects and also have many experiences with describing, sorting, and comparing shapes. However, they do not talk about or learn formal definitions of shapes and, therefore, won't have that basis for understanding why squares are a type of rectangle. (Students begin to explore the properties and definitions of shapes more formally in later grades of EM.) That said, it certainly doesn't seem problematic for you to continue to talk to your daughter about "square rectangles," and, in fact, in the Shape Comparisons activity in the KEM Teacher's Guide to Activities, teachers are encouraged to extend children's thinking by asking and discussing (informally) whether all squares are rectangles and whether are rectangles are squares. Your daughter's input may help make that a very rich discussion in her class! If you want more information about EM's approach to geometry and can get your hands on a Teachers Reference Manual, you might find the Geometry chapter interesting. (Some of the above response is taken from that chapter.) (10/08/07)
How are others teaching/assessing vocabulary? I know of one teacher who has a Word Wall and uses it everyday with students. He does a slate assessment with the words for the unit daily and does a great job of teaching explicitly and building on concepts as they go. The kids absolutely love working with the vocabulary. They are also able to apply the words to the days lessons. If this model is of any interest to anyone, Id gladly share more specifics. In the example I am working on now, I dont know if the mentioned model would be her preferred method. (11/12/09)
My district started an initiative to close the academic gap using the Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) strategy. Within SIOP vocabulary is huge, so I also am interested in hearing about how schools are teaching math vocabulary. We are identifying most important words in each math unit and I have helped grade levels make small posters of the word, kid-friendly definitions and pictures of the word. Teachers explicitly teach the words using Marzanos 6-step model and add that to their word walls. Also, students have a personal dictionary for vocabulary. (11/12/09)
Marzano's model is effective, but I wanted to offer another way to support vocabulary and make it meaningful to the students. Our district has begun reflective math notebooking. The students use their notebooks to explain their understanding of key concepts. Also, it can be a tool for students to organize their thoughts regarding key vocabulary. We attempt to have the 1)date 2)topic 3)prediction or lesson/ 4)big idea and line of learning in each lesson(this is what students learned and your objective for the lesson Specifically, vocabulary is singled out by drawing a cloud around it or some other distinction. Finally, the vocabulary is all placed in a glossary in the back of the student notebook for quick reference. I feel the most important part of the notebook is student buy-in. They must take ownership of their notebook in order for it to become effective. When students begin seeing their notebook as their own creation of how they understand concepts, it becomes an amazing tool. I gave you a very quick summation of the notebook...but if you would like more information feel free to email me. I think this practice compliments EM in many ways. The biggest struggle is finding the time to utilize the notebook. (11/13/09)
Our 3rd grade teachers are having a particularly difficult time getting across the concept of certain and not certain (probability) to the children. They are getting better at using fantasy to address what will definitely not happen, but are still struggling with what definitely will happen. Can anyone share some successful strategies? (11/03/09)
When you role a six-sided number cube (die): you will get a number less than 7 you will get a number greater than 0 and you have an equal chance of getting an odd or even number. Set up a blank number cube in any special way and find what is certain about rolling it. Set up a set of EM cards and discover what is certain about drawing from it. Design a spinner and ask what is certain out the outcomes. (11/18/09)
Our fourth grade gave an assessment from the assessment assistant CD. One of the questions asked the children to choose the name of an array from multiple choices. The ray had C as the endpoint and A as another point on the ray. The answer on the test had the ray named with the letters AC (in that order), but the arrow on top pointed to the left. The parents argued that when naming a ray, the arrow should never point to the left. Is this true? (09/13/07)
A ray is always named (read aloud) with the endpoint first and then some other point on the ray. I have never seen the label for a ray oriented in the manner that you shared. We would be asking students to interpret the label for ray at the top and then read the label backwards. (09/13/07)
A ray should always be named starting with the endpoint. So, your parents are correct not so much because of the direction of the arrow but because the endpoint of the ray was placed second. (09/13/07)
Rays can point in any direction. The endpoint of the ray must be the first letter of the ray...unlike lines and segments, rays are not "reversible"; they have a fixed endpoint and then go off indefinitely in the direction of the arrow. (09/13/07)
A ray can point in any direction. However, according to the EM Teacher's Reference Guide (p. 177, grades 4-6). "A ray is labeled using the name of the endpoint and another point on it." In your example, if C was the endpoint, and A was another point, it should have been labeled ray CA. I would disregard this question that the children answered, and assess them in a different. Maybe a short slate assessment, add one question about this on a teacher-made quiz. (09/13/07)
You name it using an endpoint and a point on the ray. The arrowhead goes over the point that is on the ray, not the endpoint. The line stops or ends at the endpoint but passes through the other point. You usually name them with the endpoint first, and the arrow is pointing to the right. However, it is also convenient to label them alphabetically. Where C is the endpoint and A the point on the ray, the arrowhead *must* be over the A per your description. If a parent complains that the arrow must point to the right, so be it, but then the name of the ray must be CA not AC. The TRG has a lousy description simply saying to name it with the endpoint and a point on the array and that the arrowhead is placed over the point opposite the endpoint (ie, the point the ray passes through). I don't see a definition there or in other places that states it must go to the right or that the endpoint is first. In my opinion, if C is the endpoint and A a point on the ray either answer should be accepted. <-- AC --> CA But not --> AC because that denotes that the endpoint is A and the ray passes through C on its way to infinity and beyond. (09/15/07)
Several of the EM authors have noticed the thread of conversation about naming rays and hope we can help. A ray is named by its endpoint and any other point on the ray. The symbol AB [arrow with tail above A pointing right] has an arrow with tail above the endpoint A and head above the other point B on the ray. While it is conventional in textbooks to write the name of the endpoint on the left it isn't necessary to do so and an equally good name for this ray is BA [arrow with tail above A pointing left]. Both symbols are read "the ray from A through B" or simply "ray AB". Similarly, equally good names for the line through points A and B are AB and BA, either topped with a double-headed arrow. (09/15/07)
Can you explain how to access the online Interactive Student Resource Book (iSRB)? (09/09/08)
It is found at http://everydaymathonline.com, and can be accessed with a paid subscription, just like the online games and Assessment Management System. (09/09/08)
Does anyone know if there is an online version of the Student Resource Book (SRB) for Grade 3 through Grade 6? If so, can you tell me what the address is so that I can send it out to my parents? We don't have enough SRBs for each student to have their own, so they need to have something that they can reference at home. (09/06/07)
There is an online version of 3rd Edition, but you have to pay for it. (09/06/07)
Does anyone know of a word processor font that prints the numbers "4" and "9" in a conventional format that looks like the way we ask kids to write the numerals? (01/22/08)
We teach D'Nealian handwriting in our district, and have the font for that style on our computers. We have created hundred-grids for students using the D'Nealian font just for that reason... it looks like what they write! Google "free D'Nealian font download," and you should be able to download it to your computer. (01/22/08)
I have the School Font Collection installed on my Macintosh. It is a CD-ROM that I purchased quite a few years ago from Mountain Lake Software, Inc. for Macintosh and Windows. I couldn't locate a web site, but do have the phone number: 1-800-669-6574. I don't know if they are still in business or not at this point. I use the font "School Slant" from that CDROM; it looks very similar to Modern Manuscript or D'Nealian. I Google-searched "free school fonts" and came up with quite a list that might meet your needs. Here's the results of that search... maybe you can find something there that will help: http://www.google.com/search?q=free+school +fonts&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en- US:official&client=firefox-a. (01/22/08)
Has anyone figured out a way to move items from the Assessment CD to a word processor program so that we can add spacing and formatting to them for the children? I am refering to the CD from 2007. (02/05/08)
It works in very much the same way as the previous edition. However, without the Begining-Developing-Secure option, you will find the selection of items to be different. At each grade level, you will be pulling the items up by strand. You can do all the wonderful things with it that you could do before, other than change spacing on all items at one time. I have been told that is being addressed. (02/06/08)
You have two options for changing the spacing in your Teacher's Assessment Assistant worksheet. 1. Create a worksheet in the Assessment Assistant, go to <File> _ <Save As> and give it a title. Go to <File> _ <Export>. In the window, the file name for the worksheet will appear in the File Name box. Choose the Browse button, and select the location where you want to save it (like your Desktop, for instance). For Export File Type, select Rich Text Format (RTF), then click <Export>. Look at your Desktop (or wherever you chose to save the file). It will open with Word and you can make desired spacing changes. 2. Change item spacing on a worksheet or test. The default spacing between items on a worksheet is .25 inches. You can increase the spacing between all or some of the items by doing the following: 1. Create a worksheet 2. Open the first item on the worksheet by double-clicking it 3. Select the Worksheet tab. 4. In the Item Spacing section of the Worksheet tab, select the Use Spacing of Radio button 5. Highlight the default: 0.25. 6. Enter the spacing of your choice; for example, 1.00. 7. Click the Next button (which looks like two chevrons pointing to the right). This button is immediately to the left of the Save button 8. That brings you to the second item in the worksheet. (Note: on a Macintosh, the 0.25 default is highlighted; on a Windows computer, you have to highlight it manually.) 9. Repeat the operation through the items on the worksheet. 10. Check your progress by clicking the Print Preview toolbar button, which is a magnifying glass. (02/06/08)
The second option you mention does not work on the CD we received with the 3rd Edition. After a great deal of frustration, and several calls to EM and Wright Group, one of the folks at Wright Group confirmed that this option does not work. I think it would only be fair for you folks to inform everyone and provide an updated CD with this option functioning. (02/07/08)
l though you cannot change the spacing for the whole worksheet by using the Worksheet Menu _ Layout _ Item [tab] in the menu bar at the top of the screen. I was the one that verified that this problem existed, in fact. You can double click individual items in your worksheet, click on the Worksheet tab for that item, and change the spacing for individual items. (02/07/08)
I'm curious to find out what tools are available to complement the Everyday Mathematics program. I have seen reference to an online assessment tool as well as the online Interactive Student Reference Book, but I can't seem to find links to these pages from the EM website. If anyone can direct me to these tools, I'd really appreciate it. I'd also love to know if there are any other tools available, particularly anything to do with SmartBoards. (12/09/07)
There are two web sites directly related to Everyday Mathematics. The author group at the University of Chicago maintains a site at http://everydaymath.uchicago.edu. This site is currently being updated with information about the 3rd Edition materials and does not include the information you are looking for at this time. The other web site,http://www.wrightgroup.com is maintained by our publisher, Wright Group/McGraw-Hill. If you click on the Everyday Mathematics link and explore the site, you will find information about most of the EM products that they sell. Your other source of information, which would probably be the most productive, would be your local sales representative.. You can find your sales rep's contact information by clicking the "Sales Rep Locator" link at the top of the Wright Group web site pages. And of course, members of this listserve have had experience with the online and electronic products. They would be your best source for information about how these products can be used in the classroom. (12/10/07)
Thank you to everyone who replied to me this week. I thought I would summarize the responses I got, as well as share some links that I have found. First, the website that I was looking for that has EM games online, the Interactive Student Reference Book (SRB), and other useful tools is http://www.everydaymathonline.com. From the demonstrations of the games that I played, it looks wonderful; unfortunately, it does require a subscription. There is also a wonderful library of virtual manipulatives at http://nlvm.usu.edu/en/nav/vlibrary.html. This is free if you access it online. To download it to your computer costs about $45 per user. Finally, Mathematica is creating a library of virtual manipulatives at the Wolfram Demonstrations Project. http://demonstrations.wolfram.com/ is the address for this resource. There are many advanced college-level demonstrations here, so you have to search for the elementary ones. You also have to download the free player before the demonstrations will work on your computer. However, it is nice that both the player and the demonstrations are available for free, which means you can have complete access to them at any time and not be limited by your internet connection. On a more general note, this has come up on the listserve before, but http://www.unitedstreaming.com has an amazing repository of video content online. It's fantastic for showing short clips or whole videos to supplement your lesson. (12/14/07)
Our school has decided to go with the 4 point rubric system of assessing students. Will the Everyday Mathematics Online Assessment generate reports using the 4 point rubric, or will it convert this to A and N (making adequate process or not making adequate progress)? (11/14/07)
The online Assessment Management System allows you to record both Making Adequate Progress/Not Making Adequate Progress as well as 4-point scoring rubric. To create usable reports, the system requires the Making Adequate Progress/Not Making adequate Progress designation; it is optional to enter the 4-point detail score. The system does not convert a 4-point score to an "A" (Making Adequate Progress) or an "N" (Not Making Adequate Progress); the 4-point score is to be entered as supporting detail for the Making Adequate Progress/Not Making Adequate Progress scoring. The way to transport saved tests is to export them. It seems, from what you say, that you have the test generator installed in school and at home. If that is the case, do the following on Computer #1: 1. Create and save a test 2. File>Export 3. In the Export dialog, click the Browse button and navigate to your thumb drive 4. Click the Export button. On Computer #2: 1. Connect the thumb drive 2. Launch the Management program 3. File>Import 4. In the Import dialog, click the Browse button and navigate to the thumb drive 5. Select the file 6. Click the Import button. That should make it available in the Worksheet Building workspace. (11/14/07)
Our school is adopting the 3rd Edition of Everyday Mathematics. Is the Online Assessment Tool that helps us track students' progress on the Grade Level Goals included in the teacher package, or is this something additional we need to purchase? (05/11/07)
It's an extra feature. Talk to your local sales representative for EM. He or she may have a Technology Sampler for you to view. We don't have information on pricing yet. (05/11/07)
The Online Assessment Management System is $125 per classroom. If you don't use the online tool, you can track progress using the many checklists for each unit included in the new grade-level specific Assessment Handbook. (05/18/07)
We are new to Everyday Mathematics and we are just getting beginning to use the Assessment Assistant CD with the 3rd Edition. I would like to work on some things for our teachers using the CD and save the documents to other files on our network. This way the teachers can access it or I can email it to them. It seems as though I have only found a way to save it within the program. Does anyone know of a way to save documents from the Assessment Assistant CD to another network? Thanks for your help. (01/02/08)
You need to create the document and then save it. Then, you export the document to the file you want it stored in. (01/03/08)
We have some Kindergarten teachers that are concerned that it takes their students too long to log in to eSuite. Does anyone have any ideas on how to make it easier for those teachers and students? (11/23/10)
Some teachers give all of their students the same password, and that allows the teacher to log everyone in and even allows a classmate to help, if the child needs it. (11/23/10)
My Kindergarten teachers expressed a similar concern, so this year when I enrolled the Kindergarten students, I used their initials instead of their names. Now when they log in, they are just keying in two letters and the random number. We also changed the passwords so that the entire class has the same password. Another thing we tried was to use numeric passwords instead of the iconic passwords (you have that option from the edit class screen). (11/23/10)
How do I get a username and password for the Everyday Mathematics online games? One of the teachers in my school asked me to help her with this. She wanted the children to work on the games in school, and then continue to practice them at home. (11/29/07)
We set up our own usernames and passwords by going to http:// www.emgames.com after our class accounts were activated with our code. (11/29/07)
Does anyone have the new Assessment Management System from Everyday Mathematics? We have just purchased it but have not yet imported any information. Do you find it useful? What are some of the components that your teachers find most useful? I am just looking for some tips or brief information before it is introduced to the teachers. (10/22/10)
We use the Assessment Management System, and it is giving us great information for RTI. It breaks down each student's test in the Student reports section as to what specific objective needs work from each unit. We have only been using the Written Assessment pieces. I have one teacher that wants to look at using the Oral and Slate Assessment pieces next quarter. We also use the overall graphs to help the class as a whole, determining what games we may need to use more frequently to reinforce skills. Please understand, like with anything new, it is going to take some time to get started. Creating classrooms and learning how to input data is time-consuming at first. Once it is done and you are comfortable with the program, things go very quickly. I can input a whole class of 26 5th Grade students on the Written Assessment Part A and Part B in about 15 minutes maximum. (10/22/08)
Our 6th Grade Math Teacher is having an issue with the Assessment Assistant software. When you're building a worksheet and dragging problems over to the right side, there are letters typed on top of a few of the problems. For example, the first problem we dragged over had a bold "b" and "g" on the top-right side. It was larger than the font in the problems. Is anyone else having this trouble? Is so, what can I do? (10/29/08)
Did you know that you can export the worksheet to a word document, and then you can change any aspect of the worksheet? Once you give it a title, go to Export, and when the screen comes up, check the name of the worksheet and change Export File Type to rich text format using the drop-down menu. Then click on Export. I usually save mine to the desktop because it can be easily found. It will show up as a word document icon. (10/30/08)
Our district is currently investigating both Aha! Math and the Everyday Mathematics online eSuite as supplemental products. I would appreciate any feedback from districts using one or both in support of EM in Kindergarten through Grade 5. (11/15/09)
In Anchorage, we have been using the EM online eSuite with great success. The games allow students to practice skills and concepts both at home and in the computer labs in school. Many teachers ask students to play certain games at home for extra credit, or homework, and are able to see which games students play as well as access detailed information about errors that are made. Parents appreciate being able to access the Student Reference Book for their child's grade level, and I have had lots of positive comments from parents about the Free Resources, like the Algorithm Handbook. Parents who are unfamiliar with the different algorithms can find a clear, animated explanation. Additionally, the Family Letters are available in eight languages, and the Student Reference Book is in both Spanish and English. This is a great help for our many English Language Learner children and families. I think our teachers appreciate the ePlanner the most. They can access all materials associated with each lesson simply by logging into their account on any computer, and no longer have to take books home to do lesson plans. Student Journal pages are embedded within the ePlanner and can be projected on a Smart Board during class lessons. The Assessment Management System makes it easy for teachers to track student progress within each lesson (using the red stars) and on the End of Unit Assessments. I would highly recommend the eSuite because it provides support for students, teachers and parents. (11/15/09)
We are working with the 3rd Edition of EM and are trying out the online Assessment Management System. We can't figure out a way to generate a student report that addresses achievement for a particular unit (as opposed to achievement by goal or strand). Does anyone have any suggestions? (10/29/08)
I am one of the McGraw-Hill employees who worked on the design of the Assessment Management System (AMS) with the program's authors. I think I can give you a way to see what you are looking for. You're correct that it's set up to show reports by the learning goals. The strands and Grade-Level Goals are a key addition to the 3rd Edition of EM and the authors feel that reviewing student progress toward the goals is the best indicator of performance. The Grade-Level Goal reports encourage this, and accomplish with technology what is difficult to do on paper: sort out the information from units and lessons into these learning categories. However, since we understand that your evaluation and grading needs may vary, you can modify the standard reports by using one of the features in the Options section: custom Time Periods. If you click the Options link in the upper-right corner of the program screen, it will open a window that allows you to set time periods, which will filter the information in the reports. Since each lesson scored in the program is dated to when you enter it (or if you enter data at a later time, you can set it to the date on which students were actually assessed), you can create a limited time period that covers just the units or lessons you want to review. Now use the Student Reports: Grade-Level Goal Summary, or others, and change the Time Period to your customized period. The report you get will show only the work that was scored during that period... and therefore just for that unit or set of units. This is also a nice way to view information across a specific quarter, semester, or any grading period. (10/25/10)
We have just adopted the Everyday Mathematics eSuite program, and are looking to educate teachers, students, and parents on what it has to offer. Does anyone have suggestions on how to best "roll out" this training, especially the home/online games component? We are looking for suggestions on distribution and management of passwords, parent information, and any other issues people think might be important. (02/11/09)
When we first started using the online games, we were also looking for a way to get parents on board. I did an introductory lesson with each class of students in our computer lab where we walked them through how to log on to the games, and then they played a game we had chosen for their grade level. We showed the students how they could check their "e-points" on the game they had just played (and showed teachers as well how this could help with accountability...the e-points gives the date the game was played and a score), and then we showed them how, at school, they can check to see if they are an e-leader. We sent home a letter explaining to the parents that they would have access at home to the same games the students were playing at school. We have a link on our school web page that we use at school, and students use at home to go directly to the game site. We printed out the password cards from the EM site and taped each child's to their letter. We also kept a copy of their password card at school to keep in their desk and take with them to the computer when they needed it, and teachers keep a master copy of the password cards in a binder in our lab for easy reference. We also instituted a Game of the Week program that we continue even now, four years later. One night a week our students play a game for math homework. A letter is sent home telling parents what game we are playing... we choose a game from the current unit of study that is available online. Students return the letter with a parent signature verifying their child played the game and giving feedback about the game. Students know that when they return to school the next day, they can check to see if they are one of the e-leaders for their class and teachers know they can check the available reports to see how students performed. We have found that the games are a great addition to the EM program. They provide opportunities for readiness, practice, and even enrichment both at school and at home. (02/12/09)
Our school district uses eSuite. It is a great tool! Teachers have the capability to project (on a white projection screen or a SmartBoard) components of their lessons by using the ePlanner. Teachers also enjoy having the games online. By students using their logins, the teachers are able to take grades on the games that they played. The reporting part of this makes it easy. Many teachers in our district have started doing these in the computer lab, or even assigning game practice as homework. Another component of eSuite that is extremely helpful is the Interactive Student Reference Book. This is just another way that students can see and hear the content. If you have this access, definitely use it! It is great! (10/18/10)
I'll soon be receiving a SmartBoard for my class. Does anyone know of Everyday Mathematics lesson resources for Grade 3 for the SmartBoard? (03/16/10)
I heard of this website off of this listserv last year. I find it a great resource for my classroom and SmartBoard. http://www.kent.k12.wa.us/ksd/ms/math/math3.htm is the address. (03/17/10)
Does anyone know of any virtual pattern blocks that can be downloaded and used on the whiteboard for Everyday Mathematics? Anything I've found online cannot be manipulated onto my projection of the Student Journal. (11/02/11)
Try Illuminations, which is found here: http://illuminations.nctm.org/ActivityDetail.aspx?ID=205. (11/02/11)
Try the following website: http://nlvm.usu.edu/en/nav/frames_asid_169_g_1_t_2.html?open=activities. This one would work. You can even click on a corner and turn the virtual blocks in a different direction. This resource is from the National Library of Virtual Manipulatives. These are also in the eTools section of EM online. (11/02/11)
Is this teacher projecting this image on a transparency or a second projector? If so, a lot of the pattern block shapes can be found in the SmartBoard's Notebook software, and it can be easily manipulated to fit with the Student Journal pages. Nonetheless, I find the EM Math Tools' pattern blocks sufficient for whole-class demonstration purposes. (11/02/11)
Teachers all have the virtual manipulatives from EM when they log in to http://www.everydaymathonline.com. They are found within the interactive wall charts. (11/02/11)
I have just started using the Interactive Teacher's Guide on my new SmartBoard. It has been great for putting blank templates, such as Frames and Arrows, on the board and completing them for whole-group instruction. Does anyone know how to print the completed page? All I get is a copy of the blank template; the numbers written in do not print. I'm sure I am just missing a command somewhere. (02/14/08)
You need to open the Smart Notebook. In the toolbar, there is a camera. Click on it. Open your Teacher's Lesson Guide to the page you want to use. The first "Camera" will select a squared-off area as you drag it over the page; the second one does the part of the screen that gets grayed out if you click on it. The third one copies your screen, and the last one can be used around irregular shapes. The best thing to do is just practice. Whatever you "capture" on the notebook camera will show up on the Smart Notebook. Anything you write on there will be saved. Some programs, like PowerPoint and Word, are "Smart aware." When you write on those, a box will pop up asking if you want to save whatever you wrote on the slide or page. If you ever get the chance to have some training, I strongly suggest you do. I had the board for a year (four years ago now) and didn't know how to make it worthwhile. It provided to given instruction on how to put everything on the "Notebook." There are many features that are easy to use if someone simply shows them to you. (02/14/08)
I just received a SmartBoard and two days of training on writing Notebook lessons. I would appreciate hearing how others are using SmartBoards in their classroom, and what resources you may have found on the web to make the most out of this amazing tool. I am familiar with the SmartTech website and the SmartBoard Gallery. (09/15/07)
There are endless possibilities. I am using a SmartBoard for first time in a 1st Grade classroom and I love it! It means no more transparencies, for one thing. Basically, we use it for everything. I must add that I am student teaching, so a benefit is there are two of us to play around with it and learn more about its capabilities. I played a lot with the notebook and became comfortable with all the things you can do; for instance, grouping and locking images (a key technique for certain things). We started off simple by just using the writing paper and also the rolling dice. Any practice sheet or worksheet we use, we scan in and then display. I also created a slide for attendance. The first slide up in the day is one with all the kids' names showing... they come in, go to the board, and tap their name. It then disappears behind a box (a tool in notebook, "reveal answer"). The kids love it. Another thing we have done is review our high frequency words. My recommendation is to think how you currently teach a topic or relay information, and think about how you could do it incorporating the board. Keep it simple at first and have fun. It is a great tool. (09/15/07)
I know that you could find the Math Messages for the 2nd Edition of Everyday Mathematics listed by grade level and have them printed separately from the teacher's manual. Does anyone know if the 3rd Edition's Math Messages have been listed anywhere? Our 2nd Grade teachers were wondering about this, because they are getting very clever with their SmartBoards, and are working out the kinks for those of us trying to catch up. (08/25/10)
Search University of Chicago Math and Everyday Mathematics will come up. There are grade-specific materials, which include the Math Messages. (08/25/10)
They can be found at the following website: http://www.everydaymath.uchicago.edu/. This site has a wealth of information! Click on Educators, click on Grade Specific Info, and go down to your edition and grade level. Its a wonderful resource! (08/25/10)
I'm looking to buy the Everyday Mathematics software that goes with the SmartBoard. I've looked in the most current catalog and can't seem to find it. It's possible that it's there, but I just don't know the fancy name they've given it. Anyone have any idea where it is and what it's called? (11/04/10)
If you are looking for specific Smart Board software, I am not sure about that. However, the Teacher Interactive Lesson Guide CD is what I use for the SmartBoard. (11/04/10)
There are also great resources in the eSuite. You can model and play the games on the Smartboard and use the ePlanner for the Math Messages, Student Journal pages, and other materials. You can also access the "Show Me" resources in the Interactive Student Reference Book, and use the Wall Chart tools. It is an extra subscription, however, as opposed to software that just comes with the rest of the curriculum. (11/04/10)
If you have the SmartBoard, you should have the Smart Notebook software already. You might have to download it, but you get the entire thing for free. All you have to do it put in the serial number of your SmartBoard. I just Google-searched SmartBoard Notebook, and found the link for the download. Don't purchase anything until you have tried what is already available. (11/06/10)
I've noticed quite a few people have been asking about SmartBoards as they relate to Everyday Mathematics. I have an InterWrite schoolpad. If anyone is using that, could you give me some information as to how it is being used with the EM program? Mine doesn't seem to have software. I want to use it with the teacher's manual on the disk. (04/17/07)
I have an Interwrite Schoolpad, and use it daily with my lessons. I mostly use the Student Journal pages, Math Masters, and links from the CD. Sometimes, I pull pages from the Student Reference Book that we read together and highlight key parts. (04/17/07)
I use a different Elmo document camera model which does basically the same things described here. I have it hooked up so I can switch between the laptop/Interwrite Schoolpad and the camera. It works fabulously day-in and day-out. EM materials are on the CD. They can also be used with Elmo. I use it both ways. (04/18/07)
My school is considering purchasing SmartBoards for our upper primary classrooms. I am looking for any information to consider related to this topic. I have to write a rationale for the purchase, which will not be cheap. How has using a SmartBoard improved your instruction? How do students interact with the SmartBoard? (10/27/07)
This is my fouth year using a SmartBoard. It has totally change my teaching, and I am in my 28th year. I would probably have to retire if they took it away. The students are so much more engaged and they interact with the board every day, all day. I will never use an overhead projector again. Everything on the Everyday Mathematics Interactive CD can be captured and projected onto the SmartBoard. The limit is only the users' imagination. The students are more focused and eager to participate. (10/27/07)
I teach 1st Grade, so I don't know if I am really of any help. However, I love my SmartBoard and just had to respond. This is my first year having one, so I am quite new to it. That said, I have not found the limitations to this technology yet. In 1st Grade, we use it for our calendar routine, and honestly, having the manipulatives available each day for the kids to interact with on the board has increased their attention, involvement, and engagement, which in turn has greatly enhanced their learning. This year's class is far beyond any other I have had with the skills taught during our calendar routine. They say kids need hands-on experiences, and this is the perfect tool for that! Also, we have an electronic pen-pal class that we correspond with through the year. I am now able to open our letter on the SmartBoard for the class to see and read with me. We can also actually write them back together on the SmartBoard as a group, and send it through email. In the past, we have had to use chart paper, and then I have typed our letter and sent it. Another really cool feature is the ability to use United Streaming videos. If you do not know of this site, you must check it out. I do have a code, but my understanding is that all schools are eligible to sign up for free. For us, it is our librarian who was in charge of getting the school account. Anyway, we used to have 1 LCD projecter that had to be shared amongst everyone, so showing a video or clip was more hassle than it was worth. Now it is simple, and United Streaming offers some very valuable stuff. As for EM, we don't have the interactive CD that some others have spoken about. Nevertheless, we have scanned anything we would have used an overhead projector for, and now the overhead isn't needed. The added bonus is that we can also add manipulatives to the screen to interact with. Again, I am very new to this technology, it has forever changed the way I teach, and the way my students learn. (10/28/07)
I completely agree. Wow! How could I ever go back to an overhead projector or whiteboard? By the way, if you Google-search "Pete's PowerPoint station," there are tons of free PowerPoints that can be used on the SmartBoard for every subject, Kindergarten through Grade 12, and they are free. I just got my hands on the Interactive Teacher's Lesson Guide (iTLG) and I am capturing student pages and Math Boxes on to the SmartBoard, which I use to have to scan. It's a huge time-saver. Students stay engaged and interested with this tool. (10/28/07)
Our school district just adopted Everyday Mathematics. Our 2nd Grade team has been looking for ways to make the new teaching routines run smoother. Our team leader entered the Math Message and lesson steps on the SmartBoard Notebook. So far, we have only written out the lessons up to Lesson 1-5, but our principal suggested that someone may have already done this. We don't want to duplicate efforts, so I am asking everyone... Is there a resource out there with the lesson steps already in a PowerPoint? Has anyone already created SmartBoard lessons for the units? Or should we keep on creating them ourselves? (09/01/07)
I think you will find the Interactive Teacher's Lesson Guide CD will be a big help here. All of the components from the lesson appear on the CD, and could be used in conjunction with a SmartBoard. They are an additional purchase, but if you are going to be using a projector or SmartBoard often, perhaps your principal will see the value. Yes, there is an Interactive Teacher's Guide Lesson Guide CD for the 2nd Edition as well as for the 3rd Edition, with each one matching the correct edition. (09/05/07)
We have new Promethean ActivBoards in all classrooms at our school this year. Does someone have suggestions/links for Everyday Mathematics resources to use on the Promethean ActivBoards? (08/12/10)
Sign on to get a free membership to http://www.prometheanplanet.com/. (08/12/10)
We have purchased additional SmartBoards at our school how are others using this technology to enhance the teaching of Everyday Mathematics? (07/01/08)
I have greatly appreciated the power of using an interactive whiteboard (aSmartBoard, in my case), especially in mathematics. As mentioned by another teacher, using the Interactive Teacher's Lesson Guide CD to project to the class has been very successful. Projecting Math Journal and Student Reference Book pages, and sometimes even Teacher's Lesson Guide pages, has made our focus more community-oriented, and has often made my teaching more specific and relevant for individuals. Here are a few of many webpages that have been useful with the SmartBoard: htp:// www.sheppardsoftware.com /, http://www.learningbox.com/i_index.htm/, http://www.kidsolr.com/, and http://www.juliethompson.com/SMART.html/. (07/25/08)
The CD that is part of the Everyday Mathematics program is terrific. It can be used to project the homework, classwork, and even the examples from the teacher's text, with or without the answers. Also, go on to any interactive website and try it out. Anything that you used for the student computers now can be projected for all to see, and interact with. There are also functions on the SmartBoard that allow you to use colors, stars, smiles, or anything else to enhance the work. We did factor rainbows in 5th Grade with the rainbows feature! There is also a moving screen to hide the answer, and then display it when ready. (07/06/08)
We recently had SmartBoards installed at our school, and was wondering if anyone has a list of interactive websites that work with the SmartBoards and support the Everyday Mathematics program? (05/05/09)
http://smartboardsandeverydaymath.com/; http://www.kent.k12.wa.us/ksd/ms/math/math3.htm ; http://www1.center.k12.mo.us/Edtech/everydaymath.htm; http://www1.center.k12.mo.us/Edtech/edm/3.htm; http://media.emgames.com/emgames/demosite/demolevel2.html ; (05/06/09)
Does anyone have any suggestions for computer games that would provide addition facts practice for 1st Grade students? During my small group instruction time, I allow the children to work on the computer after they've completed the Math Boxes. I've found some free games online that work only so-so for this purpose, but I'd be interested in having a program that would track students' progress, and get progressively more difficult as they get better at it. I've seen one that is for 2nd through 6th Grade students, which I think is called Reflex, but I'd really like one that is specifically designed for beginning facts, if possible. (11/11/11)
Xtra Math is one computer game online resource that is great. (11/11/11)
IXL.com is a useful online resource tracks progress and gives you reports. (11/11/11)
Xtra math is a free online basic facts practice site that my school has been using this year. It self-adjusts difficulty and provides feedback. (11/11/11)
I have been using the practice on Khan Academy (http://khanacademy.org) to track my kids' progress on various activities in 5th Grade. While it is free and tracking is easy, I am not sure how it would work for 1st Grade; it does start with basic addition and subtraction though. (11/11/11)
I had a 6th Grade teacher ask me if there were any great math applications that she should order for some iPads that they will soon be getting to use in their classroom. I told her that we should check out the applications that Everyday Mathematics has put out. Are there any others? (11/11/11)
My kids have fun with the Rocket Math application. (11/11/11)
Rocket Math is great for various levels, Kindergarten through Grade 6. Math Bingo probably would be useful for Grades 3-6; the kids love that as well. (11/11/11)
Has anyone incorporated technology into the Everyday Mathematics program? Other than the EM website that costs additional money, what are ways that teachers are incorporating technology (on a frequent basis) and are still getting through all of the curriculum material? This was a question posed in graduate school classes that I am taking in technology. Information at any grade level is welcome. Other than SmartBoards or the like, what projects, activities, websites, blogs, wikis, or lessons are students doing while utilizing computers or other types of technology? (11/17/09)
During the geometry unit in 3rd Grade, we go on a "Polygon Hunt" around the school. I require that the kids find a trapezoid, a triangle, a rhombus, a rectangle, and potentially other shapes. Using digital cameras that our school has, they take pictures of them, download them onto computers, and put them into Keynote. They then draw lines and with each click of the mouse pad, another line comes in. They also show their keynotes to their classmates. It does take a couple of extra math classes, but the kids have a better handle on the names of the polygons and they see the many polygons that there are around us. (11/17/09)
We are indeed successfully incorporating technology into the curriculum, and having a great time with it. We have used the National Library of Virtual Manipulatives (NVLM) website on laptops, and in the computer lab, to model adding and subtracting with base ten blocks. The model of the trades for trade-first subtraction is great. We have also used Microsoft Excel with our 5th Grade students for lessons on making circle graphs, and graphing in general. We have used Geometer's Sketchpad in Grades 1-5 and have had a great deal of success with that. Basically, whatever the students are being asked to do on Math Journal pages or in activities, we recreate in a Geometer's Sketchpad activity. For example, our 1st Grade students use a domino tool to practice the complements of ten. The transformation tools in Geometer's Sketchpad are also fabulous for 4th and 5th Grade, and even our art teacher got into the fun by doing a lesson on the computer with Geometer's Sketchpad on tessellations. There are a lot of great tools out there already created and we are able to incorporate them into the EM lessons by having students use them at individual computers, and sometimes using them on a SmartBoard. In 5th Grade, we used a couple of different tools to introduce tree diagrams, and then we had students create a tree diagram in a PowerPoint activity. The lesson we do follows the EM lesson and just adds the technology component in. We found a great tool to use with the primary lesson on skip-counting on the calculator. The screen shows a calculator and a hundred-grid side-by-side and as the students work on the calculator their work is recorded on the hundred grid. The technology is very engaging. We are fortunate to have LCD projectors, computer labs, SmartBoards and laptops to use. This year I shared a lot of our ideas in a class for our district on using technology in EM lessons, and it was well received. Go to http://nlvm.usu.edu, and you can search their activities. Geometer's Sketchpad is a software program developed and marketed by Key Curriculum Press. Go to http://www.dynamicgeometry.com for information. (11/17/08)
We have keynote slides for every lesson in the 2nd Grade series. We also use Math Facts in a Flash presentation, which is an Accelerated Math product. We also participate in World Maths Day , a world-wide computation competition. (11/17/08)
I teach 6th Grade Everyday Mathematics, and I have one 50 minute block with students. This translates into 40-45 minutes of instructional time. I really struggle with getting to the games and still fulfilling the pacing to complete Chapter 9. I want to do more. Do you feel that the online games can act as a useful supplement to help me? I wonder if anyone else uses the online games like this. When playing the games, what is a common amount of time to block off for them? What advice could you give me for a 50 minute class period? (06/02/09)
I find the online games to be invaluable. Our schools also have only about 50 minutes to teach math. I have found that the teachers who spend 10 minutes per day with the online games (either in school or assigned as homework) are better able to "fit it all in" with the time constraints. The games are so important to enable the children to practice their thinking. The online version cuts out the organization time, because they are right there when you log on. The students play against the computer, which guides them along and always corrects mistakes (which a peer partner might miss). And then, the teacher can have easy access to see who plays the games, what games they play, how often, and what the score was. The teacher can drill down even further to find out exactly what questions were asked, what the responses were from the student (right or wrong), and how long it took them to answer the questions. (06/02/09)
I teach 4th Grade. My kids love the online games, and can do them at home as well as at school. I assign some students to play games, and then can remediate others. (06/02/09)
45 minutes is not enough time to do the program as it is designed. The two most crucial pieces that I would try to fit in during the math time would be the new instruction in Part 1, and the teacher-directed review activities from Part 2. You may be able to fit the rest into other parts of your day. For example, my students did the Mental Math while I did lunch count and attendance at the beginning of class. The online games are great and could help you with the time crunch. Try to get at least one games period in every week. I have been aligning our curriculum with the state standards, and comparing those to the EM Grade Level Expectations (GLE's). There are a number of lessons in the 5th and 6th Grade that are not part of state standards for those grade levels. We are compacting the lessons for those two grades and making a more equitable distribution of the remaining lessons. (The 5th Grade has more lessons than we have school days). You might check with your curriculum leaders about how your state's standards align with EM. (06/08/09)
I was wondering what type of technology Everyday Mathematics teachers are using in their classrooms, or if anyone has heard of any new technology that will be coming out that would be a benefit to teachers. I have seen in the past on the Everyday Mathematics list that SmartBoards were popular. Are they helpful to teachers in the classroom? My school is gathering up requests from us teachers about what technology we would like added to our classrooms. (04/10/07)
Smart boards are an excellent technological resource to use in conjunction with Everyday Mathematics! (04/11/07)
Could anyone elaborate more on the way they use the SmartBoardin math? I can see how the math CD could be projected on to a whiteboard or a SmartBoard. But, what else can be done? (04/11/07)
The Notebook software that comes with SmartBoards has so many math manipulatives. They have protractors, rulers, base ten blocks, and pattern blocks, all of which can be dragged or drawn on to demonstrate concepts. I personally do not have access to one, but I have downloaded the Smart Notebook software and have played with it to see what there is. I think I even found a clock that you could draw the hands on...those are the types of manipulatives that are included. (04/11/07)
Last year I attended a presentation on RM Educational Software. The presentation I saw was for middle school math, but I believe they are now developing products for earlier grades as well. The website is http://www.rmeducation.com/. The presentation was done on an interactive whiteboard, and it includes software with math content and math tools. If you contact them, you can probably get more info. They seem to offer demostrations in many different places throughout the country on an ongoing basis. However, the whole system is rather expensive, and I am convinced that it would really enhance lessons (especially for diverse learners). (04/11/07)
If anyone has a great link for parents to use to get math problems, I could really use this information. (10/30/07)
For middle school, a good one is http://www.figurethis.org/, and it can be accessed through the National Council of Teacher Mathematics (NCTM) website as well. (10/30/07)
I am not sure what kind of math problems you are looking for, but http://www.mathfactcafe.com/ has online flashcards, as well as worksheets parents can print. This website also allows you to build your own worksheets. (10/30/07)
If the parent is looking for math practice, there are tons of online math activities here: http://www.swsd.k12.pa.us/baresvle/MathMaterials/tools_and_games.htm/. I'm not sure about "math problems" per se. (10/31/07)
This site from Florida has problem-solving practice by grade level and strand: http://www.manatee.k12.fl.us/sites/elementary/palmasola/wordprobsindex.htm/. (10/31/07)
Is there anyone who is familiar with or uses Pinpoint Math? I just learned about it, and I wonder how much it correlates to the Everyday Mathematics 3rd Edition. (12/22/09)
Our district looked it over, and decided to go with Context for Learning for our intervention groups. (12/22/09)
Our school, which covers Kindergarten through 5th Grade, is looking for great math intervention software or an online subscription for our after-school program. Has anyone run across a dynamic software or online program that would be a great tutorial or practice resource? (02/11/09)
We use Study Island, and have been very happy with the program. (02/11/09)
Our district has just started using SuccessMaker: http://www.pearsonschool.com/index.cfm?locator=PSZ16c&PMDBSUBCATEGORYID= &PMDBSITEID=2781&PMDBSUBSOLUTIONID=6731&PMDBSOLUTIONID=6724&PMDBSUBJECTA REAID=&PMDBCATEGORYID=1662&PMDbProgramId=32505. The kids love it, but we are still in the beginning stages. (02/11/09)
Our district is using Assessment and Learning in Knowledge Spaces (ALEKS) and liking the results. It can be aligned with EM. (02/11/09)
This is our second year with Everyday Mathematics. Our 4-Sight testing shows that our lowest subscale score is in Numbers and Operations across the board. Has anyone been supplementing their instruction to better teach these skills? If so, what do you use? (10/19/09)
We use Fluency and Automaticity through Systematic Teaching with Technology (FASTT) Math for students who need more practice with number facts. We use Go Solve Word Problems for students who know their basic operations, but need help applying them to problem-solving. It uses the same graphic organizers as EM. Both programs are computer software-based. (10/22/09)
We have a group of 5th Grade students who will begin Pre-Algebra in the 6th Grade. I'm looking for websites where students can practice operations with whole numbers, fractions, and decimals; fraction-decimal-percent conversions, order of operations, ratios and proportions, integers, and the Distributive Property. Any websites with practice for earlier grades would also be helpful. Parents are always asking for suggestions. (06/02/08)
Check this site out for some good practice: http://www.internet4classrooms.com/skills_6th_original.htm /. (06/02/08)
What is everyone's opinion of the Everyday Mathematics online games option? Is it worth the cost? Is it easy to implement? Does anyone have any other insight? (08/19/08)
We have the EM online program for Kindergarten through Grade 6, and having access anywhere in the building, and at home, is great! If the kids have some down time, they play the games. (08/19/08)
Our school has used the online games for the last two years and the children love them. They are really beneficial, and are the same as the ones encountered throughout the program. They are easy to use, and kids beg to be allowed on them. I feel it is a very worthwhile source. (08/21/08)
Does anyone know of any interactive websites and/or computer programs that help elementary students, especially English Language Learners (ELLs), develop math vocabulary? (05/13/08)
This one is awesome for your purposes: http://www.amathsdictionaryforkids.com/. (05/14/08)
Harcourt's Multimedia Math Glossary is one: http://www.hbschool.com/glossary/math2/index_temp.html. Also, A Maths Dictionary works well: http://www.amathsdictionaryforkids.com/. Math Words is another good choice: http://www.mathwords.com/. And, Connecting Mathematics is very complex (and amazing): http://thesaurus.maths.org/mmkb/view.html?resource=index. (05/14/08)
Our district is adopting Robert Marzano's model of math curriculum "unpacking" in which we create 14 math topics and teach each to mastery with simple and complex tasks. They want us to just pull activities from EM for these units. Has anyone who is teaching Everyday Mathematics worked with his curriculum model? It appears to go against everything we've been doing with EM, and I need any advice or information you can give us. (05/13/10)
We have done some work with Marzano's Making Standards Useful text which describes this model in great detail. I'm not sure how your district is approaching it, but the model does not require that you teach all of one math topic before moving to another. It really encourages teachers to "unwrap" or "unpack" the indicators to see what the complex and simple processes are around the concept/skill. I would think you should apply the model to EM rather than EM to the model. (05/19/10)
I agree. We have read Delivering on the Promise and our district is now a Cohort school for the Re-Inventing Schools Coalition (RISC). We are just in the beginning stages, but some of us have had two different trainings in the RISC model. One of the 4 major components is standard-based learning. I've taken our standards and unpacked them into learning targets with my students. They work at various tasks and document their evidence. I recently had one of the RISC people do a site visit to my classroom and we chatted about how it is basically impossible to teach both standards and EM. What I am doing at the moment is teaching the basic lesson objective to my whole class, then they use the rest of the math session to work on their own learning targets. The lesson and subsequent math journal work is one component to helping them meet their math standards. As we move further into the RISC model, EM will be a resource for my students to use as we will no longer use a traditional curriculum. (05/19/10)
At our school, we had each teacher "teach" an Everyday Mathematics game to the parents and children in attendance. This seemed to go rather well, and as a result, parents were then familiar with a game or two from the program, and everyone was able to have fun in the process! (09/08/08)
We had a bank of laptops with student login cards available, so that parents and students could access the online Student Resource Book and online games. We also invited former students who are now in middle school back to be at stations to facilitate game-playing. (09/08/08)
I know the Home Connection Book for the EM 3rd Edition has a complete section on a Family Math Night. Several of the schools in our district offered Family Math Nights. We had Estimation Stations and offered books as prizes. One station asked families to estimate the girth of a pumpkin and the prize was a Halloween book. Another asked families to estimate the cost of groceries in a grocery cart and the prize was the groceries. Families were introduced to algorithms, games, and problem-solving in different sessions. All sessions were run by students or parents. Our schools had pre-registration for families so that sessions were balanced out instead of families just going to certain sessions. They were arranged by grade levels K-1, 2-3, and 4-5 so that parents could attend sessions for children in the primary grades as well as the upper grades. Sessions lasted 12-15 minutes with 5 minutes between sessions. Evaluations were given in the last session. (09/08/08)
I ran a Family Math night last year for 1st Grade. I began by identifying the skills I wanted the parents to understand and reinforce at home (money, place value, and fact power). I had three stations with games for each skill. When they came in, there were 2 activities that everyone did. First was an Estimation Station, where the kids had to guess how many M&Ms were in the jar. Each child also got to pick a candy bar (snack size) from a basket, and they had to tape the wrapper to our Graphing Garden. We reviewed these two activities at the end. Then they went into the groups. At each group, they were taught how to play one or two games to reinforce the skills I wanted to emphasize. They also got all of the materials they needed to play the games at home, along with a bag to keep them in and the directions. The only thing we didn't give them were the base-10 blocks, but we gave them ideas of how they could make them at home. Families were in each group for 10 minutes, then I rang a bell to switch. At the end of the night, we had refreshments and drew names for door prizes. I had calculators, EM card decks, the Games CD ROM and Family Games Kit. We did not have much participation, but those who came seemed to have a good time and appreciated the evening. (09/09/08)
Our first EM Parents Night was standing room only. Parents were concerned about this "new math." They wanted to know what it is, and how they can help at home. We explained the program, and reassured them of its value. We asked that they not explain the traditional algorithm for addition and subtraction until the children had a chance to explore other methods on their own. We showed them all the other methods, and used lots of student examples. We then taught them the games to play at home. The parents were very impressed and became our biggest supporters. At that time, EM was only in Grade 1 and Grade 2. The parents eventually pushed for the program to continue through Grade 5. (09/09/08)
This is our second year of teaching EM. On our Family Math Night, I demonstrated things like frames and arrows, partial sums addition, in/out boxes, and went through Mental Math and Math Messages to get the parents a feel of how a regular day was for their children. My parents really seemed to enjoy this. I teach 2nd grade. I found a PowerPoint on the internet that demonstrated all the different math strategies. I told my upper grade teachers about this so that they could potentially use this during our Family Night this year. (09/09/08)
I am putting together a packet for 1st, 2nd and 3rd Grade parents describing what they can do to help their children during the summer time. I was going to copy the suggested activities at the beginning of each chapter as one idea, and finishing their math journals as another. But I was wondering if anyone else has suggestions on what to do to try to keep the students at least reviewing math during the summer . (05/21/07)
To address this issue, I created summer packets. I made up worksheets of some of the major secure skills, along with an answer key. Some of the teachers offer a little reward to students who return the completed packets in September. Creating them was a bit labor intensive, but it was worth it because now we have them for as long as we use this program. If you are interested in creating them, I would assign a skill or two to each teacher to create, and then compile them into a packet. (05/22/07)
If they have computers at home they can still access the EDM website. That is a great way to practice skills. (05/22/07)
We give them copies of all the unit tests for them to review. (05/22/07)
In the past, we have made the Skills Link books and the Weekday Workout books available for the parents to purchase for the summer. We send those along with packets of game instructions so parents can continue to practice the facts with their children. We also have the online games that children can access from their home computers. (05/22/07)
I'm in the process of doing the exact same thing & am using the "Do anytime activities" from the Home-School Connection workbook. (05/22/07)
I would suggest sending home the rules for the games and have students playing them. During the school year, I always required 2 hours of game time (recorded on a calendar) per month of currently taught games. This is a great way to keep other members of the family doing some "fun" math. (05/22/07)
I am reviewing the Prekindergarten Everyday Mathematics program. Any suggestions on how this program should be implemented? It appears to be different than the Kindergarten implementation. (05/31/08)
You are right that the 3rd Edition Prekindergarten EM is structured differently from 3rd Edition EM Kindergarten. The Prekindergarten program is intentionally very flexible so that it can be used in a wide range of preschool classrooms, whether they are half-day or full-day schools, whether there are age groups mixed or not, and whether the school keeps students for one or two years. Activities are organized by mathematical topic, with three levels of complexity (Beginning, Building, and Expanding) within each topic. These levels are informed by the developmental trajectories that young children typically progress through in their mathematical development. Teachers should draw activities from all topic areas throughout the year, but should choose activities within each topic according to their students' current skills and understandings. So, for example, a teacher of 3-year olds might choose mostly "Beginning" activities for most of the year. If she keeps those 3-year olds for a second year, she'll likely begin the second year with "Building" activities and probably also use many of the "Expanding" activities. In contrast, a teacher with a class full of 4.5 and 5 year-olds who narrowly missed the Kindergarten cutoff will likely bypass many of the "Beginning" activities and move quickly into the "Building" and "Expanding" activities for each mathematical topic. As these examples indicate, Prekindergarten EM should not be viewed as a program to move through in a prescribed order or to "get through" in the course of a school year. Rather, the focus should be on using the program broadly and consistently, so that children have ongoing and extensive experiences with mathematics in all topic areas throughout their preschool years. Our Prekindergarten field test teachers found that the 3rd Edition Prekindergarten program "fit" extremely well into a rich, appropriate Prekindergarten environment, and they helped us incorporate numerous useful features to help teachers make good choices about which activities to use with their students and when. (06/02/08)
I have two students who will be out for a week, missing three lessons and the Unit Assessment. What do I do? I know I won't have the time to teach the lessons to them along with the next unit. Do I send the Home Links that they will be missing with them to do as best as they can, and then give them the assessment when they come back? Do I just skip that assessment with them? (By the way, they will be out during the week before a vacation week, so it will have been two weeks from the last lesson they had to when they actually get back in school). (02/04/08)
When my students are absent, I try to find time when they get back to reteach the lesson (either before school or during lunch) or I have the Academic Intervention Services (AIS) teacher pull the kids to review the main concepts. If it's a beginning skill, I wouldn't worry about re-teaching it, and would just focus on the secure skills. (02/05/08)
I have class sizes of 12 to 16 6th Grade students who struggle in math. This is the first year I am teaching Everyday Mathematics, but my students have had it in elementary school. I am doing stations right now during a 45-minute class period. I am wondering if anyone else has done stations as part of EM before, and how they work them. The time crunch is a problem. I wonder how far in the book we will get... How should a typical day, or even full week look if we execute stations effectively? For one class period I will have a special education teacher, and for the other two classes, I will not. I really think stations are effective because I can meet with smaller groups containing children who typically get lost in whole-class activities. How should I configure the stations to get through everything we are supposed to in EM, such as Math Boxes, lessons which usually take longer than some of stations, EM Games, and Study Links. With Study Links in particular, many students struggle greatly at home with them, and their parents may be unable to help them even with the Student Resource Book, repetition, and other extensive efforts. The games are a big deal, and I know not to cut them from the curriculum. Any ideas for how to set things up, assess, go through class, execute transitions, handle materials, and form groups would be helpful. (09/27/07)
I don't know if I can help, as I teach 1st grade, but I'll share what I do with 21 six year-olds. I do our Mental Math and Home Link Follow-Up with the whole class after we do our Daily Calendar math activities. We'll add Math Message to that process once we start them in future units. Then I divided my class into four mixed-ability groups for four 20-minute rotations. I teach the main lesson and work on Math Journals with students. I have an Educational Technician come in for this rotation time, and she does something related to the lesson that the children would need help with, such as guide the children as they learn a new game, or do one of the extension activities. The third rotation is one where they play games, make number lines, and do other activities independently, and the activities are tied to the daily lesson. The fourth rotation is also an independent one: the children use iBooks to play the online EM games. This is my fifth year with EM, but the first year that I have taught the program in the rotation format. I love it... I have a better sense of their learning since we work in small groups and I can get things corrected as they complete their work. It is taking a longer time to plan as I have to pick apart each lesson and determine how to best deliver each lesson component. I think that the extra time will be worth it in the end. When I taught it to my entire 1st Grade in the past, I know some of my struggling learners had a very difficult time. With the rotation set-up, those kids won't be able to sneak through the cracks anymore. I am fortunate in that if my Ed Tech is absent, I am given a substitute. The one day that she was out and they didn't (she was coming in late that day), my kids were able to complete that rotation on their own. Once everyone is at their first Math Camp site (I have a camping theme in my 1st Grade and that is what we call our stations), I set the timer for 19 minutes and everyone gets to work. When the timer goes off, everyone picks up in the next minute and rotates to the next site. Everyone visits each site in the 80 minutes that I've set aside for math each day (I actually do another 20 because of daily scheduling nuances). If you have the time crunch of just 45 minutes, you might need to spread some of the longer lessons into a second day. In the EM trainings we've had, they said to set aside at least 75 minutes a day. Time is definitely an issue. My kids are in color groups, and all of their math tools are kept in matching containers. One person in each group is responsible for taking the group's Tool Kit to the different sites. I found that we didn't need individual tool kits when the kids are taught in this small group structure. I fon't know if any of this helps, but I hope it can be of use to you. (09/27/07)
I teach Special Education, and I have done stations in the past with EM and been very successful with them. I had a 60-minute block of time to do math, so I set my students up with three 20-minute stations. I taught the main lesson, made the second station games (either online games, independent games, or sometimes games with a partner), and made Math Boxes the third station. I was fortunate to have an aide in my room during this time. Some days, she worked with the group doing games, and sometimes she was with the group doing Math Boxes. I taught in rotations with 4th Grade students and 1st Grade students in my room for math at the same time... It seemed like a lot of work at first, but I felt it was definitely the best way to manage my time and to get everything accomplished. My students (a combination of Learning Disabled and Communicative Disabled kids) at both grade levels completed the entire EM curriculum at almost the same pace the regular class teachers used. I did not always cover everything, and sometimes we spent more days on certain skills than the regular class might have, but I felt like my students gained a great deal from the set-up. Both of my 4th Grade students last year passed the Ohio 4th Grade Math Achievement Tests, so I was very happy with that, too! I think that the model I just described for teaching Special Education could definitely be adopted in a general education classroom setting. (09/28/07)
Look at the objective of each lesson, and teach that portion in a whole-group environment. Then do your guided practice, and monitor/reteach as needed. You could potentially do workstations a couple of times per week for games, enrichment, and reteaching. I am fortunate to have nearly 1.5 hours per day to teach math to my 5th Grade class. If the students are struggling, do not omit the games, because they are a vital part of the program. (09/29/07)
I'm looking for a description of how to teach an Everyday Mathematics lesson that would be appropriate to put in the folders that we have for our substitute teachers, so that they would have something of a step-by-step description of how to use the manual. There just seems to be so many parts of a lesson for a substitute teacher to absorb, and most teaching manuals are a little imposing for people who aren't accustomed to using them. Does anyone have such a description or know of one in the EM materials? (06/14/08)
Here is a suggestion that you might consider: our district offers a day's training during the first week of school for substitutes. It is not mandatory for them to attend; however, if substitutes do attend. they receive a higher per diem rate of pay. (06/16/08)
I think it is difficult for most substitutes to jump into EM lessons (especially with little or no background knowledge of the program). I suggest that teachers leave a couple of upcoming Math Box pages followed by a game for a substitute. This way, it keeps you moving forward. Math Boxes follow a predictable format that quickly becomes routine to students. If the substitute is struggling with the material, kids can work together on problems. I know many teachers who also choose to do extra facts practice, have sheets with common routines (such as function machines, frames and arrows, and other similar activities) or solely practice games on substitute days. In 5th Grade, American Tour pages are a good option as well, and lower grades could do one of their projects. (06/17/08)
As a parent of an EM student and a substitute teacher, I would rather have the children move forward than spend a day playing math games. As a substitute, I find it more difficult to learn the rules to several games in a short period of time than to teach a lesson. I realize EM can be very confusing for someone new to it but please give substitutes the benefit of the doubt. The teacher's book is usually extremely helpful. (06/23/08)
I think that you may be diminishing the importance of the math games in the EM program. I know some people are misled by the label "games" and assume that it means fun extra activities. They are not extra things to do when you have some time, or just for fun. They are an integral part of the curriculum, and they are the drill and practice art of the curriculum. They are very important. At best, they would be included in the lessons every day, but when time management is a problem, teachers have found creative ways to include them, and sometimes that means a block of game time. For a substitute with no previous EM experience, I can see where it would be a challenge to learn several new games at once, but the children can help you. They know how to play, and can teach you, which is a good learning reinforcement for them as well. A day spent playing games is not necessarily wasting time or not moving forward. There is a time to reinforce learning as well as a time to introduce new material. Game days are very valuable for student learning. (06/24/08)
I agree that the students should move forward with the lessons when they have a substitute. The lesson structure isn't that complicated if you think of it in the three parts as indicated in the Teacher's Lesson Guide. Part I is what you teach and it begins with the warm up (Mental Math & Reflexes and the Math Message). Part II is what the students do, and includes Student Journal pages and Math Boxes, and sometimes a game. Part 3 is the differentiation options, and as the teacher, I would look those over prior to giving the lesson to the substitute to see if any of those pieces would be appropriate for my class. There are some teachers who skip math on the days that there is a substitute. That is unfair to the students, disrupts the flow of the program, and doesn't give the substitute a chance to become familiar with the structure of the program. I say have the substitute teach the lesson. They can always ask a neighboring teacher for help if there are questions about how to proceed. You, as the classroom teacher, can always leave sticky notes in your Teacher's Lesson Guide or highlight specific parts to be emphasized. As for the games, you must find ten minutes to play them daily. They should not be relegated to "games day" because this is where much of the skills practice is embedded in the program, and students truly enjoy playing them. All students deserve opportunities to play the games and to practice those skills each day. You will be very pleased with the success your students have in learning their basic facts, and also in becoming competent mathematicians in general, when you provide the daily opportunity to practice through the games. (06/25/08)
We are beginning implementation of Everyday Mathematics next year and preparing the teachers for it now. A common question from our teachers concerns how rooms are organized... specifically, they would like to know how their wall space should be utilized. Any insight would be appreciated. (03/05/09)
I picked up a tip from an EM inservice this summer. Buy 15 gift bags and number them. As you introduce games, place the materials (die, deck of cards, landmark shark cards, protractor, or whatever else is needed) in each one. Then when it is time, have pairs or groups of students just grab a bag. I also went through and marked each set of cards (green, red, blue, black dot, x, or check mark), so that when a card "gets loose," it is clear which box it came from. This has been a tremendous time saver and well worth the time spent getting it together. (03/05/09)
I do something very similar, but use manilla envelopes rather than the bags. It sounds like the bags are for the groups of students, while the envelopes are organized for each game. I label the outside of the envelope with the name of the game and store all of the paper supplies inside. Any other necessary supplies, the Student Referece Book page with directions, number of players, or anything else can be listed on the outside of the envelope for easy reference, if necessary. I usually pass out the paper supplies from the envelope when we get in groups. One student is responsible for getting that from me and getting the playing area ready (shuffling the cards, dealing them, and whatever else is necessary) while the other one gets the other supplies. I let the students get their other supplies and put them away because they are able to use these manipulatives during our daily classes and during assessments, so I want them to get into the responsible habit of getting them and putting them back. It goes very smoothly and quickly after the students do it a couple of times. I also use the color coding within each envelope. For instance, today we played "First to 100." One team had blue cards, one had red, etc. If they get loose in the room or in the envelope, it's easy to tell where they go. As far as room organization, we have a vocabulary area on a wall. The posters we make hang in various places in the room for future reference. Our temporary home samples (arrays, for instance) find a place on the window sill or on the table right in front of the sill if they are larger. My manipulatives are all stored in labeled boxes on shelves at the back of the room. It takes up quite a bit of space, but it's well worth it. I really like the see-through plastic containers with snap-on lids. They are the best for small items, like cm cubes, but I do like the open crates for the cards because students can just grab a deck and go. The students get good at putting items back where they belong and the labels help students who move into the district learn the names of the manipulatives. Labels on the shelves help them know where the containers go. Good luck! Organization is so important, and it needs to be kid friendly, too, in order to stay organized and efficient throughout the year. (03/06/09)
As far as marking the decks, a very easy and effective way is to color the edges with marker. I colored them differently for each deck... for example, you can color the length of deck blue, and then color the width of the deck blue. Then for another deck, you can color two stripes with blue on its length, and two stripes blue along its width... and just keep on going in this manner. That way, when one card is floating, we can tell what deck it goes into. It is quick, and you don't have to touch each card or mark anything on the face of either side of cards. (03/06/09)
I have found the best way to label the decks of cards is to mark each card in a deck with a small letter. By labeling the box with the same letter, it is very quick and easy to get any stray cards reunited with the correct deck. It takes some time initially, but saves time in the long run. The coloring just didn't work in my class. (03/08/09)
We are moving our math instruction to a more guided model, with math centers and stations. Does anyone use centers/stations as part of their Elementary Mathematics program implementation? What does your model look like? (06/01/09)
I used Guided Math groups in my 1st Grade classroom. I started on a regular basis in January when my students were able to read the Student Journal more independently. We structured it so that Part 1 was whole-class, and Parts 2 and 3 were their "math learning stations," consisting of journals, EM games, computers to use EM's website or other outside math games, additional logic and problem solving activities/games, and math intervention with me. We did this within a block of time that lasted 75 minutes. (06/01/09)
Does anyone have any good resources (books or websites) for number stories for 3rd and 4th Grade students? I'm trying to find problems that have more than one math operation in it, or stories that have numbers that they do not need. Has anyone tried the website "Math Stories.com"? Do you like it? (01/02/07)
I can enthusiastically endorse Exemplars! Go to http://www.exemplars.com/ and check them out. Our district has used the program for the past eight years, and continues to have great success. (01/03/07)
We use Math Stories at our school, and have bought a school license for quite a few years. We use it from Kindergarten right on up. The only problem is finding a way to record which problems have been used by which grade, although repetition is not a bad thing. (01/03/07)
I draw problems from Singapore Math. They alternate operations and have good two-operation problems. A workbook costs $8, and I recommend Workbook 3A and Workbook 4A if you're looking for word problems. (01/03/07)
Are you an National Council of Teacher Mathematics (NCTM) member? I find a great many number stories in their weekly problems and in their Math by the Month department of "Teaching Children Mathematics." Another one I use for younger kids is Washington Assessment of Student Learning (WASL) Math Questions. Just type that into a Google search and it will pop right up. Another source I am using is from Arthur Hyde's book, "Comprehending Math." Our district has embraced the comprehension strategies work from Ellin Keene and the people from the Public Education and Business Coalition (PEBC) in Denver, CO. This is a good match with it. (04/18/07)
What would be your recommendation for new administrators at schools using Everyday Mathematics to ensure that EM is implemented correctly, and how can support best be lent to teachers? (11/08/11)
1. Purchase all of the manipulatives for the teachers, ensuring that they have what they need to do the job right. 2. If there is professional development available, support them to attend it. 3. It's almost imperative that teachers have a document camera & projector or at least an overhead projector. It's really hard to demonstrate many of the techniques without these. 4. Give teachers permission to let lessons breathe. If a lesson needs two days, allow it to last two days. Many do and you won't know until you teach your kids. Don't tie teachers' hands with a pacing guide. 5. Give teachers sufficient time to spend time teaching math. 6. Tell teachers to play the games. They build community and skills, and they are amazing. Most lessons have a game and the games can easily be used to start the lesson (typically with the game from the previous lesson). 7. Work with parents. Parents will be confused (and you will too) if the teachers don't have family math nights to support families. Ask the parents to be patient. 8. Be supportive! 9. Give the program time to demonstrate results. 10. Ensure that every teacher is on board. The work that is done in 1st Grade will pay off in 2nd Grade. If some teachers don't follow through, the kids will pay for it next year. (11/08/11)
Both principals and teachers should have a checklist with the Everyday Mathematics components listed on it available to them. Principals can use the checklists when they are observing instruction. Teachers can use it as a means to self-assess and remind them to use the various components within the program. (11/08/11)
It has been said by teachers and some parents that Grade 6, Unit 6 of Everyday Mathematics is extremely difficult. Many students are having to spend an incredible amount of time on this unit, and many are in tears. Are other 6th Grade classes having this problem? As the school Math Coordinator in my building, does anyone have any ideas on what can be done to help them with this unit? An example of a difficult question is that the students had to solve a problem by accurately assigning the different numbers 0-9 to all of the letters in the following equation: "Grape+plum=apple ". (03/12/08)
I teach 6th Grade math and this is the first year we are implementing EM. We just completed this unit. The question you refer to is a logic puzzle on an enrichment page. Students were to assign the value 0-9 to each letter until the answer was correct. I'm not surprised this was difficult because many of the enrichment pages take the curriculum above and beyond. I do not give enrichment pages to every class. The concepts on the enrichment pages are not tested so my policy is to make a good attempt and if you don't "get it" after a good attempt, have a parent sign the paper that you at least tried. Students receive credit for trying. With regards to the difficulty of Unit 6, I agree this was the most difficult unit to date. I felt Lessons 6-9 through 6-11 for balancing equations were especially difficult. In other curriculums I've used, students were instructed on balancing equations in many more lessons and in many more small steps. These lessons jump right into balancing equations with negative and fractional coefficients, as well as constants and variables on both sides of the equation. My kids had a great deal of trouble with this. I followed the curriculum and did my best; this concept spirals back in Unit 9, so perhaps later in the year this will start to cick with my students. (03/12/08)
If this is your first year with EM, next year these concepts wil be much easier with the background that is built into the 5th Grade materials and before. The spiral of the curriculum builds concepts very well over time. (03/12/08)
Looking over that lesson I see it is in Part 3 "Differentiation Options": Enrichment The manual mentions that students should be told that the trial and error method would be an effective strategy for these problems and that they may need encouragement when solving problem 4. Do you know if this page was given just to those students needing enrichment? I do feel Unit 6 is challenging due to the intro to algebra, however my students seemed to be comfortable with the concepts and skills. (We have been using EDM since 1999.) Perhaps your teachers can make note of the difficult lessons and plan next year to do the extremely difficult activities together in class. (Even the study links) I have done that in the past and that seemed to help with the frustration level. Just curious...did your teachers use Everyday Math edition 2 last year or is this your first year with EDM? (03/12/08)
Concerning 5th and 6th Grade training for Everyday Mathematics, I need to know what would be imperative to cover as background concepts for teachers and students with no prior knowledge of EM? We have only adopted EM for Kindergarten through 3rd Grade. (05/16/07)
Is there any way you could add a grade at a time? For instance, perhaps next year you could start by adding only 4th Grade. I teach 5th Grade, and about half of my class did not go through EM in 4th Grade since they had mostly a long-term substitute who did not follow the curriculum. It has made it a very difficult year, and the children who did not have EM are completely lost, and most of them are failing math. They did have EM, however, in Grades K-3. (05/16/07)
In my district, we adopted EM Grades K-5 all in one year. We encountered the same problem with our 4th and 5th graders: a lack of prior knowledge. There are a few things we did to help alleviate the problem. 1. We closely examined the secure skills to see how they compared to our previous curriculum. We found that the secure skills were not such a far departure from what we had previously taught. The problem was more with the B and D skills... they were more advanced, and were giving us the most problems. If any secure skill was beyond what we felt our kids were capable of, then we spent some additional time developing the prior knowledge. In other words, we had to back up a little and teach prerequisite skills. Yes, this meant that we did not cover all the units, but we still felt our kids were more prepared for middle school than they would have been before the EM 2nd Edition. We decided to stick with the secure skills. We were VERY conscious of which skills were secure and which were not. We didn't ignore the B and D skills, but we placed far less emphasis on them than we did in Year 2 and Year 3. Things were much better the second year, and teachers felt that they could stick to the program the way it was without having to make adjustments to it. Hang in there and keep your focus on the skills that need to be mastered for that grade. (05/17/07)
I think that this teacher did not understand B-D-S. However, the new materials will be much easier for her. With the Grade Level Goals, we check as we move along whether the children are making "adequate progress" toward the Grade Level Goals. There is also more vocabulary development. Your teachers taught math before they had EM. Most of the prior knowledge in EM has to with beginning skills, and they are introductory concepts. Your teachers need to "let go" and not expect mastery of everything which they are expecting from their students. This is a common issue in many school districts. (05/18/07)
I have been able to see success with teachers who incorporated a game day weekly or periodically, as needed. This was a time for them to have students practice specific skills through the games in small groups or centers. Then either the teacher would pull a small group to work with who needed extra support with a skill or EM routine. It can also be a time to pre-teach a small group the skill or routine that will be coming up in a future lesson. This way, students who don't have the experience with EM will have some background knowledge to support them during the regular lesson. (05/18/07)
The issue with adding a grade at a time is not so much with the students; it really is more about the teacher. For example, if you started at Kindergarten and added one grade at a time, by the time the student was a 5th grader, the student would have had five years of EM and the teacher would have zero years. This is a huge learning curve for the teacher. Although that first year is hard, even in 4th and 5th Grade, it really gets easier the 2nd year, and the 3rd. Implement all the grades at one time... take the plunge! (05/18/07)
But isn't that an awesome testimony to how Everyday Mathematics has raised the bar? We experienced the same problem with gaps in learning because EM expected so much more. However, none of us regretted having implemented it all at once, because even though it was a challenging year for our 5th Grade students, they got exposed to math concepts they never would have been exposed to had we stuck with the old program. We found that adjusting the program that first year was far better than not using it at all, or waiting several years for it to come to 5th Grade. (05/18/07)
About 7 years ago, when I received leadership training in Everyday Mathematics, we received lessons that we could use for a strand trace with our staff that had lessons for each grade level. Now that we have upgraded to the 3rd Edition and have a lot of new staff members, we are looking to do this again. We are wondering if the lessons have changed, or if we can use the same lessons from the previous charts that we have from the 2nd Edition. (07/28/09)
When we did a limited strand study using the 3rd Edition, we used the lessons and other materials listed on this website. We looked at one strand of our state standards across the grade levels Prekindergarten-Grade 5. https://www.wrightgroup.com/support_info.html?sid=223 (07/29/09)
I have been asked to talk about the Pre-Kindergarten Everyday Mathematics program to a group of my colleagues, and although I have never worked with this program, I have been trained in Grades 1-3. Is the Pre-Kindergarten program similar to the rest of the levels, or will I be in over my head? (12/12/07)
It is very different from the other grades, as it should be. It is even different from Kindergarten. Look at a Prekindergarten sampler for an overview. (12/12/07)
I am a Math Coach for Grades 4-6 at a school that uses Everyday Mathematics. We have already missed 20 days of school due to a Teachers' Strike. I need to work with my teachers to do some work rearranging the pacing of lessons to be ready for Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA) testing in March. Has anyone else encountered a similar situation, or does anyone rearrange lessons for these grades to meet the Eligible Content before state testing? Please let me know if you have any suggestions as to how to handle this situation. (10/28/10)
One year we had a long-term substitute for a maternity leave. She was very far behind, so I went through and wrote down which lessons to teach and which to skip according to eligible content. I would not normally recommend this of course, but sometimes you have no choice. (10/29/10)
What is imperative to cover as background concepts for teachers and students with no prior knowledge of Everyday Mathematics? We have only adopted EM for Kindergarten through 3rd Grade at our school. (05/16/07)
Is there any way you could add a grade at a time? For instance, perhaps next year you could start by adding only 4th Grade. I teach 5th Grade, and about half of my class did not go through EM in 4th Grade since they had mostly a long-term substitute who did not follow the curriculum. It has made it a very difficult year, and the children who did not have EM are completely lost, and most of them are failing math. They did have EM, however, in Grades K-3. (05/16/07)
In my district, we adopted EM Grades K-5 all in one year. We encountered the same problem with our 4th and 5th graders: a lack of prior knowledge. There are a few things we did to help alleviate the problem. 1. We closely examined the secure skills to see how they compared to our previous curriculum. We found that the secure skills were not such a far departure from what we had previously taught. The problem was more with the B and D skills... they were more advanced, and were giving us the most problems. If any secure skill was beyond what we felt our kids were capable of, then we spent some additional time developing the prior knowledge. In other words, we had to back up a little and teach prerequisite skills. Yes, this meant that we did not cover all the units, but we still felt our kids were more prepared for middle school than they would have been before the EM 2nd Edition. We decided to stick with the secure skills. We were VERY conscious of which skills were secure and which were not. We didn't ignore the B and D skills, but we placed far less emphasis on them than we did in Year 2 and Year 3. Things were much better the second year, and teachers felt that they could stick to the program the way it was without having to make adjustments to it. Hang in there and keep your focus on the skills that need to be mastered for that grade. (05/17/07)
I will be doing follow-up training for Everyday Mathematics next week in Wyoming and would like to know what teachers really want in follow-up training. Do they want more options for assessment, or for differentiation? Do they want to better understand how to assess the games? Any thoughts would really be helpful. (08/22/08)
I am still struggling with how to pace, teach all the concepts, allow time for reteaching, and provide multiple opportunities to show learning. (08/22/08)
Me, too! I'm in my first year and there are so many holes to fill! I don't know if it is because we are at the beginning of the year and I just need to rethink skill level, or if they just don't know the material. They had troubles simply with finding the page numbers in the Student Reference Book. I think it will be a long year. (08/22/08)
As for follow-up training, I feel it depends on how long the Everyday Mathematics program has been in place. Last year was our first year, and we did benefit from the following topics: 1. Showing an example lesson from each grade (K-4) that teaches the same concept. It was interesting to see the same concept being taught at each grade level. It eased the minds of many teachers when they saw how the program revisits topics. We broke into grade level groups and each group taught the main part of the lesson to the others. If I remember correctly, the topic was graphing and taught mean, median, and mode. 2. Time to meet with your grade level colleagues and share how you are doing with the program. Open honest dialog about the pacing (which was a challenge in the beginning and still is to some extent), sharing how each teacher is organizing the student materials (this was so helpful), and stressing the emphasis on the games and why they shouldn't be skipped. For most teachers the games seemed to be the first thing they let go when they were pressed for time, even though they are crucial. 3. Reminding teachers that many, but not all, of the topics are "mastered" by the end of the school year, and to remind parents of the GLCE's (grade level content expectations) for the grade level you're teaching. I actually print a "parent-friendly copy" for parents from our state's Department of Education website at the beginning of the year so they realize that many topics covered in the program are for exposure, not mastery. This way, the parents (and teachers) are not overwhelmed with the content taught throughout the school year. 4. Giving teachers a year-long pacing schedule for each grade level, allowing for days such as field trips, holidays, standardized tests, etc. To keep the pace in our district, Everyday Mathematics needs to be taught from the very first day of school, or close to it. 5. Some teachers were ready for a "make and take" session, but many were not. 6. Differentiation (Part 3 of each lesson) was not taught with every lesson, only when needed for the high-achieving students or those who needed the extra help. 7. We have Everyday Mathematics leaders in each of our elementary buildings who receive feedback from the teachers in their buildings. This way, the follow-up training sessions were geared to give teachers exactly what they needed. As the year progressed, our needs changed. (08/22/08)
I've recently begun working with a school district where I will be collaborating with teachers to improve their understanding of math content in the hope of improving their math instruction. I'd like to ask teachers to complete a survey (pretest) to determine what content needs to be addressed to promote teacher growth, along with questions which may address their comfort level in teaching math. The same survey would act as a post-test at the end of the sessions. If anyone has prepared such work and can help me out, I'd appreciate hearing from you. (09/10/09)
The Learning Mathematics for Teaching (LMT) assessment is absolutely fabulous at getting to the ideas you mention. Here is a link to the work that Deborah Loewenberg Ball and her colleagues have been producing: http://www-personal.umich.edu/~dball/presentations/index.html. While there are some released samples questions that can be used to develop familiarity with the instrument and an understanding of the facets of LMT, to administer the actual assessment, you must go through a one-day training session. The training is free, but you have to get there. This site has details about the Fall session in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Alternately, you might contact them to see if they know whether there is someone trained in your area. (09/10/09)
This doesn't answer your question directly, but we have had great success using the Developing Mathematical Ideas modules in our district. It has really had significant impact on classroom teachers, special educators and Title I tutors as well as administrators. It doesn't target higher-level math content, but rather the content they are teaching at a deeper level, and how it connects to their work with students. (09/10/09)
My district has a Staff Development Day coming up. I was recently told that I am in charge of planning the activities. My supervisor suggested "Trace a Strand", but I believe that we are beyond that, and would like to use the time in a more "productive" and practical (teacher-friendly) way. Does anyone have any suggestions for how I could most effectively use this time? (02/18/09)
It depends on what materials you have, and the level of implementation with the program in your school, but we used something that was very successful and popular in our district. A couple of years ago, teachers did not have game kits, nor were they using games regularly. We had a 'Make and Take' workshop that looked at the significance of playing games... as introduced in lessons, as well as during extra times during the school day/week. Teachers spent time identifying skills and concepts in games, looking at when they were introduced, and looking at other grade levels to identify games for differentiation/intervention. They then identified games to make and were provided materials and time to make them. (02/18/09)
I bought John Van deWall's book and did some PD on teaching basic facts. His method for teaching basic facts is very compatible with the philosophy of Everyday Math. (02/18/09)
One thing that our district would like to do is have K-5 staff work with 6-12 staff, specifically regarding the algorithms used in Everyday Math. We think it would be very beneficial for the 6-12 teachers to understand partial sums, lattice multiplication, or whatever strategies kids are using when they arrive in middle or high school. Unfortunately, we haven't done this in an organized way, yet. The algorithm material available online could be very useful for this. (02/18/09)
I would suggest going through a lesson and having a Q & A. Many teachers still have great questions about the lesson and need time to discuss and get good ideas from each other. Pointing out the Game Correlation chart, the Unit Review which contains Assessment pieces, Cross curricular suggestions, Literary suggestions, Vocabulary, all the games for that unit, pacing, etc. are most helpful. Also, correlating the assessments with the end of the unit Progress Check comes in handy. (02/23/09)
Our school district has been using Everyday Mathematics for several years, and we just became partners with the Northwest Evaluation Association (NWEA) and are giving their Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) test. While the assessment is quite good, and the instructional groupings that it suggests seem to be potentially very helpful, I am wondering if there are other EM districts who are partners with NWEA and could comment on how they interface the Descartes information and its continuum of learning from NWEA with an established, successful EM program. (10/14/10)
Harrison Township in South New Jersey uses both EM and NWEA. (10/14/10)
Our school is beginning its second year with Everyday Mathematics. Last summer I provided two days of training for all math teachers. We have six new elementary teachers being hired this year. I am scheduled to meet with them next Friday to get them "acclimated to the program." I have less than four hours to complete this task. Does anyone have suggestions for me on how to get across so much information effectively without overwhelming the new teachers? In your opinion, what areas are "musts" for new teachers, and which ones will they most likely pick up from their teams? (08/06/09)
If it were me, I would focus in on helping them to understand that not every lesson is to be taught to mastery, and how they can find out which skills kids should master, and which are still developing. I would also spend some time on the algorithms... not just showing teachers how to do them, but getting the teachers to understand why EM uses these algorithms: that we are trying to teach math conceptually, and not just computationally. I think that all too often, the training teachers get is the nuts and bolts of EM: how to use the manual and other simplistic tasks. That is the sort of thing they can get from their team members. From your end, they need to understand the philosophy of the program, why it is taught differently than a traditional math program, and how to teach math conceptually. (08/07/09)
We are going to be using Everyday Mathematics for the first time next year as a school. There is a lot of anxiety on the part of the teachers. They are requesting a video of an actual class being taught so that they can see it in action. Does anyone have one that we could use, or know where we could get one? I could model one but they want to see an authentic lesson with real students. (02/25/09)
There are some great videos online at http://www.everydaymathsuccess.com/video.html. While they don't walk you through a complete lesson, I have found them useful in helping teachers get a feel for what an Everyday Mathematics lesson, or classroom in general, looks and sounds like. Take a look; you may find them to be helpful. (02/25/09)
We are in our first year of the implementation of the Everyday Mathematics curriculum at our school. The teachers are doing very well with most aspects of the program, but are still feeling somewhat overwhelmed. Because of this, they are struggling with differentiation and using the options for it in Section 3 of each lesson. Does anyone have suggestions for how to best differentiate within the classroom? For example, how might you use the Enrichment options? How do you manage your groups? What is the pacing of your lesson? (03/02/09)
We are in our third year of implementation, and teachers felt overwhelmed the first year as well. Although they still struggle with pacing, they are believing more in the program and its benefits of improved student understanding. As a district math specialist, I have learned to tackle one layer at a time in supporting teachers. Since our teachers only have 60 minutes of mathematics each day, they need to know that Getting Started (5-7 min.)and Part I (30-40 min.) are the non-negotiable elements to accomplish each day. They can then be flexible with the Part II options, making games a priority. Teachers look at Part III Readiness Activities to use before Part I, when appropriate. Only now in the third year are they ready to make sense of more elements, particularly assessment. (03/03/09)
At our school, we will be hosting a professional development activity where we plan to break into vertical Kindergarten through 5th Grade teams. Each team will look at a particular topic in Everyday Mathematics, briefly exploring one lesson from each grade level in order to understand more about "the spiral" and what is taught at each grade level. There will probably be 7-10 teachers per team (from several districts) and about an hour allotted for this activity. We are looking for 5-6 different topics on which to focus, and suggestions for lessons at each level to go with the topic. For example, if the topic is mean, median, and mode, we could look at: Kindergarten page 176, 1st Grade Lesson 3-13, 2nd Grade Lesson 3-5, 3rd Grade Lesson 1-5, 4th Grade Lesson 2-5, etc.. Has anyone done something like this, and can you suggest additional topics and related lessons at each grade level, before we go reinventing the wheel? (10/16/08)
There is a resource that might be helpful: Bridges from COMAP, Inc. If you "Google" Bridges Everyday Mathematics, you will find more information. (10/17/08)
My partner and I actually did something similar with our Grade K-1 teachers during our staff development session on Number Sense. We focused on the Grade Level Goals found in the Assessment Handbook, and had the teachers record what concepts were taught in Kindergarten solely, what was covered in Grade 1 only, and what appeared in both curriculums... similar to a Venn diagram. It was quite powerful, and the teachers left with a better sense of their part in a child's journey through EM. (10/17/08)
I would suggest doing a place-value topic. After moving from 2nd to 4th Grade, it was very eye-opening to see just how important plac- value was in the upper grades. I would just use the strands that EM has outlined on the Grade-Level Goals poster. (10/16/08)
I attended two workshops, and at each workshop we did what you are suggesting. One time we did geometry concepts, and the next time we did graphing. Each group illustrated the concept at its grade level, and then all the papers were put together in consecutive order in a quilt form for all to see. It was very interesting. I have looked for the papers showing all the lessons used, but I wasn't able to find them. (10/17/08)
What materials would you recommend for professional libraries in math, Kindergarten through 12th Grade? Thank you in advance. (05/06/08)
I have just ordered Comprehending Math by Arthur Hyde, published by Heinemann. It was highly recommended at the recent Wisconsin Math Convention, and looks great for math teachers in Grades K-6. (05/06/08)
I recommend John Van de Walle's book about teaching mathematics developmentally. I'm not sure of the exact title, but it is an excellent resource. It is a college textbook type of resource that I refer to often, and contains lots of great ideas. (05/06/08)
Every professional library should have The Teaching Gap by James W. Stigler and James Hiebert, Knowing and Teaching Elementary Mathematics: Teachers' Understanding of Fundamental Mathematics by Liping Ma, and the Young Mathematicians at Work series by Fosnot and Dolk. There are others, of course, but these are essential. (05/07/08)
Children's Mathematics: Cognitively Guided Instruction by Thomas P. Carpenter, Elizabeth Fennema, Megan Loef Franke, Linda Levi, and Susan B.Empson provides a good explanation of the cognitive demands for different types of problems. Teaching Number in the Classroom with 4-8 Year-Olds by Robert J Wright, Garry Stanger, Ann K. Stafford, and James Martland describes assessment tasks and learning activities for developing numeracy. (05/08/08)
Uncovering Student Thinking in Mathematics is a great introduction to using probes to understand student thinking with basic concepts, and 25 probes and correlations are included. The authors are Cheryl Rose, Leslie Minton, and Carolyn Arline, and it is published by Corwin Press. (05/07/08)
Is there anyone who has already typed up 5th Grade lesson plans/objective with National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) standards who is willing to share them? (01/15/09)
This can be done very easily through the online e-planner. It also has the interactive ability to go to all of the manuals via the web. You can email your lesson plans to principals and others; it is a great program! Go to www.everydaymathonline.com. There, you will find some general information about the products. The e-planner is something either you as a classroom teacher or the district would purchase. It allows you to enter the district calendar, days off for field trips, math lab days, and other days that might not involve math instruction. The program then plugs in the lessons from EM, and paces the year for you. When you click on the details for a given lesson, it opens the lesson plans, state correlations, and all materials needed for that lesson (every book from your Teacher's Resource Package) in an electronic format. (01/16/09)
I was wondering if any Wisconsin school has aligned the Everyday Mathematics curriculum with the state's standards. If you would be able to share any information with me, for any or all grade levels, I would appreciate it. (03/14/07)
I am the Wisconsin representative for Everyday Mathematics, and have the alignment of the WI framework and standards for the 2nd Edition of EM. I would be happy to forward it to all interested parties. We should have an alignment to the new 3rd Edition of EM shortly. Please contact me at janealex@wi.rr.com. (03/15/07)
At a recent meeting, my fellow teachers and I received a district-generated document telling us when to teach which skills. They aligned the document with Everyday Mathematics, so it looks something like this: Teach Lesson 12-2, then Lesson 5-4, then Lesson 2-3, etc... Our city has spent a great deal of money on Everyday Mathematics, and yet jumping around in this way, in my view, totally negates the value of the program. Should I abandon Unit 3 and follow their document, or keep doing what I'm doing and following the natural sequence of the EM program? (11/14/07)
Our school district wanted us to do something like that during the first year of implementation, but they listened when we complained. It messes up the whole spiral with the Math Boxes. We suggested that they insert lessons to cover the concepts we needed to have taught before the state assessments in April. It worked for us. (11/15/07)
The 5th Grade EM lessons do not hit all of the indicators that are tested on our state assessment, so you might want to double-check your requirements. I still like the program, but I do still have to supplement it at times. (11/16/07)
There is a great article in the August 2007 issue of Teaching Children Mathematics titled, "Grade-Level Learning Expectations: A New Challenge for Elementary Mathematics Teachers." The authors looked at many state standards for many states and compared them. Their conclusion was that there is not a true match from state to state. The article also discusses how a textbook cannot meet every state standard for every state according to the state's scope and sequence schedule. As an elementary math teacher, the challenge then becomes meeting the state standards even when a text may not hit each one when it is needed for state testing. We have had great success by using the philosophy of EM and the format of the three-part lesson plan whenever we have to make adjustments to meet our state standards. Since EM suggests three to four lessons per week, we use the other day to plan a lesson based on our needs. We use a lesson study format to develop a three-part lesson, including the EM components our students are familiar with, for what we call a Power Day. This has given us a comfortable way to use the EM program to benefit our students, and still meet the challenge of meeting those state standards. It also gives us a great way to provide differentiation for our students. (11/16/07)
Has anyone aligned the Everyday Mathematics curriculum to the New York State Standards who is willing to share it? I am fearful we are spending lots of time on skills in the program that are not necessarily New York State Standards, especially in the intermediate grades. (10/05/07)
New York City has done the leg work to align EM to the standards. Go to: http://schools.nyc.gov/Academics/Mathematics/EducatorResources/default.htm. (10/06/07)
I was reviewing the 3rd Grade Everyday Mathematics textbook and looking for gaps in the curriculum in regards to our state requirements. One of our state standards states: "Add units of length that may require regrouping of inches to feet or centimeters to meters. For example, add these three lengths: 17 inches, 15 inches, 20 inches. Write your answer in feet and inches." We use the EM 3rd Edition and the state correlation guide seems to overlook this standard. Does anyone know of 3rd Grade lessons or projects that address this skill? (12/14/10)
It seems that this standard is really in the Grade 4 Common Core State Standards. I am not sure if EM Grade 3 has anything that requires unit conversion. (12/16/10)
Indiana is moving from fall testing to spring testing next spring in 2009. (Actually, next year we will be testing in both Fall 2008 and Spring 2009.) I would like comments and suggestions from others who already do testing in the spring and use the Everyday Mathematics program. Are there problems with teachers skipping around within the program in order to cover materials on the test in March or April? Do you feel enough of the program is covered by then? I just want to be prepared to answer teachers' questions and concerns. I guess I am worried that they will want to jump around and not trust the spiral. (04/08/08)
Here in Pennsylvania, we have always done state assessments in the spring. There are several things to consider: 1. Check your curriculum alignment to your state standards, or as in Pennsylvania, your Assessment Anchors (those standards that are more important than others when it comes to accountability). 2. Make arrangements for "supplements" for skills that might be strengthened after the testing period (like online programs, preparation programs etc..). We have always done well here in Pennsylvania with EM and spring state assessments, and expect 2008 to be no different. (04/08/08)
We take Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL) tests in the spring, and not all of the EM objectives are also Virginia SOL objectives. Since we know measurement is a big deal in Virginia, we teach and practice that throughout the year. We also mix in patterns, since that is the last unit and we may not get it all covered before testing. We definitely look at the test-released questions and make sure we cover those objectives. EM does a great job preparing us. (04/08/08)
My district is implementing the Kindergarten Everyday Mathematics program this coming year. We have been using EM for 1st Grade through 5th Grade for 10 years. This question is a bit specific to Michigan, because the program goals for EM are higher than our state Grade Level Content Expectations. I wondered what other Michigan school districts do... do you stick with the program goals, or switch to the GLCEs? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. (08/12/09)
The program goals are higher than state expectations at most levels. That's good, considering state expectations are minimums. American mathematics is hurting already; it would be terrible if we only taught to the minimum. As an instructional coach, I work with my teachers so that they know which lessons and activities line up with state expectations. If a lesson is above that level, they teach it at a quick pace with more partnering or whole group instruction... it's an exposure lesson. If a lesson corresponds with a state expectation, they hold students more individually accountable and really watch for mastery. (08/13/09)
There is enough in the program to design meaningful prevention and intervention strategies for Tier 2 and Tier 3 students. Reorganizing the structure of the lesson once in a while is key. For example, form flexible small groups according to student understanding that you've identified using your Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) Checklist. Have students rotate among centers, having teacher-directed instruction as one of the centers. Make sure to meet with Tier 3 students first with a Readiness activity, while your Tier 1 and 2 students are participating in activities such as games, Math Boxes, etc. This structure also allows for enrichment opportunities, such as projects, for the more capable mathematicians in your classroom. (08/18/09)
Our school district just purchased the Everyday Mathematics curriculum. We are trying to figure out where the practice problems are that lead to the written response test pieces. The problem solving pieces seem to be weak in this program as we are used to the "Read It, Draw It, Solve It" curriculum and the Problem Solver. Do most districts find that they need to supplement these problem solving pieces with some other materials? Our state test, the Washington Assessment of Student Learning (WASL), has questions posed that we need to get the kids ready for in this area. Are there any teachers out there that end up writing their own practice problems that go along with the open response assessment items? (10/30/07)
My school uses exemplar response examples to strengthen the Communications strand of Problem-Solving. It prepares students for open response questions found on several state assessments. (10/31/07)
Our school supplements instruction with Problem Solver. We do an extra hour per six-day cycle to focus on problem-solving skills. (10/30/07)
This is our first year with Everyday Mathematics. We just gave our students the Iowa Tests of Basic Skills (ITBS) tests. The math scores were excellent, except for the computation. They were low across the board. Has anyone else had this problem, and if so, what did you do to fix it? (04/18/07)
The computation scores should not be low. We are completing sets of focus lessons for EM in our district to meet the state standards. The worksheets include listing the Math Boxes that link to the standards. The only topics that go over a double-sided sheet are estimation and computation. This is due to the vast number of math boxes that relate to estimation and computation. Did your estimation and computations scores drop from your pre-EM instructional days? There is one simple but effective way to raise computation scores a bit. Advise all teachers to have their students turn their lined paper to the right for math. Write the name and date on the pink line. By putting all numbers in the spaces and commas, and decimals on the lines, you prevent many alignment problems. Wrong answers on national tests include choices for children who have misaligned their numerals. There is another possibility. Children who used to have trouble wit computation may still be having trouble if they are keeping to the traditional algorithms that do not lead them to the conceptual understanding behind the algorithms. Basic facts might still be the problem, as well. I have been in education for 43 years and have never taught a program with more practice of the basic facts. If the games are not being played, studets are missing the boat. Teach addition and subtraction together, and teach multiplication and division together, and give the students strategies (listed in all teachers' guides). Strategies are effective and lasting. Individual memorization of facts is not effective and does not last through summer break most of the time. (04/18/07)
Our teachers still place an emphasis on knowing facts quickly and supplement timed facts tests starting in the middle of 2nd grade. I think this strategy helps our students perform computations quickly and confidently- even with 2 digit addition and subtraction problems. Our test scores, including computation scores, are extremely high and we have been using EM for 6 years. (04/18/07)
From past experience many years ago-when my honors students computations scores were lower than non honors. Remember that the computational part is timed. So you need to ask for the statistics-which you can get contrary to popular belief! How many items of the one done were correct? What you may find is that they had very high accuracy but speed wasn't necessarily there because the proceeded carefully using the algorithms they were doing. If you find data to the contrary then you need to continue to search for the root cause. (04/19/07)
Play the games. Also, make sure teachers are using the ongoing assessment piece in each unit. This is where the students are held accountable for their basic facts. (04/18/07)
This question is relevant for teachers using Everyday Mathematics in the New England states that are tested using the New England Common Assessment Program (NECAP). Due to state budget issues, students in the state of Maine will be taking the NECAP test along with students in Vermont, Rhode Island, and New Hampshire. The student Grade Level Expectations are different than our learning results. How have you found the "fit" between EM and the NECAP GLEs? Have you found that you have to supplement the EM program in the fall before testing when the kids come back from summer, or does the EM program meet the need so that the "holes" are filled? (02/05/09)
I agree that students are-well prepared for the NECAP when they use EM. There are only a few things I have noticed that you might want to address. For one thing, the 4th Grade GLEs use the term "similar." EM has activities about similar shapes, but doesn't use the term, so make sure your teachers do. Also, EM seems to prefer the term "quadrangle" over "quadrilateral." The GLEs use "quadrilateral." Furthermore, the 3rd and 4th Grade tests usually have an item like this: "3 + 4 = ____ + 5." EM doesn't have them fill in missing terms in number sentences like that. Usually it's practicing facts, so the number sentence looks like this: "3 + 4 = ___" or "_____ = 3+4." The GLE is testing the understanding of equality, so we do give kids some of those examples. They don't understand it right away, so you might want to have teachers include examples like that in their Math Messages over the course of the year, and make sure they model the correct usage of the "=" sign. Kids tend to string along their thinking with the "=" sign in between; for example, "3 + 4 = 7 + 2 =9 -1 = 8." There is a great committee you can work on through your state: the NECAP Test Item Review Committee. If you go to your state Department of Education website, you should find an application. Teachers from all the states involved review test items for correct alignment to the GLEs, correct "depth of knowledge," wording, answers, accessibility, etc. (02/09/09)
At our school, we are connecting our state standards to the Everyday Mathematics curriculum. In other words, we are taking each standard for each grade level and matching it to the EM lessons. Has anyone already done this for the 2nd Edition of Everyday Mathematics? (03/30/09)
I believe you can find this information for each state on the EM website. (03/30/09)
For correlations to the 2nd Edition, you might want to contact the Wright Group sales representative for your area. You can find contact information on the Wright Group web site: www.wrightgroup.com. Click on the tab that says "Sales Rep Locator." Correlations for the 3rd Edition are available on the Wright Group web site. Click on the tabb that says "Correlations." (03/30/09)
We are in the first year of implementation of Everyday Mathematics, and we have been very careful in staying true to the design of the program. However, our students will be taking the Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA) tests in three weeks. I am starting to panic, because our current unit (Unit 7) in 5th Grade has nothing to do with what the students need to know for the test. Unit 8 does, however. My question is: is it ok to "flip-flop" units? Additionally, what other types of "test-prep" activities have you used and found to be successful? (02/19/09)
I realize other people have said to follow the program and trust the spiral, but I, like you, do not have that luxury. Since there are items that are on our 5 Grade state assessment that are not covered until Unit 12, I choose to "flip-flop" units. Unit 7 is one unit I don't cover until after assessments. There are also some individual lessons in units that I skip at the time they are supposed to be taught. This being said, I always go back and do those lessons and units after assessments. The skipping causes some problems with Math Boxes because there are some concepts (volume, for instance) that we haven't covered yet. We save those problems in Math Boxes until after assessments are over and do them then. I'm sure some other teachers will think that this is not appropriate. However, I cannot justify neglecting to give my students the opportunity to learn something that they (and I) will be judged on when it comes to assessment time. I would rather be true to my students than true to a program. (02/19/09)
I think many (if not most) schools do some kind of "big picture" review before the state assessment. Your students may benefit from a vocabulary review using the "power words" that occur on your state test, especially if the terms are different from those used in EM. Start with the Department of Education in your state, and look for some "released" tests for students to practice on. Using these as the basis for a discussion about the state assessment will help your students feel confident about their abilities to negotiate the test and do their best. You may get a little off pace this year, but next year you can build in a review. I have a number of links that might be used as part of a prep for state assessment on my wiki: http://cesa5mathscience.wikispaces.com/. Start with the Constructed Response and Released Tests links on the sidebar at the left. In Wisconsin, our assessment is in October, making it much easier to "trust the spiral," and even more important for each grade to teach with "fidelity" to the overall program. (02/19/09)
Are there any schools out there using Everyday Mathematics in Kindergarten through Grade 3 only? My school system is currently trying to decide where we should break off from Everyday Mathematics and move to a more "traditional" program. Our options are to switch in 3rd Grade, or to wait and switch in 4th Grade. Any thoughts or research would be great. (09/24/08)
I question the wisdom of switching from a research-based curriculum to a traditional program of study and expecting to see similar gains. The question is: what do you expect to gain in student mathematical learning by this change? (09/24/08)
Why in the world would you switch away from an outstanding program that will help your kids do well on state testing to a program that is far more limited? I wish that our middle schools did the 6th Grade program for EM, because we are finding that many kids could skip the first level of Connected Math because they already have those skills from the 5th Grade EM program. EM takes kids so much farther than any other program I have seen! (09/24/08)
Why switch programs at all? The upper grades are where one really experiences the benefits of EM. Most of the kids can really handle the rigorous, problem-solving content because such a strong foundation has been built in the primary grades. We use EM from Kindergarten through Grade 5. The children then move to our middle school setting where College Prepatory Math is used, and they make a smooth transition. (09/24/08)
Our district is finally using EM for Grades 1-5. In 6th Grade, they switch to Connected Math. I'm not really sure switching programs for 3rd or 4th Grade would be a good idea. The concepts build on the year before. In my own child's district, teachers use the Everyday Mathematics curriculum, but do squeeze in the concepts we all learned in school as kids. I think they do it to expose the kids to another way to solve the problem, in addition to the methods put forth in EM. (09/24/08)
Can anyone tell me how any transitions in your school district went when the elementary school students used the Everyday Mathematics program, and the middle school students later used a traditional program? In my district, the middle school uses the Glencoe/McGraw Hill program, and the teacher who has the upper level Pre-Algebra students in 6th Grade is saying that they are going to have to know traditional long division and multiplication for higher level math, and is basically not letting them use their EM skills. She is starting out teaching them traditional long division, even though my 5th Grade teachers are exposing the students to the traditional method, and not letting them use Partial Products Multiplication, etc. Does anyone have any ideas about how to straighten this out? (10/05/07)
We also found that a K-12 meeting in our school district was beneficial. Talking teacher to teacher gave us a chance to express our concerns and desires for our students...which at all levels was that our students would be successful. Interestingly enough, those middle and high school math teachers whose children were in elementary classrooms using EM became our biggest cheerleaders. They were eager to share just how rich they felt the math was that their children were experiencing. They also shared that on many occasions, their elementary children at home demonstrated a better grasp of the real meaning of the work they were doing in math than did the high school and middle school students they encountered in their classrooms. They were hopeful that as students come to them in future years with an Everyday Mathematics background, they will see progress. It is a process, and change is often hard, but it is well worth the effort. (10/08/07)
Many families at our school are unable to assist their children with homework, and it is not being returned to school. Is there anyone else out there having this issue? Does anyone have any ideas for solutions? (02/10/10)
Do you send home the Student Reference Books with the children? Also, it is helpful to share your expectations with parents early in the year so that they know what is to be returned and how they can assist their children. The Parent Letter at the beginning of each unit is also a great link between home and school. The Home Connection Handbook has great suggestions to strengthen home-school communication. (02/10/10)
I would also recommend sending the Student Reference Book home with the students. This is a great reference for parents willing to help out their children, as well as for the students. The parent material available on www.everydaymathonline is also a valuable tool for parent use. As far as the Home Links not being returned to school: this is the age old problem that every teacher faces with homework not being returned for some students. I always gave students extra credit for returning them. That way, for those who never return it, it isn't a huge detriment to their math grade. Also, please remind teachers that unreturned homework should count against work and study habits evaluations, rather than the subject matter grade. While the extra practice is very important, there are just some students who will never return any homework. That is not always a priority in many homes. So by counting the Home Links as extra credit for extra work, the lack of returning it becomes more of a work and study habit concern, rather than a math concern. Obviously, this isn't an answer to fix the problem, but rather a way to deal with the cards we are dealt. (02/11/10)
The students should be able to complete the Home Links without assistance. That being said, we know that in reality, the kids get home and cannot even remember if they were in math class that day. I wrestled with these same questions, and how to grade Home Links. Let me share my routine. First, I email the Unit Family Letter to every parent and student, along with the web address link to find it on the web. For the one student who does not have computer access, I make a paper copy. Since the students have the answers and access to help, homework is a completion grade. The student receives 100% in the grade book for completing every single problem. This eliminates the threat of receiving a bad grade for not understanding material, and lessens the temptation to cheat. Any incomplete assignment earns a 50%, with the opportunity to complete the assignment and turn it in the next day. I make homework 20% of the total grade. This way it is a good buffer for kids (I give lots of quick quizzes where grades fluctuate and I see their true understanding). I tell my students regularly that homework is the "practice" before the big game. "You would not show up to your baseball game without practicing first. Your big game in this class is the test." For what it is worth, I teach 4th and 5th grade. After the first grading period, I rarely have anyone not do their homework. I still have some kids say they didn't know there was a back-side to the paper, but that is not often. (02/11/10)
I teach 6th Grade. All students receive a Study Links book and a Student Reference Book (SRB) to keep at home. I now have the benefit of parents understanding what the SRB really is, but when we began the program, there was a lot of educating on our part to do with them. Make sure parents and students understand that the SRB is like an encyclopedia. There is no one-to-one correlation between the lesson taught and a section in the text, the way it was when we were in school and used traditional textbooks. Parents and students need to know that they have to identify the topic in question to find it in the index. Also, explain how to use the Family Letter most effectively. Parents should take the Family Letter and use it to mark incorrect problems, allowing the student a second look at problems. If a second look does not produce the correct answer, the student should be given the correct answer and told to work backwards to find how that solution was discovered. This gives the student three passes at a problem. The emphasis on the Study Links is quality rather than quantity, and the quality aspect should not involve merely trying it once and then copying the answer. (02/11/10)
Does anyone have an introductory parent letter explaining your district's move to the Everyday Mathematics curriculum? (01/20/09)
I do not have such a letter, but I do have excellent links on my webpage. http://www.wtpsmercer.k12.nj.us/4431702519955/site/default.asp. (01/20/09)
I am in my first year teaching kindergarten, with the Everyday Mathematics 3rd Edition. I have a question about the Mathematics at Home books. When are they supposed to go home? Are they supposed to be returned? (08/25/08)
At the beginning of each unit, the Teacher's Lesson Guide will tell you when to send the next book home. I sent the first book home when students came in for screening, so I could explain to each parent what they were used for. I did not ask for them to be returned, as you get new ones each year if you order the student workbook. (08/27/88)
The first year we gave them to the parents with little or no instruction about how to use them properly. The results were dismal. Most parents didn't remember getting the books and some had little or nothing to share at conferences. Since these little books are loaded with excellent math family activities, we started by explaining to parents in our orientation meeting that each week, they would receive an assignment in the newsletter. They were told to pick one activity from two assigned pages (starting with the first book). Parents were asked to respond to the activity in a personalized child's Student Journal, a composition book with the child's name and their personal picture on the cover. I even gave examples of some responses so the parents would know what a response could look like. The results of doing the little math books this way way were very rewarding. This gave parents an opportunity to say things like, "I didn't know setting a table could be a math activity," and "I really can help my child learn math." It also helps parents discover math is not buying a workbook at the discount store. It is far more than simply computing basic addition and subtraction problems. These little books were then treated like they were special. . .which they can be, if used properly. (08/28/08)
I would like some suggestions on what to tell a parent who has issues with the Home Links and says they are too hard to do without parent assistance, and therefore should not be sent home as homework. The parents are aware that Home Links are not completed for a letter grade, and that there is always the option of writing a note to the teacher stating that the child was not able to complete the work. They are also aware that the answers are sent home with the family letter for each unit. What should I tell them? (04/29/11)
Hopefully, the parents are understanding the value of the Family Letters, and recognizing the ways that these letters can be of assistance to them. Having said that, I tell all my teachers here in Anchorage to always show the students the Home Link or Study Link at the end of class. If the students are feeling secure with it, it goes home. If there is confusion, I send home a previous Extra Practice sheet from Part 3 of the lesson. It is not realistic to expect all students to be helped by parents. I put my children in the role of going home to teach what they learned to parents. This really strengthens parental support of EM. (05/02/11)
We are in our first year of implementation of the Everyday Mathematics curriculum at our school. I was wondering what everyone does with the Math Journal 1 when they move on to the Math Journal 2. Do you all send it home, keep it for review, or use it for something else? (02/19/09)
We have our kids take these journals home, knowing that if they stay here, their ultimate destination will be the garbage. If they go home, we hope they will "play school" with it and get some extra practice. (02/19/09)
I allow my students to take any pages from the journal that they may want for their work portfolio, then send the rest of it home. (02/20/09)
We are in our first year implementing the Everyday Mathematics curriculum as a school. Parent Teacher Conferences are coming up soon, and I was looking for some talking points to give my teachers to use when explaining the change in our math program to the parents. Does anyone already have something put together or any suggestions? We have already used most of the stuff on the parent portal of the website. (10/06/09)
I would strongly suggest that all schools move to conferences that involve not only parents and teachers, but students as well. Let the students take the lead on telling the parents about the program. We have the students select work samples, journal pages, and games to share with their parents. They do an excellent job of sharing this information with their parents. (10/06/09)
When I am with teachers who are going into conferences, particularly with a parent who isn't happy about the way math is being taught at our school, I try to remind them that many of the methods we teach through EM, such as partial products multiplication and partial sums multiplication, are merely ways of doing math in your head that are also being represented on paper. As I tell them, it's just like when you try to multiply the traditional way in your head and you find yourself writing in the air... this is just the paper method being done in your head. Partial products multiplication is a technique you may do in your head naturally, only now you are representing it on paper. I equate it to reading fluency tests being done by having students read out loud... most people read faster when reading silently, but we use oral reading for miscues and such. Parents need to understand that these algorithms represent the ways in which they are really doing math already, because they grew up in a world where you had to come up with easier ways of solving problems mentally, because you had to work them out on paper. Our children are growing up and need a different set of skills; they aren't solving problems on paper now, but instead are using calculators, so we have to teach them alternate ways of solving these problems. In the past, traditional algorithms were an absolute way of solving a problem. You did the first step, and then the second step, and eventually you solved the problem. When you were shown the next math concept in the curriculum, it was often presented as something brand new, when in reality it was just an add-on. EM helps make this distinction clearly. (10/06/09)
These might not be effective talking points for your parents, but we recently completed a math curriculum review and we reached the following conclusions: 1. We did a side-by-side with EM and a traditional math series, and we compared the grade level outcomes to our state standards. EM grade level outcomes exceed our state standards, so in essence, compared to a traditional math series that is aligned to the state standards, EM is an accelerated; math program. 2. We then contacted any schools or districts in the state that had 90% or more of their students meeting state standards and we found that with one exception, all were using EM. We believe that this is due to finding #1. 3. We have been using EM and our math scores are very high, with over 95% of students meeting state standards. 4. Our special education staff has found that because of the use of manipulatives, games and other resources in EM, they are able to align self-contained programs to the actual general education curriculum in mathematics with fewer accommodations. Thus, this population also is experiencing a greater degree of success that is more closely aligned with the general education curriculum. We did have a small group that was hoping that we would switch from EM to a more traditional series. Because of our second finding listed here, we reported that to not continue with EM would not be in the best interest of our students. The results speak for themselves. (10/06/09)
The 2008-2009 school year was our first year with Everyday Mathematics. Here is a short list of talking points we used with parents during our back-to-school program. As teachers, it is important to periodically evaluate all areas of our curriculum and instruction. During the summer of 2007, a group of teachers from all grade levels K-5 met to review, discuss, and evaluate several different math programs. As a result of this evaluation and the analysis of research, the McFarland School District decided to adopt the 2007 Edition of the Everyday Mathematics program for Kindergarten through Grade 5. The program is among the most used and most trusted elementary curricula in the country, and is based on two decades of research. Teachers received training during the 2007 and 2008 school year, and will continue to have professional development time to plan. Each student has a Math Journal and a Student Reference Book that they may take home to assist them and you with their homework. Frequency of homework will vary by grade level, and parent letters for each unit will be sent home... most of which will have answers to homework, depending on which grade level they are from. (10/06/10)
Although they are not exactly "talking points," the FAQ section of the Home Connection Handbook will help teachers consider questions that they might encounter in conferences. (10/17/09)
A big talking point for me with parents is to discuss the spiral with them. In a traditional book, each chapter emphasizes mastery in a box. In EM, the spiral allows students to continue to practice and master many skills throughout the year. Another point is the rigor of the course, which has already been touched upon. EM teaches beyond our state standards, allowing students to be challenged. I know it may be different in lower grades, and I tell parents that if they want to teach their child the algorithms they are comfortable with to go ahead and do so, but I ask them to in turn have their student teach them an algorithm as well. In my mind, part of the EM curriculum is being able to look at a problem multiple ways, and fostering this at home can only help parents see what their kids are capable of. The "algorithm wars" discussion will never end, but we have to find ways to get parents invested in it. I think the first step is to take away what many parents feel is an attack on how they do math. (10/07/09)
One thing we've noticed at our school, and seen mentioned in a couple recent postings to the mailing list, is that it would be nice if there was a "connections guide" to show the intended flow of student learning from one year to the next. This is especially true when you have a multi-school district, and students may have to switch schools from one grade to the next. For example, we have multiple schools in our district, and the middle school starts at Grade 5. Our Grade 5 and Grade 6 teachers can talk to one another, but it is hard to get together with the 4th Grade teachers. This sometimes causes teachers to be teaching in isolation (or at least feel like they are), so one grade may skip some steps or bow to parent pressure for traditional algorithms. If the teachers don't know how the information is used in the next grade(s), they may not see the problem. There are several grades (and in fact maybe all of them) where the last lessons in one grade tie into the early lessons in the next grade. A student in one grade who masters a traditional algorithm, particularly in an early grade, can suddenly become confused in the next grade when they don't know the concept, just the process. It then leads to even more differentiated instruction that could potentially be avoided. This goes both ways as well. A teacher in Grade 5 or 6 needs to know how things were taught in previous grades in order to help make those connections with students. The strand information is great, but it would be even more useful to have something that deals specifically with the presentation of the information. For example, it would be great if it showed somewhere how the function machine changes into a rule box and changes into number sentences with variables. I may be able to see that the lesson matches up with different grade levels, but the "What's my Rule" lesson evolves at each pass of the spiral. A younger grade teacher needs to know how that will connect with the higher grades' lessons in order to maintain the lesson's progression. Likewise, a higher grade teacher may need to review concepts using a younger grade's graphic. A real example is that we have several students who are using the traditional multiplication method, but doing it as a rote process and not understanding what they're doing. This is causing all sorts of problems, including struggles with expanded notation and decomposition. I would love for the earlier teachers to know why it is important to stick with the program and not just the objective of the lesson. Just like I would love higher grade teachers to know the graphics that are used in lower grades in order to help make those connections with the student so a topic doesn't seem new. They should almost always be able to say, "Remember last year when you..." (10/08/10)
One way to see the "strand trace" is by looking at the back of the Teacher's Lesson Guide to the Scope and Sequence chart and the Grade Level Goals chart... You will have to look at more than one grade level because there is a three year span of information in each book. For example, if you use Grade 3 and Grade 4, you will see grades 1-6. I have used these in collaboration with teachers to let them see how the lessons are tied together. Another resource I have used with some good success is the large Content By Strand posters that are included in the Teacher's Kit. I have worked with mixed grade level groups to have them look at the posters from grades K-6 and trace a strand or topic. I have been very pleased at the conversations sparked in these meetings as teachers share their insights within their own grade levels related to this poster, and then look at the grade levels above and below them to see the trajectory. Debriefing across grade levels has been very helpful. (10/08/10)
Have you looked at the Scope and Sequence chart at the end of the Teacher Lesson Guide? This will be a very helpful resource for your purposes. (10/08/10)
Does anyone use essential questions for Everyday Mathematics lesson plans? My school has adopted the use of EQs, and we are in the process of updating our curriculum with them. I'm wondering if EM or any district using the EM program already has a set of essential questions for all the grade levels, or even just some of them. I have seen an official EM document that actually had essential questions for the first few units of each grade level, so I'm hoping there are some published for every other unit as well. We just purchased the 2012 edition of EM for Prekindergarten through 6th Grade. Anyone know where I might find published essential questions so as to avoid reinventing the wheel? (09/29/11)
Our district wrote our own essential questions, but we use the 3rd Edition (2007). We also skip or combine some lessons in our curriculum map, so some are missing from this or grouped together. This was also our first attempt at essential questions, so I am sure it could use some improvement, but overall I think they aren't bad. (10/02/11)
Does anyone have advice/ideas for implementing a Guided Math framework of instruction with Everyday Mathematics? What has worked for you in your setting? (02/16/11)
This website shows how I do it in my room. This is the second year that I have done it this way (last year 1st/2nd split, this year 1st Grade only). I love guided math! http://www.lc-ps.org/Schools/Graham/StaffWebPagesAF/ECloss/Math.htm. (02/16/11)
For my Guided Math classes, I go over the directions for centers for the day, and then send the kids off to their first centers. My math time is about 60 minutes long on most days, and with four groups now, I spend on average about 15 minutes per group for each rotation. I do all four rotations each day. I do Mental Math and the Math Message with the calendar. The main lesson (Part A) is taught in small groups. Part B is either conducted as a center, or taught in Guided Math groups, depending on what it is. My groups are changed at the end of every unit, based on counting the amount of secure skills each child is secure in. For example, one group will be secure in 3-5 skills. A second group will be secure in 6-10 skills. The centers are sometimes the same for everyone, and sometime differentiated. I hope this helps. I read Laney Sammons' Guided Math, and that gave me some ideas, but I do it my own way. I just received Debbie Diller's Math Work Stations today, and am very excited to start reading that as well for even more insight. (02/17/11)
Does anyone have any familiarity with the "Number Worlds" or "Pinpoint Math" programs? We use the Everyday Mathematics program for Kindergarten through Grade 5, and are looking at NW and PM to use as a possible intervention program. (08/26/10)
We use EM resources for inclusion students, and Number Worlds (NW) in self contained classrooms. NW is a series of units by topics, but has some conceptual development in the presentation. I don't know anything about Pinpoint Math. (08/26/10)
Does anyone have any comments on Everyday Mathematics for Grade 6, and ideas for student transition into 6th and 7th grade math programs? What is your district doing after Everyday Mathematics 5? Our school district is using Everyday Mathematics Prekindergarten through Grade 5, and we are looking at the next step for our 6th and 7th grade students. (03/29/11)
Our district used EM Prekindergarten through 6th Grade (all in one school), and we are looking into Pre-Transitions and Transition for 7th and 8th Grade, with 8th grade also being offered Algebra 1. At the same time, we are looking into integrated math for the high school, but not finding as many research-based choices. (03/29/11)
Our district has one 6th Grade EM course. We are expanding to two classes for the next school year. We also have higher-level math classes. We give all 5th Grade students an end-of-year placement test, which is used, along with other data, to place students in the appropriate class. Our district has one 6th Grade EM course. We are expanding to two classes for the next school year. We also have higher-level math classes. We give all 5th Grade students an end-of-year placement test which is used, along with other data, to place students in the appropriate class. (03/30/11)
Is anyone using Everyday Mathematics in 6th Grade in a district where 6th Grade is the first year of middle school? I need an argument that it is a rigorous prgram that supports 7th Grade Pre-Algebra. We do use Everyday Mathematics Kindergarten through Grade 5, and I am looking for a better transition between Grades 5 and 6. (01/18/09)
Have you seen or heard of the University of Chicago's new Pre-Transitions program? It is designed for schools that use EM for grades K-5 but have a grades 6-8 middle school program. They've had a program called Transitions for a while, but Pre-Transitions is new. I know that there is a sampler out that shows Chapter One, and explains the components of the program. It sounds as if Pre-Transitions would be a program for your school district. I saw it at the University of Chicago School Mathematics Project (UCSMP) conference last November. I bet that if you contact your sales representative, you could see the sampler and find out when the program will be available. (01/18/09)
I have a concern that is becoming more noticeable each year with the students that are going through the Everyday Mathematics program through 5th Grade at my school and then trying to transition to 6th through 8th Grade with Math Applications and Concepts, a program that is a little more traditional, but involves some small hands-on labs. I am not concerned with the programs, but more about how to bridge a gap with division. My concern involves division problems with answers that lead to decimals, whole numbers and decimals, and so on. The MAC program uses the traditional division approach, whereas EM uses the partial quotient method, which I refer to it as "guess and check." I have several students that cannot compute fractions into decimals because they are used to the approach that involves only whole numbers in 5th Grade. They don't know how to divide numbers that have answers less than one. I know that they could just put a decimal with zeros as place holders, but if the problem doesn't tell them what place value to round to, they have no idea how many zeros to place under the symbol and continue to be very flustered. Do you have any suggestions to help us bridge this gap? I have looked at the 6th grade EM book, but I can't seem to find exactly how to teach the partial quotient division method that leads to decimal answers to those who like that strategy. (03/24/11)
Students can use partial quotients division with column division and generate decimal answers. I think the traditional algorithm is actually less efficient and more time consuming than partial quotients division, and should be phased out. (03/25/11)
After completing the Kindergarten through Grade 6 series of Everyday Mathematics, what are school districts using at the 7th and 8th Grade levels? Do these programs align nicely with the Everyday Mathematics program goals? (05/15/07)
Our last year of Everyday Mathematics is in 5th Grade, and we use College Preparatory Math for 6th Grade and Connected Math for 7th Grade (we use the 8th Grade Connected Math Program for our accelerated 7th graders). Both of these programs are more academically rigorous for middle school students, yet they keep the same problem solving/thinking skills approach that we love so much about EM. (05/15/07)
I can't answer if it is successful or not because it is our first year, but our district has gone to College Preparatory Math. You can go to the Internet and search for "CPM" to learn more about it. You can see actual lessons by doing this. I have heard of other districts using this program as well. From what I have seen, I like it. (05/15/07)
We currently use Everyday Mathematics for Kindergarten through Grade 6, and are considering using the University of Chicago School Mathematics Project (UCSMP) for 7th and 8th Grade. Our 7th Grade teachers think that if we are putting kids in transition math (Pre-Algebra) in 7th Grade and then Algebra in 8th Grade, they are missing too much math from our traditional 7th Grade math program. Does anyone out there have experience with UCSMP in their middle schools or junior high schools? (01/30/09)
We also were looking at this program for grades 6-12. I taught 5th Grade EM for six years (we have used three different editions in that time) and I am now teaching 6th grade. Our secondary teachers were very interested in having a program that connected with EM, especially since the 6th Grade will all be at the middle school in the next year or two. (Only one school, they one I am at, is currently a middle school. The other two are junior highs with 7th and 8th Grade students only). I really like the Pre-Transitions book, but was really disappointed in the presentation. The secondary teachers (I was the only 6th Grade teacher there) did not get a good idea of what the program had to offer or how it connected with Everyday Mathematics. After such thorough presentations by other companies, they wouldn't give the University of Chicago School Mathematics Project (UCSMP) serious consideration. This is truly unfortunate because I really like this book the best. Next year, I will be piloting the new series while the other 6th Grade classes at the elementary schools continue with EM. When 6th Grade moves up to the middle school, they also will leave EM and teach the new series. I hope EM gets better-trained individuals to present their materials to your group. I know this is a new program, so maybe we just had a need before they were ready. (01/30/09)
It is unfortunate that you had a poor experience. I was just trained on the new program yesterday, and found it to be very exciting to see the connections between this program and EM. I am a former high school math teacher who moved to the elementary level and taught EM for ten years. (01/31/09)
What do you do when students get to middle school, and many teachers insist that all of them use the traditional algorithm for long division? In other words, what happens when students are asked to figure out decimals and not just list a whole-number remainder for each division problem? What does Everyday Mathematics suggest we do, and what does research suggest we do? (11/09/07)
Our district is teaching column division in the 6th Grade. This way they can use decimals. It is also very similar to the traditional method of division, but it is a bit of a challenge to get some students to give up partial quotients division. I try to make the point of how much easier it is by having them try to divide out a very long problem using partial quotients, and then compare that method with column division. This seems to help. (11/12/07)
Has anyone created a classroom observation or fidelity checklist that they are willing to email me? I'm look for something that an observer could use when watching an Everyday Mathematics lesson. (12/02/10)
Our district's Math Coaches had an observation checklist given to us by another Math Coach, and we also have a teacher self-checklist. We've posted both on our website at www.bcsc.k12.in.us/mathematics. Click on the Everyday Mathematics tab on the left. You will see the two links to the forms on the right hand side. (12/02/10)
We are beginning our first year with Everyday Mathematics, and I am looking for some program evaluation tools or processes regarding implementation at the district level, or at least at the building level. We are an elementary school district with nine schools, and I am looking for some ideas for this. (06/16/09)
We just completed our first year of implementation. Here are 3 things that we found very valuable: 1) Halfway through the year, we had our EM consultants return for follow-up training and question & answer sessions. It was so valuable because the teachers had some experience with the program and could ask very meaningful questions. 2) Each semester we had "math circles" with each team, from Kindergarten to Grade 5. We only have one elementary building, so I'm not sure how this would translate to a bigger district. For example, all of the 5th Grade teachers had substitutes for half of the day, and we met to discuss lessons, assessments, pacing, concerns, and other issues specifically within EM. 3) We committed all of our inservice time for K-5 teachers to meet and work on EM. This allowed teams to collaborate, plan future units, explore resources, and other activities. It was a little difficult in that we missed having these teachers at our other inservice activities, but it was the biggest need for those grade levels. (06/17/09)
Our two 1st Grade classrooms use centers to teach Math and Reading. The 1st Grade students are not progressing through the journal as fast as the other classes using the program. I am interested in hearing from other 1st Grade teachers who use centers, or a more traditional 45-60 minute block for math. What chapter are you currently on? Any suggestions to help the teachers move at a more efficient pace? (02/20/09)
I have 45 minutes of instructional time in math every day. I try to use the fifth day as a "game day," but I feel like I get too far behind then. I use the Mental Math during my calendar time to try to squeeze in more pieces of the curriculum. I am almost finished with Unit 6. That is a little behind where we should be. I usually have the students choose two Math Boxes rather than doing all of them, unless it is an assessment piece. I hope this helps. (02/20/09)
Our building requires more time for math than 45 minutes. As the math facilitator, the staff and I sat down and determined that at least 60 minutes per day were to be devoted to math. It didn't have to be all at the same time. Some things were done during calendar time, and then 60 minutes of class time was required, and games could be played when called for in a lesson. On days when the lessons were completed a little faster, games from previous lessons were also included. (02/23/09)
I'm new to Everyday Mathematics. I am looking for suggestions on how to improve my pacing in 5th Grade EM. I'm still trying to order manipulatives for the program at my school. We are also using the Radner Model, which uses rubrics to assess children's progress. It follows the pattern of teaching Monday through Wednesday, assessing on Thursday, and reteaching on Friday. Does anyone use this model? Do you have any suggestions on how to improve my pacing in the book using this model? Or do you have any suggestions at all for a new teacher in general? (11/02/10)
We looked at the pacing when we adopted this program last year and determined that for our school, we could teach four lessons per week with small group rotations of math games and differentiation activities on Fridays and still cover the content on statewide assessment tests. I think it would be very difficult to cover the content in an August-June school year if you only teach three lessons per week. Be aware that there are some lessons that are "two-day" lessons as recommended by the teacher guide, at least in Grade 2. Additionally, I am already seeing the difference in how long I need to spend on instruction with students who had the program last year (in 1st Grade) compared with students who had no previous experience with it. Since you teach 5th Grade, it will be some time until you get the students who have had it since Kindergarten and that can also affect pacing. (11/02/10)
I would suggest rearranging whole units first, and then reordering specific lessons. One thing that was brought to my attention through an EM representative was that you should not skip the Math Boxes and should do them in chronological order, even if you were to alter the order in which you taught lessons. Also, and I know this isn't how things work in the real world, there are roughly 150 or so lessons at each of those levels. Therefore, there should be enough contact days to still teach most of if not all of it. Currently in Minnesota, we are moving to Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment (MCA) III testing (which the EM 3rd Edition aligns with nicely) and have had discussions surrounding writing Extended Learning Opportunities (ELO's) to guide instruction and using formative assessments to guide pacing, our teaching methods, and differentiation methods, and more. If you went through and identified the most important learning outcomes (we look at the state test standards by total points per benchmark), you can start to easily identify the scope and sequence of the EM 3rd Edition. With that knowledge, it becomes fairly efficient to teach the entire curriculum in order while managing time and resources differently. For example, lessons that aren't as high priority can be combined or shortened. As someone who has had to dig through all this stuff across grades K-6, it is pretty apparent that skipping topics is a very dangerous thing to do. It is probably better for students to decide what gets taught a mild wide and an inch deep versus a mile deep and an inch wide. (11/04/10)
Does anyone have an Everyday Mathematics pacing calendar set out for a regular school year (approximately mid-August to May) for Grade 5? I am moving grade levels next year, and would like to get an idea on the schedule. (04/18/07)
The Anchorage School District Web site, www.asdk12.org, has Everyday Mathematics pacing guides for Kindergarten through 6th Grade. Once you are on the district web site, go to Departments, then Math Program, then Elementary, and then you will see the link to the Pacing Guides. (04/18/07)
I have been addressing the issue of teaching Everyday Mathematics for at least 60 minutes in Kindergarten through Grade 5. Our school district has formally noted the very same issue. The problem lies with teachers in primary grades breaking up their math time-spending 30 minutes before lunch and 30 minutes after-and losing over 5-10 minutes during their transition periods. This only leaves about 45 minutes of actual time spent on math instruction. I've been in the classrooms myself, and I have barely enough time to teach Part 1. Anyone have any suggestions on how to solve this problem, or ideas about how I can convince these teachers to change their schedules to include more minutes? (11/20/06)
I think this should be solved fairly easily, simply by telling them that they are absolutely required to spend 60 minutes teaching the lesson. I do not think splitting it is a bad idea, especially with the younger kids, but they need to spend enough time to get the lesson taught the way it is intended. Tell them to spend 30 minutes before lunch and 45 after lunch and that should cover the transition times. (11/20/07)
This sounds like an administrative issue to me. We're expected to include at least 75-90 minutes per day for EM at our school that covers Kindergarten through Grade 5. Our principal asks for our schedule at the beginning of the year. In my 1st Grade room, we do our Daily Math Routines during our 10-15 minute calendar time, and then do math from 8:10-9:30 A.M. every day. I don't see how the primary grades at your school can possibly be doing the whole lesson in only 45 minutes. I'd be far behind if I only had that amount of time. (11/20/07)
I don't know if this helps, but as the unofficial Math Coach at my school, I am keeping track of how far each grade is getting in the program. I know that it's not about "covering" the curriculum. We all know that we are going for depth, but some breadth is also needed. We are only at the end of November, but the results are dramatic. The 6th Grade classes, who have 45 minute periods, just recently finished the Unit 1 assessment. Compare that to 4th Grade, which is spending double that amount of time on instruction and is almost ready to take the Unit 3 Assessment, and you can see what a dramatic difference the amount of time devoted to the program makes. (11/20/07)
I have added many of the EM concepts to our calendar time. Not only do we work on the math minutes in my class, but I have also added Number Squeeze, Frames and Arrows (which helps with number grid counting), Guess My Shape, and others. As a first grade teacher, I too find that setting aside an hour or so every day can be difficult. Our district is all about integration, so I do a lot of math during calendar time. (11/24/07)
You might also want to look into what other things the classroom teachers are required to teach, and how much time they have to spend on those things. Are other departments mandating time on other subject areas that are taking away from math time? Since primary grades are usually self-contained, we have to teach all the subject areas and make them fit into the day. Sometime our administrators forget that when they say "just spend 30 minutes more a day," it means 30 minutes less in something else. (11/21/11)
I need a question answered by experienced Everyday Mathematics Kindergarten users. Are teachers at this level supposed to spend nine days on Activity 1-5? Please let me know as soon as possible. (09/05/07)
Getting to Know Numbers is the focus of Activity 1-5 in the 3rd Edition of Kindergartem Elementary Mathematics. On the day that you come to that activity, spend time with the children discussing the number "1" and creating a "1" poster with the students for classroom display. For this, you can use stickers, magazine pictures, and items which could be taped or glued to the poster. As you plan for your Featured Number "1" activity, look ahead and read through the revisit activity found in the next eight activities. Note that each day you will create a new Featured Number Poster until you have all of the numbers 1-9 represented. You do not stop and spend nine days studying Featured Number solely. Spend time setting the stage and creating the poster the first day, then create a time during the subsequent eight lessons to make the rest of the posters. That time could be "attached" to your Main Activity lesson, or at another time of the day, since your children now know the procedure. (09/05/07)
I will be teaching Everyday Mathematics for 6th Grade starting next year. We will have about 43 minutes for each class period. Is there anyone else out there that has this type of time crunch that could help me out and/or offer some advice? Also, I will have a Special Education teacher pushing into my classroom as part of the Regular Education Iniative (REI) for at least one class period. How could we work effectively together during that class period? (05/14/11)
Good luck! During my first year piloting Everyday Mathematics in 6th Grade, we had 47 minutes. It was so frustrating. There was not enough time to complete the lesson... we did no correcting in class Monday through Thursday, and then corrected all of our work (or most of it) on Fridays. We didn't go over the Mental Math much at all... We now have 55 minutes, which is still not enough, but so much better! I do ask kids to use the Family Letter to correct their own Study Links from time to time. It is still very rushed, but the routine helps! I have found shortcuts as I become more familiar with the program and its lessons. I have lots of notes in my teacher guide, and any time a lesson is "short," I make myself a note to do some Math Boxes ahead of time, or sometimes I will do two days' worth of Mental Math if time allow,s to save time on another day that has a longer lesson. I try very hard not to skip things as each piece is integral to the students' success. I have learned what to slow down on until most of the students get it, and also what to work through. The hardest part for me has been moving on when many of the kids still aren't ready. I have learned that it is OK in many instances in this program. Not all of the kids are expected to be secure in all things and at all times. Write yourself a lot of notes as you go through the year. This is my 3rd year with Everyday Mathematics, and I am so much stronger this year than last year! I have tried new assessments this year, too. We have a new report card, and students no longer recieve a letter or number grade in math. It has been an exciting year. (05/14/07)
I'm a 6th Grade Math Teacher using Everyday Mathematics. We swithed over to the EM program after a one-day training session in November. I have several questions about the program. Is it normal to have difficulties staying on pace? We have 60 to 75 minutes blocks during which to teach. How long does it take to get used to the program? And lastly, I'm having a hard time finding time to differentiate my instruction... is that normal during the first year using the program? (05/31/09)
One year is inadequate for implementing this program. We're seeing a three year learning curve before teachers are feeling confident with the program. I have been telling teachers in the first year of this program to focus on two things: the new instruction in Part 1 of the lessons, and the review and application in Part 2. Everything else can wait while you get a handle on these. Remember that Part 1 is an introduction to new concepts or extensions of previously introduced concepts. The only students likely to master the concepts during this phase are the highest achievers. Most students will master material as they encounter the concepts through the games and review activities. These are the heart of the program. I cannot overemphasize the importance of this idea. The games and other review activities are the meat of the program. This is the only program I have encountered that recognizes that students are ready for mastery at different times and allows repeated exposures which give each student the opportunity to master content on his or her own schedule. The most common teacher complaint I am hearing is that the advanced students do fine with this program, but everyone else falls behind because the pace is too fast. My first question to these teachers is "Are you giving the games and review activities full value?" and the answer is unsurprisingly that they are not doing so. The pitfall to avoid is spending so much time on Part 1 trying to get every student to mastery that Part 2 is abbreviated or eliminated. Trust the spiral of review. The Math Boxes are usually set up as six problems. The first two are often connected to the new instruction from Part 1. The second two are usually review and the last two are usually preview. Not every student needs to do every problem on every page. My high-achievers did everything. My regular students did most. My struggling students did only carefully selected parts. Plan on teaching 90 minutes every day. About half will be for Part 1. Make sure to leave plenty of time for the games and watch how much math learning takes place. Parents will need as much training and support as the teachers. There are a wealth of Home Connections materials. Be very careful about homework assignments. It is very easy to frustrate and anger students and parents with unfamiliar and unreasonable tasks. There are some excellent family math games. These may be more appropriate than the Home Links pages for some families. Finally, demand that your district provide ongoing support. You will need repeated opportunities as you master the various components and bring in the many supplemental materials. (06/01/09)
We only got through the first six units last year, our second year of implementation of the EM program. Each lesson took two or three days to do: one day to backfill assumed information our kids didn't have, and then a day or two to teach the concept and new procedures. This year we got through nine units. We picked up the pace this year, and had much less backfilling to do. Differentiation hasn't been an issue, as even our high kids didn't know the content as they have not had the preceding years yet. Our faster pace usually kept them going well. Our lower-level kids get extra time during the Math Boxes work, and during the Response to Intervention time that we have weekly. We have a 90 minute block. I don't know how we would have done what we did this year with a shorter period. I have heard of others who have that shorter time and can do it, but I would think that, at least at first, only 60-75 minutes would make staying on pace difficult. I really like the curriculum, and the kids did more than I've ever seen them do before. I'm excited to see what we can do when the kids have been trained in EM since Kindergarten. (06/01/09)
We just finished our third year using the EM program, and the pacing will get easier once you accept that you must move on, despite some students not having mastered a particular skill. I barely got into Student Journal 2 during the first year. The spiral will bring that skill around again, and a few more students will "jump on board" with beginning to finally understand it. The differentiation is difficult at times, depending on the needs of the student. Keep trying new ways to "fit it in," even once in awhile. My grade level team used colleague ideas, sharing, hints, and help to add to the official training. One day of training isn't nearly enough. We also use our district's indicators for instruction, so some sections of EM are passed over. Finally, the second year was much easier than the first, as the students were also accustomed to the new way of learning math. The third year was quite smooth, but I still didn't do every single lesson. (06/01/09)
At my school, we have been using EM for a decade now. My really sharp kids love the enrichment section, as it is present in the manual for each lesson. I don't do them all, just my favorites! These activities used to be part of the main program, and back then I worried when my more mathematically challenged children struggled with the critical thinking component in these enrichment sections. My students love the real-life applications of the problems within the lessons. Your biggest hurdle will be getting your teachers to accept the program, and teach it as it is written. The research that has gone into this program is tremendous. There were times that I just didn't understand why something was presented in the way that it was, but the kids absolutely got the concept. My teachers and administrators hear the parents screaming about their kids not knowing their basic facts. They think it is my job to drill and kill the kids. There are some great games with the program, and even computer sites that can drill the basic facts. I tell my parents that the students cannot do the math that this program requires with "empty heads," and they need to help their children at home if they are still struggling with basic facts. Also, if you participate in math competitions, this program really prepares them for the problems they will be seeing in those competitions. If you belong to the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) and receive the Teaching Children Mathematics Journal, you will find that the monthly problems presented also work well with the EM program, because they are based on real life experiences. The first year will be tough for everyone, but having the whole school jump in will give everyone the chance to work through any confusion together, rather than one grade level at a time. (06/10/09)
We just completed our first year of implementation of EM for Kindergarten through Grade 5. My district created two new positions, under the title Elementary Math Coach, to support the new program. We spent our time being an extra set of hands, co-teaching ,modeling lessons and being cheerleaders to the teachers and parents when they became "bogged down" by the spiral. We also made every game for each teacher. This was a tremendous task but well worth the time. One program I put into place was a math club. For three mornings per week, I had students come to school 30 minutes early. I had one day for each grade level, 3rd through 5th Grade. We would play the upcoming games, which would build students' confidence. In turn, they could support other classmates. This was also a time I could go over a tricky skill that students needed to review. It was a tough year, but being in every classroom and every grade level, I could see the bigger picture, and look forward to a smoother second year. (06/15/09)
In my district, teachers are given 60 minutes every day to teach math. I would love to read about how teachers are able to teach Part 3 of each lesson, and differentiate using small groups, while using Everyday Mathematics, Grade 3. We feel we have materials to use, but not the time and management ideas from people who are actually making it work. I am looking for ideas, other than adding extra instructional time for math, on how to effectively and efficiently teach Part 3. (11/03/09)
We have 60 minutes for core math instruction and 30 minutes for math intervention time every day. We group students by ability during that intervention time. The top students are doing the projects, the on-level students are playing EM math games, and the kids who struggle are doing math recovery strategies. (11/03/09)
I actually do my four days of lessons and use Fridays as a catch-up and review day. On this day, I have math groups and then pull in the Part 3 materials. It is working well so far! I have my enrichment group, a readiness group, and two average groups. I meet with each group based on what I noticed in keeping track of ongoing assessment throughout the week. We usually end the math block with a game during the last 15 minutes. (11/02/09)
Many teachers do not even look at Part 3 as it "does not need to be taught." However, Part 3 is always the first place I look in preparing a lesson. I think what most teachers do not understand is that the absolute best way to differentiate is to teach the lesson in a way that will reach the maximum numbers of the students. What I have always found to be true is that when I discover a strategy or format that works for my struggling learners, it works for all my children. That is why I always look at Part 3 first. There, in the Readiness sub-section, I often find ideas that will help all children, so I find a way to incorporate it into the main lesson as a bridge to the lesson, even if I have to shorten or drop another part. The other reason I look at Part 3 first is to have in mind something for my accelerated students if need be. Mostly they are fine on their own with a bit of guidance from me. I keep the Extra Practice exercises tabbed for days when it seems the Study Link is just not going to work at home because the students are uncomfortable with it. Even though the Family Letters go home with all the answers to the Study Links, one should never expect the parents to teach the children what they have not picked up in class. Only the Study Links the students are comfortable with go home. Students should be able to explain what they are doing to their parents, not the other way around. (11/03/09)
We only have 50 minute class sessions. One way I save time is to use the Math Boxes as the "bellwork." While students are working on the Math Boxes, I am checking for homework completion. Then students share their homework for a few minutes, and we clear up misconceptions. (11/07/09)
We were just given a model in recent training. The first 5-10 minutes of a lesson are devoted to Home Link discussion, Mental Math & Reflexes and Math Message. In a self-contained classroom, this initial segment might happen in a time separate from the rest of the class. Next, 25-30 minutes should be devoted to the Math Message Follow-Up, whole group discussion and activities, and partner and small group activities (Part 1). A minimum of 30 minutes should be devoted to Parts 2 and Part 3, in which kids meet in small groups, rotating through journal work, games, differentiation work with the teacher (Part 3), and any other activities you want to add, such as skills work. Kids rotate to every station by the end of class, and the more stations there are, the smaller each group should be. A 5-minute wrap up includes review of Student Journal pages from that day, vocabulary review, objective review, and the Home Link assignment. Email me directly for the PowerPoint presentation on this lesson structure. Our teachers are excited to try this model, as it makes more sense to us. (11/10/09)
One of my Kindergarten teachers had a question concerning the order of lessons in the 3rd Edition of Everyday Mathematics. She wanted to know if it is necessary to teach all of the lessons in order. I believe that this concern stems from the fact that with the 2nd Edition, you would find lessons on fall leaves towards the back of the guide. It made it difficult to collect fall leaves in February. Do any of you know if the order of lessons has been revised to eliminate this problem? Also, does anyone have a pacing chart for all the grades that go with the 3rd Edition? I have used one for several years that goes with the 2nd Edition, and it has been extremely helpful to keep the teachers on track. (08/29/07)
Teachers should plan to use the Kindergarten EM 3rd Edition activities "in order." Schools start at different times, so teachers will need to plan ahead as they will meet some "time sensitive" activities such as Symmetry in Nature and the 100th Day Project. The Section Opener information provides an overview of each section and will aid them in planning. As for pacing, check the Instruction page and the Content by Strands poster for assistance. (08/29/07)
Our 5th Grade teachers are falling behind in the Everyday Mathematics program, and it looks as though they will not finish the 5th Grade units this year. It is our second year with the program, and they are a little ahead of where they were last year. Are there suggestions about helping to keep them on pace or move faster? Are there any suggestions about how to combine things and get it all in? (01/26/10)
Take a leap of faith and do not worry about teaching everything to mastery. Understand the spiraling theory and know that every skill or concept will be covered again. Focus on meeting learning goals for your grade level. (01/26/11)
I am an EM consultant and math coach for many districts. I often have the teachers sit down with me to develop a monthly pacing calendar and have them talk through the issues about why lessons are taking them longer than desired. I have found this to be very beneficial, much more so than me just handing them a pacing calendar. I also include on it the games that should be played during that week, as well as some game options to revisit. I place these on Sundays on the calendars. Another option is to do a vertical strand trace with them so they begin to see the power of the program across the grades and how the various grade levels build for each other. Finally, in relation to all this, I like to have a visual of a slinky with me. I explain that EM is very much like this slinky. If we decide someday "I can do it better and I don't want to teach this lesson," or " I don't like to play those games," or "We don't finish the program," or whatever else happens...it is like cutting the slinky. I then do this in multiple places on the slinky and they see that over time the spiral will break down and collapse. (01/26/10)
I've recently suggested to teachers the idea of using a timer to keep the Getting Started portion of each lesson from taking over the entire lesson. (01/28/10)
Our school district timelines do not match up with the order of Everyday Mathematics. They want us to complete the book out of order to fit the curriculum timeline. Has anyone had to face this issue? I can't imagine the the program would work since there is so much spiraling. (07/06/09)
I don't think that is a good idea. Our system has changed their timeline to fit the EM curriculum. The program works, but the spiraling is well thought out and I don't think it should be tampered with....I have taught all of the versions. (07/06/09)
Our state test demands that certain concepts need to be completed before the end of April. This requires some creative planning to finish all the lessons, while finishing all lessons relating to the state test by the end of April. It can be done. (07/06/09)
If you are teaching classrooms with children of multiple ages, then you may have to do lessons out of order anyway. I am teaching a split 4th/5th Grade EM class next year. EM advises to start the 4th Grade students with Unit 1 and the 5th Grade students with Unit 3, as that would put both groups in Geometry. But I do not know how that affects the Math Boxes, or whether a link (maintaining similar strands in the split class) can be achieved throughout the school year. (07/07/09)
Is it at all possible to make this shift throughout all grades using EM by shifting the books by half of a year? In other words, can you start the first book (typically used for Grade 1) midway through Kindergarten, so that they finish the 1st Grade program by the time you need things aligned? Then you wouldn't be rearranging the spiral, you would just be shifting it a little. (07/16/09)
If you pace yourselves to finish the program by the end of the year, what difference does it make? You will end up in good shape. The only problem might be covering material for a state test by the time it is given, if it is given in March or April. In such a case, you need to look ahead to see if you need to move something up. I certainly hope this is not your first year! Teaching a new curriculum is difficult enough without having to teach it out of order and with no prior years knowledge to fall back on. Your Math Boxes will not work for you if you are teaching out of order. You will have two Student Journals going at the same time if you teach out of order. We put out pacing charts for each grade for each year based on the school calendar. If you were to cover a lesson per day in most grades, you would have between 40 and 55 free days a year. We try to schedule four lessons a week, especially on the weeks that you are giving a unit assessment. I understand a district mandating what must be covered at each grade by the end of the year, but I have never heard of mandating when exactly it must be covered. We have some schools piloting performance-based reporting. For those schools, we have suggested skills and concepts to be covered each quarter based on their arrangement in EM. Covering the curriculum according to the EDM map is clearly the best outcome for everyone. (07/06/09)
I do not think the program will be effective if you teach the lessons and units out of order. The program is based upon spiraling concepts. The daily Math Boxes and Study Links (or Home Links) have previous concepts included in order to spiral the concepts throughout the year. If lessons are not taught in order, students will continually come across questions that they cannot answer. Our district adapted the program to our state curriculum by following the program sequence and adding supplementary lessons where needed. The supplemental lessons ensure that our teachers are covering all material required by the state. This requires teaching more topics, but seems to be the only way to solve this problem. (07/07/09)
Some of our teachers have had kids move into the district lately who had been using Everyday Mathematics at their previous school. The problem is that they say that the child's previous school is two units behind us! They are arguing that we are moving too fast through the series. I'm very curious to know it this is true. Our Grades 1-5 are on Units 5 or 6. Where is everyone else? I'd love to hear from everyone, but especially New York State teachers... even more specifically, Southern Tier schools in New York State. (01/23/09)
I teach 2nd Grade, and we are currently on Lesson 6-4. (01/23/09)
I just started Unit 6. We are on track according to our district. I teach 3rd Grade in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. (01/26/09)
I'm not from New York , but a good pacing reference is the large Key Concepts and Skills chart for each grade. The 3rd Grade chart suggests that January is about the time for Lessons 5-9 through 6-8, 4th Grade is the time for Lessons 6-1 through 7-2, and 5th Grade is the time for Lessons 6-1 through 7-3. I have links to other districts' pacing guides on my math wiki: http://cesa5mathscience.wikispaces.com/K-6+Series. Keep the pace! (01/25/09)
Some of the teachers in my building feel that they have a difficult time getting through the entire everyday Mathematics curriculum in one school year, so the first thing that they "throw out" are the Math Games. Does anybody know of any articles or research that explains the importance of playing the games on a regular basis, and what it can do to improve scores, that I can share with some of my teachers? (07/31/07)
If the teachers are not getting through the program, it is probably because they are spending too much time on beginning and developing skills lessons. It was explained to me this way . . . If the skill is a "Beginning" skill, it will come up many more times in their EM career, so teachers should make this a green light skill. They should introduce it and move on. If it is a "Developing" skill, the students will see it again, so make it a yellow light skill and don't spend much time on it. But, if the skill is a "Secure" skill, then it needs a red light. Stop and make sure your students get it. This gets the teachers through the book with time to spend on games. I don't know what articles there are out there, but I do know that this was a problem for our first-year teachers. (06/01/07)
We know we need to cover all lessons and units by the end of each school year, and for each grade Kindergarten through 6th Grade. However, due to time constraints, this is not necessarily happening. I once was given a scope and sequence of lessons for the 2nd Edition that did indicate which lessons could be "skipped" if absolutely necessarily. Does anyone have a scope and sequence of lessons that can be "skipped," or sections of units that can be "skipped" by grade level? (07/17/08)
This came up last summer at one of the workshops I was in. One of the issues that people sometimes were having is that people often skip lessons because that skill or concept isn't required for that grade, which ends up causing an issue the following year when the students haven't seen something before. Consequently, we were told to not skip anything unless we were positive it was being taught in another class around the same time. This year I moved the American Tour to Social Studies instead and connected it with those units. I also worked on some of the open response questions during Language Arts. (07/17/08)
We've been using Everyday Mathematics for five years. Our 4th and 5th Grade teachers are unable to "get through" all of the units in a year. Typically, both grades teach through Unit 10. Do other schools experience this? Any suggestions on how to address the issue? (03/28/07)
We have four elementary schools in our school district. Two of our schools have higher socio-economic levels among the student body than the other two. So far, every year, the two higher-income schools have been able to get through the entire program, and the lower two have not. Most of them have at least gotten to Unit 10 or 11, but have not been able to complete Unit 12. My recommendation to them has been that if they don't think they will be able to make it through the whole program, that they look ahead and be sure to at least cover the Secure skills in the remaining units, and skip over some of the Beginning and Developing skills. (03/28/07)
This is only my second year teaching EM, but I agree that it is hard to get through all of the units. I am further along this year, but I will still not cover all of the units. With spending time on assessment preparation, practice and the actual testing time, it is almost impossible to cover everything within our normal schedule.. (03/28/07)
The first two years I team-taught a 4th and 5th Grade combined class, and we did not get through the curriculum. This was partially due to no formal training in the curriculum prior to the first year, and not ordering our materials to receive them in time to begin our school year both years. The four years after that, we have completed the curriculum each year. We work on projects during other parts of our day, have students complete the Math Message first thing in the morning (even though we do math after recess), and I have an extra half-hour built into my Friday afternoons to play math games... the students see this as a reward, but I know it is to help me fit in games several times a week. We do move at a fast pace, so several of us have a tutoring session built in before school once a week when students can come in to receive extra help. For our students to perform well on our state testing, we have to have Unit 10 completed (especially for 4th Grade), so we budget70-90 minutes per day for math. It is a challenging job to make it through the curriculum, but it is possible. (03/29/07)
Does anybody have experience teaching a split 4th and 5th Grade class? How do you teach Everyday Mathematics to both grades at the same time? (06/09/09)
I taught a split 3rd and 4th Grade class a year ago. It was very hard to do this with EM, but it is possible. I would teach the lesson to the younger grade first, since they were much less independent. Then, while they did the lesson practice, Math Boxes, and games, I taught the lesson to the 4th Grade students. They then did the lesson pages, Math Boxes and math games the next day while I taught the 3rd Grade lesson. Obviously this only works if the kids are medium to high-level performers in math, because you have almost no time to help the struggling students. I did have a number of students who really struggled with math, and I didn't feel like I met their needs very well. Some things that helped me were being sure that my lesson plans were extremely well-organized, trying to recruit parent help whenever possible, and getting a student teacher. When I had a student teacher, she taught one grade level and I taught the other one. This was not ideal for her because it was hard for me to be able to watch her whole lesson everyday, but we made it work. Another big part of it was taking the time to teach kids the routines I wanted them to follow at the beginning of the year. These included where the math games were, how they were organized, how to put them away properly, where other math materials were, and other procedures. Also, I taught students what to do when they were stuck: skip it, ask a partner, ask me when I was done with the lesson, ask the parent volunteer (who was only there maybe one day a week, so this did not apply much of the time). (06/10/09)
Due to our enrollment, we transitioned to a 3rd and 4th Grade split classroom this week. The teacher is an experienced Everyday Mathematics teacher, but we are experiencing normal "split" issues, with 3rd Grade students interrupting during 4th Grade lessons. When the teacher tried a blended model, 3rd Grade students still struggled. We are in the fifth week of school, and I know it is the transition that is most difficult. Anyone have any suggestions? We would also like to visit any schools successfully implementing EM in a split classroom in the Greater Chicagoland area or Northwest Indiana. Please be mindful that we are a Chicago Public School. We have no access to aides or many other similar resources. (10/06/07)
I had two colored cups (one red and one green, with the green on top) on the pod tables in my classroom. If my 3rd Grade students who were working independently needed help, they would ask the others in their pod for it, but if there was still confusion, they would put the red cup on the top. This way I would know that they needed assistance when I finished with the 4th Grade students, and they knew that it was okay to go ahead and do what they could. You can also have the portion of the class not involved in the lesson read silently while you are teaching with one class, then switch roles. Students will then all work on Student Journal pages and Math Boxes together, and you are able to walk around and help all of the students. (10/07/07)
I am curious about how other school districts are handling multi-grade classrooms. We use the 3rd Edition of Everyday Mathematics and will be entering our fourth year of use, but we are increasingly finding that placing students of a certain grade in another grade's class isn't always feasible. (06/02/10)
I taught a 2nd and 3rd Grade "multi-age" classroom for seven years. The last two years were using EM. I liked the program so much, but I found it so difficult to use with two grades. This was the major factor in my decision to go to a straight, single grade for the coming academic year. Good luck! (06/03/10)
This past year, I used a "Guided Math" approach with my 1st and 2nd Grade split class. Even if I go back to a single grade, I will always use "Guided Math!" I have four groups set up at tables: a station with me to review previous days' Math Boxes and lessons, a station for Math Boxes practice, and two stations with math centers. The math centers vary but include EM games, Secure Skills worksheets, other math games, math literature books, and math computer games. This works very well for me as I am able to see how each child is doing every day, since they go to all four centers every day. (06/04/10)
We have a teacher in our district who is teaching a 3rd and 4th Grade split classroom using EM. She uses learning stations exclusively. She says it was a lot of work in the beginning, but is working very well now. We are anticipating several split classes next year, due to increased class sizes and budget constraints. Both our EM consultant and I will be encouraging teachers to use this model. We will provide professional development in the fall to help teachers adapt their classrooms and lessons in order to teach using learning stations. (06/04/10)
I have a 4th and 5th Grade split classroom and use EM. I have 90 minutes to do EM and our Tracks science unit. (There are two other non-combined classes during the day). I am trying to discuss ideas with other teachers to see what would work best. I believe EM needs to be at least 75 minutes everyday, especially with English Language Learners in the mix. That being said, science needs time of its own. Just dealing with the EM side of things, I have decided to start with 4th Grade, Unit 1 along with 5th Grade, Unit 3, since both work mostly with geometry. I am going to cover the 4th and 5th Grade Unit 2 at the same time, since both deal with data collection and understanding place value. There are a couple of lessons that don't quite fit together, though. Also, I'll start the 4th and 5th Grade students together on the Math Message before I work with them in alternation. Has somebody mapped out how to combine 4th and 5th Grade lessons for the whole year? (07/30/09)
Last year was our pilot year of EM. We have several blended or combined classes in our district. All of those teachers found it too difficult to go along with the publisher's suggestions of which units from each grade to combine. Our 4th and 5th Grade teacher had taught EM in combination classes for ten years in a different state. She found that teaching the 4th Grade students a lesson while the 5th Grade students were doing their independent seat work-Math Journal work, and then games, and then flip-flopping-worked best. Ideally, you would want to work with the other 4th and 5th Grade students, dividing the students so you could each teach a straight grade. That is what all our combination classroom teachers are going to try to do this year. (07/30/09)
This next school year, our district will have several split-level classes, such as combining Grades 2 and 3, Grades 4 and 5, and others. We have been fielding questions about the best way to teach Everyday Mathematics within these classrooms. If you have experience with split-level classes and the EM curriculum, we would love to hear your experiences. (05/27/11)
I am a 4th and 5th Grade split classroom teacher. After we complete the Math Message, I start out with the whole class doing Mental Math. Then, my 4th Grade students get in groups of four, completing Math Boxes and a math game while I teach the 5th Grade in a whole-group setting. Then we switch, and I have 5th Grade students in groups of five, completing Math Boxes and a math game, while I teach 4th Grade as a whole group. (05/27/11)
Two years ago, I had a 1st and 2nd Grade split classroom, and I will again next year as well. I divide my class into four groups (two per grade level), and use a Guided Math approach. If you have any further questions, let me know. I love teaching math this way, and did it this year even though I had a solely 1st Grade class. (05/27/11)
Our district's middle school recently adopted Everyday Mathematics at the 6th Grade level, after seeing the success we currently have with it at our elementary school. A question our middle school teachers are having, however, involves the division of decimals using the partial quotient method. Once they get into larger numbers (numbers with a place value that goes to the hundredths divided by numbers that go to the hundreds, for example) the teachers feel that the students are unclear. They are concerned that students are not learning about the relationship between a remainder and a longer decimal answer. They are also worried about how students will solve problems as they advance into algebra classes and high school. Has anyone else had discussions about this within their district? Can you give advice about how your school/district has handled this issue? (11/19/10)
You should use partial quotients division, along with column division. This is far superior to traditional long division. (11/19/10)
Our District uses column division instead of partial quotient division. We introduce this method early in the 6th Grade, and continue with it all year long. It is wonderful for doing decimal division, and our students have been very successful with this method! (11/19/10)
We are implementing Everyday Mathematics next school year. It has been suggested that to minimize the problem of students in later grades not being familiar with material from the program in earlier grades, we should implement Kindergarten through Grade 2 the first year, 3rd Grade the next year, 4th Grade the next, and 5th Grade the fourth year. Has anyone had any experience with this type of implementation? Did it help with the backfill issue? What are the pros and cons of implementing the program in this manner? (02/08/10)
We dove right in with Kindergarten all the way through Grade 6, and found it to be the best way to avoid one group of students becoming the "snowplow" group, as the 2nd Grade students became in your example. The "snowplow" class would always have teachers in their first year of implementation, and always lose out on the best instruction. If anything, after the Kindergaten through Grade 2 year, do a Grade 3 through Grade 5 implementation to avoid this pitfall. The backfill problem truly was not an issue for us. After the first half of the first year, the spiral kicked in and the material started to really flow. One additional suggestion is that you could prepare a pacing guide alligned to your school calendar. Allow for some flexibility for two-day lessons, but otherwise keep all teachers on the same page. (02/08/10)
One issue to conside for you concerns the students who are in the 2nd Grade during the first year. They will always have teachers who are not as comfortable with the curriculum. This is the group I would be most concerned about in the long run, because the first year is always tough for teachers to adjust to the brisk pacing of the lessons. Maybe to ease this burden, you should consider having the teachers in the other grades teach lessons or units from EM the year before they implement fully. (02/08/10)
I would not stagger implementation. Teachers get better at, and more comfortable teaching EM each year they teach it. I think it will take you much longer to see improved math achievement if you choose to stagger. Train the whole staff at the same time...get them all on the same page. Do a trace of a strand so they can see how the program spirals. It will be very different from the way they are used to teaching math, and teachers will benefit from discussing the changes they will be facing. I would not worry about the students... they will adapt much easier than the teachers. (02/08/10)
The teachers will be able to support each other if everyone is starting at the same time . Also it is hard to tell parents that you have this great math program but because of staggered implementation, their children individually will miss out. It will be harder for the 3rd and 4th Grade students at first, but they will adapt faster than the teachers, based on our experience. We started it with 2nd Grade, and then implemeneted it in all of the Grades between 1st and 4th. (02/08/10)
This is our school district's first year teaching Everyday Mathematics. I teach 4th Grade and, as expected, our students are struggling without the background of the last four years in the program. We were doing okay until the kids hit subtraction. They previously learned the US traditional method of subtraction. The text asks me to "review" trade-first subtraction (which they have not had) and introduce partial difference subtraction. The kids have no background in either method, and they aren't even very good at the US traditional method. I think trying to teach TWO new methods will just confuse them even more. What is the focus algorithm for Grades 5 and Grade 6? I think if I just focus on whatever that method is, it will be less confusing for them. (10/21/07)
This is our third year with 6th Grade EM. I let them use whatever method works for them. I do not want them to do it all, because it is too confusing, especially when we get to division work. (10/22/07)
Trade-first subtraction is the focus algorithm. It is very much like the traditional method, except that you do all the trading first, and you can work left to right. This eliminates the nastiness of having to trade across a middle zero, the part that makes trading so difficult. Surprisingly, many of my students really liked partial differences subtraction, so I wouldn't eliminate it entirely. (10/22/07)
Does anyone know where I can find a good, solid rationale for why it is a good idea to start the Everyday Mathematics program for Kindergarten through Grade 5 across the board, rather than to do it one grade level at a time? One of our teachers had said that they've found it to work better this way, but I can't remember exactly what she said. This is our first year in the program and I am getting a lot of questions about why we didn't start it from Kindergarten and work our way up. I understand the difficulties, but would like to be able to give them a good, solid reason as to why this is the better option. (09/24/08)
I recommend the full adoption of the EM program for several reasons: 1. If you go one grade level at a time, it will take a long time to implement the entire program. 2. The initial group of students would always have a new teacher to the program. This is rough for them because the first year teachers always seem to move at a much slower pace and often never finish the program. Those students then suffer from a huge lack of content knowledge over time. I have worked with such a district, and we finally got them to drop in Grades 4-6 all together in one year. 3. The students in the initial group will know all of the routines, but the teachers won't, so therefore they will move move slower. (09/24/08)
It is also helpful because you, as a school district, are "all in this together," as the song says. Because we all were in our first year together, we were able to devote time and resources to implementing EM that first year. We spent grade level meetings, faculty meetings and inservice days devoted to monitoring and evaluating how the implementation was going, and providing teachers with the support and training they needed. If you do it one grade at a time, you cannot devote as much attention and teachers do not feel as supported. (09/24/08)
The first two years are the hardest, and one rationale for not doing it one grade at a time is that you risk having students on a track of teachers implementing it in just their first or second year of the program. When my son's school adopted it, they started with Grade 4 in year 1 (which is where he was), then in the second year, Grade 5 began, and so on. He had three years of teachers using the program for the first time, as each time he moved up a grade, that grade began using the program. During his 6th Grade class, Grades 1-3 adopted it as well (we didn't have Kindergarten at the time), and it was a much smoother process. (09/25/08)
I am looking for suggestions on implementing Everyday Mathematics into a brand new Title I Math program. I am looking to start with Grade 1 and Grade 2. Any ideas on where to start, the resources that you can't live without, or ideas on how to use them with struggling students? I am open to your suggestions. (10/15/09)
Consider doing preview lessons for the students. The last three years, I ran a before-school math club for 3rd Grade students during which I gave the students preview lessons of the upcoming content (including key games). The added confidence for the students encouraged many of them to participate more in class because the content of the lessons was fresher in their minds. (10/15/09)
I am currently the Title I Math Teacher at a Targeted Assistance School (TAS). I am working only with Grades 5 and 6 (we're a middle school that also includes 7th Grade and 8th Grade) and the EM program. Some of this may apply to Grade 2, and some may not. For Title I support, we do have the problem concerning when I can intervene, as I can't take them out of regular instruction, nor can we preteach lessons. So we use a combination of times to make things work. I go into the math classes during math instruction so that I know what my students are being shown, and where each teacher is within the program (they're usually only a page or two from one another). During that time I work with my students and ask them questions about the activities they're doing and try to associate it with things that they may have done in previous grades. Even though there are strand & scope and sequence charts to show where things are taught and re-taught, the activities and graphics are often different and can sometimes make the students think something is new when it is really an extension. I also have small group pull-outs. During that time all of our students are receiving interventions in some form or another. But this gives me time to go over basics. I often find that a student who isn't able to do something (such as rounding) isn't failing because they don't understand rounding, but rather because they don't know a basic concept such as place value. When I know where the students are in the program, I also look ahead at the upcoming lessons and see what basic skills are needed. I'm not referring to the readiness activities, which could be preteaching, but the skills they need to be successful in the lesson. Sometimes they are big-picture, like math facts, and other times they are smaller things like not knowing "mean" but knowing "average," or working with place value, or an algorithm. If there are skills that a student should know, but my individual students do not, I work on those skills so when they get to those lessons they are at the same place as other students in class. The way we are reading the Title I law, the Title I teacher supports the student through supplemental instruction but does not supplant the teacher of record. Preteaching the material could be seen as me taking the place of the primary math teacher. The primary teacher is there to provide primary instruction. What I look for are things like, "Oh, this lesson has measuring, and the readiness activity involves measuring footsteps, finger spans, and other similar things. I have a student who doesn't know how to use fraction marks on a ruler, or how many inches are in a foot. I need to work on that." So I'm preparing them to the point of having the information needed for the lesson, but not the information given in the lesson. (10/16/09)
I am a Title I Math Teacher as well, and I see it differently than you. I don't believe that pre-teaching and preparing students to have success learning when the teacher is teaching the lesson is "teaching them the lesson." You need to support them to have success in the lesson. Many of my students can't access the lesson unless some pre-teaching is done beforehand. The teacher usually doesn't supply the background that may be needed to help the student understand the primary instruction. Pre-teaching concepts and/or vocabulary is not replacing the primary instruction, but rather just giving the student a chance to access the information being given in the primary lesson. (10/16/09)
I have two favorite EM resources. The first is the the Games Book, which is a collection of all games for Kindergarten through Grade 5, cross-referenced by skill and grade level. It's really easy to find a game to reinforce a specific skill, especially when you will probably be crossing grade levels--for example, you might find a Kindergarten game that would be great for reinforcing a skill with struggling 1st Grade students. I also love the Number Deck cards. These are not the regular EM cards that have a variety of information on them (such as number, fractions, or other materials) but instead these durable cards just have numbers on them. The other cards can be confusing for some kids, and the number cards are great for games like Top-It and other ones building number sense. (10/16/09)
I teach 5th Grade and this is our first time with Everyday Mathematics. We have a 90 minute block of time, but can't seem to get all of the pieces in. Can I hear from some 5th Grade teachers that can give me some tips, please? I'd love to hear other ideas on effectively teaching this series. Since our students did not have EM last year, some of the Math Boxes are really tough for them (and I teach a high-achieving group). Some of the skills that are in the Math Boxes are skills that were in the 5th Grade curriculum last year, so these kids haven't seen them. (09/07/07)
I'm new to the list but I also teach 5th Grade, and I have a 90 minute block to use so I thought I would share some of my thoughts and what helped me. First and foremost, the first year is hard because the children are switching, and so are the teachers. My advice is to stick with it and trust it as much as you dare. You may find yourself backfilling in some places because they haven't seen some of the things before, so keep in mind that next year will be easier. It is hard when you're first getting started with it, but there are a few things to keep in mind. Each individual lesson is a small piece of a bigger puzzle. It is very easy to see an individual lesson and fall back on what had been done in prior years. For example, you might think, "Oh this lesson is on fractions," and suddenly you're trying to have everyone become experts on fractions in a day. However, that lesson on fractions is one of many lessons on fractions. Also, each lesson incorporates and builds on many different skills, but the lesson has a single focus. It's easy to get bogged down on things that aren't the main focus of the lesson. As an example to what I mean. If you take a look at the very first lesson in the 5th Grade Teacher's Lesson Guide, this is basically a book walk. The focus of the lesson is not to have the children perform the skills, it is to "acquaint students with the content and organization." When you cover the Student Journal, page 2, the children may not know what a prime number is, let alone how to figure it out. That is perfectly fine: the focus of this lesson is on finding the information in the book. It is hard to pick and choose which "teachable moments" you need to use, and when it is better to say, "You don't know that yet, but you will; for now, look in the book... where can you find the information in the book? Why can you find it there? What if that didn't explain it enough... where else could you look?" I told my kids to put in the page number first, then go back and do the ones they knew how to do and see if they could figure out the others by looking in the book. Also, note the red stars in the Math Boxes or Student Journal pages. In many cases, these stars help you know when it is time to move on. If you're working on Lesson 1-1 and they get problems 2 and 5 in Math Boxes 1-1, then you may find you do not need to do Math Box 1-3 when you get to it. You could save that for extra work when you have a substitute, or use it during an early release day when your math period is being cut short. I also pick and choose which items from Part 2 and Part 3 of the lessons I'm going to do. Sometimeswe do all of Part 2, and other times only portions of both Part 2 and Part 3. Another thing that helped was actually setting a timer in the room to keep me on task. I use the following guide: 5 minutes to let them do the Math Message, 5-10 minutes to go over the Math Message and the Mental Math, 20-25 minutes for Part 1 of the lesson, 5-10 minutes to have them work in groups and compare their Study Links from the previous night and decide which answers are correct and why within their groups. I wander around and help where needed. We allocate 5-15 minutes for things in Part 2 and Part 3 and around 10 minutes for a game. Something that I just started this year, and wish I had done before, is that I went to the dollar store and picked up 7 containers, and in each container I put enough things for a four person group: 60 colored tiles, 4 calculators, 4 rulers, dry-erase markers (which they brought in), various materials for games, 2 math decks and a few other things. I have the room arranged in seven 4-person groups (in a class of 28 with myself as the only adult in the room). One person has to get the Student Reference Book (which doesn't leave the room), while one gets four white boards, and one gets that group's bucket. The fourth person is used to collect and distribute papers within the group throughout the class. This has saved a huge amount of time each day. I can then tell them to work as a four person group, or I can say that diagonals or board-side people are partners, or whatever I need to do. Something I'm starting next week is that if someone in the group has a question, they must ask the others in the group before asking me. If they can't get an answer within their group, the entire group has to come and ask the question. I hope this helps you out. (09/08/07)
This is our first year of implementation of Everyday Mathematics, but we were planning on doing the same thing. I taught 6th Grade Pre-Algebra with a traditional series for the past eight years. Last year, we did a correlation study between that series and EM for Grade 6. We found that they teach most of the same skills. It is our hope that our accelerated EM Grade 6 class will be able go right into Algebra 1. (09/08/08)
My school district put over one hundred students in 7th Grade Algebra last year with great results. These students have been using EM for seven years. (09/13/08)
This is our first year with Everyday Mathematics. We have several new students who just joined our classrooms. They never had any exposure to EM and are finding it very difficult. Any suggestions on how to help them? Should we just partner them up with a high level student? (03/19/07)
We want all our students to feel success, and I understand the concern you feel when a student arrives without an EM background. I recently attended a meeting where this question was raised. Here are some of the suggestions to address it: 1. Use games from the previous year and games you taught earlier in the year, and send games home. 2. Have a New Parent Support Day where the program can be introduced , parents can be given support, and questions can be asked asked. The Home Connection Handbook has lots of suggestions for working with the parents. 3. Begin to think about a New Student Handbook. Collaborate with other teachers, and decide on the important elements for your grade-level handbook. Next year, it will be available for those newer students. Keep in mind that those skills that are meant to be secure by the end of the year. 4. You can give extra support to these students during your routines. 5. Use Math Boxes from the previous year and/or earlier in the year. 6. Carefully place these children in your cooperative learning groups where other students will also help nurture them. (02/21/07)
During our first year, we all struggled, teachers and students. Your new students will come around. Have their teachers assign someone in the class to explain procedures and certain activities. If they are anywhere near grade level, they'll catch on. (02/20/07)
We are implementing the Everyday Mathematics program for Prekindergarten through Grade 5 in the fall. As a new math coach, I am asking for any tips, ideas, direction, etc. that you can give me to pass along to support my teachers and kids through the process. We have taught a traditional program over the past decade or so. (06/08/09)
We just finished our second year, so the first thing I want to urge you to keep in mind is: "It will get better!" I don't know what traditional program you used, but I'll bet it was very different from EM. Last year was rough, with our teachers spending significant time "backfilling" the information that the program assumed they had, but that the kids, especially the upper elementary kids, did not have. This year, with only one year under their belt, the kids needed much, much less backfill, and we progressed much faster. I can't say we finished every unit, but we got close. I have high hopes for next year. We had 60-75 minutes depending on the day, and we needed every minute. We also had Response to Intervention (RTI) so we included the math RTI during the Student Journal time, but not math games, as we wanted all kids to get to play, and didn't want to set RTI kids up to hate it. The enrichment came in handy for a few kids, but frankly even our high kids were challenged with the catch-up. I'll be using it more next year I'm betting. Any help you can get with making the games ahead of each unit will be critical, as is the copying. We had our Educational Assistantss on a schedule every Wednesday to copy for grade levels so that it saved the copy masters and the teachers could review the units together before teaching. Making some kind of filing system for the papers was a big help too. Lastly, our grade levels reviewed not just the unit, but the tests to align with our New Mexico standards, and then we looked to see if we needed data on any other strand, and then added to the test a few problems if necessary. I know it's not ideal, but our report card requires at least three proficiencies to show mastery, and so we needed the extra data in just a few strands. It really did help the teachers focus on what was important in each unit. That collaboration was vital. (06/09/09)
The Home Connection Handbook is a terrific resource in helping parents understand the program. There are parent night ideas, letters, algorithm explanations, a nice FAQ section, and much more. (06/09/09)
Frankly, we have never sent home games as we don't have the time or materials to replace the inevitable no-returns. I know some schools do. We also don't send home the Student Reference Books, but we do have the resource online and that's a great help for parents who are online, which it sounds like yours might be. As for parents, we haven't had any problems really. My district is in the process of going to a standards-based report card, so we aligned each test to the new report card, and then send home a "report" on each test, by each standard of the report card. It takes time for each test, but that was part of that collaboration, and once done it's pretty much done, though we have to tweak it sometimes. We send home this report after the kids graph it, and then the bottom portion is sent back signed by the parent. As we use both number of problems correct total, and the 1-4 proficiency scale with the explanation on the back, the parents have been fairly satisfied, if sometimes disgruntled that they no longer know how to multiply, at least according to their kids who do partial products. The best way to get the parents on board is to do a Parent Night and demonstrate the other algorithms. A lot of these algorithms actually represent the ways adults already do some computation in their heads naturally. It's just that now, we have a name for it. We did that at Open House, as a grade level, and parents liked that too. (06/09/09)
We piloted the Everyday Mathematics program last year, and our Kindergarten through Grade 5 district will begin using EM next year. I am trying to compile a list of useful classroom management ideas and hints to help our teachers. I am therefore looking for ideas that you have found to help the lessons run smoothly. Do you have any good ideas you can pass on, or a source for ideas? (06/02/09)
During your first year of implementing EM, you usually swear by the Teacher's Lesson Guide and barely look at the rest of your kit. I highly recommend teachers looking at the Management Guide section of the Teacher's Reference Manual. It has ideas for managing the curriculum, problem solving, managing tools, organizing students, organizing routines and displays, differentiating instruction, assessment, and communicating with home. Once teachers are settled in, the Mathematical Strands and Threads section makes for a great book study... it helps teachers review where math concepts come from, so that they feel more comfortable as students explore and present their ideas. (06/02/09)
I have used EM for six years, with EM Grades 2 and 3 being used for 2008-2009 in my 2nd Grade classroom. I would say that it is important to keep in mind the pacing of the lessons. A consultant we met with last summer gave us careful guidelines about approximate time for units, and how to get through about 10 of the units in one year. Not everyone will have mastered every skill every time. However, there are lots of ways to differentiate and work with students who need more practice. The online games and the hands-on games are very important! It is best to avoid a lot of headaches later and spend a couple of planning hours on game material organization. You will be very glad you did. The online games were new to us this year and they were invaluable. Students played them at home, and we used ten minutes or so of class time several times per week to work with the online games. Prep time is minimal, clean up is quick, and the kids love these games! Don't skip the Mental Math and Math Message at the beginning of the lesson. These connect to previous lessons, are excellent ways to quickly assess student progress, and do not require more than ten minutes for the most part. They are important! (06/02/09)