About the VLC


By bringing together teachers and resources we want to create a supportive community for math educators.

The Everyday Mathematics Virtual Learning Community (VLC) provides a space for teachers to view and share resources that support mathematics teaching, communicate with other teachers about pedagogy, and take time to reflect on their practice.

The VLC is maintained by staff at UChicago STEM Education at the University of Chicago. The VLC's development is supported by generous funding from the National Science Foundation and the Illinois Board of Higher Education. See below for more on our funders.

Some of the videos on the VLC make use of an innovative “lightboard” technology, developed by Dr. Michael Peshkin at Northwestern University. More information about the lightboard technology is available here: http://lightboard.info.

The VLC was opened to the public on June 15, 2011, it is continuously being refined and augmented. We encourage users to give feedback to help us enrich and improve the site.

Have a question or comment about the VLC? Email emvlc@uchicago.edu.

Site Statistics

Number of members: 67795

Number of videos: 488

Number of documents: 925


Cheryl Moran

Cheryl Moran

Cheryl Moran is a senior leader on the VLC project. She conducts professional development efforts that utilize the VLC site and serves as a lead visionary for the site’s content and structure. As an Everyday Mathematics author, experienced professional developer, and veteran classroom teacher, Cheryl Moran brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the VLC team. In her spare time, Cheryl hangs out with her husband, 4 children, and 2 dogs. She also enjoys hiking and playing Yahtzee and Sudoku.

Margaret Sharkey

Margaret Sharkey

Margaret designed the VLC interface and oversees its development. She has designed several other web applications at UChicago STEM Education, including the UChicago STEM Education website. Before coming to Chicago, Margaret worked on web applications at Autodesk and taught high school mathematics in San Francisco, California. She also enjoys designing murals and running a math center for elementary-age children living at the SOS Children's Village in Chicago.

George Vythoulkas

George Vythoulkas

George is a lead programmer on the VLC.

Meg Bates

Meg Bates

Meg Bates was previously the PI of the VLC project. She is now the Director of IWERC at University of Illinois, but remains involved in research related to the VLC and online teacher learning.

VLC Funders

National Science Foundation (NSF)

This website is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1020083. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in the pages of this website are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

NSF-funded work on the VLC project began in July 2010. The project proposal, as well as further information about the project, is available at http://stemeducation.uchicago.edu/research-and-evaluation/research/pd-technology/. If you are interested in learning more about the design and research elements of this project, please contact Principal Investigator Meg Bates at megbates@uchicago.edu.

Illinois Board of Higher Education (IBHE)

The development of the Virtual Learning Community is also supported by the Illinois Board of Higher Education. For several years, IBHE has funded work by UChicago STEM Education and other University of Chicago institutions to improve mathematics and science teaching in Chicago elementary schools. IBHE has funded the use of this site as a vehicle for disseminating instructional and professional development tools, models, and practices created through this work. A large number of the resources on this site were forged through IBHE-funded collaborations between Chicago teachers and the University of Chicago. For more information about the IBHE project, please contact Debbie Leslie at daleslie@uchicago.edu.