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Vignette and Video Analysis - Study 2 (1 of 5)

Welcome to the study. Please read and consent to the following information to continue.


Study Title: Vignette and Video Analysis

Principal Investigator: Michelle Perry, Ph.D., Department of Educational Psychology, University of Illinois

Co-Principal Investigators: Meg Bates, Ph.D., University of Illinois, & Joseph Cimpian, Ph.D., New York University

Thank you for your interest in this study. This letter has important information about the reasons for doing this study, what we will ask you to do if you decide to be in this study, and the way we would like to use information about you if you choose to be in this study. We will also be happy to discuss any aspect of our research with you at any time.

Description: You are being invited to participate in a study to see how interacting with teaching vignettes and videos supports teacher learning. For this study, you will view and respond to videos posted to the Everyday Mathematics Virtual Learning Community (VLC). You also may be asked to respond to a teaching vignette, which depicts an elementary school mathematics lesson. The goal of our research is to understand the ways that videos can be used to facilitate teacher learning. In particular, we will use results to help us modify and improve the VLC and to share our improvements with developers of other similar websites.

Voluntary Nature of Study: Your participation in this study is completely voluntary. If you decide to participate, this should take no more than 30 minutes. You will receive credit toward meeting the Educational Psychology subject pool requirement or you will receive extra credit in an EPSY course.

Confidentiality: We will maintain confidentiality by linking your responses to a pseudonym and random subject ID. Your responses will be stripped of identifiers. Your responses will be stored confidentially in electronic form on a password-protected computer. All identifiable information will be kept separate from de-identified data in a separate password-protected computer.

Results of this study may be presented at conferences and/or published in books, journals, and/or in the popular media, and all information collected from you will be kept anonymous. Faculty, students, and staff who may see your information will maintain confidentiality to the extent of laws and university policies. Personal identifiers will not be published or presented. We are happy to share copies of research results with you upon request.

Risks & Benefits: There are no anticipated risks, beyond those encountered in daily life, associated with participating in this study. The tasks may be attention demanding, so it is possible you might experience some fatigue as a result of participation. You are welcome to take breaks at any time. The benefits of this study are meeting course requirements to participate in a research study or receiving extra credit and helping make research-based improvements to the VLC and similar websites that are used by educators.

Contacts & Questions: We look forward to working with you. If you have any questions about this research project, you may contact Prof. Michelle Perry at (217) 244-7766 or via e-mail at If you have any questions about your rights as a participant in this study or any concerns or complaints, please contact the University of Illinois Institutional Review Board at (217) 333-2670 (collect calls will be accepted if you identify yourself as a research participant) or via email at

Michelle Perry, Ph.D.
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

You must complete the study in one session!